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Exakt 04-05-10 08:42 PM

Here is Jaana Galland, the Kaleun who took over U-47.

And here is the report of her first patrol.

And now, looks like I'm heading towards Gibraltar...

darkone999 04-07-10 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1347161)
Hey Tim

There are a lot of threads regarding problems with corrupted saves. Sometimes they just happen for no reason anyone can pinpoint. However the general consensus seems to be that you can lower your chances of having problems by:

- not saving when submerged
- not saving when within visual range of land or other vessels
- if you are using mods, disable/enable them only while in port (unless the mod's readme says it's safe to do otherwise)
- if you are using SH3 Commander, set it to "roll back" any changes it makes each time you exit the game

If you're already doing all the above and still getting corrupted saves, you can try posting some more of the relevant details and see if anyone can give you a few more ideas.

Keep in mind though once you have a corrupted savegame, any savegames made after it will also be corrupted, so if you want to continue the same career or mission you'll have to keep going backwards through all the saves you made until you find one that is clean.

frau kaleun

Thanks for the advice.I do follow most ideas you posted.I am lucky in that When my save games do get corrupted I only have to go back one and not very often two saved games.It dosent happen alot but its just a pain when it does..I just had hopes there might be a simple fix..My course of action now is just save the game alot..Anways thanks again...


frau kaleun 04-07-10 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by darkone999 (Post 1350685)
My course of action now is just save the game alot


Always a good idea!

Paul Riley 04-07-10 08:19 AM

U-48 ravages the western approaches

Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1347922)
War diary , U-48
8th Dec 1939

Having now been at sea 11 days we have been patrolling a 200km corridor from BF11-BF14,accounting for 3 sinkings in the area so far,including 1 French freighter,1 British modern tanker (a good 9000 tonnes too!),and 1 British intermediate tanker for a total of 14.464 GRT.All attacks were performed at close range with contact tips (2 at night,1 in total daylight) in practically perfect weather conditions,hardly a breeze anywhere.
8 torpedoes remain with approx 150 rds of HE shells.
-Kapt. Kurt Neulinger , U-48

U-48 has also raised concern about faulty torpedoes experiencing 2 duds and one that failed to keep its depth passing right under its target.

Looks like it may be a good Christmas booze up if they manage to fire off all remaining torpedoes with successful sinkings and make it back in time.Doenitz has promised 2 weeks of leave for every man.They plan to spend possibly 1-2 weeks more on patrol then attempt another risky passage through the channel for a brief 3 days or so.Kurt however plans to spend Christmas with his elderly mother and to visit the grave of his recently deceased father.He is thankful he has good men aboard his UBoat to keep his morale in top form during this difficult time.
Wish them luck! :woot:

War diary , U-48
14th Dec 1939

Having now spent 17 days at sea we finally managed to sink 6 ships through grids BF11-BF14.This area proved to be very lucrative and I have no doubt we will return there again soon,however we won't be going through the channel next time,its getting too tight now,patrols are starting to swarm around the channel openings.
Almost all attacks were successful,performed at ranges between 500-1000m and contact tips.We experienced only 2 duds and 1 that passed clear under the keel of one ship.
But the jewel in this patrol occured last night,we picked up a large ship on the horizon at night on one of the logged shipping lanes in BF14 that seems to be used mainly by tankers,and it turned out to be a 12000 tonne whale factory vessel doing 12kts,our biggest prize yet!.I sent 2 into her from 1000m with a spread of 2 degrees,both slammed into her perfectly and she sunk after around 15mins.I couldnt believe my good fortune,I was moments away from calling an end to the patrol when my instincts told me to stay in the area longer.After that glorious final sinking it really was time to consolidate our victories and head back home,where surely an Iron cross awaits me,and the men also will no doubt be showered with medals and other spoils of war,including women!
We are now moments away from entering the channel on another risky endeavour to shorten our return in time for Christmas.The area is alive with warships and we will need to remain very vigilant,running decks awash in the day and surfaced at high speed at night.Let us hope our recent audacious actions are not avenged by angry English warships,and that our courage and tenacity carries us safely home again.

Current patrol total - 6 for 36.958 GRT
2 stern torpedoes left,150 rds HE shells
Fuel - approx 5000km left moving at ahead full

Kpt.Kurt Neulinger

Immelman 04-08-10 10:04 AM

Just started a new career and I took the training wheels off. I have always used Manual TDC but now, no more map contact updates I will have to come up with my firing solutions all by myself.

1st War Patrol
Date: 03 Mar 1942
Time: 20:35
Port of Salamis

Departing port of Salamis for PZ off the coast of Egypt.
U-83 VIIB fully provisioned, fresh water tanks topped off.
Eels: 8 TI(G7a) 6 TII(G7e)
Crew: 42

1st War Patrol
Date: 07 Mar 1942
Time: 2:12
50 km SE of the island of Crete.

First blood!

Lookouts spotted Tramp Steamer at medium range. "Prepare for surfaced attack! Chief take us down down to 7m, crew look out decks awash!"

Time to practice my targeting skills. "Speed 9kts heading 335 solution set, flood tubes 1 & 4, open outer door on tube 1" Lets check that flag again now that we are closer just to be sure. "Boys she is a Kiwi, good eye Gerhart extra ration of Becks for you if we get this done right" I tell my IWO and laughter ensues as bit of the tension is releaved. "Stay sharp men, watch your sectors!" Can't afford to get surprised last minute by some roving destroyer.

"Set torpedo depth 3m, range 900m, Tube 1, LOS! All ahead full, right full rudder come 90 degrees to starboard, clear the bridge! Chief take us down to PD. Up scope", the trail of bubbles from the TI is visible as I stare through the scope. The eel is eating up the distance to its target as we count down the seconds. The eel has not been spotted and the Steamer is about to get a rude awakening. "Ten seconds to impact" my weapons officer states trying his best to appear calm. The crew holds its collective breath as we anticipate the detonation of the warhead.

KABOOOM right where we aimed under the fore mast. "Down scope" 2 spot lights come on and started looking for anything the gunners manning that 88 can shoot at. Sure as hell will not be my boat! "Lots of metal grinding Herr Kaleu, heavy flooding! Sounds like we ripped one hell of a chunk right from under her" Johan my Hydrophone Operator reports. The crew happily cheers as we hear the reverberation from the explosion and the low moaning sound of metal being sheared.

I risk a peak through the scope and she is well past us now but has slowed to a crawl, listing to starboard and her bow is already under. "That's a kill boys no two ways about it. Have a look Chief" Helmuth steps to the scope and a large smile blossoms on his lips. "Good job boss, looks like we did it, I give her another 15 minutes before she goes." :arrgh!:

Exakt 04-08-10 11:17 AM

And now off to BF15... should be a good hunt.

Snestorm 04-08-10 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1352201)
Just started a new career and I took the training wheels off. I have always used Manual TDC but now, no more map contact updates I will have to come up with my firing solutions all by myself.

"Good job boss," :arrgh!:

He got that right, boss!

Well done!

Snestorm 04-08-10 09:56 PM

U502 IXC. 2. Flotilla. Patrol 3.
Patrol Dates: D. 7.apr.42 til d. 17.jun.42.

Assigned Grid: BB83 (South of Canada.)
Routing to be across the northern convoy routes, then south and east along the canadian coastline.

BF61 7.apr.42 19.56 Underway.

BF42 12.apr.42 16.07 til 18.25 Evading 2 ASW Vessels.

BE63 14.apr.42
18.28 Merchant picked up on hydrophone.
19.28 Submerged Daylight Attack. Fire Tube 3 (G7A).
Course 058. Speed 8 Knots. Miss. Undetected.
20.42 Surface, and at 'em again.
23.01 Surfaced Night Attack. Fire Tube 5 (G7A).
Course 068. Speed 7 Knots. Torpedo Impact!
23.04 Dive to reload, follow, and listen.
23.16 Little Merchant (2.343 GRT) Sunk!

BE39 15.apr.42
02.24 Merchant picked up on hydrophone.
Wasted a stern shot. He passed directly over us, and I tryed putting a torpedo in his tail.
05.46 Daylight Submerged Attack. Fire 1, 2, 4 (G7E x 3).
Course 359. Speed 7 Knots. Double Impact! Target DIW (Dead In Water).
08.07 After 2 more topedo hits - C2 Cargo (6.448 GRT) Sunk.

8 torpedoes for 2 ships. This ain't good. And I don't carry externals!
All tubes loaded. All reloads expended.

BE38 16.apr.42
18.24 Warship picked up on hydrophone.
18.30 Second warship detected.
18.37 Third warship detected. Hunter Killer Group.
20.24 "No sound contacts, sir." Successful evasion. Undected.

BC26 29.apr.42 Western North Atlantic.
08.18 Ship spotted. Periscope depth. Coastal Merchant & Little Merchant.
08.33 Fire tube 3 (G7A). Course 075. Speed 6 Knots. Range 1.100 Meters.
08.34 Torpedo Impact! (To the stern section.) Torpedoes are expensive!
11.22 Daylight Submerged Attack with stern tubes.
11.22 Coastal Merchant (1.977 GRT) Sunk. (G7A). Course 064. Speed 6 Knots.
11.23 Fire 6. Last stern torpedo. (G7A). At Little Merchant.
11.24 Torpedo Impact! Again, she ain't going down!
13.12 Detected in end run. Target opened fire, and forced U502 down.
15.41 Fire tube 2. (G7E).
15.41 Little Merchant (2.389 GRT) Sunk. Course 064. Speed 4 Knots.
15.58 STATUS REPORT: 4 ships sunk for 13.157 GRT. 2 torpedoes remaining.

BC15 4.maj.42 07.42 Hydrophone contact on warship.
BC17 6.maj.42 09.06 Hydrophone contact on warship.

BB69 8.maj.42
18.11 Hydrophone contact on merchant.
19.00 Fire 4 (G7E). Torpedo impact! 25 Miles off Canada.
19.07 Coastal Merchant (1.979 GRT) sunk. Course 110. Speed 6 Knots.

One torpedo left.

BB64 11.maj.42 23.59 "Canada 6 Miles North". Total depth is 88 Meters.
(IX drivers and II drivers and much in common.)

BB82 14.maj.42
19.00 On station.
19.33 Hydrophone contact on warship. (He was around twice.)

BB95 18.maj.42 16.00 Hydrophone contact on warship.

20.maj.42 23.22 Hydrophone contact on merchant.
21.maj.42 00.19 Fire tube 1. (G7E). Torpedo impact on little merchant. No sinking.

CC32 STATUS REPORT: 5 ships sunk for 15.136 GRT. 0 torpedoes left.

BE66 10.jun.42 10.49 Hunter Killer Group evaded on hydrophone.

BF61 17.jun.42 12.15 Docked at Lorient.

Patrol Results: 5 ships sunk for 15.136 GRT.

U502's history to date:
3 patrols from 29.sep.41 til 17.jun.42.
10 ships sunk for 43.281 GRT.

Anybody know how to fix the radar, so it will stay on?

armyguy 04-09-10 09:09 AM

December ninth 1940
The U-148 Type IID sub is at home in Lorinet getting off patrol 4
Merchant ships sunk 1
Merchant tonnage 10615.00
No dead

Career total
Merchant ships sunk 4
Merchant tonnage 28010
Warships sunk 3
Warships tonnage 4440
Tonnage total 34.321

Immelman 04-09-10 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1352201)
Just started a new career and I took the training wheels off. I have always used Manual TDC but now, no more map contact updates I will have to come up with my firing solutions all by myself.

1st War Patrol
Date: 03 Mar 1942
Time: 20:35
Port of Salamis

Departing port of Salamis for PZ off the coast of Egypt.
U-83 VIIB fully provisioned, fresh water tanks topped off.
Eels: 8 TI(G7a) 6 TII(G7e)
Crew: 42

1st War Patrol
Date: 07 Mar 1942
Time: 2:12
50 km SE of the island of Crete.

First blood!

Lookouts spotted Tramp Steamer at medium range. "Prepare for surfaced attack! Chief take us down down to 7m, crew look out decks awash!"

Time to practice my targeting skills. "Speed 9kts heading 335 solution set, flood tubes 1 & 4, open outer door on tube 1" Lets check that flag again now that we are closer just to be sure. "Boys she is a Kiwi, good eye Gerhart extra ration of Becks for you if we get this done right" I tell my IWO and laughter ensues as bit of the tension is releaved. "Stay sharp men, watch your sectors!" Can't afford to get surprised last minute by some roving destroyer.

"Set torpedo depth 3m, range 900m, Tube 1, LOS! All ahead full, right full rudder come 90 degrees to starboard, clear the bridge! Chief take us down to PD. Up scope", the trail of bubbles from the TI is visible as I stare through the scope. The eel is eating up the distance to its target as we count down the seconds. The eel has not been spotted and the Steamer is about to get a rude awakening. "Ten seconds to impact" my weapons officer states trying his best to appear calm. The crew holds its collective breath as we anticipate the detonation of the warhead.

KABOOOM right where we aimed under the fore mast. "Down scope" 2 spot lights come on and started looking for anything the gunners manning that 88 can shoot at. Sure as hell will not be my boat! "Lots of metal grinding Herr Kaleu, heavy flooding! Sounds like we ripped one hell of a chunk right from under her" Johan my Hydrophone Operator reports. The crew happily cheers as we hear the reverberation from the explosion and the low moaning sound of metal being sheared.

I risk a peak through the scope and she is well past us now but has slowed to a crawl, listing to starboard and her bow is already under. "That's a kill boys no two ways about it. Have a look Chief" Helmuth steps to the scope and a large smile blossoms on his lips. "Good job boss, looks like we did it, I give her another 15 minutes before she goes." :arrgh!:

1st War Patrol
Date: 08 Mar 1942
Time: 20:24
100 km NW of Alexandria

Man o'War

"Hydrophone contact Herr Kaleun, multiple screw sounds bearing 150, moving fast and closing." "
"How far away Johan?"
"Extreme range but getting louder"
"All ahead two thirds, take us up to PD Chief and make your course South South East" time to take a quick peak make sure there are no surprises up top. "Up scope" Quick scan of the sky and one more of the sea, nothing on the horizon. "Surface the boat chief all ahead full, give me standard propulsion we will recharge the batteries later. Are your men ready Gerhart?"
"Men are assembled and standing by sir"
"Very well, stay sharp up there men we are expecting a fast moving convoy not long from now. Extra rations of beer for the first one to spot it! That got their attention and some cheers out of the men!
"Its not fair sir Leutnant Gerhart always wins" said one of the lookouts and everyone laughed good heartedly. The men where up the ladder in a heart beat as the conning tower broke the surface of the calm water.

Karls the navigator covered his maps as water gushed down the tower. His latest grease marks noted the estimated position of the convoy as well as our approximate position. Looking at the map I drew a line from the convoy towards the port of Alexandria the predictable course. I decided to try to sneak in since I was lucky enough to be ahead of them. Karls and Helmuth were watching me expectantly. "We run another 8km on the surface then Chief run us decks awash for another 5km. The last leg we will run submerged. The Tommies will certainly have radar on those escorts and I don't want to ruin the surprise we have in store for them." The men smiled conspiratorially. It will be dark when we engage so I better tell Fritz to load all tubes with TIs. Might as well have him recheck all the detonators, better be safe then have duds.

1st War Patrol
Date: 08 Mar 1942
Time: 21:47
100 km NW of Alexandria

“Lead ship bearing 64 degrees Herr Kaleu” we were close enough now that Johan could distinguish individual screw sounds in all that infernal cacophony that he listened to on his head set. It was pitch black outside and I couldn’t see anything in the scope. “We will have to be real close to fire accurately I murmured to Fritz.” We all have taken up the habit of talking in whispers when attacking submerged, as if the enemy could hear our plans. We are running silent at PD the control room is suffused in the red glow of the night lamps that are preserving my night vision.

A hazy form slowly becomes distinguishable despite the pitch black moonless night. Slowly it materialized in the distinct silhouette of a destroyer. There’s your lead ship Johan. “Destroyer moving fast” Everyone froze in their tracks in the control room. “Breath people she hasn’t detected us she going on her merry way.” Sighs could be heard all around me as I started enunciating my observations. “Moving right to left, Bow angle 70, estimated speed say 20kts, range 3000 meters. Down scope” Let’s give her a minute and check again.

Lather rinse repeat and we finally have a workable solution. We can’t use it to fire yet, we have to firm it up but it’s a start. As I raise the scope yet again and do my usual check, I notice more forms emerging from the dark night. They are big, massive! Three of the in a row moving fast! “What is it Herr Kaleun” Fritz probably noticed how my knuckles turned white as my grip increased on the scope.

“We are about to stir up a hornet’s nest. This is not a regular convoy, this is a task force. We need to work fast on this one boys and get the hell out even faster. Chief 5 degrees to port all ahead one third, Fritz prepare to fire a salvo, flood all fore tubes and open all outer doors. Set depth 6m, speed 40kts spread angle 1 degree.” I want to line up nice and proper on the last one in line and get as close as I can. “My God she is so big she doesn’t fit in my scope even when zoomed out!” Fritz snaps me out of my trance. “What about the range Herr Kaleun?”
“Make it 1800m, fire all tubes on my mark.”
“LOS!” I bark out my orders while my eyes stay glued on the four white fingers of death extending towards the unsuspecting prey. “Chief take us down fast. All ahead full!” With my last few moments before the scope gets smothered by the waves I make a quick 360 sweep of the horizon to make sure that we have not been spotted. “Down scope.”

I look at Fritz questioningly but his eyes heed only the needles of the chronometer. “Passing 30 meters” the Chief calls it out. No one pays him any attention all eyes are on Fritz. The bow planes man gets smacked on the back of the head “Eyes front mind your station sailor!” the Chief scolds him. “Passing 50 meters” says the Chief and I sigh in relief. “All ahead one third”, I give the order, we are not out of the woods yet, but there is no need to be calling more attention to ourselves then we have to. All is quiet in the control room barring the sound of metal being compressed as we descend and of course the tic tac of the chronometer. “10 seconds” my Weapons officer manages his voice hoarse with tension and starts giving us the count down.

The silence is shattered by four loud booms followed by a thunderous bang. A few seconds later the boat shakes as the turbulence hits us all the way down here at 80m. “Massive flooding sir, metal grinding, bulkheads breaking, sounds like a train wreck up there.”
“I certainly hope so” says Fritz “A four eel salvo will ruin anyone’s day. Just what in the hell did we shoot at sir” I never got the chance to reply since Johan reported “Fast screws coming in hot, depth charges in the water”
“All ahead full come 30 degrees to starboard new course bearing 210. Once we complete the turn resume silent running. Relax men they got nothing on us, standard procedure to make sure that our heads are down not a PD looking for more targets. They are keeping us busy while they wait for reinforcements. I figure there is another two destroyers on their way over here. But we’ll be long gone, by the time they get here, will be on the other side of that train wreck. Keep heading down chief all the way to 180 meters.”

1st War Patrol
Date: 09 Mar 1942
Time: 01:12
100 km NW of Alexandria

“Think it’s safe to go back up there sir” Chief asks me warily.
“Don’t worry chief I doubt they are lying about waiting for us. There were travelling quite fast over 20kts they were in a hurry to get somewhere. Besides they got nothing left to shoot at us that can reach us down here.” I say with a chuckle “Never seen Tommies so pissed in my life”
“With good reason sir, we infiltrated a task force and planted four eels in the side of their flagship, I would be pretty pissed too sir wouldn’t you?”
“Oh yes I was! I was livid Chief. I still am pissed at the loss of the Bismarck and this is payback for my brother and all the other sailors that died along with him. Now surface the boat and let’s see if we can find anything in the debris field.

“Anything Gerhart?” I call up to the bridge
“Alot of junk still floating sir, but nothing useful… Wait I think we got something. Sailor get that orange thing with your hook. Good throw it here!”
“I got something sir! It’s a personal flotation device, there is something stenciled on it but I can’t make it out its too dark.”
Don’t use lamps up there! Just throw it down!
The PFD hits the floor of the command room and I grab it and walk straight to my bunk. I find my lamp that I keep there for emergencies and shine it on the black markings. All the off duty crew has gathered around my bunk looking at me expectantly. I turn to Johan look him straight in the eyes. “Fire up the wireless son and tell BdU that U-83 and its crew just sunk the Flagship of the British Home fleet the HMS Nelson. :rock:

armyguy 04-09-10 09:36 AM

Christmas Day
Grid BF 28
Stopping for the day as a gift to my crew

gazpode_l 04-09-10 09:46 AM

New to the forum - only recently started playing SH3 again after a long hiatus.

Pleased I started my new career in 1940 as it been a year since I been seriously playing ANY S/H game and even then i been using SH2 as my machine is only really capable of running SH3 and I thus I haven't bought SH4 or SH5!

I recently completed a patrol of AL67 and was back & forth-ing between that and SW england, without spotting anything except for Hi-Sea's and strong winds.

So decided to potter around off northern Ireland - got stalked by a couple of torpedo patrol boats for a considerable while and took slight damage from thier small arms cannons. I submerged and slipped away managing to shake off thier patrol.

Later in the Irish sea SW of Douglas on the I.O.M my crew spotted a lone merchant. I closed to within firing distance and managed to sink him with my second shot (only pic I took was this one with his stern slowly sinking - confirmed by crew as a kill and was given credit)

I attempted to chase other contact's given to me, but was too far away to get anywhere near them.

I ended my opening patrol with the sinking of that lone merchant (results s/s below).

Couple of night's ago I started my second patrol and this has started alot like my first - vast expanses of open water, nothing in sight but open ocean and large waves - save for the odd FAST patrol off the UK coast!

When I saved up @ 2am when I went to bed early hrs of thursday (upon last playing it) I was hovering around the external's of Grids AM and AL trying to pickup some convoy contacts without any luck.

gazpode_l 04-09-10 10:01 AM


I turn to Johan look him straight in the eyes. “Fire up the wireless son and tell BdU that U-83 and its crew just sunk the Flagship of the British Home fleet the HMS Nelson
WOW! Stonking kill matey! :yeah: :woot::rock:

armyguy 04-09-10 10:07 AM

December 26 1940 time 14:58
Grid BF 24
Ran in to a empite type
Fired two torps all hit empire now at full stop
Two gun hits on my sub low damage
Empire now sinking at her own time

Immelman 04-09-10 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by gazpode_l (Post 1353558)
WOW! Stonking kill matey! :yeah: :woot::rock:

Thanks mate, it felt specially gratifying to nail that sucker 100% unassisted! :arrgh!:

armyguy 04-09-10 10:25 AM

Time 20:16
Grid BF 13
Ran in to a ore cattier its good a was saveing torpedo's
Time 20:20
Fired all three torpedo's ship now sinking
Going to base out of torpedo's

End of patrol 5
Merchant ships sunk 2
Merchant tonnage 14863.00
No dead
Low damage to ship

armyguy 04-09-10 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1353503)
“Fire up the wireless son and tell BdU that U-83 and its crew just sunk the Flagship of the British Home fleet the HMS Nelson.

Good job man :up:

Immelman 04-09-10 10:32 AM

Three eels on an Ore Carrier? A bit of an overkill you old pirate :arrgh!:

armyguy 04-09-10 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1353596)
Three eels on an Ore Carrier? A bit of an overkill you old pirate :arrgh!:

ARR i be the over killing pirate armyguy time to torpedo sloops :arrgh!:

Jimbuna 04-09-10 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by armyguy (Post 1353615)
ARR i be the over killing pirate armyguy time to torpedo sloops :arrgh!:

You should be able to sinkt them easily enough by simply throwing your empty deck gun shell casings at em :DL

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