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Tindahbawx 02-23-14 06:00 PM

Awesome modpack, loving it! :up:

Just one question... is it ok to load Manos Scope Mod of top of this or will that mess something up, given that there already is a scope mod in the pack?

Edit: Having a repeatable CTD with it now though, started a new campaign. If I choose to approach the destroyers from the first mission "Investigate / Report on Task Force" once they get within 10km or so the game will crash every time, without fail.

R1fl3M4n 02-24-14 05:46 PM

nice ! :)

RushTheBus 02-24-14 06:18 PM

How much of the mod is it feasible for a user to edit? There are a few dynamic environment mods I would like to add.

vdr1981 02-24-14 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by RushTheBus (Post 2178383)
How much of the mod is it feasible for a user to edit? There are a few dynamic environment mods I would like to add.

Which one?

RushTheBus 02-24-14 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2178385)
Which one?

Sorry about that my original post..I was confused for a second about your question (in class).

I use the dynamic Env. main mod w/ high resolution sea bottom, Atlantic kelp, realistic colors, sleet for winter campaigns. I also use TDW's exhaust smoke, the better sea foam mod that is compatible w/ dynamic env., and the more realistic shadow's fix/mod. I also use SteelVinking's interior 1.2 mod coupled with another mod (forgot the name of it and I cant seem to find it in a quick forum search) which adds details like hanging meat and boxes of produce about the sub's interior. I also like Stormmy's sound packs.

I don't mind doing the work myself, maybe if you could guide me a bit?

zev871 02-24-14 11:22 PM

problems with generic patcher
For some reason once I use the patcher the game will no longer start (though my pc thinks it is running - nothing in the task manager). I remove all the patches and then the game will load as normal. I'm using the snapshot included with the megamod.

Any help would be great.

vdr1981 02-25-14 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by RushTheBus (Post 2178390)
Sorry about that my original post..I was confused for a second about your question (in class).

I use the dynamic Env. main mod w/ high resolution sea bottom, Atlantic kelp, realistic colors, sleet for winter campaigns. I also use TDW's exhaust smoke, the better sea foam mod that is compatible w/ dynamic env., and the more realistic shadow's fix/mod. I also use SteelVinking's interior 1.2 mod coupled with another mod (forgot the name of it and I cant seem to find it in a quick forum search) which adds details like hanging meat and boxes of produce about the sub's interior. I also like Stormmy's sound packs.

I don't mind doing the work myself, maybe if you could guide me a bit?

Most of the Dynamic Env. submods and other strictly graphical mods should be compatible although I can't say for sure...


Originally Posted by zev871 (Post 2178448)
For some reason once I use the patcher the game will no longer start (though my pc thinks it is running - nothing in the task manager). I remove all the patches and then the game will load as normal. I'm using the snapshot included with the megamod.

Any help would be great.

That's not Steam version of the game you've got there, right?

1000+ downloads without major stability issues, that's encouraging news!

Paajtor 02-25-14 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by zev871 (Post 2178448)
For some reason once I use the patcher the game will no longer start (though my pc thinks it is running - nothing in the task manager). I remove all the patches and then the game will load as normal. I'm using the snapshot included with the megamod.

Any help would be great.

If you use the Patcher, the SH5.exe will change.
As a result, you must give SH5 firewall-permissions again.

Aktungbby 02-25-14 12:19 PM

Welcome aboard Derpy77 and ZEV871 and welcome back Ironcold!:Kaleun_Salute:

Jimbuna 02-25-14 12:22 PM

Welcome Derpy77 :sunny:

gap 02-25-14 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2178530)
Most of the Dynamic Env. submods ... should be compatible

confirmed :yep:


Originally Posted by RushTheBus (Post 2178390)
I use the dynamic Env. main mod w/ high resolution sea bottom, Atlantic kelp, realistic colors, sleet for winter campaigns. I also use ... the better sea foam mod that is compatible w/ dynamic env.

Better Sea Foam V1.5 (i.e. the most recent "full" version of the mod), is fully compatible with Dynamic Environment and with most of its optional mods. Just enable it of top of DynEnv, and let JSGME to overwrite the conflicting files. It is not compatible with DynEnv wave and clear water surface submods though. Either skip the latter or, if you want one orboth of them, enable them on top of BSM full :up:

zev871 02-25-14 11:45 PM

Thanks Paajtor! That did it.

Paajtor 02-26-14 09:50 AM

You're welcome :)

zev871 02-26-14 10:30 PM

One more question. Any reason why I can't get the deck gunners to fire on their own. I set a target, tell them to fire at long range, then fire at will... and they just sit there. Do I need to positively ID the ship first?

vdr1981 02-27-14 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by zev871 (Post 2179285)
One more question. Any reason why I can't get the deck gunners to fire on their own. I set a target, tell them to fire at long range, then fire at will... and they just sit there. Do I need to positively ID the ship first?

Try to select battle stations first... Are you trying to attack polish ships at the beginning of the campaign by any chance? IIRC, from some reason our gunner won't attack them no mater what...

RushTheBus 02-27-14 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2179425)
Try to select battle stations first... Are you trying to attack polish ships at the beginning of the campaign by any chance? IIRC, from some reason our gunner won't attack them no mater what...

I was having some difficulty too. The best way i found to combat it was to ensure that everyone is at battle stations, assign a crew to the deck and have them man both the flak and deck gun. That combination of commands seem to work 80 - 90% of the time.

von faust 02-27-14 03:39 PM

Has anyone tried the mod in multiplayer ?

Thank You

zev871 02-27-14 05:15 PM

Yes it is the polish ships at the beginning. I'll try what RushTheBus suggested and if that doesn't work I'll just keep manually firing them.

THE_MASK 02-27-14 05:53 PM

See if the deck gun guys use the deck gun after reaching Kiel in the British coastal campaign . I have the same problem in the Baltic with my mod list .

_LI_ 03-01-14 05:43 AM


first of all I would like to say thanks to all the people that invest so much time and energy in all these mods to make SH5 a playable game. :up:

I recently installed the "wolves of steel"-megamod and really enjoyed the first missions. But for any reason the game now often suddenly crashes back to desktop. In the majority of cases this appears directly after loading a savegame at sea (while savegames in the harbour can still be loaded correctly...). But sometimes the ctd appears also while regular playing.

Has anyone the same problems? :dead:

Edith says: Could it be that the ctd has anything to do with the recent update of the Ubisoft-Gamelauncher?

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