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fitzcarraldo 02-10-19 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by gutted (Post 2591033)
Wasn't referring to that. I'm talking about all these icons on the map that just say "Merchant Ship" with no corresponding radio message.

Wtf am i supposed to do with that? No time & no general direction? REally? Then why even show them?

I suppose you are playing with contacts enabled. It is how the game works, as SH3 and SH4. With contacts enabled, you can see contacts not reported by the radio. You are seeing the AI around you, within range, reported or not. That isn't 100% realism. You should live with that (as me.....).



gutted 02-10-19 11:08 PM

Im playing with map contacts off (.ie 100% realism) but without real navigation.

In SH3 & 4, reported map contacts come with a time, and estimation of speed and course when you click on them. Though i always edit the ContLine.tga file to be blank so that the super accurate "tail" is invisible.

gutted 02-11-19 02:40 PM

I've switched to real nav, no big deal.. i never used the map for attacking anyway. My other question still stands.

I routinely get messages in my captain's log that i never know about because there is no indication they are there, and they are not sent to my radio messages log. Sometimes i go and look and there's like 3 or 4 contact reports.

Ashikaga 02-11-19 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by gutted (Post 2591144)
I've switched to real nav, no big deal.. i never used the map for attacking anyway. My other question still stands.

I routinely get messages in my captain's log that i never know about because there is no indication they are there, and they are not sent to my radio messages log. Sometimes i go and look and there's like 3 or 4 contact reports.

Yep that is annoying. You would expect your funkmaat to inform you. The messages do at times show up in your messagebox when a convoy is close enough to reach it though. 160kms. But I make a habit of checking the captains log at least once every hour.

Tonci87 02-12-19 10:32 AM

Hey guys, is there a way to mod the game so that the Flak Gun stays manned, even in a bit of rough weather?
Ideally I want the AA gun to be manned even at decks awash, since it is on a raised tower.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

Fifi 02-12-19 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2591248)
Hey guys, is there a way to mod the game so that the Flak Gun stays manned, even in a bit of rough weather?
Ideally I want the AA gun to be manned even at decks awash, since it is on a raised tower.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

I don’t think it’s possible. It’s a game limitation, as i was told by Vecko :salute:

Tonci87 02-12-19 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2591255)
I don’t think it’s possible. It’s a game limitation, as i was told by Vecko :salute:

is it at least possible to keep him at station for a few seconds when a wave washes over the deck? I think there was such a mod for the deck gun. Can anybody point me to it?

kapuhy 02-12-19 01:52 PM

Hello, new TWoS user here. Let me first say thanks for creating this wonderful mod - my short experience with vanilla game made almost made me regret buying, but upon installing TWoS i'm hooked :)

I have some noob questions I haven't been able to find answer for:

- There is an optional "Increased Flooding via Zones", does it make ships more likely to sink from flooding (as opposed to ship-shattering explosion) or just decreases the time it takes the compartments to fill with water?

- While we're at it, is there a tweak or compatible mod to tone down fireworks even further? So far (only played single missions though) single torpedo was enough to sink most merchants, often triggering an immediate explosion. I was under impression that historically, while single torpedo almost always stopped a merchant, it often remained afloat, having to be finished by subsequent shots/gunfire.

Superwutz 02-13-19 12:49 PM

Hi guys I just started with sh again after some years.

Is there any way to turn the map icons back on with this mod?
I just can´t find it..

And also:

There was once a huuge manual pdf (I think form the aotd mod..?) is that still anywhere to find??

Many thanks!

fitzcarraldo 02-13-19 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2591295)
Hello, new TWoS user here. Let me first say thanks for creating this wonderful mod - my short experience with vanilla game made almost made me regret buying, but upon installing TWoS i'm hooked :)

I have some noob questions I haven't been able to find answer for:

- There is an optional "Increased Flooding via Zones", does it make ships more likely to sink from flooding (as opposed to ship-shattering explosion) or just decreases the time it takes the compartments to fill with water?

- While we're at it, is there a tweak or compatible mod to tone down fireworks even further? So far (only played single missions though) single torpedo was enough to sink most merchants, often triggering an immediate explosion. I was under impression that historically, while single torpedo almost always stopped a merchant, it often remained afloat, having to be finished by subsequent shots/gunfire.

Flooding time: increases the flooding, ship sinks fast.

There is an addon mod for no Hollywood explosions (decreases fires and explosions with the same torpedo impact effect) Open JSGME and see the left column.

Good hunt!


gutted 02-13-19 10:36 PM

When can i upgrade to a 7b? Im still stuck in the 7a even though i've finished the first campaign and 1 patrol of the second campaign. I've got atleast 40 ships sunk so far and am past the halfway point of 1940.

kapuhy 02-14-19 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2591526)
Flooding time: increases the flooding, ship sinks fast.

There is an addon mod for no Hollywood explosions (decreases fires and explosions with the same torpedo impact effect) Open JSGME and see the left column.

Good hunt!


I've noticed the faster flooding, but does it make the ship flood more, as in maximum level of flooding is higher (making it more likely to result in sinking), or just reaches the same maximum point faster?

The no Hollywood explosions addon was first thing I've checked (being put off by vanilla "all freighters carry 4th July supplies" explosions), but even with this I never see ships just calmly slip beneath waves - they list more and more and then (usually at decks awash) are torn apart by series of detonations, either breaking in half or just all superstructure blowing up.

Ashikaga 02-14-19 08:45 AM

Explosions on ships while sinking were quite normal when the seawater reached the boilers, especially when they were still functioning.

So it is not that inaccurate.

About the change of boat to type VII. It is strange that it has not happened to you yet. If I remember correctly you were given an option to choose a type VII in the bunker with that maintenance guy, or at least you should have. Maybe Vecko knows.

fitzcarraldo 02-14-19 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Ashikaga (Post 2591609)
Explosions on ships while sinking were quite normal when the seawater reached the boilers, especially when they were still functioning.

So it is not that inaccurate.

About the change of boat to type VII. It is strange that it has not happened to you yet. If I remember correctly you were given an option to choose a type VII in the bunker with that maintenance guy, or at least you should have. Maybe Vecko knows.


BTW, you should have an addon mod for VIIB from the start. Restart campaign needed.

BTW 2: SH5 has problems with awards, points, etc. For awards, it is better and " as real as get" to start the game from KSD and save a logbook in the game.



Superwutz 02-14-19 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Superwutz (Post 2591459)
Hi guys I just started with sh again after some years.

Is there any way to turn the map icons back on with this mod?
I just can´t find it..

And also:

There was once a huuge manual pdf (I think form the aotd mod..?) is that still anywhere to find??

Many thanks!

Does nobody have any ideas?

I really want to play with the mod but can´t without icons..:wah:

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