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gap 11-19-18 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2578012)
And I think designing that first mission as it is was a great idea. It really is a nice start to the game that is not too demanding
Watching those destroyers get lit up by Stukas never gets old, although the stukas seems to be Stuka G Variants, something that was not around until 1943.

You must be an aviation history expert if you can spot from your periscope the difference between a squadron of Ju 87C and one of Ju 87G dive bombers, but you don't bother mentioning that the Polish minelayer being bombed is actually an R-class British destroyer lol :D


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2578012)
Would much prefer for Stuka waves to drop their bombs until the ships sink, instead of sticking around and strafing with their guns.

I agree. My knowledge on SH5 AI is nearly equal to zero, but going by what TDW used to say on it, AI routines for aircraft are too limited for simulating the proper strategy for each situation... :-?

vdr1981 11-19-18 06:01 PM

A breath of fresh air after 100 BRT of how do I do this-how do I do that posts...:)
That was a good reading Gap...:yep:
If you can, please make a few comments about other Cybermat's campaign remarks. There are some interesting stuff there but I would also like to hear your opinion as well...

gap 11-19-18 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2578034)
A breath of fresh air after 100 BRT of how do I do this-how do I do that posts...:)

Hahah, I agree, IMO at this point there should be two semparate TWoS sticky threads: one for questions and technical support and another one for research, suggestions and mod development :D


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2578034)
That was a good reading Gap...:yep:
If you can, please make a few comments about other Cybermat's campaign remarks. There are some interesting stuff there but I would also like to hear your opinion as well...

Roger that, Sir. I will follow orders at the earliest convenience. Tomorrow probably :salute:

Cybermat47 11-20-18 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2577999)
Interesting notes Cybermat47! :up:

I love your attention to historical realism and I like seeing that I am not the only history fanatic here. Since I took part in the development of the Baltic Operations campaign by providing Trevally with the results of my historical research, I think I can answer your remarks on it.

Interesting stuff, I have to admit I was completely ignorant about the Memel u-boats. The patrol data on correlates with your info. And, as you say, it’s historically plausible that one of these boats could have been ordered to spy on the Polish Navy in Danzig Bay.

BTW Vecko, here’s some info on the 2nd and 7th Flotillas, including what types they operated and where their bases were.

Fifi 11-20-18 03:04 AM

Currently reading Dönitz and the U-Boat warfare by Peter Padfield, i was wondering if it could be possible to add some new missions for nice change in gameplay...just to add some more variety, but according to historical data.

At some time of the Atlantic war (I could give the exact date just looking back through the book) when Dönitz got the first serious setback, he decided to send few U-Boats as minelayers…without carrying any torpedoes, wich were replaced by mines.
Would it be possible to settle some mission as the spy mission, but instead of launching a life boat, launching a mine?
We could have to launch 4/5 mines in same mission in some hot spot…

Don’t know if it is doable though :)

Tonci87 11-20-18 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2578029)
You must be an aviation history expert if you can spot from your periscope the difference between a squadron of Ju 87C and one of Ju 87G dive bombers, but you don't bother mentioning that the Polish minelayer being bombed is actually an R-class British destroyer lol :D

I agree. My knowledge on SH5 AI is nearly equal to zero, but going by what TDW used to say on it, AI routines for aircraft are too limited for simulating the proper strategy for each situation... :-?

Well compromises have to be made :D

There is something that has been bothering me for a while and I hope that someone here might have a proper answer.

How exactly did Type VII U-Boats determine the targets speed, range and AOB?

We have multiple options in game, but how realistic are those?

For example, I have read somewhere that the boats did not have a stadimeter to measure the range as we do in game. But I can´t find sources that are clear on that.

How realistic are the RAOBF and the U-jagd clock?
I already know that the backside of the attack disc we have in game, was not present on Kriegsmarine attack discs.

Lanzfeld 11-20-18 12:20 PM

I have read that early both did have a statimeter on them but it was taken out for some reason. I think uboat captains used the redicle to estimate distance. The lines on the left-hand side of the periscope view.

Tonci87 11-20-18 04:22 PM

it seems as if, for some reason, Germany stopped fitting Stadimeters to u-Boats during wartime. I guess they were expensive.

It seems as if the Stadimeter could also be used horizontally to get the targets AOB after entering the ships length.
See here

The range and AOB finding device looks very much like the RAOBF we have in game, only that the ingame RAOBF is not linked to a stadimeter.

Any chance to implement a stadimeter function for the RAOBF?
So that the inner ring moves automatically when you use the stadimeter?
See here:

that is a demo of only the rangefinding function. The AOB finding function would offset the image horizontally.

Could it be possible to implement a horizontal stadimeter?

Geoff then 11-22-18 06:45 AM

Is this mod multiplayer-compatible?
Sorry in advance, if this question has been answered before somewhere around here.

cheers :Kaleun_Salute:

Cybermat47 11-22-18 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Geoff then (Post 2578374)
Is this mod multiplayer-compatible?
Sorry in advance, if this question has been answered before somewhere around here.

cheers :Kaleun_Salute:

If the other person is running the same version of the mod, and the same additional mods.

Fifi 11-22-18 12:30 PM

Hi guys,

For testing purpose against destroyers, i tried to get back my U-mark to see the sub direction in external view when underwater, but no way...:hmmm:

I deactivated the real nav mod of course, activated the map contacts settings, but still nothing.
I have the U-Mark dds in my data/misc nevertheless.

What did i missed to get this visual icon back? Or maybe it’s impossible with TWOS?

Tonci87 11-22-18 01:43 PM

Regarding the U-Jagd clock:

Apparently this clock was originally intended to be used on German Sub hunters to measure the speed of the submarine being hunted.

However it was also used by U Boat crew, so it can be assumed that it is historically accurate if you use it to measure the speed of a target vessel.

Does everybody know how it is used or should I write a little how-to?

THEBERBSTER 11-22-18 04:28 PM

Hi Fifi
Take a look at this.
External U-Boat Markers by Venatore > TWoS Compatible > Enable JSGME


Fifi 11-22-18 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2578444)

Yes Peter, i tried those too... without success... don’t know why i can’t get this damn U mark back :o
Oh well...

vdr1981 11-23-18 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2578444)

No one noticed that this is a mod for SH3?

THEBERBSTER 11-23-18 05:00 AM

Hi Fifi
Picture in medium fog at 19 meters.


Fifi 11-23-18 05:14 AM

:hmmm: there is something in my settings that is making U-Mark not effective, but i’m stuck on this.
Full clean reinstall is still the same, even with difficulty settings set to zero!
That’s quite incredible and a bit ridiculous to not be able to get this noob setting!

Torpedo 11-23-18 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2578480)
:hmmm: there is something in my settings that is making U-Mark not effective, but i’m stuck on this.
Full clean reinstall is still the same, even with difficulty settings set to zero!
That’s quite incredible and a bit ridiculous to not be able to get this noob setting!

Hi Fifi!
I do not know if it's the solution to your problem, but by clicking on "Ctrl + Del (NumPad)" the U-Mark disappears or reappears like a switch.

Torpedo :Kaleun_Cheers:

Fifi 11-23-18 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2578487)
Hi Fifi!
I do not know if it's the solution to your problem, but by clicking on "Ctrl + Del (NumPad)" the U-Mark disappears or reappears like a switch.

Torpedo :Kaleun_Cheers:

Thanks for the tip Torpedo will try to see if it works :up:

Fifi 11-23-18 07:20 AM

No chance Torpedo... still nothing ...
I think i’ll Give up with that :timeout:

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