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gap 01-27-19 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Innos (Post 2588662)
I am looking foreward for this mod, and if one day I can download mods here, I would download it ;)

Welcome aboard Innos :salute:

I think TWoS is available for all the subsim members, no need of special membership, but due to its big size a certain "seniorirty" level might be required for its download to become available to you. So keep posting here and be patient. Hopefully in a few days of active membership you will be allowed to dowload the mod :up:

THEBERBSTER 01-27-19 02:14 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Innos
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AirShark 01-27-19 03:19 PM

some stars are blinking in TWOS is that normal i also have struggling mouse when using binoculars (not the UZO once) is there a fix for them ?

Chucktown 01-27-19 08:52 PM

Running on the surface at night to re position at 64tc and I start hearing shells whiz by me. I quickly go to tc1 and go to the bridge. What i saw was a DD at 0 degrees within about 200m firing at me point blank. The weather conditions was 4kt winds, no fog, no clouds, no precipitation, and moon was about 3/4 if that matters for spotting. I received no warning from my bridge crew even with 1 pt in upgrade for bridge officer in spotting. I did load a save game that was saved with very bad conditions. They were heavy fog, heavy precipitation, 7kt winds, and overcast. Visibility was basically 0 in my save but a reload cleared it up.

My install is a steam install and I used the steam converter as well. I made sure my game was v1.20 before installing TWoS as well. I also made sure sh5.exe was set to administrator rights and I am running win7. I know in the past that there was some extra steps in the past that had to be done to use TDW Patcher with steam, I didn't take those steps since I am assuming the converter was added to remove those steps so correct me if I am wrong. My game install remained in steam/steamapps/common as well. I followed the install instructions to the t and didn't do anything more or less then instructed.

THEBERBSTER 01-28-19 07:06 AM

It seems like the DD was in the heavy fog and with the weather having changed when the game loaded you were immediately exposed?
To go back to heavy fog you will need to use the Esc key to reload the saved game until you get heavy fog again.
This may take several attempts this way and only heavy fog will save you.
If this does not work go back to the main menu and load the saved game and repeat.
As a last resort exit the game back to desktop and repeat.
You will eventually get your heavy fog.


Chucktown 01-28-19 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2588766)
It seems like the DD was in the heavy fog and with the weather having changed when the game loaded you were immediately exposed?
To go back to heavy fog you will need to use the Esc key to reload the saved game until you get heavy fog again.
This may take several attempts this way and only heavy fog will save you.
If this does not work go back to the main menu and load the saved game and repeat.
As a last resort exit the game back to desktop and repeat.
You will eventually get your heavy fog.


I actually traveled for hours in game after reload so it wasn't immediate. If it matters, I had travel mode activated (yellow Icon not grey) and also the enable TCx on message box messages activated (yellow icon not grey) and TC1 on any message box message not activated (grey icon not yellow). I have not made any changes to cfg or the TWoS options file viewer so everything is default.

Chucktown 01-28-19 07:35 PM

I have a question concerning morale decay. So far I have spent 3pts on the Bosun skill but it still shows as 50/100. Is it working and the UI just isnt registering it or am I wasting points here?

siege00 01-28-19 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Chucktown (Post 2588815)
I actually traveled for hours in game after reload so it wasn't immediate. If it matters, I had travel mode activated (yellow Icon not grey) and also the enable TCx on message box messages activated (yellow icon not grey) and TC1 on any message box message not activated (grey icon not yellow). I have not made any changes to cfg or the TWoS options file viewer so everything is default.

May just be a glitch. Maybe the DD was too close when the save was made. Have you tried going to an earlier save? I know it's a PITA but may save you the headache, then you can just retrace your course.

Chucktown 01-28-19 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by siege00 (Post 2588884)
May just be a glitch. Maybe the DD was too close when the save was made. Have you tried going to an earlier save? I know it's a PITA but may save you the headache, then you can just retrace your course.

I got sunk and then just reloaded the save and now I am way past that time. When it happened, I traveled a good 100km from my save point so I am pretty sure the DD wasn't already in range at time of my reload. I knew a DD was out there patrolling because I would hear him on hydrophones but I was relying on my watch crew to tell me if we could see him visually. Not sure what happened, I have many hours in the game (over 100 with TWoS mod alone) and its the only time i can recall something like this. Not a big deal tbh.

edit- Just got done hunting a "coastal boat" which I didn't fire on and stayed hidden once i realized what it was I was hunting. The hydrophone operator never once picked it up even I though it crossed my bow at less then 1km, not sure why but its a coastal boat and idc as long as they register the real fish im seeking. Anyways, I waited for it to get some distance and as i surfaced "ship sighted bearing 110". I couldn't even see but the top of the mast with binoculars but a destroyer at less then 1km eluding my bridge crew! LMAO, **** happens right? The best thing to do is laugh. That said, I have sighted other escorts since this happened at proper distances in good weather so im really not too concerned.

Shaefer 01-29-19 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Chucktown (Post 2588717)
Running on the surface at night to re position at 64tc and I start hearing shells whiz by me. I quickly go to tc1 and go to the bridge. What i saw was a DD at 0 degrees within about 200m firing at me point blank.
The weather conditions was 4kt winds, no fog, no clouds, no precipitation, and moon was about 3/4 if that matters for spotting.
I received no warning from my bridge crew even with 1 pt in upgrade for bridge officer in spotting. .

This must be glitch, that destroyer would have opened fire way before getting so close with those conditions.
Also keep in mind that if you are close to land or a ship, 64x tc is the fastest you can accelerate the game.
So if your a bit form land and are locked to 64X tc, something is close. Unless you enjoy 64 and never go faster. :o
Never trust your watch crew 100%, they miss alot.

bstanko6 01-29-19 05:32 PM

Going high TC in a patrol area where you know there are escorts will do that. Never go over 32. When I have a ship spotted I never go over 8.

Bojanpopovic 02-02-19 02:10 PM

Hi. I am familiar with game, just made campain progress from coastal waters to happy times. I did everything like in tutorial, using silentotto cheat. But i have problems with capitain medals and crew points i have earned so far, they are not transfered to happy times campain, it is just like on begining, they are at 0. I copy/paste these values from career tracker to my new career tracker, but there is no diferent(for medals and crew points) What to do? Sorry for my english...

fitzcarraldo 02-02-19 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2589669)
Hi. I am familiar with game, just made campain progress from coastal waters to happy times. I did everything like in tutorial, using silentotto cheat. But i have problems with capitain medals and crew points i have earned so far, they are not transfered to happy times campain, it is just like on begining, they are at 0. I copy/paste these values from career tracker to my new career tracker, but there is no diferent(for medals and crew points) What to do? Sorry for my english...

Use KSD. With it you will have historic and accurate awards. The awards in SH5 don't work well.



Husksubsky 02-02-19 03:35 PM

Brings me to think about my autoscripts (where I fixed glitches 2016 but forgot upload ) goes to Max 32. Feel free to suggest anything regarding tc at my modthread before I upload newest (wich hold the course).

Bojanpopovic 02-03-19 08:21 AM

Fitzcarraldo with all due respect, what is KSD? Can you point me to description please?

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