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VONHARRIS 11-04-11 02:34 AM

U-109 IXB
01 May 1940
23:30 hours
From: U-109 / SS Thalia
To: BdU
Attack scope unrepairable due to missing parts. Requesting orders

(I love and hate the mulfunctions and sabotage option of the Commander.
It adds to immersion but it can ruin any patrol)

02 May 1940
03:50 hours
From: BdU
To: U-109/ SS Thalia
Return to Wilhelmshaven without engaging any convoy
Engage single contacts if any

Patrol No 6
02 May 1940
14:31 U-109 left SS Thalia

03 May 1940
Grid CG86 - small convoy
06:51 hours SS Dalewood (Tramp Steamer), 2082 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 20. Crew lost: 17 - Sunk by 1 torpedo
07:17 hours FR Luronne (Armed Trawler), 480 tons. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 4 - Hit by 1 torpedo - finished off by gunfire
07:37 hours SS Tyson Lykes (Medium Cargo type C2), 5417 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 20 - Hit by 1 torpedo - finished off by gunfire

04 May 1940
Grid CG82
00:36 hours Spotted a Japanese C2 , a Portuguese C2 and small merchant sailing together. No action taken

09 May 1940
Grid AM76
09:23 hours Q Ship HMS Brutus (Medium merchant), 4044 tons. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 26 - sunk by 3 torpedoes - 1 dud - took light damages during diving

14 May 1940
20:23 docked at port
13 days at sea
4 ships sunk
12023 tons
6 torpedoes fired
20 105mm rounds used
U-boat damaged (H.I. 96.45%)
No casualties

Lord_magerius 11-04-11 05:56 AM

Finally got round to re-installing SH3 + GWX 3 the other day :yeah:
3rd patrol now, which has got to be a record for my shortest ever (and surviving) 3 days :D
Ran into an allied convoy almost as soon as I hit the channel, based at Lorient at the moment. I managed to get within range and fired off 6 eels at 6 separate targets. Score 6 hits, 5 of them were duds :nope: The convoy was lightly escorted by two town classes. After quickly dispatching them I surfaced and set flank speed to chase down the convoy.
Setting up of abreast of the convoy again, I released all of my remaining torpedoes into them. Three hits, the rest missed. Having no stern torpedoes left after using them against the destroyers a red mist descended.
I surfaced and entered the heart of the convoy, deck gun blazing and an unusually large amount of profanity dribbling from my face. A large convoy and only 3 kills, I would soon remedy that. Shortly into the firefight my WO's head was taken clean from his shoulders by a round that fizzed inches away from my own face. Ordering the men to keep firing, we managed to sink a large cargo before having to submerge and lick our wounds.
The damage was minimal, though I thought it best not to push our luck again and headed home. I'll have my vengeance in my next patrol, AM53 beware!

Fish In The Water 11-04-11 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lord_magerius (Post 1780382)
Finally got round to re-installing SH3 + GWX 3 the other day :yeah:

Good hunting and welcome back to the pack! :arrgh!:

Hans Uberman 11-04-11 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Lord_magerius (Post 1780382)
I'll have my vengeance in my next patrol, AM53 beware!

Be sure to get your revenge on the torpedo designers as well.

VONHARRIS 11-04-11 08:55 AM

U-109 IXB
Patrol No 9

18 May 1940
It took only 4 days for the dock crew to fix the attack scope.
05:09 hours U-109 left port for grid AD59

08 June 1940
Grid AD59 - Convoy attack
3 torps fired - all missed
Spotted by the escorts and DCed - flooding but no hull damage

12:04 hours SS Vaijan Kutur'e (Tanker 10), 6581 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 3 - Straggler - sunk by 1 torpedo

18 June 1940
Grid AD83 - Convoy attack
15:04 hours SS British Trader (Tanker 18), 4426 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 14
15:04 hours SS Caribou (Passenger/Cargo), 1874 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 214. Crew lost: 156
15:25 hours MV Tricula (Tanker 07), 7661 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 18
6 torpedoes fired
21:17 hours SS Suecia (Medium Freighter), 5363 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 31 - DIW from initial attack - 1 coup de grace

19 June 1940
Grid AD83 - Convoy attack
22:46 hours 3 torpedoes fired
Damaged: Ceramic type ocean liner + turbine tanker type T2
20 June 1940
Second approach against the same convoy
04:13 hours MV Clausina (Tanker 03), 8734 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 41 - sunk by 2 torpedoes
05:12 hours MV South Africa (Tanker 04), 8780 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 3 - sunk by 1 torpedo
Started return passage

27 June 1940
06:37 hours Docked at port
41 days at sea
7 ships sunk
43419 tons
17 torpedoes fired
No 10,5 cm rounds used
No damages or casualties

andwii 11-04-11 11:04 AM

I, Josef Scherin will not bother making a very detailed report, as the events that took place are still plaging my mind, and I must get them out. Its my fault that those men perished. Because of bad decisions, and foolish mistakes I lost 15 of my men, my kriegsmarine heroes. I should have called off the attack!

der untergang started at around 50 Km from the coast of New York. Again the weather was piss poor, yet I felt it would get better soon, but that did not come soon enough. On the way in a convoy was detected, and before the convoy arrived a passenger cargo was lined up in my sites. We fired one torpedo at it, and she went down. Problem was I was to close, and as she sunk we took a lot of damage, all compartments flooding, and one man lost his life, and another was wounded. My sonar man neglected to tell me of a patrol craft with in 1 Km of me. We surfaced to repair our damage on the surface parts of the ship, and the patrol craft saw this. It opened fire on us, casing more major flooding, and killing our wounded sailor.

We took so much damage trying to submerge, and the weather was so bad there was no chance to fight back.

We got underwater, and repaired the damage. That damn patrol craft kept us under water for so long, and now the convoy was coming through.

We were almost detected, but we made it out safe from escorts, but I had launched many of my loaded torpedoes and the ships that came in front of me, and got no detonations. The convoy moved off, and the weather got even worse.

After the last invasion of the port, I learned where the mine fields and sub nets were, and promptly avoided them. Here is where it started to get bad.

A stationary war ship was detected in the distance, and I figured it to be maybe a heavy cruiser. Problem is, there were two warships stationary, and I went to the crappy little destroyer, while the New Orleans Class was another 2.5 Km in the distance. We set a course to get into a good firing position, and rammed a small merchant, destroying my attack periscope and radio, causing flooding across the board, and killing one other sailor. In a fit of rage, we moved off, and shot a stern tube into her. EAT IT!!!!!!!

We continued on our attack, and found our friend the stationary warship, and it was just a crummy destroyer. Regardless we shot a bow tube at her, and she went down. After we observed her sinking we moved off and continued to a safe area to reload our torpedoes. After this for the longest time our woahs were over, and our attack was about to commence. An Ocean liner was found stationary in the distance, and we made our approach. Three bow tubes were fired, and she went down. I was all out internal torpedoes, so I went as far away from the port (yet still inside of it) as I could and surfaced. The weather was so foggy that I was able to reload all my internals without incident. As I was putting my last internal in, the fog cleared, and my WO spotted our warship we were hunting. I ordered periscope depth, and the hunt was on. At about 1 Km, I ordered all stop, and adjusted my depth, as it most likely would have duded, so we needed to use the magnetic ability of the torpedo. One TII was launched, and she hit her mark. After about 3 minutes she was going down. By now it was about 8 in the morning, and it was a clear sunny day, with crystal clear and smooth water. The hunt was on!!!!

Moving through the port, we sank any tankers we found. While doing so another ocean liner was spotted. We fired three torpedoes, and she went down. Then in the distance we spotted a large troop transport right next to the statue of liberty! ABOUT!

We sped off toward the statue of liberty, and fired two torpedoes at the Large Troop Transport, and she went down. ALL IS GOOD!!!

Then we got cocky. We thought we were far enough away from any merchant to surface, and and to shoot the statue of liberty in revenge for the fallen commarades
Instead we took a few lucky shots from some merchant in the distance, flooded all compartments and was aground. We were losing people left and right, and after the damage was all repaired we had lost so many men, that the dead filled the entire stern quarters compartment.

That’s about it. We were down to 30 percent, and dropping rapidly. We made it out of the port with no incident, and made it to the milk cow. Our ship was so badly damaged that it would have been easier to just scuttle it.

Back at base a new IXC/40 was commissioned, and given to me.

I don’t think I can look at my men the same way again.

End of report.

VONHARRIS 11-04-11 11:20 AM

Tough luck during this patrol.
At least the loss of those men was not a total waste , the damage inflicted to the enemy was huge.
But , you shouldn't have surfaced inside an enemy harbor.
You are lucky you were not given a seat in a muddy bunker in the Eastern Front!

andwii 11-04-11 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1780569)
Tough luck during this patrol.
At least the loss of those men was not a total waste , the damage inflicted to the enemy was huge.
But , you shouldn't have surfaced inside an enemy harbor.
You are lucky you were not given a seat in a muddy bunker in the Eastern Front!

lol ya we took out over 80 thousand tons.

As of now I have over 1 million tons sunk for my carrer.

Also im really hating the renown system. Kinda funny, I have OVER 1 MILLION TONS, and at the moment after commisioning the new IXC/40 I have about 1000 renown. I mean I dont want to cheat the renown system, but I have sunk the hood, rodney, and nelson so I think I deserve everything I can get.

Hans Uberman 11-04-11 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1780590)
Also im really hating the renown system. Kinda funny, I have OVER 1 MILLION TONS, and at the moment after commisioning the new IXC/40 I have about 1000 renown. I mean I dont want to cheat the renown system, but I have sunk the hood, rodney, and nelson so I think I deserve everything I can get.

I know this isn't the best of times, but BdU has reviewed and denied your request to entirely replace your crew with women. They add, "Nice try".

andwii 11-04-11 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Hans Uberman (Post 1780703)
I know this isn't the best of times, but BdU has reviewed and denied your request to entirely replace your crew with women. They add, "Nice try".


Current Patrol heading for Milkcow, attacked a convoy, 1 hit on an intermediate tanker, and one hit on a whaling ship, observed Tanker sunk, and Whaling ship kept moving.

Jimbuna 11-04-11 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1780723)

Current Patrol heading for Milkcow, attacked a convoy, 1 hit on an intermediate tanker, and one hit on a whaling ship, observed Tanker sunk, and Whaling ship kept moving.

Plenty of blubber to keep her afloat

andwii 11-04-11 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1780726)
Plenty of blubber to keep her afloat

not sure how long that ones gonna last, been to her like 6 times in the last 3 months. :haha:

andwii 11-05-11 12:55 AM

Docked at U-461


will explane more later, this kaleun needs some rest, been invading ports this whole patrol, life and death always close, the thread tightening, but I don't plan to let it snap, only snap the thread of them tommies.

VONHARRIS 11-05-11 07:52 AM

U-109 IXB
Patrol No 9

27 July 1940
15:06 hours U-109 left Wilhelmshaven for grid AM41

31 July 1940
Grid AN14
15:32 hours SS Baron Ruthven (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 41. Crew lost: 4 - sunk by gunfire - 14 rounds used

01 August 1940
Grid AN13
08:01 hours MV Stancor (Large Trawler), 547 tons. Crew: 15. Crew lost: 6 - sunk by gunfire - 3 rounds used

31 August 1940
Grid AD83 - convoy attack
6 torpedoes fired - 3 explosions heard
23:28 hours SS Grangepark (Medium Merchant 06), 5174 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 25
Tanker 02 + Large tanker type T3 damaged
01 September 1940
Same convoy - second approach
01:06 hours MV Laurelwood (Tanker 02), 6866 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 20 - coup de grace

03 September 1940
Grid AD59
US TF seen Nevada class BB and New Orleans CA - no action taken

06 September 1940
Grid AD86 - convoy battle
01:35 hours RMS Empress of Britain (Canadian Pacific steamship), 42913 tons

Both ships were hit by 2 torps. RMS Empress of Britain blew up and sunk immediately.
02:00 hours SS Tiberias (Olympia class liner), 47545 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 1870. Crew lost: 953 - hit by 2 more torps

The names of the 15 men that were KIA (U-65 Andwii) were written on these torps.
May they rest in peace now

12 September 1940
Grid AL03
Good weather - moved the externals inside

19 September 1940
Grid AM19
No contacts around Rockall Bank - start return passage

27 September 1940
05:35 hours Docked at Lorient
63 days at sea
6 ships sunk
106174 tons
No damages or casualties
Installed a twin 20mm flak gun
14 torpedoes fired
17 10,5cm rounds used

Hans Uberman 11-05-11 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1781136)
06 September 1940
Grid AD86 - convoy battle
01:35 hours RMS Empress of Britain (Canadian Pacific steamship), 42913 tons

Both ships were hit by 2 torps. RMS Empress of Britain blew up and sunk immediately.
02:00 hours SS Tiberias (Olympia class liner), 47545 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 1870. Crew lost: 953 - hit by 2 more torps

Congratulations! That was quite clever, putting ice on the tips of your torpedoes. ;)

I've been meaning to ask for months now... Those extra liners, and so forth. They're from mods, I take it?

VONHARRIS 11-05-11 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Hans Uberman (Post 1781160)
Congratulations! That was quite clever, putting ice on the tips of your torpedoes. ;)

I've been meaning to ask for months now... Those extra liners, and so forth. They're from mods, I take it?

Of course.
You can find them in the downloads section:

andwii 11-05-11 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1781136)
The names of the 15 men that were KIA (U-65 Andwii) were written on these torps.
May they rest in peace now

May they rest in peace.

Josef Scherin

andwii 11-05-11 03:57 PM

Left U-461, Attacked San Juan, took lots of damage after an accidental surface, left San Juan and docked at U-460. Heading for Gibraltar, then to home for a long needed break. Been out on sea sense November of 42, it is currently February of 43.

Jimbuna 11-05-11 04:56 PM


Hellraiser 11-05-11 06:34 PM

U449 at Sea: Patrol Report
From KTB -U449 OL Heinrich Hinzer. July 12, 1943. Location: Patrolling off NewFoundland Bank.

17:34 Located Convoy with Radar in terrible weather, many contacts, visbility near nil, Radar Detector indicates radar equipped contacts nearby. No visual contact. 1/2 speed ordered.

18:10 Destroyer illuminates boat with spotlight and opens fire at short range, around 800 metres...Minor Damage from small arms fire. Crashdive.

18:12 Many depthcharges fall close to boat, minor damage. Launch BOLD. Silent Running. Tracking contacts via hydrophones. Change course to 140 degrees.

18:23 More depthcharges explode 1000 metres astern. Maintain course/speed. Escort contact fading astern, 1200-1500 metres.

18:48 Return to Periscope depth, tracking convoy progress via hydrophones. Convoy Approaching present location, medium speed Bearing 045 degrees. No visual sighting.

19:02 Periscope view. Visibility improved. Four enemy Freighters sighted. Range 3700 metres. Set course for attack run. Speed 2 knots, enemy speed estimated 8 knots course 353.

19:08 Open Bow caps. Tubes 1 and 3. (T1 Torpedoes). Solution on 'Empire' class Freighter.

19:10 Fire Tubes 1 and 3 at enemy Freighter range: 2700 metres. JC Butler Class Destroyer 4000 metres bearing 122 degrees, closing.....

*More later!"

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