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Torpedo 11-23-18 09:59 AM

Hi Fifi!
I'm sorry for the questions but:
-Do you have TWoS 2.2.0 installed?
Then you should have the file "" 5.616 bytes in the data\Misc\ folder.
-Do you have TWoS 2.0.0 installed?
Then in the data\Misc\ folder you have the file "" 0 bytes. This file is enabled by TWoS 2.0.0 and also by TWoS 1.0.6 which deletes the original "" file, so this version removes the "" file and you can not get the U-Mark.
To get the U-Mark with 2.0.0, after installation, you have to delete the file "" in data\Misc\ and in the same folder you have to put the original "" file, if you saved it. If you can not find the original file, I can pass it, or you can use the TheBerbster mod with JSGME.
The version 2.2.0 does not contain the file "" so no problem, but before activating 2.2.0 check that "" is not already present in the data\Misc\ folder of SH5, in case affirmative you have to delete it and, if there is not the file, then insert the original file "" or use the TheBerbster's mod with JSGME and finally activate TWoS 2.2.0.

Torpedo :Kaleun_Salute:

fitzcarraldo 11-23-18 12:08 PM

Dear Kaleuns: Be more agressive. Do not use Umark :Kaleun_Mad:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Fifi 11-23-18 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2578511)
Hi Fifi!
I'm sorry for the questions but:
-Do you have TWoS 2.2.0 installed?
Then you should have the file "" 5.616 bytes in the data\Misc\ folder.
-Do you have TWoS 2.0.0 installed?
Then in the data\Misc\ folder you have the file "" 0 bytes. This file is enabled by TWoS 2.0.0 and also by TWoS 1.0.6 which deletes the original "" file, so this version removes the "" file and you can not get the U-Mark.
To get the U-Mark with 2.0.0, after installation, you have to delete the file "" in data\Misc\ and in the same folder you have to put the original "" file, if you saved it. If you can not find the original file, I can pass it, or you can use the TheBerbster mod with JSGME.
The version 2.2.0 does not contain the file "" so no problem, but before activating 2.2.0 check that "" is not already present in the data\Misc\ folder of SH5, in case affirmative you have to delete it and, if there is not the file, then insert the original file "" or use the TheBerbster's mod with JSGME and finally activate TWoS 2.2.0.

Torpedo :Kaleun_Salute:

I have V2.2.9 installed fresh, that comes without any U-Mark DDS in Misc folder.
So I copied original SH5 U-Mark in Misc folder.
I don’t have any U-Mark remove DDS by the way.
Even with the U-Mark mod activated in Jsgme (coming from SH3) it’s not working.
So i suspect some setting in OFEV or in TDW Patcher that interact the U-Mark...but can’t see wich setting :o


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2578527)
Dear Kaleuns: Be more agressive. Do not use Umark :Kaleun_Mad:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

:haha: of course! It was just to test some evading process and attacking process against destroyers... easier to quickly see what’s going on, on surface :yep:

jscharpf 11-23-18 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2578527)
Dear Kaleuns: Be more agressive. Do not use Umark :Kaleun_Mad:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:


I don't know what the outside of my boat looks like lol.

vdr1981 11-23-18 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2578531)
So i suspect some setting in OFEV or in TDW Patcher that interact the U-Mark...but can’t see wich setting :o

I'm not aware of such settings. file is removed during the mod installation process and that's about it...

Fifi 11-23-18 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2578557)
I'm not aware of such settings. file is removed during the mod installation process and that's about it...

So an other computer mystery to me :k_confused:

No big deal anyway :salute:

THEBERBSTER 11-24-18 09:02 AM

Hi Fifi
Try this.
Enable with JSGME


Fifi 11-24-18 12:49 PM

Hi Peter,
Nope doesn’t work.
It’s very kind of you, but i had already the stock U-mark in my misc folder :yep:
I always keep a clean vanilla SH5 on external drive, in case i need some file...

That’s why i suspect some setting somewhere in my game that is hiding this damn U-mark. She is there but i can’t see it :06:

That’s not a big problem as in career i play real nav, but for testing few things it’s easier with it.

Echolot 11-24-18 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Geoff then (Post 2578374)
Is this mod multiplayer-compatible?
Sorry in advance, if this question has been answered before somewhere around here.

cheers :Kaleun_Salute:

Has anyone tried that? I tested it a long time ago with TWOS and as soon as a torpedo hit a ship, the game crashed. Always. This did not happen with my own mod soup. I mainly want to play multiplayer and I would like to know if anyone got it to work. Any other mod soups that make the mp work and fun would also be of interest. I played my mod soup with up to 8 players in the past but after around one hour the game crashed most of time. Shorter missions were playable with lot of fun and immersion. There is nothing better than play selfmade missions with friends on teamspeak all night long.

Thank you, captains.


Jeff-Groves 11-24-18 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2578677)
Hi Peter,
Nope doesn’t work.
It’s very kind of you, but i had already the stock U-mark in my misc folder :yep:
I always keep a clean vanilla SH5 on external drive, in case i need some file...

That’s why i suspect some setting somewhere in my game that is hiding this damn U-mark. She is there but i can’t see it :06:

That’s not a big problem as in career i play real nav, but for testing few things it’s easier with it.

Each Sub's Cam data calls the UMark. IF ANY PATCH OR MOD REMOVED THIS? You will never see the UMark.
List ALL mods or patches to help sort the issue.
You can open the Cam file with S3D and see if it is listed.
You'd need the updated stuff for S3D to work with SH5 then it's an unsupported option.

vdr1981 11-25-18 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by Echolot (Post 2578679)
Has anyone tried that? I tested it a long time ago with TWOS and as soon as a torpedo hit a ship, the game crashed. Always. This did not happen with my own mod soup. I mainly want to play multiplayer and I would like to know if anyone got it to work. Any other mod soups that make the mp work and fun would also be of interest. I played my mod soup with up to 8 players in the past but after around one hour the game crashed most of time. Shorter missions were playable with lot of fun and immersion. There is nothing better than play selfmade missions with friends on teamspeak all night long.

Thank you, captains.


I remember I updated all mp missions in one of the previous updates to be compatible with TWoS changes (check changelogs). You should try again and tell us what is going on.:yep:

vdr1981 11-25-18 06:05 AM

Also guys, does anyone play or has been playing recently Mediterranean campaigns?

I'd like to hear from you general game stability impressions regarding these two campaigns and if possible stability comparison with other regular campaign chapters.

I recently had few strange game crashes in BoM campaign but I'm not quite sure are they caused by my overmodded and broken test installation or by something else. Looking forward for your reports guys.:salute:

Fifi 11-25-18 06:32 AM

Never reached Mediterranean campaign so far, with each career restart required for updates :D

But as soon as i will pass the Gibraltar strait i will report for sure...or maybe should i start a Mediterranean dedicated career? ...just to see :hmmm:

jscharpf 11-25-18 10:32 AM

I don't know if this is an SH5 issue or TWOS issue but I cannot place supermarks anywhere. I understand I need to have a previous supermark or a sub mark already on the map??

Since I am using Real Nav I have no sub mark, and I don't have any previous supermarks..

I've tried zooming way out, putting random marks around, etc.. still can't place a supermark.

Am I missing something?


Fifi 11-25-18 10:43 AM

To end the story of my U-mark: (:D)

Was back in my current career, playing with real nav mod and 90% realism (just external view enable) when i attacked a nice convoy...
Submerged right in the middle of convoy, i destroyed a Cimmaron tanker and i decided to take a close look with my external camera to the tanker sinking...
You know what??
My U-mark was there!! :har:
I broke the engagement because out of ammos, and leave the place.
Next diving, my U-mark was gone again! :o

Just to illustrate the unbelievable mechanics of computing :haha:

Torpedo 11-26-18 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2578810)
To end the story of my U-mark: (:D)

Was back in my current career, playing with real nav mod and 90% realism (just external view enable) when i attacked a nice convoy...
Submerged right in the middle of convoy, i destroyed a Cimmaron tanker and i decided to take a close look with my external camera to the tanker sinking...
You know what??
My U-mark was there!! :har:
I broke the engagement because out of ammos, and leave the place.
Next diving, my U-mark was gone again! :o

Just to illustrate the unbelievable mechanics of computing :haha:

Hi Fifi!
I noticed something about the U-Mark. Without the Real Navigation, with the external view when I am at the periscope depth the U-Mark is invisible :hmmm:, ie about 12 meters. If I increase the depth then the U-Mark appears only when I am at least at the depth of about 15 meters and always remains visible at greater depths. I tried up to 80 meters.:yeah:
You can try, with or without Real Navigation, to see if it happens to you too.:D


Fifi 11-26-18 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2578901)
Hi Fifi!
I noticed something about the U-Mark. Without the Real Navigation, with the external view when I am at the periscope depth the U-Mark is invisible :hmmm:, ie about 12 meters. If I increase the depth then the U-Mark appears only when I am at least at the depth of about 15 meters and always remains visible at greater depths. I tried up to 80 meters.:yeah:
You can try, with or without Real Navigation, to see if it happens to you too.:D


BINGO! You are right Torpedo :up:
U-mark is appearing at 15m depth and vanishing above 15m :o
I didn’t know that!
Even with real nav mod activated, if you have pasted a new U-mark in the misc folder of course (because TWOS delete it at install)
Now i don’t understand why it is vanishing above 15m...or at least i don’t understand the purpose of it.
Or you don’t want it (and you delete it) or you want it permanently!

Torpedo 11-26-18 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2578904)
BINGO! You are right Torpedo :up:
U-mark is appearing at 15m depth and vanishing above 15m :o
I didn’t know that!
Even with real nav mod activated, if you have pasted a new U-mark in the misc folder of course (because TWOS delete it at install)
Now i don’t understand why it is vanishing above 15m...or at least i don’t understand the purpose of it.
Or you don’t want it (and you delete it) or you want it permanently!

The reason why the U-Mark is visible only under 15 meters, I think it is hidden in sh5.exe, ie it is hard coded in my opinion and anyway when the uboot is in the process of crash dive. In the vanilla version 1.2, diving to the periscope depth of 12 meters, with the exterior view the uboot was still visible for the transparency of the water. Then the following mods have eliminated the transparency for realism so at 12 meters the uboot was practically invisible, but the mods did not change the switch of 15 meters to make the U-Mark visible at lower depths. I think it's a hard problem to solve. Or as you say, an on / off switch to make the U-Mark appear when the uboot is diving, regardless of depth. Anyway below 15 meters clicking on "Ctrl + Del (NumPad)" the U-Mark disappears or reappears like a switch.


Tobias1976 11-26-18 10:29 AM

Hello Kaleun's,

first, a big "thank you" for this great mod, I was really surprised, that there is a major mod like this for this old game, which is still avelaible and "in progress".

Execuse my question, but I am desperate ;).

I am trying to find a way, how I can use the auto TDC. At the harbour, before I goes on first mission, I disabled the option "manuel targeting".

Then, I klick the space bar, my 1WO tells me that "target is locked", I have also opened the tubes, but the torpedos are going straight ahead, like as manuel targeting.

Did I forget something? I don't wanna use a clock, or anything else from manuel targeting. I know, thats lacy, but I am old and want that my officer did his job ;).

Thanks a lot, if you can bring me on the right way, Sir's :)

Edit: Problem solved, after reading some posts, sorry. My mistake as, that I used the space bar, like at vanilla game, to use the auto TDC. Now I know, that I must just hold the UZO above the target, and press the fire button :). That is REALLY a auto TDC, lol. Saved my day, and maybe my motivation is high enough, to learn the manuell TDC.

fitzcarraldo 11-26-18 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Tobias1976 (Post 2578954)
Hello Kaleun's,

first, a big "thank you" for this great mod, I was really surprised, that there is a major mod like this for this old game, which is still avelaible and "in progress".

Execuse my question, but I am desperate ;).

I am trying to find a way, how I can use the auto TDC. At the harbour, before I goes on first mission, I disabled the option "manuel targeting".

Then, I klick the space bar, my 1WO tells me that "target is locked", I have also opened the tubes, but the torpedos are going straight ahead, like as manuel targeting.

Did I forget something? I don't wanna use a clock, or anything else from manuel targeting. I know, thats lacy, but I am old and want that my officer did his job ;).

Thanks a lot, if you can bring me on the right way, Sir's :)

Edit: I found an post here, that maybe my mistake is, to lock target with space bar. But is it really true, to use auto TDC, just klick the target on map, and press fire? I'll find out :)

See if the dials of your vorhältreuchner (TDC) move when you move your scope. If yes, you have Auto Targeting. Between the two upper dials there is a button to active/deactivate the Auto TDC. If red, Auto TDC is ON.

Good luck!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

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