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U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 3rd War Patrol - Awards & Promotions Ceremony
++++ KTB - U 112 Sunday, 17 November 1940 - Lorient Awards & Promotions: Upon arrival in Lorient, the Senior Midshipman and acting II.W.O., was promoted to Ltnt.z.S., and was awarded with the E.K.I. He also received additional Torpedo Training in Lorient. The Warrant Quartermaster, was also, rewarded with the E.K.I. A Machinist’s Mate-D 2cl., was promoted to Warrant Machinist-D. A Fireman-D 1cl. and a Fireman-E 2cl., were awarded with the E.K.II. 15 crew members were awarded with the U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen in Bronze. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 3rd War Patrol Completed
++++ KTB - U 112 Monday, 18 November 1940 - Lorient Clearing out of boat. Placing boat in dry dock for Shipyard Overhaul. Routine work by the crew throughout. The crew is given leave in two watches of 3 weeks each, with 2 weeks overlapping during Christmas and New Years. Third war patrol with U 112 and eleventh war patrol overall completed. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
https://i.ibb.co/2NGHPG6/Patrol-02.jpg July 20, 1941 After an extended shore leave from the long and successful first patrol, U-957 is now fully loaded with fuel, provisions, & torpedoes, and is currently heading out on her second patrol to patrol grid [BE13] WolfyBrandon |
U-52 VIIB, Patrol 10, July 21 1940
I was thinking this was gonna be a boring patrol but so far it's going very well.
Spotted a fast moving warship just northwest of Scapa Flow, looked like a light cruiser. I quickly maneuvered around for an intercept course at full speed and recognized it as a Fiji class. Once in position 600 meters sent 2 fish and both hit, it quickly sunk, returning to course now. 2 days later found a small task force of 2 auxiliary cruisers and a destroyer, i quickly got into position but they changed course and i couldn't get into an good position in time. could only shoot the rear auxiliary and so i did, 20 seconds later a torpedo impact in the stern followed by a huge explosion caused by a magazine detonation. managed to get away with no problems. Now heading south towards my patrol grid near Gibaltrar strait, sunk one medium cargo and a large merchant. |
So, i am in my 13th patrol, end of 1940, i just got my new sub, the VIIB i think, 12 torpedoes, underwater range to help me stay undetected and it's the first time i have to patrol so far, at the Ireland coasts.
North of Great Britain, i detect my first convoy, 13 cargo ships, 1 destroyer leading them and 1 behind but kind of northward. I line up, measure the speed of one cargo, i do my manual targeting (i should make another post about my way of doing this, as an inexperienced player) and i hit it. As i was going away, i hit another one, one of the last in line cargo ships. Being happy with the results, i steer clear from there with just 2 knots and silent running on. Well, now it's been maybe 2 days after and i haven't seen a notification about the ships being sunk. Was i so unlucky? Both of them managed to get to a port before they sink? One of them had caught 🔥. Are these one of these unlucky moments or is it a bug? I mean, if you don't keep an eye on the ship that you hit, you don't get the tonnage? Any thoughts from more experienced players are welcome. Stay safe. |
I forgot to mention that i use the grey wolves mod/expansion. I was close to the ships for some time but i didn't know that i had to be relatively close. It probably had happened before and i didn't know then either. This means that i have to be close to danger in order to confirm the tonnage. Too bad. Thanks.
First GWX campaign
I am currently battling through my first GWX campaign and have just completed my 33rd patrol during august 1943. It certainly gives a new lease of life to SH3 gameplay, and it is still my favourite sub game, having owned the original since 2005. My PC isn't really up to playing the newer ones anyway :)
My tonnage total is just short of the million mark, and the highlight so far was sinking HMS Hood in 1939. That was an interesting encounter, north of Scotland where I managed to penetrate the Task Force and hit her with 4 torpedoes, sneak away avoiding detection (not so easy later in the war of course) and then returned to find she was limping back towards Scapa Flow at 2 knots with her escorts a mile or two further ahead. 2 more torpedoes finished the job! |
U-52 VIIB, Patrol 10, August 4 1940
As I was sailing by in CG86 when my game suddenly started lagging, dropped tc and went to periscope depth to listen to hydrophones. I could hear destroyers and warships. Got into visual range and saw HMS Hood, An illustrious carrier, a BB and 2 Light cruisers heading straight for me, quickly maneuvered around to an opening on the task force screen, and then they changed course :/\\!!
HMS hood was extremely close just 400m, made a quick solution and fired 3 fish on it and one on the carrier just behind and prayed they would all hit, for my surprise they all did, so I went ahead flank turned around and fired my stern tube on the carrier. ITS A HIT! Illustrious carrier sunk 23k tons. Dived as fast I could and got the kill confirmation for HMS Hood, now I just had to make it out alive. Just after a few minutes of DC attacks managed to get away safely :) |
Something new happened when i saw a lone burning ship coming my way. After i hit one convoy ship and after the convoy had moved away (again, i didn't get the tonnage because i couldn't stay close for long, it's not realistic but this is another topic), this burning ship was moving southwards slowly, near Stornoway.
I wanted to finish the job, thinking it must be one of the 2 ships i hit in my first convoy encounter earlier, for which i never got the tonnage either (i made a post). I was about to position my uboat to sink it once and for all but a coastal vessel appeared out of nowhere so i kept a distance, about 2 km and i was following it till it eventually sunk. I was expecting my sailors to cheer but i didn't get the tonnage... Was it possible that a friendly uboat had caused the damage to that ship? I highly doubt it because that ship was not far from the point i hit it a few days earlier. At this time the game has become frustrating, it doesn't make sense that i have hit 3 ships, one sunk in front of me but my tonnage is 0 from these 3. |
The war is over!
I have just completed the game- 46 patrols and just over 1.5 million tons of shipping sent to the bottom. SH3 Commander informed me that I was held captive by the Allies for 8 months and died in Berlin in 1969. |
Just started a new 1939 VIIB Campaign and I got the highest tonnage sunk I have ever managed in a single patrol (169,000gt), I was North West of Ireland and came across a large convoy, the convoy had no escort apart from HMS Rodney which was right in the middle of the convoy.
I sunk HMS Rodney, then reloaded and expended the last of my torpedo's on the other ships, at this point I realised there weren't any destroyers and the merchant ships weren't armed so I just went back and forth within the convoy using the deck gun and 20mm canon to sink every ship I could, I think I sunk close to 30 ships in the end all in one place. |
Impressive! I too have just begun another campaign with the VIIB and sank 12 Polish ships in my 2nd mission. I have just completed my 3rd patrol and while attempting to sneak into Scapa Flow suddenly found myself in the path of a huge fleet, and managed to sink both HMS Hood and Illustrious - made easier by the fact they were sailing in tandem! Update: In my 6th patrol I managed to sink HMS Hood again, this time off the Irish coast! I wonder if I'll be able to get her again before I get the official radio message next year? |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
... The crew of U 112 is enjoying the Christmas holidays with their families, as their boat is overhauled, far away in the Lorient shipyard. Among other work being done, both Diesel Engines and the A-Periscope are being repaired, and a 3.7cm-SK-C/30 Flak Gun is being installed aft of the conning tower.
They know, that they need to "charge their batteries", because, in the new year, they will be sailing the oceans again and will have to "weather the storms" together, that the next war patrol surely will bring ... On behalf of U 112 and it's entire crew, MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !!! |
My current campaign ended abruptly when sailing NW of the Orkneys towards my assigned grid, under a heavy storm, my watch crew noticed a destroyer just 600 m. away. They fried us.
I'm now up to May 41, just passed a million tons, and for the first time been promoted to Kapitanleutnant. I have had the official Bismark/Hood radio messages as expected. |
My campaign has now reached Dec 1942- 2 million tons sunk, and in my last mission managed to sink 4 Bogue class carriers and totalled over 100k for the second time. In one previous mission I tailed a wounded large tanker for several days, and over 2000km, hoping for the weather to clear so I could finish her off with the deck gun, but eventually lost contact in a storm south of Ireland.
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Preparation & Outfitting
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ... ++++ KTB - U 112 Thursday, 9 January 1941 - Lorient B.d.U. is on vacation from 9 January 1941 until 1 February 1941. His substitute is Frgt.Kpt. GODT. Taking boat out of dry dock and putting on charging station. Beginning of pre-war patrol preparation. During the shipyard time, a Diesel Fireman 1cl. was transferred to another Uboat and was replaced by a Boatswain’s Mate 2cl. on his first post-training deployment, as an additional lookout. Due to this, the Warrant Machinist-D will have to man the Stbd.-Diesel watch on the next war patrol. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Preparation & Outfitting
++++ KTB - U 112 Friday, 10 January 1941 - Lorient Taking on of Fuel Oil (176.2cbm) and Lubrication Oil. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
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