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les green01 05-16-21 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dainem (Post 2748068)
Thank you! I forgot to load the settings.

I now have another questions: I have just started the campaign (never played SH 5 before). I have sunken some ships and reloaded my torpedos at a harbor. I wanted to finish my "Feindfahrt" and traveled to Kiel, my current "Heimathafen" (home base harbor). When I arrived I had no option to stop and go to the bunker. Can I only do this then the campaign time is over?

Also: I am now trying the "real navigation mod". Feels completely different. I just realised that the navigation tools are inverted: at my compass 0 is 180, west is east etc... This makes it difficult to get a precise new course. I have found a draggable compass with the correct coordinates but using the standard compass or the ruler would be easier. Can I change the normal compass? And why is it inverted anyway?

you will want to arrive at kiel on the 4th or after on the compass inverted for me too i just flipped it around in my mind i got the draggable get too it easy right in the middle of the map

Dainem 05-17-21 12:00 PM

Hello again.

Can I create a shortcut key to teleport to the attack periscope quickly?

And when I am on the bridge and want to dive can I adjust the game so that I get teleported into the ship automatically when I give the diving order?

Compans57 05-17-21 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dainem (Post 2748254)
Hello again.

Can I create a shortcut key to teleport to the attack periscope quickly?

And when I am on the bridge and want to dive can I adjust the game so that I get teleported into the ship automatically when I give the diving order?

There is an option for this in the Options File Editor. I used it but my game crashed every time. It may work for you though. Under the crash dive tab.

les green01 05-17-21 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dainem (Post 2748254)
Hello again.

Can I create a shortcut key to teleport to the attack periscope quickly?

And when I am on the bridge and want to dive can I adjust the game so that I get teleported into the ship automatically when I give the diving order?

to teleport to the scope bring up the officers on bottom of screen click on the arrow that says teleport then click scope

GrenSo 05-21-21 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2732916)
Thanks GrenSo, some people will probably find it useful, although you already know my opinion about the game tendency to award you with the iron cross every single month...:D

What do you think about to edit the award page in such a way that only the 1st date of the award can be seen and an award certificate is placed underneath as a picture? But I an not sure if it is possible to find for all six awards/medals a certificate.

So we have there only one date and not every month a new one.

fitzcarraldo 05-21-21 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by GrenSo (Post 2748965)
What do you think about to edit the award page in such a way that only the 1st date of the award can be seen and an award certificate is placed underneath as a picture? But I an not sure if it is possible to find for all six awards/medals a certificate.

So we have there only one date and not every month a new one.

It is a good idea but the award system of SH5 is highly buggy and, really, you can see realistic awards through KSD. I made five good patrols with 239700 tons and only I have an Iron Cross in SH5 TWoS, in KSD I have four more realistic awards for the tonnage. Old bug of vanilla SH5, it seems a hard coded issue.

Many thanks and best regards

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Kal_Maximus_U669 05-23-21 11:09 AM

# 24
:haha::haha::har: do not go too far anyway because it borders on the comic...:har:

Tonci87 05-23-21 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2749264)
:haha::haha::har: do not go too far anyway because it borders on the comic...:har:

I think the statement, that this is only a sketch so far (the main menu screen), and there will be more thematic videos, is just hilarious. :D

GrenSo 05-24-21 05:13 AM

I uploaded a merge of my historically correct U-69 tower skin with my old mod U-51 tower skin and emblem "Atje and Bambo" for TWoS v2.2.24.

Link to thread:

DackSter94 05-29-21 04:54 AM


I have some questions about "send contact report". I read multiple times that it could summon friendly submarines and or aircraft, but have never found any proof of it (image or video). Is it even worth doing? What are the chances that the convoy itself will detect the transmission and will send DCs to rek you and change convoy heading? How long does it take for friendly subs and aircraft to get to you? How usefull are they? BDU reply also says to stay undetected so it means that you have to waste more time while convoy is about to hit british coast in couple of days?

Levyathan89 05-29-21 01:06 PM

I haven't played this in a while and maybe I'm just blind or something but is it normal that there is no "send mast hight to tdc" option in the shipping manual? How can I identify the target?

U-190 06-01-21 06:15 AM

How to remove TDW Mines from this mod?

Dupxo7 06-03-21 07:59 AM

I have been playing SH5 with this amazing mod for more than 2 years but I only now noticed that there are no air bubbles when ship is sinking. In previous Silent Hunters (3 or 4) there were literally clouds of air bubbles when ship was going down.

Question: is there a mod which add clouds of air bubbles when ship is sinking and going underwater?

Aktungbby 06-03-21 09:59 AM

welcome aboard!

Jimbuna 06-03-21 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dupxo7 (Post 2750951)
I have been playing SH5 with this amazing mod for more than 2 years but I only now noticed that there are no air bubbles when ship is sinking. In previous Silent Hunters (3 or 4) there were literally clouds of air bubbles when ship was going down.

Question: is there a mod which add clouds of air bubbles when ship is sinking and going underwater?

That is quite a discovery and I wonder why this has not been brought up before (at least as far as I'm aware).

Welcome to SubSim :Kaleun_Salute:

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