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diegomcx 06-28-20 02:19 PM

Hi guys, first time here!

So, help me out if you can.
I'm into printing some things to me make it cool, and i'm looking into a way to print the sheets for the enigma machine used here. I found the db files with the codes used, so i started there and copied them to a excel sheet.

But it looks like it will take some time to do it. So i want to know if someone has it already done, or anyone already did something like that, or maybe a faster/easier way to do it.

Thanks in advance!!

gap 06-28-20 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2680342)
Thanks for detailed post as always Gap. :up:

My pleasure mate :salute:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2680342)
However you'll have to agree that we didn't learn anything new from those articles, what we couldn't conclude for our self.

Yes, indeed. A Type VIIC U-boat had a submerged displacement of only 871 tonnes, and the 8.8 cm SK C/35 naval gun weighted 776 kg. Such an heavy load sticking out from boat's deck and not having any adverse effect on boat's handling and performance, is hard to believe, that's why in the first place I asked you about your sources and I mentioned my own sources...


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2680342)
Yes "some" performance bonus is unquestioned but the main question still remains.How much? They all only use words like "much", "some" ect which is not very helpful IMO.:hmmm: Was it 1KN speed increase (which I really doubt) or maybe 0.1? 0.01? :hmm2:

No, unfortunately I couldn't find any figure, though I think that a top speed increase in the order of 0.2-0.3 knots after deck gun removal, wouldn't be too far from reality. Provided that such a feature is possible (see my considerations below), it should just balance (and only in part) the decrease in top speed caused by later conning towers; in other words, removing the deck gun shouldn't actually provide any bonus but, basically, a reduction of the penalty which - if I got you correctly - you have already implemented with later conning tower's drag coefficients.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2680342)
Unfortunately, other mentioned benefits like improved handling and diving times are not possible to simulate since they are controlled by completely different set of sim controllers...

I have never played with gun and conning tower additional drag coefficients, but my understanding of the similar ship and submarine main controller's drag factors (unit_Ship => obj_Hydro group), is that they are directly related to vessel's seaworthiness, and that they have little or no effect on top speed. :hmmm:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2680342)
The point is, we can not really conclude this without some complex mathematics and even then I believe that the resulting speed benefit would be quite minuscule.

If the overall benefit was that minuscule, why would they have bothered removing those guns from Type VII U-boats and, most importantly, why should the player bother doing it? In my opinion any U-boat upgrade should provide an advantage to the player, otherwise there is no point in having it :)

Aktungbby 06-28-20 04:55 PM

Welcome aboard!

Demon777 06-29-20 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2680385)

I was able to install BOLD 1, a decoy system, inside my boat before going into Operation Drumbeat, maybe near the end of the Western Approchases campaign chapter or when I was in the bunker before going to the US East Seaboard.

@the beast

thank you! :salute:
thus, upgrades in TWOS are available depending on time/chapters. good!

10MAS 06-29-20 03:18 PM

Sh5 Wolves of Steel Question
Hi guys i have a question....i can t hit a Tribal Destroyer with an electric torpedo even if the draft of the destroyer is 3,5 m and the torpedo is set at 1,1 m....with external cam i see the torpedo pass under the boat and the only one time that i hit the propeller (don t know how just perfect timing) the torpedo fail (dud),i ve Wolves of steel mod....sorry for the bad english

kapuhy 06-30-20 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by 10MAS (Post 2680568)
Hi guys i have a question....i can t hit a Tribal Destroyer with an electric torpedo even if the draft of the destroyer is 3,5 m and the torpedo is set at 1,1 m....with external cam i see the torpedo pass under the boat and the only one time that i hit the propeller (don t know how just perfect timing) the torpedo fail (dud),i ve Wolves of steel mod....sorry for the bad english

Possible cause

Plus, I don't know what the sea state is but if there's a storm, targets draft would vary as it moves on waves.

Lasicowaty 06-30-20 06:23 PM


I'm getting back to SH5 after few years. I got DVD version and, surprise, surprise, there is no dvd in my new PC anymore, so I got steam version now. I've heard that Ubisoft has made some **** patch that blocks TWoS, but Steam version is still compatibile And this is my question - is it compatibile? I should install TWoS due the install instruction added on pdf and it will work? Please, say it will.

Cheers to you all :Kaleun_Salute:

boogieman335 06-30-20 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lasicowaty (Post 2680776)

I'm getting back to SH5 after few years. I got DVD version and, surprise, surprise, there is no dvd in my new PC anymore, so I got steam version now. I've heard that Ubisoft has made some **** patch that blocks TWoS, but Steam version is still compatibile And this is my question - is it compatibile? I should install TWoS due the install instruction added on pdf and it will work? Please, say it will.

Cheers to you all :Kaleun_Salute:

Yep it will. Just follow the instructions and let it convert the SH5.exe file. I use the Steam version and launch it from a shortcut placed on my desktop that way it by passes Steam completely and I don't have to launch Steam anymore to play. It will still launch the Uplay thing but I keep it set to offline mode.

Lasicowaty 07-01-20 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by boogieman335 (Post 2680792)
Yep it will. Just follow the instructions and let it convert the SH5.exe file. I use the Steam version and launch it from a shortcut placed on my desktop that way it by passes Steam completely and I don't have to launch Steam anymore to play. It will still launch the Uplay thing but I keep it set to offline mode.

That's great! Thanks a lot! I will try to install and than I'll report if I managed and if it works. (sorry for my english, Im not native)


DackSter94 07-02-20 03:25 PM

Are destroyers "cheating"? If you are sitting still under water, at night with no moon, not using periscope: as soon as some unaware destroyer passes withing some range from you they sound the alarm, and start pinging with ASDIC...

vdr1981 07-02-20 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by DackSter94 (Post 2681103)
Are destroyers "cheating"? If you are sitting still under water, at night with no moon, not using periscope: as soon as some unaware destroyer passes withing some range from you they sound the alarm, and start pinging with ASDIC...

You could say so, yes...In all SH games, destroyers active sonars are always active, regardless of audio pinging effect. So, if you find your self in their detection cone for certain amount of time, they will detect you. This "amount of time" depends of various factors like units skill, your orientation, depth ect ect...:yep:

ErdiFerenc 07-04-20 03:16 AM

Map coordinates bug
Hi all!
I just wanted to try the real navigation mod, because it sounds pretty interesting. But on the map view the coordinates are hidden behind the edge of the map. Any ideas to fix it? Maybe an interface mod?

vdr1981 07-04-20 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc (Post 2681314)
Hi all!
I just wanted to try the real navigation mod, because it sounds pretty interesting. But on the map view the coordinates are hidden behind the edge of the map. Any ideas to fix it? Maybe an interface mod?

Hi ErdiFerenc,
That looks strange indeed...:hmmm: Try to lower your in game resolution and see what will happen. Did you try to reinstall the game and the mod?

ErdiFerenc 07-04-20 03:45 AM

Well, i don't think it will help, but i give it a try, thanks.

vdr1981 07-04-20 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc (Post 2681316)
Well, i don't think it will help, but i give it a try, thanks.

Try also to click that "toggle TAI button" above the depth gauge few times. That should fix misplaced TAI interface...I just hope that we are not dealing with some kind of incompatibility with high resolutions (SH5 is an old game after all). In that case I wont be able to help you since I can not reproduce the problem with my monitor.:hmmm:

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