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hauangua 07-12-18 07:03 AM

With Kaspersky antivirus... analized now and all good.

vdr1981 07-12-18 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2560926)
With Kaspersky antivirus... analized now and all good.

Thanks friend, that's really good to hear, although my AVG also is going crasy about Sputterfish's automatic Steam Conversion Tool located in "Silent Hunter 5\Resources\TWoS_Setup\SH5updateSteam.exe".

Can you please scan the file directly and tell us what Dr. Caspersky says? :hmm2::

hauangua 07-12-18 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2560927)
Thanks friend, that's really good to hear, although my AVG also is going crasy about Sputterfish's automatic Steam Conversion Tool located in "Silent Hunter 5\Resources\TWoS_Setup\SH5updateSteam.exe".

Can you please scan the file directly and tell us what Dr. Caspersky says? :hmm2::

Read just now.
This evening probe and write Vecko
Now going work

hauangua 07-12-18 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2560927)
Thanks friend, that's really good to hear, although my AVG also is going crasy about Sputterfish's automatic Steam Conversion Tool located in "Silent Hunter 5\Resources\TWoS_Setup\SH5updateSteam.exe".

Can you please scan the file directly and tell us what Dr. Caspersky says? :hmm2::

no problem with kaspersky:

Captain_AJ 07-12-18 10:59 PM

I am in the campaign Operation Drumbeat . when switching on the radar there is no contact's registered on the radar scope nor does the radio operator call out contacts. I tested this with the FMB metox test scenario that is historical is in scenarios. Perhaps this is an option when selecting option' py configuration?

I rarely use the radar since it does not affect my gameplay:Kaleun_Salute: // thanks all

JCWolf 07-13-18 08:32 AM

Guys hi there,

As I understand this Stormys_DBSM_SH5_v1.3 mod can cause TWOS in game conflicts sooner or later after I decide to install it, I do understand as well that this is possible to install as long you tweak the Mod or Rip of some parts for it to work along side TWOS without problems...

Is it possible to anyone to just tell me what to change if it has been done or a a converted Stormys_DBSM_SH5_v1.3 file TWOS compatible download???

If there are no possible conflicts by installing it as it is please info me, cause the Storm file is really a great Mod to give even more immersive content to TWOS..


vdr1981 07-14-18 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2561041)
no problem with kaspersky:


Muckenberg 07-14-18 05:39 AM

I have a question. Did you modify the model of damage to merchant and warships at the latest update? I am currently operating my U-980 at the US Coast of Operation "Paukenschlag" and it seems to me that it is easier to destroy the ship and it also seems to me that the ship wants to go somehow faster. Maybe I'm wrong.
Thank you for answer.

vdr1981 07-14-18 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2561179)
I have a question. Did you modify the model of damage to merchant and warships at the latest update? I am currently operating my U-980 at the US Coast of Operation "Paukenschlag" and it seems to me that it is easier to destroy the ship and it also seems to me that the ship wants to go somehow faster. Maybe I'm wrong.
Thank you for answer.

No, not really...

Axel King 07-14-18 10:23 AM

Ich hab mal ne Frage muss ich SH5 auf Englisch Einrichten oder geht auch Deutsch um Wolves of Steel zur Spielen habe jetzt Deutsch drin aber wenn ich mit den Botsmann rede fehlen mir die fragen 3 bis 5:Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 07-14-18 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Axel King (Post 2561214)
Ich hab mal ne Frage muss ich SH5 auf Englisch Einrichten oder geht auch Deutsch um Wolves of Steel zur Spielen habe jetzt Deutsch drin aber wenn ich mit den Botsmann rede fehlen mir die fragen 3 bis 5:Kaleun_Salute:

Hi Axel ,
Reinstall and launch your game but this time with full administration rights...:salute:

THEBERBSTER 07-14-18 11:17 AM

Ein herzliches Willkommen in der Subsim Community> Axel King

Axel King 07-14-18 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2561215)
Hi Axel ,
Reinstall and launch your game but this time with full administration rights...:salute:

Danke :Kaleun_Cheers::Kaleun_Salute:

Axel King 07-14-18 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2561217)
Ein herzliches Willkommen in der Subsim Community> Axel King

Hallo und Danke :Kaleun_Salute:

palmic 07-14-18 07:19 PM

Gutte Jagd Axel King :Kaleun_Cheers:

XenonSurf 07-16-18 02:57 PM

maybe this can help you improving a sub mod of yours:

In the NewUIs 7_5_0 TDW destroyed ships do not always appear on the map in single missions (campaign I don't know for sure). To correct it this must be changed:

In ...\data\Menu\cfg\Maps.cfg

Mat6=0x3B,0x0B,data/menu/gui/Units/DestroyedShip.tga <<< To be changed in this one

Tested in single missions against non moving targets WITHOUT TWOS in a private setup of SH5 with TDW 7_5_0; destroyed ships will appear immediately in TAI and NavMap which it didn't before. But this may not apply or help in the current 2.26 of TWoS, I have not tested it in TWoS, but if there are problems with destroyed marks, I hope this can help you.


Green_Alien 07-17-18 02:48 AM

Hi, I have a problem. I am playing tWoS and I have unresponsive counters - speed and depth readings are always 0.

Also, the left side bar with commands such as "dive" or "periscope depth" doesn't work. Even when I am inside with hatch sealed, or even already dived.

The other speed indicator (the shift showing 0,1, etc) also doesn't shift the arrow indicating the speed.

It's quite annoying.


Green_Alien 07-17-18 02:50 AM

Hi, I have a problem. I am playing tWoS and I have unresponsive counters - speed and depth readings are always 0. Even if I am actually moving or diving.

Also, the left side bar with commands such as "dive" or "periscope depth" doesn't work. Even when I am inside with hatch sealed, or even already dived.

The other speed indicator (the shift showing 0,1, etc) also doesn't shift the arrow indicating the speed.

It's quite annoying.


vdr1981 07-17-18 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2561479)
maybe this can help you improving a sub mod of yours:

In the NewUIs 7_5_0 TDW destroyed ships do not always appear on the map in single missions (campaign I don't know for sure). To correct it this must be changed:

In ...\data\Menu\cfg\Maps.cfg

Thanks XS...:up:


Originally Posted by Green_Alien (Post 2561547)
Hi, I have a problem. I am playing tWoS and I have unresponsive counters - speed and depth readings are always 0.

Also, the left side bar with commands such as "dive" or "periscope depth" doesn't work. Even when I am inside with hatch sealed, or even already dived.

The other speed indicator (the shift showing 0,1, etc) also doesn't shift the arrow indicating the speed.

It's quite annoying.


Any error messages during the mod installation? Administration rights? Did you try to reinstall your game? :hmm2:

RustenSKE 07-17-18 03:45 AM

Steam version unplayable?
So i tried following the manuals provided in the documentation folder, but alas i cannot make the damn MOD work, i tried different guides but they all give the same outcome.

dialog boxes on startup you cant click, and a big black square that cant be closed down once you make it into a game.

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