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boogieman335 07-12-19 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by SatThuVoBui (Post 2618192)
I do have save files, although apparently they aren't titled the same as they are in-game, so I can't tell which one corresponds to the the save *prior* to the engagement and which one is my "current" save.

As for additional mods, that would be a hard no. I am not running any mods except for TWoS as I understand that it's not intended to be used with any other mods aside from itself.

Best way to tell the difference between saves is the realtime time of the save file. Read the alternate campaign progression pdf in TWOS documentation and you'll see what I'm talking about.
As for using mods with TWOS there are a few exceptions that are safe to use. For example the one from Dynamic environment 2.9 that changes the water color from the murky green to blue, that's because Dynamic Environment 2.9 is part of TWOS. Also {shameless plug here} my texture mod which I made for use with TWOS. But it only contains textures and a tweaked HDR filter file for the interior lighting changes that I made. It doesn't alter any file that changes gameplay.

rebelegy 07-13-19 02:16 AM

hii guys iam new to game play some uboat its good but the silent haunter another way to play but i want mods and priority for automatic TDc and auto way tracking to ship then when i lock it keep tracking the ship ? , and thanks for moders mates for great work i now download the mod wolfs of steel last one full and update

update: i see the video the mod change the map the look of Ui of attack periscope but the sample one is good ? i think for me i just need auto tracking ship lock and Tdc Automatic and if i can put all crew member officers in bottom of screen to order them .

drake_80 07-13-19 05:30 AM

download trouble
Hi guys!
How to download TWOS? Tried 5 times with dap, getright, no half download it stops

boogieman335 07-13-19 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by rebelegy (Post 2618225)
hii guys iam new to game play some uboat its good but the silent haunter another way to play but i want mods and priority for automatic TDc and auto way tracking to ship then when i lock it keep tracking the ship ? , and thanks for moders mates for great work i now download the mod wolfs of steel last one full and update

update: i see the video the mod change the map the look of Ui of attack periscope but the sample one is good ? i think for me i just need auto tracking ship lock and Tdc Automatic and if i can put all crew member officers in bottom of screen to order them .

If I understand you correctly I think what you need is to use the JGSME to enable the TWoS Ui auto target id mod that comes with TWOS. Then just set options at game start while in the bunker before saving. Then after you start your campaign when you select a ship to target click on the torpedo officer at the bottom. There is a little target icon you select that and it locks the automatic tracking. It will turn yellow. Then the left two icons to have the AOB and everything
figured for you. then press space and launch. Be aware though that early game torpedo's sometimes miss any way. The further in the game you get the torpedo's improve.

vdr1981 07-13-19 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by SatThuVoBui (Post 2618192)
I do have save files, although apparently they aren't titled the same as they are in-game, so I can't tell which one corresponds to the the save *prior* to the engagement and which one is my "current" save.

As for additional mods, that would be a hard no. I am not running any mods except for TWoS as I understand that it's not intended to be used with any other mods aside from itself.

You can open ReplayInfo.rep file from within the gamesave and read it's true name...

rebelegy 07-13-19 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by boogieman335 (Post 2618275)
If I understand you correctly I think what you need is to use the JGSME to enable the TWoS Ui auto target id mod that comes with TWOS. Then just set options at game start while in the bunker before saving. Then after you start your campaign when you select a ship to target click on the torpedo officer at the bottom. There is a little target icon you select that and it locks the automatic tracking. It will turn yellow. Then the left two icons to have the AOB and everything
figured for you. then press space and launch. Be aware though that early game torpedo's sometimes miss any way. The further in the game you get the torpedo's improve.

hii i do it i just download it the NewUIs with TDC for SH5 by TheDarkWraith
version 7.4.2 and its great make it like auto but with some manual too i loved all i need now to know now how i get skin and why there is just one upgrade in first of game and the electric torpedo i afraid to use it they say captains fail with it , and last thing how when massage from radio come i stop it from make my time fast loop get off and are there any just one video to make make understand get the longitude and altitude and get ship placement last seen after i put the mod i cant find any ship by luck near the England coast for my first patrol !
update :my first ship with out maneuvering in mod lol i dead

Aktungbby 07-13-19 11:42 AM

Welcome aboard!
drake_80! :Kaleun_Salute: & rebeleegy!:Kaleun_Salute:

rebelegy 07-13-19 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2618322)
drake_80! :Kaleun_Salute: & rebeleegy!:Kaleun_Salute:

hii man :Kaleun_Cheers:why i feel that my logo pic like mate wearing a bra in head same as Little Nicky from hell

propbeanie 07-13-19 04:19 PM

Why, that hat is standard government issue. You will wear it, and you will like it! ... :D

I am joking, of course. When your status changes from Nub to the next level up, your picture will change. See How does this forum ranking system work? for the officially linked info. Or, if you join SubSim (FAQs Section link), then you are able to upload a custom picture for your avatar, like some have done. On this page, that would be excel4004, Aktungbby, and myself... Rest assured, the picture will change. Sometimes, it is not for the better... :har: - but they never last long. Belated "Welcome to SubSim!" :subsim:

rebelegy 07-14-19 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2618357)
Why, that hat is standard government issue. You will wear it, and you will like it! ... :D

I am joking, of course. When your status changes from Nub to the next level up, your picture will change. See How does this forum ranking system work? for the officially linked info. Or, if you join SubSim (FAQs Section link), then you are able to upload a custom picture for your avatar, like some have done. On this page, that would be excel4004, Aktungbby, and myself... Rest assured, the picture will change. Sometimes, it is not for the better... :har: - but they never last long. Belated "Welcome to SubSim!" :subsim:

:har: i know just joking

rebelegy 07-14-19 07:35 AM

now i install the big mod wolf of steel i hope the pc not die :D

up date iam now Swabbie ola he like solider not see woman for long time and he will die for it
i hope the mod have selective style to take what i like while setup

done the fresh install of game

now going to add the mod :timeout: guys i dont need make mod folder with jsgme_setup right ? the Mod will make every thing right some one say something
its just 8 mods where is the rest from 20 and i cant see the 12 !
i cant upload photo here directly ? must upload in external link ?
UPDATE: i cant control the uboat even i cant find my self in map are i the yellow X mark i click and i cant put the course ??! the map are very bright the first map better can i change it for the old one with same mod pack

THEBERBSTER 07-14-19 09:13 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > rebelegy
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials > Downloads > Other Useful Information > See Links in My Signature Below

rebelegy 07-14-19 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2618462)
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > rebelegy
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials > Downloads > Other Useful Information > See Links in My Signature Below

thx for welcome Captain , i figure it out its real navigation mode ! i must know my self first where i am in map first that is hard lol

but i want ask directly sir i have track the instructions of install the mod i want sent pic here but dont know how i log in discord have time to see in discord channel i upload them from while
update : i figure it out form your videos sir i must patch something i dont get it after chose language its the patched of game file of darkwarith i dont click the 40 times :)
update : the mood now work very well just two things i hope change English voice for crew get it back boz looking for log delay me some seconds and the bright map even i low the bright if i can make the standard map back , can i make that ? and the line of course too its grey not blue like first , i dont know how i dont see this game before its great and mods are more great that community like 13 years work in this game ! any another game will lost in memory but this like it not to forget boz i think its challenge and can benefit to learn you how to survive and too understand navigation , and close to my work in ships i Mechanic in merchant navy and some times when i look in brigade get crazy to understand captain sure the chief the big one and some officers , and some times AB mocking me to see me looking and say to me you cant understand that by looking like you do in engine room , i say to him we have numbers too but away high and another field , he try like every Ab or new noob in ships that the engine Deportment vs Navigation Department Are noobs and they better then us in value , but that mind are low to understand that the two department are like mind and heart and the two have mind and heart but like Divided

vdr1981 07-14-19 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by rebelegy (Post 2618467)
thx for welcome Captain , i figure it out its real navigation mode ! i must know my self first where i am in map first that is hard lol

but i want ask directly sir i have track the instructions of install the mod i want sent pic here but dont know how i log in discord have time to see in discord channel i upload them from while
update : i figure it out form your videos sir i must patch something i dont get it after chose language its the patched of game file of darkwarith i dont click the 40 times :)

Watch this video carefully mate and don't "experiment" anything...

rebelegy 07-14-19 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2618489)
Watch this video carefully mate and don't "experiment" anything...

thx mate , but what about the map can i keep all that good stuff in mod but change the to original map looking i cant see the latitude in edge of map

and its so bright its damage the eye and impossible to find the numbers and thx for all :up:

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