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Tonci87 02-14-19 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Superwutz (Post 2591631)
Does nobody have any ideas?

I really want to play with the mod but canīt without icons..:wah:

You should have map contacts if you disable real navigation

Superwutz 02-14-19 11:34 AM

it is disabled but nothing shows up on the map like at all..

Bojanpopovic 02-14-19 12:48 PM

How to solve problem with 2 destroyers sticked with me? I travel from Lorient to Athlantic, and two DDs are always on constant distance to me, can't get rid off them, no matter i do, going on surface or submerged...

Tonci87 02-14-19 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2591687)
How to solve problem with 2 destroyers sticked with me? I travel from Lorient to Athlantic, and two DDs are always on constant distance to me, can't get rid off them, no matter i do, going on surface or submerged...

Save the game, restart and reload.

fitzcarraldo 02-14-19 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Superwutz (Post 2591667)
it is disabled but nothing shows up on the map like at all..

If you donīt use Real Nav, you should have the icons, or they are disabled by OFEV. Open OFEV and check the options for Nav Map and TAI.

BTW, there is an addon mod for Map Contacts Colors. Try it. If you donīt have the icons, open OFEV and see the options.

Also, in the options of the game (in the options menu), see if you have the contacts enabled. Realism options.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Tonci87 02-14-19 03:37 PM

I dug a bit into the game files to figure something out, and wow, I couldnīt believe my eyes that apparently so much code from Silent hunter 4 has been used to make this game. There is bits of SH4 code everywhere, although, often without function, since many features SH4 had were not implemented. Things like proper crew management, an office room you visit between patrols, etc.

Now I wonder if they simply used "unscrubbed" SH4 code to save time, or if they at some point intended to get these features into SH5?

What a shame that Ubisoft has ruined what this game could have been by rushing it out the door. I guess the devs would have also had more time for developing the game if Ubisoft didnīt insist that this game should be a testbed for their bull**** DRM they had back then....

EDIT: Disregard the following. I departed on a new patrol, and the submerged torpedo loading boost works again..... This game sometimes....

Anyway, what I wanted to do is have a look why I can not activate the faster torpedo ability while at periscope depth.

I guess it is because of this part of code in Silent Hunter 5\data\UPCDataGE\UPCCrewData\SpecialAbilities.upc


[SpecialAbility 19]                      ; *Faster torpedo tubes reloading-submerged
Description=Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo-Description, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo-Description, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo-Description, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo-Description, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo-Description
Levels= 5
AbilityType=TorpedoLoadingTimeSimple    ; *Faster torpedo tubes reloading-submerged
AbilityValue= -10, -12, -15, -17, -20
RunOnActivate= IfIsSubmerged

PointsRequirement= 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
AbilityRequirements=  0, 1, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo, 1, 1, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo, 2, 1, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo, 3, 1, Ability-Active-Overcharge-Torpedo, 4
LevelUpTree= 2, 3, 4, 5, 0
MoraleCost= 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
PointsCost= 1, 1, 2, 2, 3

AbylityActsIn= ALL

Duration=1200, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3600
Cooldown=16200, 14400, 14400, 10800, 7200

So, doesnīt Periscope depth count as IfIsSubmerged ?

There is not persicope depth function in that file.


; RunOnActivate - functions
; SpeedAheadFlank
; IfIsSurfaced
; IfIsSubmerged

Where in the files does IfIsSubmerged get defined?

gutted 02-14-19 05:41 PM


I couldnīt believe my eyes that apparently so much code from Silent hunter 4
There's unused graphics files from both SH3 & SH4 littered throughout the game folders.

Very sloppy if you ask me.

BrokenPrism 02-15-19 11:54 AM

I have one quick question:

Is it normal for the U-Flak to not have any internal or external storage for torpedoes?

Ashikaga 02-15-19 12:19 PM

U-Flak had limited Torpedo loads. I am not sure whether it is working in-game since I have not played a U-flak yet.


palmic 02-15-19 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2591714)
I couldnīt believe my eyes that apparently so much code from Silent hunter 4 has been used to make this game.

This is how the games are made even today.
if you think about it, all of us work this way.

Tonci87 02-15-19 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2591860)
This is how the games are made even today.
if you think about it, all of us work this way.

Sure, iteration is not bad per se, but in the code of this game you even have things like the complete crew roster from SH4. The files are just there, and not really used by the game I imagine. I think that looks like the programmers didnīt have time to "clean up" after adapting the features to SH5.

gutted 02-15-19 05:56 PM

Was doing a test dive to 200m today in a Type7b. Before i even made it that depth my KDB Hydrophone reciever was reported destroyed. Wut?

A quick look from the bridge after surfacing confirmed it was gone. Since when?

Ashikaga 02-15-19 06:18 PM

Never experienced that. What was your speed?

Tonci87 02-15-19 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by gutted (Post 2591921)
Was doing a test dive to 200m today in a Type7b. Before i even made it that depth my KDB Hydrophone reciever was reported destroyed. Wut?

A quick look from the bridge after surfacing confirmed it was gone. Since when?

Look into the description for the KDB. Those things were historically easily damaged by too much pressure. Either by going below 100m, or by depth charges. Donīt worry, your boat still has the GHG as a Hydrophone.

Skarmy 02-16-19 12:22 PM

Am I doing something wrong? I don't have any way to TC past 64 when near units, is there a setting I'm missing?


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