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finchOU 01-17-19 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2587097)
Your silent hunter 5 folder -> The Wolves of Steel - Documentation ->Quick start manual.

I hope somebody has a solution for the Gyro stabilized deck gun....

Is there a hotkey to disable all the HUD elements at once?

Thanks I'll take a look.

as far as disabling the HUD (i'm assuming to declutter so you can see more at night?)....

It's shift + Z (not the ./Del key)

gap 01-17-19 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2587097)
Is there a hotkey to disable all the HUD elements at once?

It should be shift + z

finchOU 01-17-19 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2587113)
It should be shift + z

Yep...just about to edit it. Couldn't remember exactly. the ./Del key is for Heading to View.

HistoryNerd 01-17-19 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by italianmarine (Post 2586515)
If you have Wolves of steel, there is a possibility to use the noob mode.
When in the bunker, deactivate manual targeting in the options.
Once started the mission, use the map. There is menu to highlight/activate all the info`s again which will be shown on the map once done.
You can lock then a target and see the numbers 1 to 3 you mentioned above.

Tip: lock target, make your settings, unlock target while aiming at the spot where the torpedo should hit and shoot. (easy mode)

Normally it will hit. If the ship notices the torpedo they could still evade by changing speed and movement of course. If you shoot within 1000m normally they can`t evade.

You just made my night

italianmarine 01-18-19 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by HistoryNerd (Post 2587138)
You just made my night

glad to help :-)

oIMADMANIo 01-18-19 07:03 AM

This Mod makes SH5 to a great simulation Game as it has to be - i love the in-depth details like the Enigma and the RealNavigation-Tools.

So thanks to everyone who worked on this :D

I hope someone can answer me a question about RealNavigation - i got a strange thing here. When I give my NavigationOfficer the order to make a celestial Position fix - he tells me the WeatherReport - same with the AutomaticScript. Dead-Reckoning works - Celestial donīt.

I installed the mod as it should be, i guess and donīt have change anything - except UBoatNumber and CaptainsName.

Thanks for help & have fun :)


gap 01-18-19 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by oIMADMANIo (Post 2587177)
When I give my NavigationOfficer the order to make a celestial Position fix - he tells me the WeatherReport - same with the AutomaticScript. Dead-Reckoning works - Celestial donīt.

Dead-Reckoning fixes can be calculated any time; IIRC, celestial fixes require the boat to be surfaced and weather to be clear :salute:

moosenoodles 01-18-19 09:19 AM

I have done some searching to no avail for certainty regarding this question:

Sh5 + wos 2.2.9 ( latest I believe ) Installed, game runs flawless apart from one little thing.

The stop engines key doesnt work, I did a test as I saw in the commands file for stop engines there was an optional commented out 0 key for it as well so I used the 0 key on my keyboard instead in the config and re did the commenting for the file. 0 key nor tilde key works for stop engines.

Im baffled... (excuse the punn)

Any simple fix in this day and age? :D

p.s It's important to me as I use a full voice script for control of the sub commands. And this one eludes me.

oIMADMANIo 01-18-19 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2587187)
Dead-Reckoning fixes can be calculated any time; IIRC, celestial fixes require the boat to be surfaced and weather to be clear :salute:

Thanks for your Answer - makes sense. But the boat is surfaced and the weather is perfectly clear. No Fog and 2m/s Windspeed ...

The Log tells me - "The Officer is calculating the Position..." and then drops the weather report. Doing this a few seconds ago - was 0400 in the morning - in SilentHunterTime ;D

@ moosenoodles

Does your celestial position fix work correctly?

moosenoodles 01-18-19 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by oIMADMANIo (Post 2587203)
Thanks for your Answer - makes sense. But the boat is surfaced and the weather is perfectly clear. No Fog and 2m/s Windspeed ...

The Log tells me - "The Officer is calculating the Position..." and then drops the weather report. Doing this a few seconds ago - was 0400 in the morning - in SilentHunterTime ;D

@ moosenoodles

Does your celestial position fix work correctly?

I don't get a weather report all the time like that, It does calculate but even if it looks to "me" stars are good enough for calculation it sometimes just give s a dead reckoning instead. Im still unsure if its all functioning as it should be, still checking on it all after a while away from the sim.

Just tried it now as it said it was clear no fog etc etc, script is running for correct time period and I hit calculate for celestial fix on the crew member but still sitting there saying its calculating.

edit: It took ages to get the fix it seems, and it did not update me with it till I submerged to periscope depth, then it fixed position. not sure if that was just a bug or just took ages for the pc to decide to tell me :D

oIMADMANIo 01-18-19 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by moosenoodles (Post 2587208)
I don't get a weather report all the time like that, It does calculate but even if it looks to "me" stars are good enough for calculation it sometimes just give s a dead reckoning instead. Im still unsure if its all functioning as it should be, still checking on it all after a while away from the sim.


Thatīs confuse me - I just started the campaign yesterday. Leave the Port of Memel and the whole way to Danzig Bay - not a single Celestial Fix ... for me, the weather looks fine. So I thought the Function is broken ... humm


Thanks for your check, noodles. I guess, I have to watch the Work of my Navigation Officer exactly - maybe he is just to unskilled to fix our Position this way ;D

gap 01-18-19 11:09 AM

Celestial fixes are more accurate than dead-reckoning fixes, but their calculations take longer and they are not always possible. Not only cloud cover might prevent the navigator from calculating them, but also waves and fog.
Luckily, in most situations dead-reckoning fixes are more than enough :03:

oIMADMANIo 01-18-19 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2587211)
Celestial fixes are more accurate than dead-reckoning fixes, but their calculations take longer and they are not always possible. Not only cloud cover might prevent the navigator from calculating them, but also waves and fog.
Luckily, in most situations dead-reckoning fixes are more than enough :03:

I understand that - but my NavOfficer was not able to make one single celestial fix until the last 24h even though the weather was ideal. The only celestial fixes I got are this which comes from the Game by loading the Savegame.

vdr1981 01-18-19 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by moosenoodles (Post 2587201)
The stop engines key doesnt work

While submerged only or surfaced as well?

moosenoodles 01-18-19 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2587224)
While submerged only or surfaced as well?

both situations.

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