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U-190 11-10-21 01:00 PM

SH5_FW Coastal Defenses by Vecko & gap Help
SH5_FW Coastal Defenses by Vecko & gap

Hello everybody! Maybe there is a kind person who will give a link to download this mod.
I really don't want to pull it out of TWoS. It will be a very long time.

vdr1981 11-11-21 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by U-190 (Post 2778078)
SH5_FW Coastal Defenses by Vecko & gap

Hello everybody! Maybe there is a kind person who will give a link to download this mod.
I really don't want to pull it out of TWoS. It will be a very long time.

I don't think we've ever released it as a standalone mod since stock game campaign and OHII don't have necessary campaign entries for new coastal defenses. :hmmm:.

vdr1981 11-11-21 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2777749)
NLTSf, NLTSf2, NOM_Paula? These are tankers, all three.

Most are Type 101 (Tanker) - these would be showing up in large convoys that could historically have tankers in them (oil supply convoys for example). Type 108 (those you mentioned) in small, less protected convoys (along with small freighters). Type 104 tankers are coastal tankers that are not usually protected and are too small and slow to sail in convoys. You can spot them along the coast together with other small ships like fishing boats or coasters.

Yes, i did that intentionally. I didn't want some small tankers to appear in large trans Atlantic convoys regularly. I wanted to keep them in coastal and other shorter routs. In game, player won't notice any abnormality regarding 108 type assigned for some tankers...:yep:


Originally Posted by Demon777 (Post 2777876)
thank you!!
in such case, maybe it makes sense to slightly correct Type 108 category name: "Small/Medium Freighter/Auxiliary Tanker"

That could do the trick...

U-190 11-11-21 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2778234)
I don't think we've ever released it as a standalone mod since stock game campaign and OHII don't have necessary campaign entries for new coastal defenses. :hmmm:.

I understood.....

mortonsk9s 12-08-21 08:03 PM

Windows 11 Support? I did not want to update to Windows 11 if it will mess up the game?



excel4004 12-10-21 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by mortonsk9s (Post 2781988)
Windows 11 Support? I did not want to update to Windows 11 if it will mess up the game?



Would be nice to know, yep! :hmmm:

rainbowjose 12-11-21 11:24 AM

Winodows 11 supported by my expirience

Torpedo 12-13-21 03:39 AM

Windows 11 and SH5
Hi all!!!
SH5 with TWoS 2.23 (I was waiting for my return to base to install 2.24), for what I tried, it works perfectly with Windows 11.

Torpedo :Kaleun_Cheers:

jorca2 12-22-21 07:05 PM

is it posible play this game steam version with mod TWOS in console type Onexplayer?? resolution 1920x1200 or similar??
of course i´ve keyboard and mouse.

Mad Mardigan 12-31-21 06:47 PM

Here's to wishing all, everywhere...

A safe, hopefully much better, successful patrol filled Happy New Year.

To absent subsimmer's, who have gone on to an eternal patrol. Gone... but never forgotten. *snaps to attention & :salute:*



M. M.

Hishmaliin 01-03-22 04:30 PM

Problems with instalation
Hello, I am having problem with installation of the mod. I did everything how described in the PDF, installed the mod in the SH5 folder (steam) and nothing really happens :/.

palmic 01-06-22 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Hishmaliin (Post 2786161)
Hello, I am having problem with installation of the mod. I did everything how described in the PDF, installed the mod in the SH5 folder (steam) and nothing really happens :/.

Hi, what do you mean by nothing really happens?
What OS do you have?

Aktungbby 01-06-22 12:15 PM

Welcome back!
Hishmaliin!:Kaleun_Salute:after a 2year silent run!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Hishmaliin 01-07-22 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2786579)
Hi, what do you mean by nothing really happens?
What OS do you have?

Windows 10 Pro

By nothing I mean absolutely nothing. I install the mods in the silent hunter dircectory (where the .exe file is located) and turn on the game but its vanilla. I also try to do different things like save-load on sea and in the bunker, turn mods on and of and nothing happens :P

Hishmaliin 01-07-22 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2786595)
Hishmaliin!:Kaleun_Salute:after a 2year silent run!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Yeah, thought I will go for subsims again :P SH4 was pretty cool so I bought SH5 but it seems much cooler with this mod on the videos

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