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Lugermann 05-03-20 09:23 AM

A few U-Boats type XB (long-range minelayers) were used as resupply boats.

gap 05-03-20 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lugermann (Post 2667850)
Maybe this is useful.

Know war cruises of type XIV:

Source: The Milk Cows. U-Boat Tankers at War 1941-1945. John White. Pen & Sword Military, 2009.

Good info Lugermann.

Personally I use for patrol logs as it offers information on daily U-boat positions.

Another good website is as it contains reports of the main events in each U-boat patrol.

By crossing the information of the two websites above, I have noticed that rendezvous areas for resupplying operations were not random, but planned at fixed locations, and often these locations didn't change for months. My statement above applies for sure to auxiliary (surface) tankers, but it probably can be extended also to U-boat-to-U-boat resupplies.


Originally Posted by Lugermann (Post 2667857)
A few U-Boats type XB (long-range minelayers) were used as resupply boats.

As noted by kapuhy, in case of necessity or when the circumstances made it fit, any long-range U-boat could be used as support vessel for other U-boats. Just as an example, during their long passage from Europe to the Far East, several type IX U-boats of the so called 'Monsun Gruppe' were diverted to fuel other boats. :yep:

Lugermann 05-03-20 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2667874)

As noted by kapuhy, in case of necessity or when the circumstances made it fit, any long-range U-boat could be used as support vessel for other U-boats. Just as an example, during their long passage from Europe to the Far East, several type IX U-boats of the so called 'Monsun Gruppe' were diverted to fuel other boats. :yep:

Yes, due the loss of a U-tanker.

The Monsun Gruppe had a complex refueling plan. First, the IXC40s and IXCs were to refuel on the outbound leg from the Type XIV U-tanker U-462, which sailed from France. Second, all boats were to replenish from the German tanker Brake in the Indian Ocean, then proceed to patrol areas. On the return voyage, the boats were to refuel again from Brake in the Indian Ocean and from another XIV U-tanker near the Azores on the final leg..

The U-462 mentioned was forced to abort his mission and therefore not could refuel the Monsun boats. This vital task was reasigned to the type XIV U-487 which sailed from France, but this U-tanker was lost before the refueling operation.

gap 05-03-20 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lugermann (Post 2667896)
Yes, due the loss of a U-tanker.

Yes, definitely, I had forgot mentioning this part of the story, thank you for mentioning it!

Exception made for the Type XIV, no U-boat was meant to play the support role. But due to the small number of available U-tankers (and to the vulnerability inherent to their duties), in several occasions other U-boat types had to be used as stop-gap supply vessels.

skin-nl 05-05-20 01:22 PM

You did great work with the type XIV Vecko :up:

kapuhy 05-06-20 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2667430)
Well, it's not going to a real "looker" but it'll be better to have a real milch-cow for in-patrol refitting instead of currently used Dithermarschen class tankers and type VIIC U-boats...What do you thing guys?

From your screenshot it looks like you're importing it as .dat, right? If you wish, I could try to convert it to .gr2 format. Not that it looks bad now, quite the opposite, but shadows, 3D damage and visibility through water would make it even cooler.

vdr1981 05-07-20 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2668635)
From your screenshot it looks like you're importing it as .dat, right? If you wish, I could try to convert it to .gr2 format. Not that it looks bad now, quite the opposite, but shadows, 3D damage and visibility through water would make it even cooler.

Hey Kapuhy, sorry for late reply...:salute:
That sounds good but it shouldn't be high on your priority list in my opinion. :yep:Maybe once when you are done with your current work on small coasters? Type XIV won't be so common in the campaign after all and many Captains wont even live to see it. :D

Texas Red 05-07-20 11:29 AM

Hey vdr1981,

Would it be possible to make better-looking ice on ships? What I mean is like ice on the gun barrels, etc. Basically ice everywhere like it would've been in freezing temperatures.

Also, you made a great mod! Thanks a bunch! :Kaleun_Salute:

kapuhy 05-08-20 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2668913)
Hey Kapuhy, sorry for late reply...:salute:
That sounds good but it shouldn't be high on your priority list in my opinion. :yep:Maybe once when you are done with your current work on small coasters? Type XIV won't be so common in the campaign after all and many Captains wont even live to see it. :D

Yes, I was thinking of maybe converting some ships from .dat to .gr2 after my current coaster project is complete. It would be worth it especially for multi-hulled ships that currently cannot break in half from critical hit.

excel4004 05-08-20 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2667381)
OK, I'm pretty much done with campaign files editing for all campaign chapters, lots of fixes, new and rearranged traffic lines, new coastal shipping lines, no more our of place traffic (like German support tankers in the middle of English channel or allied ships in dangerous waters within Luftwaffe reach) ect ect. Detailed change log will follow...:yep:

I'll now try to replace German logn range support missions ship with proper type-XIV "Milchkühe" boat from GWX. Fingers crossed...:)

Awesome work Vecko!! :D:up:

Happy to see the new campaign changes too! :subsim:

vdr1981 05-08-20 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2669090)
Yes, I was thinking of maybe converting some ships from .dat to .gr2 after my current coaster project is complete. It would be worth it especially for multi-hulled ships that currently cannot break in half from critical hit.

That would be really great. :up::yep:
I have one question regarding your small motor coaster. Would you prefer to keep it as a standalone mod or do I have the permission to implement the original version into the TWoS? I've added full support for her, including new coastal traffic lines, new groups, destinations ect. I've also made few tweaks in damage model to fix earlier mentioned issues although the boat still isn't too much damage resistant (such small ship shouldn't be after all IMO :03:)
Of course, I would prefer the second option since many new players have problems with manual modding. That way we can have both, a standalone mod for people with custom modlists and also one version in TWoS which we can improve later if necessary. :yep:

nemeor 05-08-20 10:56 AM

Thanks VDR
Hello VDR, thank you very much for your work,

in the game, the sound of the flak gun (anti-air) is horrible, do you know where i can find the file source to change it ? (because i don't find the file)

I will change it and i will send you the new one :Kaleun_Salute:

kapuhy 05-08-20 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2669127)
That would be really great. :up::yep:
I have one question regarding your small motor coaster. Would you prefer to keep it as a standalone mod or do I have the permission to implement the original version into the TWoS? I've added full support for her, including new coastal traffic lines, new groups, destinations ect. I've also made few tweaks in damage model to fix earlier mentioned issues although the boat still isn't too much damage resistant (such small ship shouldn't be after all IMO :03:)
Of course, I would prefer the second option since many new players have problems with manual modding. That way we can have both, a standalone mod for people with custom modlists and also one version in TWoS which we can improve later if necessary. :yep:

Feel free to implement my coaster or any other ships I'll make in TWoS. Your megamod is the reason I didn't flush SH5 from my drive within a week from buying the game and I'll be glad for my ships to feature in it :salute:

I've made some fixes to motor coaster as well (improved model a bit, fixed texture errors and remade damage model as well). I'll post an updated version this weekend, so you can use my model/texture tweaks along with your damage model if you wish.

Tonci87 05-08-20 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by nemeor (Post 2669169)
Hello VDR, thank you very much for your work,

in the game, the sound of the flak gun (anti-air) is horrible, do you know where i can find the file source to change it ? (because i don't find the file)

I will change it and i will send you the new one :Kaleun_Salute:

It might be P02_$MGun_muzzle_flash.wav found in
\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sound

All Sound files are in that folder, and I the folders within it. If that is not the correct file, you will have to search for a bit.

vdr1981 05-08-20 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2669249)
Feel free to implement my coaster or any other ships I'll make in TWoS. Your megamod is the reason I didn't flush SH5 from my drive within a week from buying the game and I'll be glad for my ships to feature in it :salute:

I've made some fixes to motor coaster as well (improved model a bit, fixed texture errors and remade damage model as well). I'll post an updated version this weekend, so you can use my model/texture tweaks along with your damage model if you wish.

Excellent! :up: The v2.2.18 update is ready and I'm waiting for your files. Cheers! :salute:

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