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vdr1981 03-01-14 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by _LI_ (Post 2180044)

first of all I would like to say thanks to all the people that invest so much time and energy in all these mods to make SH5 a playable game. :up:

I recently installed the "wolves of steel"-megamod and really enjoyed the first missions. But for any reason the game now often suddenly crashes back to desktop. In the majority of cases this appears directly after loading a savegame at sea (while savegames in the harbour can still be loaded correctly...). But sometimes the ctd appears also while regular playing.

Has anyone the same problems? :dead:

Edith says: Could it be that the ctd has anything to do with the recent update of the Ubisoft-Gamelauncher?

This is written by Sober...

How to save the game .
I only save while surfaced and my avatar is on deck .
Do not save with damaged ships around because the game does not save damage .
Be aware that the game doesnt save the weather properly and the weather might change on the next save load .
I name my saves a diffrent name on each new save (sober1 , sober2 etc)

Check CTD scenario 8 here too...

With that in mind, start new patrol from bunker save (or even better start new campaign) and send us radio report in a few days...:03:

_LI_ 03-01-14 08:08 AM

Thx...I'll try this out. The ctd indeed mostly appeared while approaching Scapa Flow as I tried to sneak past the destroyers.

I'll report if it works.

Captain Birdseye 03-01-14 01:32 PM

Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how I can disable the manual aiming with the periscope? i'm no good with maths and would like my Weapons Officer to provide the solution.

THE_MASK 03-01-14 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Birdseye (Post 2180212)
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how I can disable the manual aiming with the periscope? i'm no good with maths and would like my Weapons Officer to provide the solution.

Just line your sub up 90 degrees with the target and get reasonably close but not too close that the torpedo hasn't the distance to arm itself . Set your scope at zero degrees . Set torpedo to fast and when you think the ship is at the correct distance from zero , fire the torp . I get a hit nearly every time .

vdr1981 03-02-14 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by _LI_ (Post 2180087)
Thx...I'll try this out. The ctd indeed mostly appeared while approaching Scapa Flow as I tried to sneak past the destroyers.

I'll report if it works.

Any changes? If that doesn't help add this fix and try again...

vdr1981 03-03-14 01:13 PM

Ahoy wolves made of steel, please fell free to ask any question in this thread, not on PM, so that anyone can answer your question, not only me. It's kind of useless to answering always on similar questions via PM over and over again...:03:

Don't be afraid to ask, wolves wont bite you...I guess...

RushTheBus 03-03-14 02:08 PM

Is there any chance we could get an option, add-on, or could we ourselves have the low resolution patch disabled?

gap 03-03-14 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2181179)
Ahoy wolves made of steel, please fell free to ask any question in this thread, not on PM, so that anyone can answer your question, not only me. It's kind of useless to answering always on similar questions via PM over and over again...:03:

I agree :yep:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2181179)
Don't be afraid to ask, wolves wont bite you...I guess...



Originally Posted by RushTheBus (Post 2181213)
Is there any chance we could get an option, add-on, or could we ourselves have the low resolution patch disabled?

devicing an 'high resolution patch' for TWoS is quite straightforward, and you could create one yourself: just check which textures are gettting overwritten by DynEnv's low resolution patch, and replace them with their equivalent from DynEnv's main mod :up:

vdr1981 03-03-14 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by RushTheBus (Post 2181213)
Is there any chance we could get an option, add-on, or could we ourselves have the low resolution patch disabled?

That would be a waste of time...Dyn Env low resolution patch only effects textures which are not visible with normal gameplay, like sea flour, rocks IIRC.

gap 03-03-14 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2181245)
That would be a waste of time...Dyn Env low resolution patch only effects textures which are not visible with normal gameplay, like sea flour, rocks IIRC.

not exactly. Environmental features affected by the low resolution patch:
sea foam
underwater suspension
explosion halos
moon and moon halo
various smokes
some water splashes, esp. bullet/shell splashes :03:

low resolution versions of seabed, rocks, seaweeds, etc. are available as separate submods and if, I remember correctly, they are not part of your megamod.

vdr1981 03-04-14 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2181275)
not exactly. Environmental features affected by the low resolution patch:
sea foam
underwater suspension
explosion halos
moon and moon halo
various smokes
some water splashes, esp. bullet/shell splashes :03:

low resolution versions of seabed, rocks, seaweeds, etc. are available as separate submods and if, I remember correctly, they are not part of your megamod.

I see, sry for my mistake, although I really think that even textures from your low res patch look just great.:yep:

gap 03-04-14 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2181596)
I see, sry for my mistake, although I really think that even textures from your low res patch look just great.:yep:

Yep, for most purposes and at the most common game resolutions they look about as good as the HD ones, and they take much lesser memory than the latter :up:

steineib 03-05-14 09:14 AM

ok i have something to ask, so i hope the wolves dont byte too strong :D also in this video here you can see the rate of fire is nice fast. would it be possible to make this happens in the game/mod, and the smoke after fire a shell would this somehow possible to make ? and in a other video , ok its a musicvideo.... but there i can see how fast the deck gun can turned at 3:15 so i hope this ideas are not too far away from possible ;) kind reguards steineib

Sailor Steve 03-05-14 10:06 AM

Actually the way that film is edited you can't tell if the rate of fire is fast or slow. You never see the gun fire twice in one film shot. In reality the 8.8cm deck gun could fire once every four seconds or so, which is quite fast. The problem was that even in a calm sea the boat rolled a lot, so they had to wait to fire until the boat rolled in the right direction. In a heavier sea the problem was much worse. The bad news is that the game doesn't change the rate of fire for differing sea conditions, so it's either way too fast in rough seas or a little slow in calm seas.

In stock SH3 and SH4 the gun does fire that fast, and I assume that it is the same for SH5. It is usually a mod that slows it down to a more practical level, and it is possible to make it as fast or as slow as you want it. Unfortunately I can't play SH5 so I can't tell you for certain how to do it.

steineib 03-05-14 12:00 PM

ok i understand, hmm also would it be maybe better that the rate of fire is ..... sorry my english. bad weather = lower rate of fire good weather = normaly - better rate of fire.

vdr1981 03-05-14 01:37 PM

Unfortunately, that's not possible ...

In this megamod I've tried to simulate what Steve said with aprox 9 seconds of reloading time for untrained crew. Even with reloading time like that it will take few minutes to destroy large steamer from 500-600m which is overpowered still IMO...

steineib 03-05-14 02:10 PM

ok than it is no problem. hmm vdr1981 and what time would be ok for a normal powerd attack with deck gun to sunk a larger steamer.

Jimbuna 03-05-14 02:19 PM

I try to strike a happy medium (using SH3 Commander) and set the reload time to three rounds per minute (20 seconds).

nomad71 03-07-14 10:08 AM

Hi, I installed this megamod and it all works great! :)

The only thing I cannot find are the speed charts. They just do not show within the available charts I have. Can someone tell me how to see these charts?


ZAGOR64BZ 03-07-14 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by nomad71 (Post 2182921)
Hi, I installed this megamod and it all works great! :)

The only thing I cannot find are the speed charts. They just do not show within the available charts I have. Can someone tell me how to see these charts?


Did you scroll down on the black charts box? Is one of the last chart at the BOTTOM of the list...:up:

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