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boogieman335 12-24-19 12:17 PM

Happy Holidays everyone and looking forward to a new year.
just a link to some screen shots made with my Boogie's refit mod in TWoS with
Reshade ver 4.5.2 . :Kaleun_Cheers:

sub2604 12-25-19 04:37 AM

Aces Campaign for SH5
Hey guys! Anyone out there made a mod for SH5 like an Aces Campaign.
No fixed parameters to complete.. Just go out and sink shipping like the real Uboat boys did.
I don't even bother anymore seeing that my tonnage is not taken into account, just to complete their mission objectives. Not fun at all!
Must say though, just got the Uboat missions for SH4 working, much better than 5.

Captain_AJ 12-27-19 10:02 PM

On mY Boat
Hello, my fellow SubSimmers .OF. WOS!! finally, Back after a huge Session of constant work and without my desktop Merry Christmas Happy New Year!! I need to get a gaming laptop LOL. Now doing the Campaign
Western Approaches Just leaving Keil on a tack to my rally Patrol point Salute All

Noobicum4Ever 12-28-19 04:44 AM

Hi SubSim members! After I finish the missions in SH3 & GWX I want to play SH5 & WoS but I saw that there are some issues with Uplay. I bought the games on Steam (it was exciting to discover the Tomb Raider series, the Novalogic series, the Silent Hunter series).

Unfortunately I could not run the SH5 on the old laptop, although theoretically the specifications were sufficient. But I bought a new laptop:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

I bought Lock On: Modern Air Combat from Uplay because I wanted to play this childhood game. Since then Silent Hunter 5, although I only bought it from Steam, appeared on Uplay.

Today, I installed the game, I installed WoS and I opened a mission and it opened. Now I'm not sure if it works properly.

I am very upset, I struggle quite a bit with Silent Hunter III & GWX because it causes all kinds of problems. Each time I reinstall it, which is why I can't play a campaign, only missions.

my fear: if the problems are only with Uplay, and my game now appears on Uplay even though I only bought it from Steam, will I have problems with WoS? Or is it something normal that happens to all players?
Because it seems like an abuse to consider my game as being from Uplay, can I write to Ubisoft to fix my problem?

Please, are there any solutions?

PS: If you think I've written silly or easy-to-solve stuff: I work, I have my family, my time is limited even to playing war games. I have neither the time nor the disposition to acquire advanced knowledge about computers, programs, compatibilities. For this reason I ask for your help!

THEBERBSTER 12-28-19 08:48 AM

Hi N4E
No problems with STEAM and Uplay.
The Uplay download and DVD installations are the ones with problems.
I have fixes for both of these in my SH5 tutorials.

propbeanie 12-28-19 09:11 PM

I have a Steam SH3 and SH5 install on my Windows 10 computer. Since I did not have a Steam or disk SH4 for this computer, I purchased a UPlay SH4 and installed that. Its installer "saw" my Steam SH3 & SH5, and put them on the UPlay menu. However, you can still start them through the Steam front-end, which is what I would do. I also installed TWoS mod, and it does fine on my system. The main thing is to NOT have the Silent Hunter games in a "Program Files" folder on your system. I altered my Steam install path to "C:\Games \Steam..." which still put parts of Steam itself in the "Program Files (x86)" folder, but the games ended up in the "C:\Games \Steam \SteamApps \Common\..." folder... :salute:

Noobicum4Ever 12-29-19 06:37 AM

Thank you!

excel4004 12-29-19 03:30 PM

Vecko, please delete in KSD Comander my old Kaleun: Elite flotilla place 23.H.J.Hellriegel v.1 (excel4004) 7280 points. Thank you!:salute:
After deleting iam again able to select the picture from H.J.Hellriegel in KSD for my actual campaign.

EDIT: I was able to delete the account. All fine now. :D

Now that KSD ist again working (online modus) - what is kind of fantastic - i was motivated to start again a new campaign with 100% realism.

Mare Nostrum, is now the time of war, "happy" to visit soon La Spezia, after a hopefully clean "Durchbruch" trough Gibraltar.

Quick feedback about 2.2.17: Incredible visual update, just beautiful! And like i said, happy that KSD is back online! :up:

Also thanks for selecting "Officer icons as Stations", love it!


captaintpaul 12-29-19 05:06 PM

Dear sir I know that this is not the place for this question but I am just starting and I am at a loss.I have SH5 and the wolves of steel installed.Whenever I select the navigation map the game just exits to the desktop without any warning or a crash can you please help me with this?
Thanks in advance,:Kaleun_Salute:

derstosstrupp 01-01-20 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_AJ (Post 2642167)
Hello, my fellow SubSimmers .OF. WOS!! finally, Back after a huge Session of constant work and without my desktop Merry Christmas Happy New Year!! I need to get a gaming laptop LOL. Now doing the Campaign
Western Approaches Just leaving Keil on a tack to my rally Patrol point Salute All

Welcome back AJ - now c’mon back to Wolfpack too and run with us in the Campaign!

fitzcarraldo 01-03-20 08:44 PM

Congrats to Vecko for the awards 2019..
You deserves them!

Also for all the help and job!

TWoS best mod of 2019

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Wolfcat 01-04-20 10:03 AM

Just a few quick questions and just need some opinion and advice:

1. Is it recommended to use 64-bit 4gb memory mod together with TWOS? Or TWOS already has included such mod?

3. Do I have to start the game thru KSD Commander?

4. In the "Game Tips" document, it says it's better to patrol an area for more than 48/72 hrs before saving and quitting? The language here is a little vague. I need a little clarification. So after I enter a patrol zone, I need run my in-game clock for at least 48/72 hrs before I can do save/reload? If I quit at that point, then I would have to exit the zone and re-enter it?

excel4004 01-04-20 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2642990)
Congrats to Vecko for the awards 2019..
You deserves them!

Also for all the help and job!

TWoS best mod of 2019

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

I was so happy as i read that! Congrats Vecko!!:yeah:

Yes, absolutly deserved. We have real navigation, we have an Enigma and so much more. Almost every month an update with corrections, fixes and extensions from the other great active modders here on subsim. How the mod grows in the years is amazing and Vecko is the brain/organizer of TWoS. :subsim:

Also i was very, very happy to read that THEBERBSTER is on of the best of 2019 members! He hepls me in the past often (and hundred of other user too), he had always a quick and fast and a good solution for my problems or "wishes" with SH5-TWoS. Thank you Peter, you are one of the greatest here!:yeah::subsim:

Also congrats to you fitzcarraldo, active and helpful members for so many years!:yeah::subsim:

excel4004 01-04-20 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Wolfcat (Post 2643084)
Just a few quick questions and just need some opinion and advice:

1. Is it recommended to use 64-bit 4gb memory mod together with TWOS? Or TWOS already has included such mod?

3. Do I have to start the game thru KSD Commander?

4. In the "Game Tips" document, it says it's better to patrol an area for more than 48/72 hrs before saving and quitting? The language here is a little vague. I need a little clarification. So after I enter a patrol zone, I need run my in-game clock for at least 48/72 hrs before I can do save/reload? If I quit at that point, then I would have to exit the zone and re-enter it?

1. Sry i dont know.
2. If you want but you can also use the SH5.exe, like i do.
3. Yes, and yes..and..yes!

Wolfcat 01-04-20 10:35 AM

For 3#, it is really a bummer. What happens if you gets in a patrol zone and immediately get into a huge convoy fight? If the escorts prosecute ASW hard on you then it would be a really long fight, possibly lasting for hours and hours. But very few people can actually sit in front of computer and play for hours without going to work or school.

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