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Nobon 10-06-19 03:31 PM

Heeey, I mean, greetings-

Thank you very much for the detailed answers :D

I decided to do the Memel mission justbecausewhynot...

Sank 2 minelayers, though one still needed time to sink, (was already burying it's hurt bow under waterline) when Herr Göring's boys took the glory from me by bombing the living daylight out of it.

(So I were credited for only the first one...) though I sank a small merchant later, so that's officially 2...

Docking in Kiel in 3..2..1..

Hmm., I try to tune in to find some beacons later on then :D

Nice, then I can switch back to 87% reality :D and leave only the cams active. I do not mind duds if they are not on the stock side...

Another thing:
I did not add encrypted Bdu messages this time through JSGM, (need some time settling back) but an enigma msg was still received in the Memel mission.

Last thing:
I noticed that "core" TWOS mods are missing from JSGM, I believe as they are -core- and cannot be just deactivated anymore through JSGM.

That is fine, but if... :D I add a mod in JSGM, then it is not going to be compared against the core TWOS mod, only to mods activated via JSGM, to show if some files are conflicting...

That means, if I am right, that even all 3 of my mods do not show any signs in JSGM of changing files other mods did, it can be beause core TWOS is not checked... ONly the part mods that are activated via JSGM- right?

Soo... I seek a way to tell if my old mods are meddling with TWOS changed content.. ... :D

Nobon 10-06-19 05:00 PM

Well... I can log in, post a message in the bar, and read others- etc.
No error msg anymore. And I'm shown as logged in.

But... yet it does not produce any errormessage, and while my local profile shows the data I want,
hitting update does not refresh my profile stored in Aces online. It's still in the state as it last refreshed a few years ago..

Chances are, that it is because the captain's name is the same.. But it is a new career.

So someone needs to test this, that they can refresh the online profile.

These are the lines I changed in KSDCommander.exe.config :
maxBufferPoolSize="60000000" maxReceivedMessageSize="60000000"
textEncoding="utf-8" transferMode="Buffered" useDefaultWebProxy="true">

I just changed 2-s to 6-es.

So you need some volunteers to test this.

Nobon 10-07-19 01:52 PM

A few notes
Huh, I had to change current date, as I docked in Kiel in 1939 09 03,

and days in bunker are added AFTER mission selection and patrol start...

Hence I was only able to choose Baltic Operations..

So I changed the current date of the last base enter (and actual current date at teh top of the files) to 05 instead in both of the two CareerTrack.upc . (and changed day and current day to 05 aswell in the .mis file)

to be able to start British Coastal.

Is it anyhow risky?

Another thing: fps in port are alot lower than it was in 1.05 around 17-22- out on patrol it was between 40 and 60.
now its between 6 and 9... in Kiel Port.

Are there many graphical improvements added?

is there any workaround to gain performance that is 2.2 specific? :D
compared to 1.05.

Some notices: after starting Kiel harbour pilot outbound, when I tried to go up to 32-64tc, frames dropped to 4...

But even on 1tc fps werent above 9.

After entering like 1/3 of the canal, (I believe this is when Kiel gots unloaded) fps went up to 25 in tc 1, and aorund 20 in 64.
Dropped down to 20 in 1tc and 10 to 64 after getting close to the harbor at the other end of the canal.

Now here's another catch: My Nvidia 2 gig video chip is prone to overheating due to need of cleaning the vents..
I kept checking the heat, and it was as mild as during using the operation system itself. While it heats up with every kind of modern game.

So I have a hunch that my 2 gig video chip is not used to it's optimal extent.
(CPU also prone to heating, and still, everything seems handwarm)
It seems that SH5 is not using the available resources. Sh5 with TWOS 1.05 used to fly on it. (around 25 fps in crowded places, and around 40-60 in open sea battles with2-3 ships - was the same a few days ago with the previous 1.05 install)
I believe I'm missing something here after the reinstall, as I am using the same stock options: all on high, with no vertycal sync, no antialias,

Did I forget some optimization we used to do in cfg files or what?


I also noticed that the inside lighting in the sub is changed a lot, seems very bright.
Can this affect performance?

kapuhy 10-08-19 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2631233)
Some notices: after starting Kiel harbour pilot outbound, when I tried to go up to 32-64tc, frames dropped to 4...

But even on 1tc fps werent above 9.

After entering like 1/3 of the canal, (I believe this is when Kiel gots unloaded) fps went up to 25 in tc 1, and aorund 20 in 64.
Dropped down to 20 in 1tc and 10 to 64 after getting close to the harbor at the other end of the canal.

Now here's another catch: My Nvidia 2 gig video chip is prone to overheating due to need of cleaning the vents..
I kept checking the heat, and it was as mild as during using the operation system itself. While it heats up with every kind of modern game.

So I have a hunch that my 2 gig video chip is not used to it's optimal extent.
(CPU also prone to heating, and still, everything seems handwarm)

I play on laptop with 2GB Nvidia card as well, and have steady 25-30 fps exiting port, with only shadows and anti-aliasing turned down. So whatever it is, seems to be system-specific.

If you have laptop as well, have you checked if it's using dedicated video card and not integrated graphics? This is most common cause of surprisingly low fps in one game when others run normally.

Gvozden 10-09-19 02:40 AM

Mighty Fine Crew Alt faces
Ok so, the WOS mod already contains MFC mod with stock faces, and the old faces are kinda becoming boring. Is there a way to change the mod to Alt faces without screwing up everything else?

Nobon 10-09-19 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2631292)
I play on laptop with 2GB Nvidia card as well, and have steady 25-30 fps exiting port, with only shadows and anti-aliasing turned down. So whatever it is, seems to be system-specific.

If you have laptop as well, have you checked if it's using dedicated video card and not integrated graphics? This is most common cause of surprisingly low fps in one game when others run normally.

Sadly, no- Since I started my 1.05 after 3 years a few days ago, with integrated by accident, and half the lighting caused some cement-like visuals, and horrid FPS, I made sure SH5.exe is always used with the high-end nvidia chip.
It would be very noticeable, as the integrated one cannot handle half the effects. 1.05 were flying after that.

Also: while it is not around 60 like with 1.05 a few days ago, fps on patrol in grid AN55 with 2.2.16 is around 40-45fps and it was kinda stable fps even during fighting. A bit of pauses sometimes when looking around in the comand room, but this is SH.. So 45 compared to 8 fps XD is a huge difference between open sea battles, and a peaceful port... Same patch, same day, same gamestart. Nothing left open in the background.

So it seems that it DOES have something to do with ports / crowded places.

Ow... I've just seen some old post by me asking about switching off the increased rendering distance to go back to 20km from 40.
Maybe I did, and that's how I achieved high fps in 1.05.

A question: If I understand right, after getting rid of 40km distance, only my sonarman would not hear above 20km, but someone written 3 years ago, that I myself can still hear them around 40. Sounds.. Weird, but I would love if it would be true.

Still, 4 fps in ports and 10 fps WELL after getting some distance are a no-go. Any ideas? I believe something graphically challenging were added, or a lot more units spawn in ports compared to 1.05, but this is just a hunch.

BUT! The Good News: I went through the canal, (sometimes with 1-2 fps at the start on 64x TC, but got to almost 20 in the middle) alt-tabbed sometimes to brute-force test the stability XD (though only after opening the main menu hence pausing the game, not with active game) went to grid AN55, a lot of times with 1024x tc, listened to gramophone with my own sound files, saved and reloaded shedload of times even during attacks, not caring about anything, trying to ruin the game- spent more than 8 ..real life... hours ingame, with one start, and then exited WITHOUT ANY CTD AT ALL during that time.....

In 1.05 on update 17, when it was kinda stable compared to previous versions, I had ctd once per hour regurarily, or per around 40 mins when there were many units present.
SO 2.2.16 gentlemen... are... Seems to be stable as an oak. Congratulations!

and the only odd thing I realized that I received a yellow radio MSG to investigate a spot, where is something heading to 314, but the coordinates was -exactly- where I sank my last merchant many hours ago. Had to go back, regurarily went underwater to check the hydrophone, etc, spent an hour trying to catch anything, but only had luck to find 2 wandering destroyers.

Anyone knows how this "investigate this and that" mechanic works? Why is it sent me back to my last sank prey? Also this was the first msg to investigate anything, I found that prey in normal patrol sweep, and was an isignificant, lonely small merchant, only torpedoed her as when earlier I started to use the deck gun on her, 2 destroyers came... XD

I still remember faintly that we used to modify some config files to adjust the ram, maybe video ram, and maybe CPU threads(?) the game using...?
Anyone? XD

excel4004 10-09-19 03:42 PM


So it seems that it DOES have something to do with ports / crowded places.

Yes, thats right. Thats SH5, nothing special, get used to it. Sure i got more frames with my fast PC in ports like you but anyway, thats the game.

TWoS is stable. :)

excel4004 10-09-19 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Gvozden (Post 2631459)
Ok so, the WOS mod already contains MFC mod with stock faces, and the old faces are kinda becoming boring. Is there a way to change the mod to Alt faces without screwing up everything else?

Yes, the mod calls: "Conus´ Das Boot Crew faces" mod. No problems with TWoS mod!

Nobon 10-09-19 04:53 PM

Well, that is true about ports, but 1.05 somehow never went that low in fps so I have to find a solution.

getting out of the port / through the canal was way too frustrating. I imagine the return...

Any hint about what we optimized in cfgs back in the day? There was

Stable 20-ish fps in the most crowded places in 1.05 compared to 5-8 in 2.2.16 has to be changed.

I have an I7-4710HQ with 4x2.50 gigs as a cpu, an Nvidia Geforce 850m, and 8 gig of DD3 ram. I remember we did somethng about either the CPU threads, and/or the max video ram(?) that is allowed to use, or something similar...?

Some modding help please:
I activated my old JSGM mods tailored for 1.05 to try, but I really need to re-do them using latest TWOS files, as I believe even that JSGM does not notify about any conflict, these files WERE modified by TWOS 2.2.16 core. Just the main TWOS mod is not activated through JSGM anymore, so I cannot see what files are modified.

So far I noticed that my crew appearance mod may break the conversations. As on my baltic mission (without it) I was able to go to the next conversation lines after discussing the first ones with the officers. I give you an example: Dieter Epp the second officer still always refer the kids as "chips of the old block", and number one can only be interviewed about the Royal Navy. So it seems all conversations stuck in lvl 1 sincer I activated my old mod.

this mod basically changes what they wear. Mostly stock stuff I believe, but adds and removes some caps, medals, etc.

my second mod puts my smiling bastard picture in the captain's place in the crew window,
and there is one mod I made that removes loud footsteps and some more sounds when you entered to listen to the hydrophone, it worked with 1.05 but now seems broken.

Another mod that I did not activated yet, as I am 100% sure it DOES conflict, is a mod that lets you use arrow buttons to control the periscope alignment instead of waiving bluntly around with the mouse. arrows for normal speed, ctrl+arrows for slow speed turn, and shift+arrows for fast turn but I'm maybe remembering wrong.

I intend to tailor these and future mods exactly for 2.2.16, but somehow I should see the conflicts.. What lines needs to be injected to since-modified 2.2.16 files instead of using 1.05 modified versions.

fitzcarraldo 10-09-19 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2631554)
Yes, thats right. Thats SH5, nothing special, get used to it. Sure i got more frames with my fast PC in ports like you but anyway, thats the game.

TWoS is stable. :)

If you have a Nvidia GC use Inspector to fix the frames (mine, 30 FPS). Leave the control of AA to the game and AFx16 in Inspector.

I have an I5 with 16 gb RAM, 8 GB Nvidia GC, and never had problems with FPS in ports. My res. is 1920x1080. Running on W10 creator pro 1909 update.

All graphics maximized in SH5. Full options.



Nobon 10-09-19 05:50 PM

AA is rigidly disabled. :P Instead MSAA I use Reshade for SMAA antialias, post process- it means 1-2 fps difference you can switch it off via hotkey ingame.

beats FXAA - but works very similar.

shadows on max, everything is on max, but the res is always 1600x900.

I still remember we used some kind of max ram / max video ram, or CPU thread optimization based on system spec...

but beats me where.

The specs are there, I want this game to use it, overheat CPU / GPU as any other XD and not staying cool like I'm only reading freaking emails, while drpping fps to one digit in ports...

Any clue on my modding question? I would love to tailor my mods for 2.2.16. Maybe someone even wants to integrate them, the arrow key controls used t have some attention.

+I really... Need to get rid of loud footsteps + etc. -again- when using Hydro. My fix does nothing anymore sadly. But used to work in 1.05.

BTW I am getting used to the deployed Mg34s, though we have 2 spare inside the conn tower XD... If you say that these are correct in 1939, I might leave them there - (they look awesome, just still making the bridge a bit stuffed for my taste, but I'm getting used to them slowly. Realism is a #1 priority for me even more than my hectic "everything msut look the way I want" stuff.

fitzcarraldo 10-10-19 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2631569)
AA is rigidly disabled. :P Instead MSAA I use Reshade for SMAA antialias, post process- it means 1-2 fps difference you can switch it off via hotkey ingame.

beats FXAA - but works very similar.

shadows on max, everything is on max, but the res is always 1600x900.

I still remember we used some kind of max ram / max video ram, or CPU thread optimization based on system spec...

but beats me where.

The specs are there, I want this game to use it, overheat CPU / GPU as any other XD and not staying cool like I'm only reading freaking emails, while drpping fps to one digit in ports...

Any clue on my modding question? I would love to tailor my mods for 2.2.16. Maybe someone even wants to integrate them, the arrow key controls used t have some attention.

+I really... Need to get rid of loud footsteps + etc. -again- when using Hydro. My fix does nothing anymore sadly. But used to work in 1.05.

BTW I am getting used to the deployed Mg34s, though we have 2 spare inside the conn tower XD... If you say that these are correct in 1939, I might leave them there - (they look awesome, just still making the bridge a bit stuffed for my taste, but I'm getting used to them slowly. Realism is a #1 priority for me even more than my hectic "everything msut look the way I want" stuff.

But did you try using the ingame AA only? Also I had problems using external AA, etc. The ingame AA, maximized, is very good for me and obtain more than 40-50 in ports with traffic, I fixed it at 30 FPS with Inspector.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Nobon 10-11-19 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2631675)
But did you try using the ingame AA only? Also I had problems using external AA, etc. The ingame AA, maximized, is very good for me and obtain more than 40-50 in ports with traffic, I fixed it at 30 FPS with Inspector.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Yes, I did tried it.- I'm using SH5 on this very machine since a very long time-
MSAA what is a built in real time antialias in most games, like in SH5, are -very- heavy on the graphics card, if someone has a cool gear, it is not a problem, someone with a strong card sees no drawback, yes. No surprise there.

But this is the first thing that is get rid of by anyone who experiences FPS drops. Stock MSAA is like a luxury.
Instead the Post process Reshade for SMAA is used with tons of games by me, and I used it with stock SH5 and then 1.05 a week ago without any problem, also the FPS drop price for SMAA is 1-2 frames maximum. (yep, tried without it, I gain 1 or 2 fps.) compared to the built in MSAA in SH5 what is usually costs 10 or even 20 frames on mediocre cards.

But the whole topic is not around what config we use, BUT around the fact that I use the same graphics config, same antialias, same machine, same video chip in 2.2.16 as I used in 1.05 a week ago, and the results are:

1.05: unstable as hell, many regular CTDs, but:
-around 20 fps in ports on TC 1
-around 16 fps in ports on TC 64.
-around 60 fps in open sea battles.

2.2.16: had no CTDS whatsoever, seems very stable
-around 1 (!) to 8 total fps in ports on tc1 (feels like stop motion...)
-stable 1... fps in ports on TC 64
-around 40-45 fps in open sea battles. (so definitely using the Nvidia...)

So there IS a huge difference between 1.05 and 2.2.16- I like to find what to get rid of /tailor to my gear- most probably the 32454367568 more unit spawns in ports, maybe the widened render distance, (40km instead of 20) some heavy graphic additions, idunno' yet what is changed.

Also I remember -something- we used to modify to represent your max ram / video ram...? Etc. that SH5 can use.

Of course all of this are totally irrelevant to someone with more than 4gigs of ram on a video card, barely noticeable- yes, I understand.
but on a mediocre machine a drop from 20 fps to 1 XD is quite khm... noticeable. I just need to find out what is changed in 2.2.16 that can cause this, and also somehow remember WHAT we optimized in the cfg files... As the machine is clearly not using the GPU / CPU to the extent it should. (no heat..)

What Kapuhy wrote is interesting though, if he has a 2 gig video card as well- I believe the shadows are a HUGE difference in our case. Second most FPS pricey stuff next to built in AA are shadows.
(my SMAA costs 1-2 fps, so we can say it is the same as I would only playing withssimply turned off built in AA)
Shadows ARE a difference, as I always play with max shadows. The problem is that I would like to find what is changed in 2.2.16 that causes this difference first, rather than lowering the graphics config first.

But before I would pinpoint a mod /feature in 2.2.16 or feature that we can may document as "yep simpleton, you can switch this off / change in TWOS to increase your performance on low/mediocre machines", I'm going to find out what optimization we used to do to specify max ram? or Vram- CPU threads... Etc. in SH5. As maybe I can achieve near-the-same results as in 1.05. If after all the optimization there are still huge FPS difference -then- I aim to find the mod /new feature that costs this much more in 2.2.16

vdr1981 10-11-19 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2631569)
shadows on max, everything is on max, but the res is always 1600x900.

I still remember we used some kind of max ram / max video ram, or CPU thread optimization based on system spec...

but beats me where.

Performances are such as they are. Latest TWoS versions have significantly more traffic in ports and that is the main reason for your poor FPS in harbors, especially Kiel. Note that shadows are the biggest FPS killer in game. I suggest you to disable them (at least in ports)...
I'm not aware of any useful CPU/RAM optimization tweaks for SH5...

You can extract TWoS installer using Winrar or 7zip somewhere on your HDD in order to compare the files and optimize your old mods. Just be really careful because TWoS files contain a lot of crucial tweaks and every file in the archive is there for a good reason. Yes, version 2.2 is really stable but that can easily be broken by inadequate modding. Happy hunting!

fitzcarraldo 10-11-19 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2631719)
Yes, I did tried it.- I'm using SH5 on this very machine since a very long time-
MSAA what is a built in real time antialias in most games, like in SH5, are -very- heavy on the graphics card, if someone has a cool gear, it is not a problem, someone with a strong card sees no drawback, yes. No surprise there.

But this is the first thing that is get rid of by anyone who experiences FPS drops. Stock MSAA is like a luxury.
Instead the Post process Reshade for SMAA is used with tons of games by me, and I used it with stock SH5 and then 1.05 a week ago without any problem, also the FPS drop price for SMAA is 1-2 frames maximum. (yep, tried without it, I gain 1 or 2 fps.) compared to the built in MSAA in SH5 what is usually costs 10 or even 20 frames on mediocre cards.

But the whole topic is not around what config we use, BUT around the fact that I use the same graphics config, same antialias, same machine, same video chip in 2.2.16 as I used in 1.05 a week ago, and the results are:

1.05: unstable as hell, many regular CTDs, but:
-around 20 fps in ports on TC 1
-around 16 fps in ports on TC 64.
-around 60 fps in open sea battles.

2.2.16: had no CTDS whatsoever, seems very stable
-around 1 (!) to 8 total fps in ports on tc1 (feels like stop motion...)
-stable 1... fps in ports on TC 64
-around 40-45 fps in open sea battles. (so definitely using the Nvidia...)

So there IS a huge difference between 1.05 and 2.2.16- I like to find what to get rid of /tailor to my gear- most probably the 32454367568 more unit spawns in ports, maybe the widened render distance, (40km instead of 20) some heavy graphic additions, idunno' yet what is changed.

Also I remember -something- we used to modify to represent your max ram / video ram...? Etc. that SH5 can use.

Of course all of this are totally irrelevant to someone with more than 4gigs of ram on a video card, barely noticeable- yes, I understand.
but on a mediocre machine a drop from 20 fps to 1 XD is quite khm... noticeable. I just need to find out what is changed in 2.2.16 that can cause this, and also somehow remember WHAT we optimized in the cfg files... As the machine is clearly not using the GPU / CPU to the extent it should. (no heat..)

What Kapuhy wrote is interesting though, if he has a 2 gig video card as well- I believe the shadows are a HUGE difference in our case. Second most FPS pricey stuff next to built in AA are shadows.
(my SMAA costs 1-2 fps, so we can say it is the same as I would only playing withssimply turned off built in AA)
Shadows ARE a difference, as I always play with max shadows. The problem is that I would like to find what is changed in 2.2.16 that causes this difference first, rather than lowering the graphics config first.

But before I would pinpoint a mod /feature in 2.2.16 or feature that we can may document as "yep simpleton, you can switch this off / change in TWOS to increase your performance on low/mediocre machines", I'm going to find out what optimization we used to do to specify max ram? or Vram- CPU threads... Etc. in SH5. As maybe I can achieve near-the-same results as in 1.05. If after all the optimization there are still huge FPS difference -then- I aim to find the mod /new feature that costs this much more in 2.2.16

Are you using 4GB Patch or LAA? Some people using it in SH5, some people not. It was discussed if it has some effect on sh5.exe. Backup your sh5.exe, and try it. I have the sh5.exe patched with LAA and no problems, no bad effect, but not a great improvement, though.

In Kiel I have a fixed 30 FPS with all the anchored ships, traffic, buildings and smokes (smoke addon). Also in Lorient. Using, as told, ingame AA, AF from Nvidia Inspector, x16. All graphics maximized.

The only event with a little slow FPS (18-20) is when I have smoke and water inside the boat - control room. I go to sonar station, close the hatch, and FPS return to my ever fixed 30 FPS.

I added only some cosmetic mods to TWoS (rusted glory, conus crew, Pascal uniforms...), and no problem with they. But it is highly recommended do not use any aditional mod in TWoS, except the included addons.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

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