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NeonsStyle 05-12-19 08:10 AM

One thing I'd love to see fixed to make it more realistic. Enemy planes
have infinite fuel. I was being buzzed by the same two planes for 5 hours,
even after they and my guys ran out of ammo.

Be great if they had limited fuel.

Darth_Agnan 05-12-19 02:30 PM is it normal ? and how can i fix it ? :ping:

THEBERBSTER 05-12-19 02:44 PM

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vdr1981 05-12-19 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Darth_Agnan (Post 2608970)
is it normal ?



and how can i fix it ? :ping:
First give us more info...

Sjizzle 05-13-19 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Darth_Agnan (Post 2608970) is it normal ? and how can i fix it ? :ping:

as far i can tell there is some missing texture...did u add some non sens mods to TWoS ????

XenonSurf 05-13-19 09:01 AM


Hi Veko, I notice that when I use the SH3-style dials they don't have the plastic cover like in the TDW NewUIs 7_5_0 mod. Is it because when using this plastic cover you would get sound problems when using the dials, and that's why you don't use them? Can you remember that or any sound problems related to SH3 dials?

I ask because I'm currently investigating sound problems when using these dials in another modlist with NewUIs and IO_map.

Thank you!

vdr1981 05-13-19 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2609054)

Hi Veko, I notice that when I use the SH3-style dials they don't have the plastic cover like in the TDW NewUIs 7_5_0 mod. Is it because when using this plastic cover you would get sound problems when using the dials, and that's why you don't use them? Can you remember that or any sound problems related to SH3 dials?

No , I just like them more, nothing else...

XenonSurf 05-13-19 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2609063)
No , I just like them more, nothing else...

Thank you Veko, that's good news for me actually.

Salvadoreno 05-14-19 12:06 PM

After many hours of empty ocean searching, thanks to Tonci's guide, I have finally shadowed, engaged, and attacked my first convoy.

Is anyone else getting very strange AI behavior after attacking an enemy convoy? This convoy in particular only had 1 escort that made the decision not to engage me, which I guess makes sense since there was only 1 escort amongst a large convoy. However after I dove and realized nobody was pinging, I took a look through the scope and saw the ships not zigzagging, but going all over the place. Ships are cutting off each other, making dashes for opposite ends of the convoy line, and stopping, going, and stopping again. Other ships are continuing a zig zag course in better order. Is that normal behavior? I guess it does make it extremely difficult to reengage but seems a little ridiculous when I look at the course of the ships. Is this working as intended or is it a script that just can't be modded successfully?

Tonci87 05-14-19 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Salvadoreno (Post 2609307)
After many hours of empty ocean searching, thanks to Tonci's guide, I have finally shadowed, engaged, and attacked my first convoy.

Is anyone else getting very strange AI behavior after attacking an enemy convoy? This convoy in particular only had 1 escort that made the decision not to engage me, which I guess makes sense since there was only 1 escort amongst a large convoy. However after I dove and realized nobody was pinging, I took a look through the scope and saw the ships not zigzagging, but going all over the place. Ships are cutting off each other, making dashes for opposite ends of the convoy line, and stopping, going, and stopping again. Other ships are continuing a zig zag course in better order. Is that normal behavior? I guess it does make it extremely difficult to reengage but seems a little ridiculous when I look at the course of the ships. Is this working as intended or is it a script that just can't be modded successfully?

What kind of Torpedo did you use, and how was the visibility (darkness, fog?) ?

Salvadoreno 05-14-19 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2609315)
What kind of Torpedo did you use, and how was the visibility (darkness, fog?) ?

Regular steam torpedo g7a I believe. I fired 4 torps and hit 2 ships w/ 3, one was a dud.

Was morning and visibility was fine, no fog, no clouds, although fairly heavy winds.

Tonci87 05-14-19 01:38 PM

Interesting that the destroyer didn´t go after you.
The advantage with electric torpedoes is often that the enemy doesn´t know where they came from.

When you fire steam you leave a clear line of bubbles pointing directly to your sub.

Salvadoreno 05-14-19 04:01 PM

It was, I may have disrupted the enemy AI by loading a savegame while chasing convoy or something, not sure. But for a second the destroyer came toward my position, but then quickly turned to aid the convoy in its strange evasive maneuvers.

bstanko6 05-14-19 05:55 PM

Ships with an "every man for himself" behavior was not uncommon in the actual war. Not sure if it is scripted.

I have noticed, even in SH3, if one ship is hit, the others may really slow down or stop... picking up survivors maybe?

I'm fine with it. I call it opportunity!

fitzcarraldo 05-14-19 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2609063)
No , I just like them more, nothing else...

I use the glass dials with SH3 style UI and no problems in my TWoS.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

TYCZYW 05-15-19 01:56 PM

Hello there,
one question from my side if you don't mind.
I'm on my second patrol, october 1939, patrolling British east coast. I've got assigned 3 different grids, met all objectives already, finally got a free hand from HQ. What worries me, I was unable to find anything but asw patrols and 3 fishing boats. Submerging for hydro sweep every few hours but there's actually nothing there.
Is it some kind of a bug when starting a new patrol and things may go corrupted which causes no merchant traffic in patrol area? I'm trying to get closer to harbours, but all I get is a patrolling destroyer.
Second issue. I spotted a destroyer, unfortunately they spotted me too. Ordered a dive, once underwater i changed a course, went down to 80m. Destroyer was about 9km away and was closing fast so decided to go faster for a while to move out of the way. After several minutes he finally got to my last position. I was already in silent running hoping I was safe. For some reason destroyer went straight for me as if there was some kind of a marker on the surface. How comes? Is it no chance to avoid beeing detected in such situation? The same happened on first patrol with Polish destroyers. No matter what I do under water they always go right to the spot. Without even pinging.


vdr1981 05-15-19 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by TYCZYW (Post 2609514)
For some reason destroyer went straight for me as if there was some kind of a marker on the surface. How comes?

I bet many WW2 Uboat commanders said exactly the same thing...:03:

And for the traffic...Ask your self where would you sail, if you were a freighter captain, for example from Aberdeen to London? And yes, main traffic routes along British coast are covered with patrol vessels...:yep:

Main TWoS tip-STAY undetected!

TYCZYW 05-16-19 07:49 AM

Thank you for your reply,
so you say there's absolutely no bug possible, it's just me unable to find anyhing? Ok...
About that destroyer, your advice about avoiding detection seems right, however I remember finding myself in such situations in SH3 GWX with destroyer rushing at me and I knew it was possible to hide or sneak away from it. Now I feel it doesn't work. So you say you cannot avoid or hide from destroyers and the only possible situation is to not be detected? If yes, I find it a serious issue, almost game-breaking. I hope I'm wrong or still missing something in this game.


vdr1981 05-16-19 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by TYCZYW (Post 2609658)
Thank you for your reply,
so you say there's absolutely no bug possible, it's just me unable to find anyhing? Ok...

Probably...The traffic is there, there is no reason why it shouldn't be...


About that destroyer, your advice about avoiding detection seems right, however I remember finding myself in such situations in SH3 GWX with destroyer rushing at me and I knew it was possible to hide or sneak away from it. Now I feel it doesn't work. So you say you cannot avoid or hide from destroyers and the only possible situation is to not be detected? If yes, I find it a serious issue, almost game-breaking. I hope I'm wrong or still missing something in this game.

I remember that AI in SH3/4 was quite predictable which is not really the case with TDW Intelligent Random AI, on which TWoS is based on. Of course it is possible to escape from pursuing destroyer, but once you are detected, you'll have to convince them they have lost you. How will you do that it's up to you Captain...Stop thinking in SH3/4 terms and try to put your self in the shoes of WW2 escort captain.
Remember that depth and silence are your best friends.

XenonSurf 05-16-19 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2609663)
Probably...The traffic is there, there is no reason why it shouldn't be...

I remember that AI in SH3/4 was quite predictable which is not really the case with TDW Intelligent Random AI, on which TWoS is based on. Of course it is possible to escape from pursuing destroyer, but once you are detected, you'll have to convince them they have lost you. How will you do that it's up to you Captain...Stop thinking in SH3/4 terms and try to put your self in the shoes of WW2 escort captain.
Remember that depth and silence are your best friends.

Today I was able to evade 4 destroyers that made a circle around me. Finally I could go to periscope depth and seeing them go out of sight. I have surfaced and continued on the convoy course, at some point 1 of the destroyers was sighted by my crew at 6000 m, and he *immediately* headed towards me. I don't think this is realistic.

Submarines are difficult targets to spot if they don't show broadside, even if you know where they are. If I spot a contact first I can be confident with my submarine that I'm *not* yet sighted. So this behavior is somewhat erroneous. Would I have stayed longer in sight, then eventually, yes, a destroyer crew man would have spotted me with binoculars, knowing I was around before, else he woudn't at that distance.

What happened? I didn't crash dive fast enough (before I have fired 2 torps as a defensive measure at periscope depth that missed), and soon after was sunk by a depth charge...bad tactic.
I can fully confirm that SH5 is way more difficult than SH3 (SH4 I don't know). Especially TWoS.

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