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nomad71 03-07-14 12:31 PM

I did and cannot find any reference to speed charts....

vdr1981 03-07-14 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by nomad71 (Post 2182982)
I did and cannot find any reference to speed charts....

Show me the screenshot with all available charts on it (charts menu)...

steineib 03-08-14 07:49 AM

moin, so i have today a question to the repair system. on my last feindfahrt the UZO was damage bei airplains , 14% orange color. after the atack i was on the way back to kiel and i had take a look how far the repair is. strange things happen 14% , some time later 19% , 2 hours later 15%....... is this normaly or so ? kind reguards steineib

vdr1981 03-08-14 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by steineib (Post 2183318)
moin, so i have today a question to the repair system. on my last feindfahrt the UZO was damage bei airplains , 14% orange color. after the atack i was on the way back to kiel and i had take a look how far the repair is. strange things happen 14% , some time later 19% , 2 hours later 15%....... is this normaly or so ? kind reguards steineib

Yes, it's normal...

gap 03-08-14 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 2181912)
In reality the 8.8cm deck gun could fire once every four seconds or so, which is quite fast. The problem was that even in a calm sea the boat rolled a lot, so they had to wait to fire until the boat rolled in the right direction. In a heavier sea the problem was much worse. The bad news is that the game doesn't change the rate of fire for differing sea conditions, so it's either way too fast in rough seas or a little slow in calm seas.

Indeed you make a perfectly reasonable point, Steve. In theory, by playing with the following parameters, we should be able to mimic weather-depandant realistic rates of fires both for (our) u-boat and for ship guns:
  • data\Env\SeaParameters.cfg parameters (ScaleX/Y/Z, FarWavesScale, FarWavesStrength, SeaSpeed, etc.). Their effect on guns should be rather obvious: higher waves should involve a general deterioration of guns' performance both in therms of aiming accuracy and RoF; there is a downside to making low-wind waves too high though: being a low gun platform, u-boat's deck gets often flooded even at low wind speeds. When this happens, the manning crew unmans the deck gun, no matter what StormConditions is set to, thus making the gun pretty useless (subs' U&D/P&R drag factors must be adjusted also).

  • "Mech" factors in data\Cfg\Sim.cfg (Waves amplitude, Waves attenuation). Never actually played with those parameters, but I suspect that they provide a global way to finetune waves' strenght/amplitude. The same consideration as at the previous point are also valid for the latter, but beware, the effect of Mech factors might be stronger than the one of Sea Parameters.

  • Ship/Sub Unit Controller's U&D, L&R and P&R drag factors (Sim files). These are individual for each unit. Their effect is also obvious: the higher her drag the more stable each unit wil be in her role of gun platrform (i.e. better aim and/or RoF), to the detriment of her gneral maneuverability (turning radius, acceleration/deceleration, etc.). Be careful with too high U&D drag values, or some units might "cut though" high waves rather than riding them, finding themselves with their decks awashed more than expected.

  • Weapon Cannon controllers' traverse/elevation speeds (guns sim files). These are individual for each gun. It is a known SH5 limitation that guns are aimed and gyro-stabilized at the same rate. Slower guns = lesser stable guns = worse aiming/RoF.

  • Weapon Cannon controllers' traverse/elevation tolerance factors (guns' sim files, a couple of them for each gun). These define the "spread cone" within which the current aiming, though not perfect, will be considered good enough for the AI (or our AI-gunners) to pull the trigger. Outside this cone the AI will hold fire until it gets a better aim. Therefore, the above parameters can be also be seen as the Aim accuracy/Rate of Fire discriminant: high tolerance factors = low accuracy and high RoF; conversely, low tolerance factors = high accuracy and low RoF.

  • AI Cannons' and AI AA Guns' parameters in data\Cfg\Sim.cfg (Max error angle and Max fire wait). Not really sure about the above, but I suspect they set the limits withinn which the aforementioned tolerance factors are applied.

Don't take my statements above as if they were carved in the stone. This is just how I think the discussed parameters migh work, and how in my opinion they might be combined to achieve a realistic gun behaviour in game. I am posting my points here for others to contradict/correct them, in the hope that the debate can bring some new ideas on the topic :salute:

nomad71 03-08-14 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2182983)
Show me the screenshot with all available charts on it (charts menu)...

Well.... I was about to take a screenshot when I realized that...... I can scroll down the charts section! :oops: And after scrolling I was able to find the speed charts.


Domestos 03-08-14 04:42 PM

I'm finally enjoying silent hunter 5 after many years of false starts due to mod soup issues. This all in one is great and so far its working!!

Just askin though, If I want to remove Real Navigation only and go back to having marks on the map made by my trusty assistant Kaluen what do I need to do?


ZAGOR64BZ 03-08-14 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Domestos (Post 2183494)
I'm finally enjoying silent hunter 5 after many years of false starts due to mod soup issues. This all in one is great and so far its working!!

Just askin though, If I want to remove Real Navigation only and go back to having marks on the map made by my trusty assistant Kaluen what do I need to do?


What version do you have? 1.0 or 1.01? The latest is the one without Real navigation.....:salute:

Cthulhus 03-09-14 07:47 AM


I just installed this mega mod on a clean 1.2 installation without another addons and I have a problem with the navigation instrument, when I plot a new course on the map, the precision is not really here... Look at the screen bellow.

any ideas ?

Domestos 03-09-14 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by ZAGOR64BZ (Post 2183500)
What version do you have? 1.0 or 1.01? The latest is the one without Real navigation.....:salute:

1.01... Is it as simples as leaving out the Real Nav mod?


Major thanks to all involved.

ZAGOR64BZ 03-09-14 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Domestos (Post 2183681)
1.01... Is it as simples as leaving out the Real Nav mod?


Major thanks to all involved.

Yap!!! the fisrt page there is 2 posts: 1st one on top is version 1.01:up:
Second post down, version 1.0 WITH real nav!

vdr1981 03-09-14 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Cthulhus (Post 2183677)

I just installed this mega mod on a clean 1.2 installation without another addons and I have a problem with the navigation instrument, when I plot a new course on the map, the precision is not really here... Look at the screen bellow.

any ideas ?

Show me your JSGME list... Did you install "plotting tools fix"?

Cthulhus 03-09-14 09:56 AM

I forgot plotting tools fix... Sorry guys !

And now, I'am at the Second Happy Time campaign (US coast) but I can't reach the US coast due fuel limits... and Can't request resupply ship...

Any idea? Before, I was able to request resupply ship...

vdr1981 03-09-14 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cthulhus (Post 2183718)
I forgot plotting tools fix... Sorry guys !

And now, I'am at the Second Happy Time campaign (US coast) but I can't reach the US coast due fuel limits... and Can't request resupply ship...

Any idea? Before, I was able to request resupply ship...

Load last bunker save and sail to America at speed no more than 10-12 knots...Ask the navigator about max range at current speed, this could be very useful information.

Cthulhus 03-09-14 12:19 PM


StarTrekMike 03-10-14 04:09 AM

I can't seem to download this file, I get a page that says "access denied" and mentions a song from the Das Boot soundtrack.

Perhaps there was some sort of copyright claim?

vdr1981 03-10-14 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by StarTrekMike (Post 2184032)
I can't seem to download this file, I get a page that says "access denied" and mentions a song from the Das Boot soundtrack.

Perhaps there was some sort of copyright claim?

Admiral Von Gerlach 03-11-14 01:18 AM

It is certainly worthy to try to make things easier for new Kaptains but i am wondering why then in your OP you next describe how difficult it will be to navigate and how slow the boat will be. I know this is a sim and there are limits to the patience people will have to sit there and navigate in real time. ....but why make a mega mod that makes it harder and say it is easier? does not make sense to me. Even as vanilla format, SH5 is hard enough. just not sure of the reason for these mods are easily available and instalable with the installler without using a mega mod?

perhaps you might list your ADVANTAGES of your approach in the intro.

vdr1981 03-11-14 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Admiral Von Gerlach (Post 2184376)
It is certainly worthy to try to make things easier for new Kaptains but i am wondering why then in your OP you next describe how difficult it will be to navigate and how slow the boat will be. I know this is a sim and there are limits to the patience people will have to sit there and navigate in real time. ....but why make a mega mod that makes it harder and say it is easier? does not make sense to me. Even as vanilla format, SH5 is hard enough. just not sure of the reason for these mods are easily available and instalable with the installler without using a mega mod?

perhaps you might list your ADVANTAGES of your approach in the intro.

Most of the subsim users will agree that megamods like this are much more accessible for people than gigantic modlists. If you personally cant see any advantages from this mod archive that probable means you're advanced SH5 user and it's better solution for you is your personal modlist, like I do.

Now, I'm a bit confused with your statement that even vanilla SH5 is "hard enough"?! Personally , I think it's broken crap, not a penny worth...:03:

Most of the players will find The Wolves of Steel easier to install but harder/more realistic to play, which is my goal from the beginning...

Domestos 03-11-14 05:10 PM

Hallo again

Earlier in this thread someone asked if you could add the WO's Identify target button and was directed to this mod:

But that messed up my recognition manual.

Can someone help me get back the ID target button any other way. This would make the game perfect (for me:D)

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