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Sitting in grid AM5399 attacking passing cargo ships, sunk 6 2000ton merchants with 100 88mm shells and 1 G7E torpedo. Had to let a few pass because of Naval ships in the area.
Been there since september 3 1939, Date is currently September 6. Aside from patroling torpedo boats and the occasional destroyer it seems to be a good spot to intercept lone ships and Large convoys (although I've yet to see one this early in the war) Anyone know when the Hood is docked at scapa flow? I could use 48000tons:) |
Unless its a small ship i.e Coastal Freighter, Tramp Steamer etc. I avoid sinking ships exclusively with the deck gun because its not very realistic to sink say a Liberty Cargo with the deck gun alone. Hit her with a torp and finish her off with a deck gun that I can agree with as both realistic and historical. :arrgh!:
Date: 11 Jul 1942 Time: 12:42 Enroute to PZ “It keeps getting jammed Herr Kaleun, looks like the bolt mechanism is slightly askew.” “Scheiss, what about the other one?” “Same thing Sir, looks like someone has tampered with both of them.” “Keep a sharp eye to the sky Gerhart same goes for all the lookouts. We will have to be extra vigilant when traveling on the surface. We are sitting ducks up here with both flak guns disabled. I am going to report this to BdU they have to secure the bases that’s two patrols in a row the boat gets sabotaged.” :x |
By all means feel free to play which ever way you see fit and makes your gaming experience more enjoyable. There are people that find ramming as a perfectly legitimate way of sinking ships. I personally avoid unrealistic behavior for immersion's sake. Its up to each individual to see where the line is drawn.
As long as we all have fun playing this wonderful simulation. :up: |
Just finished a patrol in AN24, with U-21, my type IID boat...
Would have been a good catch, but sadly, nothing went right, except for me evading the escorts (a J&K and a Tribal class). End of November 1939, went to do some interdiction northwest of Bergen. I had a hunch that I would see some British ships and man I wasn`t wrong. On the night between the 29th and 30th, a small convoy showed up. Picked it up as a visual contact, about 15k away, good thing that I wasn`t moving at first, help my boat to blend in the coastal background. Went to periscope depth, set my torpedoes for under keel shots. sent 1 flying towards a coastal merchant, another one to a medium merchant and the last one towards the lead escort, the J&K. I guess the J&K spotted the torpedo before anybody else (at 00:12 in November... but i think the moon betrayed me a bit), he dodged it and I saw the merchant ships maneuvering. Sadly, all the torpedoes missed. The J&K started a search with his search light, but I was already diving for 80m, the Tribal class was coming from the north and very fast. I started heading westward, wanted to get out of this "death trap" of a canal, was in the deepest part of it, but didn't want to be stuck to about 2 square km of running ground. Both the J&K and the Tribal went just about overhead of my position, but no ping heard, no depth charges either, so I continue westward, changing my heading in only 10 degrees increments and about 10 mins apart. Just as I crest out of the fjords waters, my sonar tells me there is another warship, hidden in an alcove just on the northwest side of the island. He was somewhat stuck, he couldn't maneuver, his bow was pointing at the shore. I decided to take the chance of sinking her. Calculated everything, so my torpedoes don't hit the seabed and hit towards the rear of the ship. BOOM and BOOM... Two hits, but sadly, didn't get the credit, maybe because it was in very shallow waters. Out of torpedoes, I headed back home, with sadly 0 tonnage confirmed. |
You got out of there in one piece that is all that matters. As the war progresses and the Allies get better and better and hunting Uboats, you will find that any patrol you can walk away from is a good patrol :up: regardless of tonnage.
So cheer up you lived to fight another day and learned to never again use magnetic pistol :nope: on your eels. Or at least I hope you did :o |
New career
My first career went down the pan on my most successfull mission ever.. Started my second career tonight. Got given AL33. Headed up there past south of ireland and up past south part of rockall. Arrived in grid. Scans on way up and also in the grid with hyrdophone yeald nothing but silence or marine life.
So turned and headed back towards rockall. Once there another scan also yealds silence. :damn: Game saved @ 12:45am :yawn: U-65 (IXB) ALL torpedoes Remaining Deck Gun not even loaded with ammo yet! Current plan I hope to have another session friday night, will prob skirt round top of ireland and down irish sea, st georges and bristol channel then back to lorient. Last time I did the irish sea was a gold-mine....We'll have to see!!!! |
Fresh Start
First patrol. U27 VII(A). 2. Flotilla.
11 torpedoes in all. 10 up front & 1 external stern tube. No externals carried. Left Wilhelmshaven on 1.sep.39 for BE61. Decided on using Der Kanal for the first patrol only, rather than dodging carrier based aircraft up north. 2.sep.39 AN79 Met a dutch coastal merchant, and an english elco today. The elco was rather polite in a standoffish way. The dutchman was another story. He deliberately tryed to ram us! Made quite a turn in his efforts too. 3.sep.39 BF33 War has begun. Started things off with an english coastal merchant. Course 038. 7 knots. 2000 meter shot with a single G7E. Torpedo impact, followed by a 40 minute wait for him to go down. Coastal Merchant (1.997 GRT) sunk. 7.sep.39 BF27 At 12.44 we got a sound contact. At 13.33 we fired a single G7A at an english little merchant. It was a guesstimated shot at 3.000 meters, and missed. I underestimated his speed. 8.sep.39 BF28 (Still in Der Kanal. Barely.) At 14.03 we got a sound contact. The captain placed his boat just a-little too well in front of the targets estimated track. At 300 meters, in broad daylight, in Der Kanal, I did something very foolish because the target was too close for a torpedo shot. Surface! Man the deck gun! (2 boot Seamen - no Gunnersmate yet.) They made up for their lack of speed with accuracey. 6 rounds and a french little merchant went down. We did the same while we still could, on our own. Little Merchant (2.411 GRT) sunk. That was 26 miles NNW of France. 46 miles NW of Brest. 10.sep.39 BF19 At 16.28 we got multiple sound contacts, and took up the chase. By 16.54 we found what must have been the war's first outbound convoy. Contact report sent to BDU immediately. At 17.46 I made a submerged daylight attack. 3 G7Es, with a 5 degree custom spread, at a T2 Tanker. 1 G7A at a Little Merchant. At 17.47 we heard all 4 torpedoes hit, and nothing sink! The counterattack by a DD & ASW Trawler was ineffective. Quietly following the convoy. Course 250. Speed 6 knots. At 19.08 the T2 is finaly DIW. By 19.15 he's already behind our 2 knot boat. At 21.31 via the stern tube, T2 Tanker (english - 10.872 GRT) sunk. 11.sep.39 BF19 (still) At 01.30 U27 conducted a night surface attack and expended her last 4 torpedoes. 2 small ships were struck with 3 torpedoes, and nothing sunk, or even slowed! A status report was sent at 02.37, and U27 was instructed to recon her grid. (Need the renown, as I didn't attend the accademy. Mustangs are cool!) Then back through Der Kanal. 24.sep.39 BF33 (15 miles east of Dover. 5 miles off The Continent.) 04.53 U27 came under surface attack. Total depth is 42 - 47 meters. The tower took some hits. There were some minor repairs to conduct inside. The attacker was soon joined by 2 "very fast" DDs. U27 successfuly evaded at 20 meters. (I went straight under the first attacker at Full while he was in his attack run and couldn't hear us. Then went silent at 90 RPM. We were lucky. It worked. That, and the following day were spent in waters as shallow as 35 meters. 27.sep.39 AN98 At 14.00 U27 docked at Wilhelmhaven with 92% Hull Integrity. (The real U27 only made one patrol. We almost matched that at Dover.) Patrol Results were 3 ships sunk for 15.280 GRT. No injuries. No deaths. 8 days ekstra in the yards for repairs. Oh! Gotz Zinke was promoted from GMSN to GM3. (Gave him the gunner qual!) |
@Snestorm: Nice logging. Good luck in your VIIa.
You mentioned no externals. I never noticed.... is there a way to control what gets loaded on the boat while in port? Quote:
yes you can control the load-out. Am sure it right hand side desk. (sld say u-boat) Click that and click on picture of torpedo. Remove torpedo from external position..
Then again why wld you wan't to carry LESS torpedoes than a full compliment anyway? :88) |
Oh! Conversion from a IXB or VIIB, to a IX(A) or VII(A), is realy easy. After leaving port, just fire off the stern tubes. When the guys get done reloading you've got yourself a IX(A) or VII(A). It also gives the later VIICs and IXCs a-little more of a chance to compete, with their earlier cousines, in tonnage. |
(In 1944 the VIICs didn't even carry the 2 torpedoes in excess in the bow - 8 total in the bow.) "And expended all torpedoes. There were 12 in all" Otto Kretchmer - U99 VIIB (12 = 10 bow + 2 stern, no externals.) Without the external reloads my tonnage (at 100% settings) is matching the historical numbers fairly well. Each of my boats has a carreer, as opposed to each commander. Personaly, I just didn't like the inflated tonnage figures but, to each is own. |
Had a horrible scare earlier when I submerged without checking the depth. Lost my gunnery-qualified officer, my soundman and my radioman. :o Luckily the Type II is a tough little boat.
well i have nearly reached the end of the war
date February 7 1945 and i have just been transfered to Flensburg and when i just begun the patrol their a bombing raid on the base done by a few american bombers managed to down a b24 then i embarked on a 50 hour sail to grid AF44 and on the trip their i got allot of messages of other U boats getting destroyed by the allies... and when i finally arrived no sign of life not even a bloody fishing boat so for now i am still alive for now |
Super cool! |
I'm currently in an IX-B sitting submerged in sector AM54. Heavy rain and fog. I got here by starting a track on a slow moving merchant going east. When I got the intercept course correct. I notice some time later that the course needed constant adjustment. Finally headed straight to it. When I finally got to it it was almost swamped from the heavy waves.
My intent was to use the guns to finish her but they boys didn't want to fight the waves. So I lined up a torpedo shot at 590 meters. First two were duds. Third hit on stern and blew prop off. Forth finished the job just forward of the bridge. Twas only a Tramp Steamer for 1964 tons. Whoops... Got a new contact coming. Bearing 111. |
Patrol 14
Kapitanleutnant Willi Laue U-65, Type IXB, 2nd Flotilla Left at: July 23, 1940, 02:43 From: Wilhelmshaven Mission Orders: Patrol grid BE87 28.7.40. 1019-Grid BF 18-Ship sunk! S.S. Concho (Small Merchant), 1829 tons (deck gun). 17 days into the patrol now and not a fish fired. Hydrophones picked up a convoy on the Halifax/Liverpool convoy route. We have been shadowing it now for nearly 150k in the foulest weather. Running 10 or 15k ahead on the surface, turning back towards, dive to 20m, regain contact, check their course and then do it again. If the weather doesn't break in the next 10 hours then we are screwed.:down: But that is not our only problem. A contact report from Bdu places a large convoy, same course and speed 42k north of this one. The last contact with my convoy was 30mins ago, I don't think it could have moved 42k sideways in 30 mins.:o |
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