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A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Erilaz
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These messages are for game immersion only and no contacts will spawn that are directly related to these messages, BUT: Independant from these messages, historical actions are simulated in the campaign - at least the most important ones - with the corrisponding warships or convoys spawning in the world, yes. Important: Only messages directly sent to YOU, sometimes only found in your Captain's Log, like convoy reports or mission orders, are really important and you can always expect to see the related assets in the world. Such messages can have cyan or red color to denote their importance - and will always contain your exact submarine ID or U-021. Happy hunting and welcome to Subsim! :Kaleun_Salute:XS |
Very good explanation XenonSurf! :Kaleun_Cheers: |
particular font a bit bigger, but at least colored white it is visible.:Kaleun_Salute: |
I have a somewhat hig-tech question, please be patient :) In the folder data\Cfg there is the file AirStrike.cfg that governs the spawning of aircrafts from bases and carriers on player's contact reports sent or when player is detected. What surprises me, is that your file is from 04.07.2013, whereas the file from IRAI_0_0_41_ByTheDarkWraith is a newer one dated 16.02.2014 which references the changes from your file into new values. Are you saying the older values are better and that's why you are not using the newer one? And for which reason, because they don't do what you want in your TWoS mod? AFAIK, the Carrier & Airbase trigger is disabled in the Generic Patcher, so I wonder wether this file has any importance at all for the Airbase and Carrier values. Thanks very much to clarify if this is still a work to be done by you, and you need to do the changes, or if the older file (your file) must be used in every mod because of some reason. I'm asking because I want to re-introduce Air Support in another mod in relation with 'contact reports' sent by players, but I want to delay the spawn time depending on the airbase range, a value that I haven't found in the file. Thanks! |
:Kaleun_Salute: |
New to SH5 - Is TWOS the best choice?
I own SH5 on Steam and just patched it to v 1.2. Some other threads (https://www.subsim.com/radioroom/sho...d.php?t=225274) mentioned the TWOS mega mod as the best mod to start with if you did not want to deal with mod conflicts. I was wondering if that still was the case?
If so, do I need to install JSGME or another mod patcher? Does this mod work with the Steam version of SH5? Thanks! |
Can you please tell me which file from game data folder relate to efficiency bars? Thanks. |
JSGME is included and will launch as part of the install process. Read the install instructions carefully, also I advise making a backup of your Steam game, and then installing. TWOS installer will patch the Steam version of the SH5.exe file. Also if you are like me and prefer English spoken in game you can copy the voice files from your backup to the new install. I think this should be an option in one of VDR's future updates as the install just copies German over the English voice files. Do not add any mods to the new install except the optional ones that come with TWOS as pretty much all the best ones are already included and have been tweaked to work with the game. The only add on mod I use is the murky water mod that is part of Dynamic Env 2.9 because I prefer the bluer pelagic looking water than the murky green.:Kaleun_Wink: |
You don't need to install anything else, you download the 'Full' package of TWoS and follow install instructions. Once installed, you can later install the 'Update' package which is smaller. There are no 'mod conflicts' because in TWoS you DON'T install any external mods. Is it still the best? Yes! There are other comparable megamods, The Sober megamod, and soon I will realease my Xenon's Modlist (that you install with few clicks in JSGME) with the purpose to have a trouble-free stock game with many features designed to have an easier gameplay compared to WoS. But TWoS is still the top for realistic play and SH5 game stability, there is no doubt. The advantage is also: You don't need to get a PHD for modding SH5, this great work has been done for you :yep: |
Boogie's Refit for TWOS
I posted a small texture pack for TWOS in the downloads section and added a couple of screenies to pictures section if anyone is interested in checking them out.
Regards. Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute: |
Boogie's Refit for TWOS
A few screenshots are posted in the pictures section so you can get some Idea of the changes. |
http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/down...o=file&id=5495 Regards. Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute: |
Großdeutscher Rundfunk Rework
So, as promised I had a good and hard look at the Großdeutscher Rundfunk radio station.
Currently almost all events on that radio station get played on the wrong dates, sometimes even in the wrong year. This was not a mistake by VDR! The person who originally created this radio station mod basically just assigned random dates to the "Meldungen aus dem Führerhauptquartier", the Wochenschau newsreels, speeches and the other interesting radio shows on that station. I have now tried to assign each event file to the correct date. Sadly this is not possible with every event, especially not with many Wochenschau reports, since I was not able to research the correct date when they were aired for the first time. Where I could not assign an event to a specific date I researched the events that are talked about in the sound file and tried to place the event on a plausible date. Wochenschau front reports often have a few days added to them, since the production must have taken at least a few days IRL life as well. Many events are repeated once on the same day, just in case you miss the first broadcast because you are underwater ;) A lot of research and a lot of time has gone into this rework, but if you find any errors please feel free to point them out. I basically had to listen to every sound file in the events folder. You know you have listened to too much NS propaganda when you unconsciously start to hum the Englandlied :D The reworked events.ini file can, for the next 14 days, be accessed here http://www.mediafire.com/file/iv445v...vents.ini/file Take the file and put it in this folder after you have made a backup of the old events.ini file: C:\Games\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sound\Radio\Grossdeutscher Rundfunk\Events Do this while you are in the bunker! I have asked VDR to include it in the next update. Want to know when the events will be played? Open the file and the entries StartDate and StartTime will giver you this information for each event. Please note that StartTime gives the time in GMT, not in your local time! Have fun listening to the latest news, it really adds a lot of immersion :Kaleun_Cheers: |
All times are GMT -5. The time now is 05:04 PM. |
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