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dive3452 10-09-21 01:20 PM

Hey all.
I have downloaded full TWoS 2.2.24, and I am enjoying it.
Thanks all for all the work!
However...I think that I have found one bug that is really annoying.
I am not a noob in TWoS installation, I was playing TWoS a lot before.
But there could be always a chance that I have missed something.

I will try to explain the situation where this bug/glitch has appeared, so maybe someone can recreate the scenario or explain to me why this is happening.

On the first mission with Polish destroyers, I was in a night situation where I have spotted Polish destroyers and they were alerted by the
German aircraft, so they have turned on their search lights, pointing them into the sky. From my distant perspective I was at surface but looking
trough periscope at the distant lights from destroyers in the night. Then this glitch/bug started to appear, the light from destroyers were causing
too much light on the ocean in the direction where I was looking the destroyers, the whole ocean would appear to be flickery and white with lights, it's really annoying. But when I would turn the periscope away in the other direction, that light flickering glitch would disappear. I have tried with other environment mods, it's always the same thing. So do you guys know about this glitch bug with flickering lights in the night? And if so can someone tell me how to fix this, I am playing in 1920x1080 resolution.


les green01 10-09-21 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by dive3452 (Post 2773426)
Hey all.
I have downloaded full TWoS 2.2.24, and I am enjoying it.
Thanks all for all the work!
However...I think that I have found one bug that is really annoying.
I am not a noob in TWoS installation, I was playing TWoS a lot before.
But there could be always a chance that I have missed something.

I will try to explain the situation where this bug/glitch has appeared, so maybe someone can recreate the scenario or explain to me why this is happening.

On the first mission with Polish destroyers, I was in a night situation where I have spotted Polish destroyers and they were alerted by the
German aircraft, so they have turned on their search lights, pointing them into the sky. From my distant perspective I was at surface but looking
trough periscope at the distant lights from destroyers in the night. Then this glitch/bug started to appear, the light from destroyers were causing
too much light on the ocean in the direction where I was looking the destroyers, the whole ocean would appear to be flickery and white with lights, it's really annoying. But when I would turn the periscope away in the other direction, that light flickering glitch would disappear. I have tried with other environment mods, it's always the same thing. So do you guys know about this glitch bug with flickering lights in the night? And if so can someone tell me how to fix this, I am playing in 1920x1080 resolution.


was it doing it before you try other environment mods or did you just install the other other environment mods and started playing

dive3452 10-09-21 11:53 PM

It looks like I did mess something with environment mods, but I did disable them all later and still there was that light glitch.
Now I did a new campaign start with no mods at all, and it looks like everything is working fine, no bugs or glitches.
Sorry for false alarm.
Can someone point me to some good tutorials with sextant in SH5, I did watch them on youtube, some of them are good, but they don't explain everything.
I did also read the documentation, what I don't understand is how do I find location of my sub on map with those coordinates from sextant?

Alpheratz 10-10-21 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by dive3452 (Post 2773481)
It looks like I did mess something with environment mods, but I did disable them all later and still there was that light glitch.
Now I did a new campaign start with no mods at all, and it looks like everything is working fine, no bugs or glitches.
Sorry for false alarm.
Can someone point me to some good tutorials with sextant in SH5, I did watch them on youtube, some of them are good, but they don't explain everything.
I did also read the documentation, what I don't understand is how do I find location of my sub on map with those coordinates from sextant?

Hello! If you've taken a close look at my tutorials on YT and still have questions, ask me in my dedicated thread:
. In addition, I recommend that you read the literature on basic concepts of astronomy in your own language, because in my videos I focused on what distinguishes Silent Hunter 5 astronomy from the real world. I don't think you will be able to find other astronomical navigation guides in Silent Hunter 5.

Best regards Alpheratz.

dive3452 10-10-21 01:44 PM

Alpheratz thanks for the info.
However, you are going too much technical in how moon works and stars.
I just want to know how can i use in game, not real life, in game SH5 coordinats from sextant on a map to locate my sub, what tools should i use? i don't know that because i didn't make that mod.

Alpheratz 10-11-21 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by dive3452 (Post 2773596)
Alpheratz thanks for the info.
However, you are going too much technical in how moon works and stars.
I just want to know how can i use in game, not real life, in game SH5 coordinats from sextant on a map to locate my sub, what tools should i use? i don't know that because i didn't make that mod.

In the game, you need to spend 10 minutes of time in order to determine the position of your U-boat using these two tools :Kaleun_Wink: :

Alpheratz 10-11-21 10:54 AM

But a real Kaleun will instruct the navigator to wake him up after 40 minutes or so, when the navigation fix is ready on the map :Kaleun_Sleep:

Vertigooo 10-11-21 02:47 PM

Refraction was not correctly implemented in your Excel File (see my previous posts). Did you correct it?

Alpheratz 10-12-21 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Vertigooo (Post 2773821)
Refraction was not correctly implemented in your Excel File (see my previous posts). Did you correct it?

I accidentally saw your post and looked at the previous ones about refraction. My table in the range of altitudes of 40-20 degrees gives an underestimation of refraction by 0.1 arc minute (for an altitude of more than 40 degrees, there is no error in the refraction value). In the range of 20 - 10 degrees, the error is comparable to the uncertainty in measuring the altitude, but still noticeable - 0.2 - 0.5 arc minutes. Serious discrepancies are observed for an altitude of 7 degrees and below, but in practice it is not desirable to carry out such measurements, even with careful consideration of air temperature and atmospheric pressure. Nevertheless, I took your notes into account, as a result of which now my table has become a little more cumbersome in formulas, but it has become more accurate. I am not updating TWoS, but you can always download the current version of the table "SH5 celestial navigation Sun, Moon, 58 stars" from the link in my signature.

vdr1981 10-14-21 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by dive3452 (Post 2773426)
Hey all.
I have downloaded full TWoS 2.2.24, and I am enjoying it.
Thanks all for all the work!
However...I think that I have found one bug that is really annoying.
I am not a noob in TWoS installation, I was playing TWoS a lot before.
But there could be always a chance that I have missed something.

I will try to explain the situation where this bug/glitch has appeared, so maybe someone can recreate the scenario or explain to me why this is happening.

On the first mission with Polish destroyers, I was in a night situation where I have spotted Polish destroyers and they were alerted by the
German aircraft, so they have turned on their search lights, pointing them into the sky. From my distant perspective I was at surface but looking
trough periscope at the distant lights from destroyers in the night. Then this glitch/bug started to appear, the light from destroyers were causing
too much light on the ocean in the direction where I was looking the destroyers, the whole ocean would appear to be flickery and white with lights, it's really annoying. But when I would turn the periscope away in the other direction, that light flickering glitch would disappear. I have tried with other environment mods, it's always the same thing. So do you guys know about this glitch bug with flickering lights in the night? And if so can someone tell me how to fix this, I am playing in 1920x1080 resolution.


Yes, this can happen sometimes during sunrise or sunset, when ships activate their search lights. Possible that few tweaks in sea reflection parameters could solve this but i't not entirely sure how...

Also, a big salute for all steel captains outhere! Not much time for modding for me due to job and RL issues but I'll try to post few answers here and there. ��
Stay healthy and good hunting Captains!:Kaleun_Salute:

P.s. sry for.mistakes, typing from my phone...

Vertigooo 10-14-21 02:23 PM

Thank you Alpheratz for considering my correction and for your nice contribution in real navigation in TWoS

kapuhy 10-15-21 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2774348)
Also, a big salute for all steel captains outhere! Not much time for modding for me due to job and RL issues but I'll try to post few answers here and there. ��
Stay healthy and good hunting Captains!:Kaleun_Salute:

Good to see you posting again :up: Stay healthy, and hopefully sail into some calmer waters in RL so that you have more time to visit Subsim.

skin-nl 10-16-21 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2774348)
Also, a big salute for all steel captains outhere! Not much time for modding for me due to job and RL issues but I'll try to post few answers here and there. ��
Stay healthy and good hunting Captains!:Kaleun_Salute:

We missed you Vecko.....Stay healthy and save :salute:

fitzcarraldo 10-16-21 11:14 AM

Missing you here Vecko! Hope you are healthy and very well.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Able72 10-17-21 09:29 AM

How do I get Voice Command?
Ok, I've seen a few posts with "Voice Command" activated. I've watched a few video's where it appears to be activated. I know this wasn't a feature of the origiinal base game. So my question is, where do I find it and how do I activate it?

Thanks for your help

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