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gap 12-05-15 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2363832)
OK , I was talking about bunker textures...

Oh, talking about bunker, sandbags and and boxes I was asking if the new lower resolution textures look decent. For reference, I have put the original resolution textures in a separate folder which can be enabled as a mod through JSGME. :)


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2363832)
I agree that could look very nice and cool but dont forget that sometimes bunker will have to be placed more than 100m from the coast in order to make it functional. If you could come up with such generic coastal shape which could "fit" nicely if bunker is placed 50 or 150m (or more) of the shore, that would be truly excellent...
But if not, you are risking to invest a lot of hard work in something which will look strange and you may not like it...

It is just a matter of sizes. Creating a 150 m-long, more or less flat surface, sloping under the sea level towards its ends, and then mapping a sand texture on top of it shouldn't pose big problems :03:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2363832)
In my opinion, the best solution would be some kind of generic concrete platform extended at one end so I could use it regardless of bunker distance.
I'm still struggling to come up with what would that shape look alike though, but I'm pretty much sure that it will look like last platform which I was asking from you...:yep:

Either shape (V or U) should work. Again, it is just a matter of sizes. That's why I asked you if you ad any special size in mind. Anyway, both the V-shaped platform (that you already have on your HD) and the U-shaped one (that I am still workin on), are 450m-long on their long axis. Much longer than you actually need. :yep:

vdr1981 12-05-15 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2363843)
It is just a matter of sizes. Creating a 150 m-long, more or less flat surface, sloping under the sea level towards its ends, and then mapping a sand texture on top of it shouldn't pose big problems :03:

OK OK, no problems, I'm just saying...More platforms to chose is even better...:up:

However, I'll have to start placing bunkers in mission layer on their definite positions because my days off are slowly slipping away...:wah: Any later 3D models replacing or anything I'll do with text editor...:yep:

gap 12-05-15 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2363848)
OK OK, no problems, I'm just saying...More platforms to chose is even better...:up:



Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2363848)
However, I'll have to start placing bunkers in mission layer on their definite positions because my days off are slowly slipping away...:wah: Any later 3D models replacing or anything I'll do with text editor...:yep:

Okay. Today I have an horrible headache (too much time spent in front of a screen) and I doubt I will finish my work on the new platforms. Hopefully tomorrow I will send you what I have ready for you. As I wrote afew posts back, I hope we can link the platforms directly to the bunker models, through equipment files. Thisn way you won't need to match bunker's and platform's position, and you will be able to switch from a platform to the other simply by having several copies of the main bunker with different equipment files. :salute:

vdr1981 12-05-15 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2363851)

Okay. Today I have an horrible headache (too much time spent in front of a screen) and I doubt I will finish my work on the new platforms. Hopefully tomorrow I will send you what I have ready for you. As I wrote afew posts back, I hope we can link the platforms directly to the bunker models, through equipment files. Thisn way you won't need to match bunker's and platform's position, and you will be able to switch from a platform to the other simply by having several copies of the main bunker with different equipment files. :salute:

Copy that...Take your time...:yeah:

vdr1981 12-05-15 06:58 PM

Hehe, bunker is not reported anymore like "warship" both by watch crew and hydrophone... Here's how, but don't ask me why...:) (probably because if all values are 0, the game will register it as 100% of rpm, engine pwr and speed, and therefore report it like "contact, moving fast"...)

Also, surface draught must have some value...Otherwise, there's high chance that game will spawn the unit submerged (remember deck awash ships in ports and convoys) ...

Griphos 12-05-15 11:31 PM

Thanks for this mod. I'm finally ready to give SH5 a try (after playing a lot of the original SH and SH3 years ago).

I've read the FAQ, but not all 200+ pages of this thread. I have an install updated to 1.2 which I've started, but have not done anything else, including not yet starting a campaign, which I realize I need to do before following all the steps of the mod install.

My question is can I do the tutorials before installing the mod? It's been a while since I've done any SH, and I was thinking the tutorials would be helpful. But I'd rather not have to uninstall and reinstall SH5 if doing the tutorials will make installing the mod unstable.

gap 12-06-15 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2363917)
Hehe, bunker is not reported anymore like "warship" both by watch crew and hydrophone... Here's how, but don't ask me why...:) (probably because if all values are 0, the game will register it as 100% of rpm, engine pwr and speed, and therefore report it like "contact, moving fast"...)

Good news :yeah:

...but I don't quite get you. Going by what you are stating, max_speed should be set to some high value, not 0 as seen in the picture above :hmmm:

vdr1981 12-06-15 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2363970)
Good news :yeah:

...but I don't quite get you. Going by what you are stating, max_speed should be set to some high value, not 0 as seen in the picture above :hmmm:

Yes but, if max speed is set to 30 or something , this will result in slight unit motion even if unit is docked.
You gotta love SH "reality"...:D

gap 12-06-15 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2363978)
Yes but, if max speed is set to 30 or something , this will result in slight unit motion even if unit is docked.
You gotta love SH "reality"...:D

Without propeller? with max speed set to 0 in cfg file? :o :doh:

P.S: don't miss my answer to your questions about aircraft spawning, in OHII's thread :03:

vdr1981 12-06-15 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2363984)
Without propeller? with max speed set to 0 in cfg file? :o :doh:

Well yeah, ships or submarines cfg files never had anyhing to do with actual unit performances. Those are just entries for GUI commands, recognition manual values ect...I't is all about "sim" file...I thought you knew that? :06:

Originally Posted by gap (Post 2363984)
P.S: don't miss my answer to your questions about aircraft spawning, in OHII's thread :03:


gap 12-06-15 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2364045)
Well yeah, ships or submarines cfg files never had anyhing to do with actual unit performances. Those are just entries for GUI commands, recognition manual values ect...I't is all about "sim" file...I thought you knew that? :06:

Are you absolutely sure about that? I always wondered the same, but there are some values there, like AI submarines' depths, telegraph speed ratios, etc, which aren't found anywhere else in game files.. :hmm2:

gap 12-06-15 01:09 PM

I am now importing the reworked platforms in game. So far I have the following shapes:

round big
square big

Which ones do you think are gonna be of any use to you?

vdr1981 12-06-15 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2364050)
Are you absolutely sure about that? I always wondered the same, but there are some values there, like AI submarines' depths, telegraph speed ratios, etc, which aren't found anywhere else in game files.. :hmm2:

Pretty much sure, yeah... For example, SurfaceDepth=4 in submarine.cfg is not there to define how deep will your sub lay in the water when surfaced. It is just depth commanded when you click "surface" GUI command. Submarine surface depth is defined in it's sim file (surface draught).
Ships displacement from cfg files are only there for our scored tonnage calculations and rec.manual. If you set 20.000 for fishing boat in it's cfg file, units will still behave the same, but destroy few of them and you'll become new tonnage king ect ect... This is all easy to test...:yep:

Originally Posted by gap (Post 2364053)
I am now importing the reworked platforms in game. So far I have the following shapes:

round big
square big

Which ones do you think are gonna be of any use to you?

All of them ! :D Although I haven't saw much use of large round platform, even though I asked for it...

gap 12-06-15 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2364060)
Pretty much sure, yeah... For example, SurfaceDepth=4 in submarine.cfg is not there to define how deep will your sub lay in the water when surfaced. It is just depth commanded when you click "surface" GUI command. Submarine surface depth is defined in it's sim file (surface draught).
Ships displacement from cfg files are only there for our scored tonnage calculations and rec.manual. If you set 20.000 for fishing boat in it's cfg file, units will still behave the same, but destroy few of them and you'll become new tonnage king ect ect... This is all easy to test...:yep:

Yep, of course I am aware about the parameters in your examples, but take aircraft MaxRange for instance (which brings us to the discussion on aircraft spawning in mid-Atlantic). Nowhere else is found a similar parameter, and the cfg file setting must affect aircraft behaviour (at least I hope so!). The same goes for submarine's StormConditions and gun crews...
That's why I asked you if you are sure that ships' MaxSpeed parameter is only for recognition manual reference. To be honest I hoped it to overseed the max speed set in cfg file, as I planned to set up some stand-in units with different speeds that their parent unit...


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2364060)
All of them ! :D Although I haven't saw much use of large round platform, even though I asked for it...


Okay, but when you finish your work on the bunkers, remember to remove the unused platforms from the game. Even though the number of possible bone/node ID's is huge (to be exact, we have 18,446,744,073,709,552,000 possible unique ID's:o) there is an infinitesimal chance of the same ID being used more than once, and we don't want to take this risk with stuff we don't actually need :03:

finchOU 12-06-15 02:43 PM

Destroyed Marks??
So sometime I get Destroyed Marks ...sometime I don't. But even when I do get them.....they don't stay from save to save. If I do a save/reload I'll only get the ships I sunk on the last save or nothing.

Right now I don't get them real time at all. What's going on? I need these marks!! lol

Griphos 12-06-15 03:21 PM

Also, in addition to my question above, the Patch 14 has an odd file structure.

Do I copy all of these into the game folder, or the MODS folder. If the former, then some game data will be overwritten. If the latter, then the MODS folder will have its own MODS subfolder and that doesn't seem right, particularly since there is a further embedded Wind and Smoke mod in the Real Navigation mod inside this folder. A little help here please? Couldn't find any info in the thread.

vdr1981 12-06-15 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2364082)
Yep, of course I am aware about the parameters in your examples, but take aircraft MaxRange for instance (which brings us to the discussion on aircraft spawning in mid-Atlantic). Nowhere else is found a similar parameter, and the cfg file setting must affect aircraft behaviour (at least I hope so!). The same goes for submarine's StormConditions and gun crews...
That's why I asked you if you are sure that ships' MaxSpeed parameter is only for recognition manual reference. To be honest I hoped it to overseed the max speed set in cfg file, as I planned to set up some stand-in units with different speeds that their parent unit...

Max cfg speed is indeed max speed which can be set in ME for that particular unit, but I think that true max speed ingame (like when unit has been"scared" and punch the throttle) is still drawn from sim file.
Not sure about planes cfg files though...
I may be wrong however, but luckily, this is easy to test...


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2364082)

Okay, but when you finish your work on the bunkers, remember to remove the unused platforms from the game. Even though the number of possible bone/node ID's is huge (to be exact, we have 18,446,744,073,709,552,000 possible unique ID's:o) there is an infinitesimal chance of the same ID being used more than once, and we don't want to take this risk with stuff we don't actually need :03:

No problemo! :up:

vdr1981 12-06-15 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Griphos (Post 2363930)
My question is can I do the tutorials before installing the mod? It's been a while since I've done any SH, and I was thinking the tutorials would be helpful. But I'd rather not have to uninstall and reinstall SH5 if doing the tutorials will make installing the mod unstable.

You can play stock tutorial before you have enabled the modpack, but you will hardly learn anything from it. It's just arcade tutorial for arcade stock game. However, the Wolf bite will transform it for good...:yep:


Originally Posted by finchOU (Post 2364084)
So sometime I get Destroyed Marks ...sometime I don't. But even when I do get them.....they don't stay from save to save. If I do a save/reload I'll only get the ships I sunk on the last save or nothing.

Right now I don't get them real time at all. What's going on? I need these marks!! lol

From what I know TDW new destroyed marks can not be saved. There's few options in OFEV , maybe you should explore/test them. Ship journal is there also ect...


Originally Posted by Griphos (Post 2364095)
Also, in addition to my question above, the Patch 14 has an odd file structure.

Do I copy all of these into the game folder, or the MODS folder. If the former, then some game data will be overwritten. If the latter, then the MODS folder will have its own MODS subfolder and that doesn't seem right, particularly since there is a further embedded Wind and Smoke mod in the Real Navigation mod inside this folder. A little help here please? Couldn't find any info in the thread.

There's video tutorial in the first post mate...Main game folder certainly can not be MODS folder...:yep:

Griphos 12-06-15 05:45 PM

Don't I feel foolish?! I'd actually already started watching that video tutorial and then stopped as I hadn't decided to use this mod for sure yet. I guess I've just done too much reading and downloading over the past few days and totally spaced it. And looking at the post again earlier, I somehow missed that link at the bottom.

I'll skip the in game tutorials then. I'll just start a campaign and exit and follow the procedure you outline in the first post from there. Looking forward to it.


THEBERBSTER 12-06-15 06:05 PM

100 manual saves made with TWOS since starting on 13th July 2015.
No problems at all, absolutely brilliant.
Now on my 1st patrol in Happy Times.


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