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fitzcarraldo 11-14-18 04:31 PM

The last time I was near Cyprus I was attacked by two nasty british destroyers.
It is spam, propaganda.

Kill'em all!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Clyde00 11-14-18 07:30 PM

UBI Launcher
Something change with the SH5.exe?

I purchased the Steam version and am now getting a Ubisoft launcher error code when running the SH5.exe with the 2.29 update.

Last 2.28 update, I uninstalled the launcher, as it could never connect. (Lost password and never gotten a reply for a new one)
Just wondering as I'm looking for Uplay d/l and trying to avoid a Steam reinstall and re d\l of TWOS.

Captain_AJ 11-14-18 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Clyde00 (Post 2577290)
Something change with the SH5.exe?

I purchased the Steam version and am now getting a Ubisoft launcher error code when running the SH5.exe with the 2.29 update.

Last 2.28 update, I uninstalled the launcher, as it could never connect. (Lost password and never gotten a reply for a new one)
Just wondering as I'm looking for Uplay d/l and trying to avoid a Steam reinstall and re d\l of TWOS.

Yes very clearly this can be all so frustrating .. You will not get a reply from ubi soft and that launcher Is a big hassle. However, I am The techy But I know what I have done to eliminate that hassle .. My this will help I don't know but as far as installing TWOS 2.29. That is not the issue. But the Ubi Soft is the issue. and for that, I can only offer references to this post ....

Clyde00 11-14-18 10:33 PM

@Capt AJ

Yeah this was the last UBI game I ever bought and will buy. I have the cd and Steam, and both are error prone it seems. Sadly, I will have to aaaarrrggh! to get rid of both Uplay and the launcher. And autosave.

Just odd that 2.28 didnt launch Uplay through the SH5.exe and 2.29 does. Was just wondering what had changed or if anything was recompiled on an older or newer executable is all. Cheers and ty ;)

HW3 11-15-18 12:54 AM

Clyde00 "Just odd that 2.2.8 didn't launch Uplay through the SH5.exe"

It does for me.

Cybermat47 11-15-18 04:56 AM

Aimed two torpedoes perfectly at a 7000 tonner, set to go under and break its back.

The detonators didn’t work :k_confused:

Fortunately the escorts didn’t spot me, so I managed to go in for another attack, and finally broke it’s back. Got spotted and dived, but they didn’t find me.

THEBERBSTER 11-15-18 06:13 AM

Hi Guys
This is for everyone and especially Clyde.

Stating you have an error is not going to solve anything unless you state what kind of error you are having.
Game Launcher error's can be overcome once the specifics are known.

Quite often replacing the default version with this version solves the problem once and for all.
Post #97 SH5 Game Launcher Install It Anywhere On Any Drive > Includes Download Link

To get help of any kind please give as much detail as possible.


Clyde00 11-15-18 11:04 AM


UPDATE: The Sh5.exe was read only for some reason o.O Permissions didn't stick to admin either.

It wouldn't take the TDW options or snapshot correctly. Fresh Steam verify and a new TWOS install with the Subsim d/l 2.29 update works great.
The SH5.exe shortcut now launches TWOS with no Uplay or and all TDW options stick in game.

Sorry for the confusion! Was just fishing around as I didn't have the problem before ;)

BTW the TDW file to disable this is located in the Generic Patcher.exe called....

TDW_SH5_Patches.s5p (sh5)...under the Advanced Users....Disable UPlay browser and Orbit if anyone else wants to know where to do it at.

scissors 11-15-18 02:49 PM

disable watch crew !
I really like the option to disable the watch crew , being able to enable higher tc values while entering and leaving port and when stumbling upon friendly shipping saves a lot of time , makes the game more playable for me .
Ive been fiddling around with tc values in cfg files and never have been able to get it to do what i wanted, so this is great .

Captain_AJ 11-15-18 03:54 PM

New Update
I am sure you are all on some sort of patrol and find it Find it difficult to end patrols and the re=patching to the new 2.29 .. I am the only one alone In this predicament? My current patrol, Tanker alley/operation Drumbeat, seems there are endless re-supply and so many ships running up and down the US east coast and given the fact it, Seems unlike the British Destroyers, the American are not as aggressive as the British navy destroyers, Case and Point on my third attempt .. two times traveling off the Spanish coast on the way to the US east coast . I caught a British destroyer hunter group. and got so badly damaged that twice I had to limp back to Lorient and - repair, the third attempt I learned not to go into that same zone, Well Now its 5th ship kill and hoping to survive. This is a total 0f 26th kill. so hard to re-patch start over thanks VDR for an awesome mod .. been in the campaign for 3 months now

latest kill .. this will be #5 In tanker Alley .. I love doing this :Kaleun_Salute:

One Fletcher destroyer showed up dropped 3 depth charges and gave up after 30 mins, Unlike the Brits. they will hound you until you make a mistake

vdr1981 11-15-18 07:21 PM

I'm glad you like the new update guys. :salute:
I won't be able to do any modding for the next two weeks or so and my forum activity will be limited to my phone only but I'll try to leave few posts here and there anyway. :yep:
I'll monitor other posts as much as I can of course
so feel free to report any problems with current version which I could try to address in the next update.

lvl4F 11-15-18 08:48 PM

Excellent work, starting a new campaign and testing the development of it.


zeus 11-15-18 11:34 PM

How do you get a wolfpacks in wolves of the steel 2.2.9?

Cybermat47 11-16-18 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by zeus (Post 2577487)
How do you get a wolfpacks in wolves of the steel 2.2.9?

Send contact reports when you sight a convoy and shadow it.

microcat 11-16-18 07:14 AM

SH 5 Wolves of Steel
Kann mir bitte jemand helfen...
Habe SH5 + Wolves of Steel neueste Version installiert wie beschrieben. Wenn ich dann SH5 starte, habe ich schon im Hauptmenue offene Fenster die ich nicht wegklicjken kann.

microcat 11-16-18 07:25 AM

SH 5 Wolves of Steel

i need help with mod Wolves of Steel.

After starting game there are open windows in main menu. i cant close them with klicks or esc.

Who knows that problem.

thanks for help..

Cybermat47 11-16-18 07:14 PM

I felt that the 7 day cooldown of the external transfer crew ability was far, far too long, so I've made a mod to reduce it down to 5 hours:

As always, vecko, feel free to use this in the next update if you want to :salute:

vdr1981 11-17-18 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2577622)
I felt that the 7 day cooldown of the external transfer crew ability was far, far too long, so I've made a mod to reduce it down to 5 hours:

As always, vecko, feel free to use this in the next update if you want to :salute:

There is a good reason for that. Otherwise, ext.torp loading can be used as a cheat for almost instantaneous tubes loading anytime you like.
And please , specify the exact TWoS version compatibility in your mods description. I'm sure you understand why...:yep:

Muckenberg 11-17-18 03:15 AM

I started a new career in "Happy Times" after updating and became a strange thing. During the attack on the convoy I sank the Greek tanker and the game recognized him as hostile. When I looked at the map, Greece is still neutral, with the exception of Crete. it is hostile here. I will have to look when the British have landed in Crete.

vdr1981 11-17-18 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2577643)
I started a new career in "Happy Times" after updating and became a strange thing. During the attack on the convoy I sank the Greek tanker and the game recognized him as hostile. When I looked at the map, Greece is still neutral, with the exception of Crete. it is hostile here. I will have to look when the British have landed in Crete.

Those are "free nations" . Search the forum(especiallyOHII thread) and documentation for more. Can't be more specific now since I'm posting from my phone.

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