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hauangua 06-01-19 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Hawkeyed (Post 2612346)
I have just TWoS installation.
Nothing else.

My mod list in JSGME is empty.

Enable encrypted mod by Jsgme and then can play with enigma

vdr1981 06-01-19 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2612347)
Enable encrypted mod by Jsgme and then can play with enigma

That probably won't do any good since he has some kind of mouse scroll problem. :yep:


Originally Posted by Hawkeyed (Post 2612346)
I have just TWoS installation.
Nothing else.

My mod list in JSGME is empty.

Check this thread, make a report and maybe I'll be able to help you...

Did you check some of the available TWoS Enigma videos on Youtube? What exactly are you unable to do?

Hawkeyed 06-01-19 04:07 AM

Installed it.
It still doesn't work.
There were other users with this problem but couldn't find an answer to it on this forum.
I even did macro first to replace scroll with keyboard arrow up and down and then tried to bind different buttons on my mouse to work as a scroll. These two made up solutions didn't work too. It worked in Windows or in different aspects of the TWoS.
But not on Enigma wheels.

Btw. Is there anything else from that list worth adding?
Or where can I find an explanation for all of them?

Hawkeyed 06-01-19 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612348)
Check this thread, make a report and maybe I'll be able to help you...

Ok, I will do.


Did you check some of the available TWoS Enigma videos on Youtube? What exactly are you unable to do?
Yes, I did.
Everything works up to here

5:46 in the video. I can't post with current timing for some reason.

vdr1981 06-01-19 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hawkeyed (Post 2612350)

5:46 in the video. I can't post with current timing for some reason.

I see. Strange, scroll function should work just fine. Post in that thread I gave you...Must be some kind of system related or a installation problem... :yep:

XenonSurf 06-01-19 06:25 AM

to see if your mousewheel is the culprit, go to the hydrophone and use your mousewheel when the mouse icon is over the equipment, it should rotate the dial. If not then your wheel is disabled and must be set with your mouse software or in the OS. (Sorry, I didn't watch your vid because I have no idea about Enigma.)

Dadio85 06-02-19 09:29 AM

Sub systems in German language
today I installed Silent Hunter 5 + TWoS. All installations have been done in english language. During my first campaign I recognized, that in the "sub system" menue there are some entries in German language. Basically all the sub system categories like "Bugtorpedoraum", "Zentrale" and so on. Can someone confirm this or is it a bug releated to my installation?

XenonSurf 06-02-19 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dadio85 (Post 2612541)
today I installed Silent Hunter 5 + TWoS. All installations have been done in english language. During my first campaign I recognized, that in the "sub system" menue there are some entries in German language. Basically all the sub system categories like "Bugtorpedoraum", "Zentrale" and so on. Can someone confirm this or is it a bug releated to my installation?

No it's not a bug, it's on my system too. I think vdr1981, the modmaker, has researched this in German language and hasn't done the English translation - which is not easy and very time-consuming. If you are an expert of sub systems and native English speaker, you are welcome to translate it in English and give it to him, I'm sure he will be happy :yep:
While there is a nice patch to turn all the language of the important mods into German, there isn't one that turns everything into English (only the stockgame text will be in English).

vdr1981 06-02-19 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2612544)
If you are an expert of sub systems and native English speaker, you are welcome to translate it in English and give it to him, I'm sure he will be happy :yep:

Actually, I intentionally named them in German language because it looks better IMO...:03: I could never understand why is this such a problem for some people since the equipment description in the bottom is still written in English...

XenonSurf 06-02-19 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612555)
Actually, I intentionally named them in German language because it looks better IMO...:03: I could never understand why is this such a problem for some people since the equipment description in the bottom is still written in English...

Surely R.S.D is the best mod included in WoS :up:

Dadio85 06-02-19 11:12 AM


I could never understand why is this such a problem for some people since the equipment description in the bottom is still written in English...
Actually for me it's okay to have it in German language. I just asked myself if this was done intentional or not...

vdr1981 06-02-19 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Dadio85 (Post 2612562)
Actually for me it's okay to have it in German language. I just asked myself if this was done intentional or not...

No problems mate...:up: I was referring to some previous discussions about this topic. Happy hunting! :salute:

vdr1981 06-02-19 01:40 PM

I'm preparing new update which will hopefully solve or at least ease some of the issues recently discussed on forums. Here is the change log so far...:yep:


- Fixed occasionally missing "Start of hostilities against Poland" radio messages from the opening stages of Operation Himmler (invasion of Poland).
- Slightly reduced visual sensors difficulty parameters for merchants and warships.
- Reduced skill of Polish Danzing bay taskforces to "average".
- Slightly increased duration of "Disable watch crew reports" WO ability in order to pass unimportant contacts more efficiently and without TC drop.
- F7 key command will now simultaneously activate/deactivate both battlestations level 1 and 2 crew states and also place the guns to neutral positions after the command is disabled.
- Improved numerous tooltip descriptions for various GUI elements and commands in order eliminate players confusion. (travel mode ect)
- Improved tooltip descriptions and instructions for some crew active and passive abilities (Submerged torpedo loading, External torpedo reserves transfer, air purification measures ect).
- Added warning message in the main gameplay settings screen which will note the player that gameplay settings for the ongoing campaign can be manipulated only from the bunker.
- Reworked XO TDC dialog box messages for players who have troubles to understand optional auto TDC procedure in TWoS (XO: Lock target again to calculate auto TDC solution => Auto TDC is active!).
- Ingame TWoS credits page updated with latest outstanding TWoS supporters/donors : Hubert Dewey, Fernand Delfosse, Ludwig Diebel, Joerg Krieger, Carlos Jesús Bustos Moreno and Janne Aatrakoski. Thank you very much and happy hunting Captains!

Fell free to jump in with some ideas...:salute:

XenonSurf 06-02-19 02:00 PM

Is it safe to enable the option "Allow Carriers to launch... (see screenshot)" in the TDW Generic Patcher for TWoS? (there are other dependencies in another tab also). Why is this disabled by default?

This would add air support for any unit that makes a radio report of a visually spotted enemy unit if an airbase or aircraft carrier is close enough. So, if I use 'Send Contact Report', I would receive air support with some probabiliy, and if I'm detected by enemy ships they would radio to their airbase and I would soon be attacked by planes, also with some probability.
I'm currently testing this in my personal modlist, but it would be fine if it could be used in WoS.



vdr1981 06-02-19 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2612583)
Is it safe to enable the option "Allow Carriers to launch... (see screenshot)" in the TDW Generic Patcher for TWoS? (there are other dependencies in another tab also). Why is this disabled by default?

This would add air support for any unit that makes a radio report of a visually spotted enemy unit if an airbase or aircraft carrier is close enough. So, if I use 'Send Contact Report', I would receive air support with some probabiliy, and if I'm detected by enemy ships they would radio to their airbase and I would soon be attacked by planes, also with some probability.
I'm currently testing this in my personal modlist, but it would be fine if it could be used in WoS.



The patch tends to occasionally screw up gamesaves IIRC, that's why it's disabled by default.

TM=Bluntman 06-02-19 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612580)
I'm preparing new update which will hopefully solve or at least ease some of the issues recently discussed on forums. Here is the change log so far...:yep:

Fell free to jump in with some ideas...:salute:

Excellent news! Thank you!:up:

XenonSurf 06-02-19 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612584)
The patch tends to occasionally screw up gamesaves IIRC, that's why it's disabled by default.

Good to know, thank you Veko, and Ahoi for your new update!


Dadio85 06-03-19 07:45 AM

Missing Sound?
Short question: When I push the button for flooding the tubes, in the past I remembered the crew was saying: "Rohr 1 bewässern", now with latest TWoS there is no audible comment at all. Was it removed or is something broken?

vdr1981 06-03-19 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dadio85 (Post 2612636)
Short question: When I push the button for flooding the tubes, in the past I remembered the crew was saying: "Rohr 1 bewässern", now with latest TWoS there is no audible comment at all. Was it removed or is something broken?

Removed...They were too repetitive and annoying.

Dadio85 06-03-19 09:34 AM


Removed...They were too repetitive and annoying.
Understand. Thanks for your info:up:

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