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andwii 10-14-11 12:29 AM

War is over.


Date and Time


Patrol 15
U-3527, 11th Flotilla
Left at: April 23, 1945, 13:50
From: Bergen
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN11

Grid AN 11
Ship sunk!
HMS Tartar (Tribal class),
1850 tons. Crew: 239. Crew lost: 74


Grid AN 11
Ship sunk!
HMS Inglis (Captain class I)I,
1400 tons. Crew: 203. Crew lost: 38

Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMCS Cape Breton (River class),
1250 tons. Crew: 148. Crew lost: 97

Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMS Rapid (Q&R classes),
1690 tons. Crew: 201. Crew lost: 52


Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMS Cygnet (Black Swan class),
1250 tons. Crew: 224. Crew lost: 114



Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMS Gardiner (Captain class I)I,
1400 tons. Crew: 212. Crew lost: 192



Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
HMCS Fraser (C&D classes),
1375 tons. Crew: 183. Crew lost: 104


Grid AN 16

Ship sunk!
HMCS Uganda (Fiji class),
10725 tons. Crew: 754. Crew lost: 128

Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
MV Western Prince (Troop Transport),
8011 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 258. Crew lost: 54

Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
MV San Alberto (Modern Tanker),
10872 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 5


Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
HMS St. Agnes (Isles class),
540 tons. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 0


Grid AN 16

Ship sunk!
SS Bonifacio (Small Merchant),
2404 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 22


Grid AN 15
Ship sunk!
HMS Blanche (A&B classes),
1350 tons. Crew: 185. Crew lost: 11

Grid AN 13

Ship sunk!
SS Finlandia (Coastal Freighter),
1870 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 0


Grid AN 13

Ship sunk!
SS Winona (Coastal Freighter),
1871 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 9

Grid AN 13
Ship sunk!
USS Nassau (Bogue class),
15390 tons. Crew: 929. Crew lost: 18


Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 16
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 63248 tons

After der Führer's death, as a crew we decided to get some revenge by invading Scapa Flow, sunk a fiji class, a troop transport and a few other ships. My men fought bravely and I was proud to serve with each and every one of them.

VONHARRIS 10-14-11 02:55 AM

U-157 IXC
Patrol 15
Patrol gird EJ59 and then off Freetown
The diesel engines took a month to be repaired after the saboatge.
U-157 received a new camo pattern

and the conning tower

03 April 1943
17:21 hours U-157 left Lorient

11 April 1943
Grid DH61
17:04 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft. This Metox RWR is a savior

15 April 1943
Grid DT66
22:18 hours SS Van Spilbergen (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 39.
1 bow + 1 stern torpedoes fired - 2 hits
Target was finished off by gunfire

25 April 1943
Grid ET37
19:57 hours HMS Mendip (Hunt I class), 1000 tons. Crew: 165. Crew lost: 47.
2 stern torpedoes fired - 1 hit scored
Grid ET37 - Convoy battle
23:20 hours MV Regent Tiger (Large Tanker), 13612 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 15 (hit by 3 torpedoes)
Damaged : CAM ship 02 by 2 torpedoes and CAM ship 02 by 1 torpedo

30 April 1943
Grid ET29
12:00 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft.

19 May 1943
Grid CG98
06:52 hours Aircraft destroyed! Vought OS2U-3 Kingfisher. No RWR!
10:18 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft. Decided to stay down
13:28 hours Sound contact of approaching convoy
14:26 hours Lining up 4 bow shots at a huge liner
14:29 hours One escort must have spotted my attack scope. U-157 came under immediate gunfire and DC attack by 5 escorts
15:03 hours Hit by DCs in bow area. Uncontrolable flooding in bow quarters, U-157 is sinking fast by the bow despite all attempts to save her.
15:15 hours All ballast blown away , no compressed air left
15:30 hours Depth meter reads 263 meters .................

Kapitänleutnant Helmut Bach and U-157 were lost sometime on 19MAY43.
Total career data
15 patrols: U-103 IXB 8 patrols - U-157IXC 7 patrols
763 days at sea
90 ships sunk (79 merchants - 11 warships)
599708 tons sunk (554528 merchant - 45180 warships)
5 aircrafts shot down
Biggest warship sunk: HMS Royal Oak (Revenge class), 31000 tons. Crew: 1198. Crew lost: 1006 on 12 December 1940 at 02:22 hours (U-103)
Largest merchant sunk : SS Amy (HMT Aquitania), 44592 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1200. Crew lost: 288 on 03 February 1941 at 22:48 hours
Highest patrol tonnage: 74345 (patrol 6)
Longest patrol : 102 days (patrol 10)

Fish In The Water 10-14-11 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1767013)
U-157 received a new camo pattern

Very nice! :up:

It was almost worth the breakdown... :DL

VONHARRIS 10-14-11 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fish In The Water (Post 1767028)
Very nice! :up:

It was almost worth the breakdown... :DL

Thank you.
It didn't bring good luck though. U-157 was lost

@ andwii
Congratulations on staying alive to see the end of the war.
I am still trying to do this.

andwii 10-15-11 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1767200)
Thank you.
It didn't bring good luck though. U-157 was lost

@ andwii
Congratulations on staying alive to see the end of the war.
I am still trying to do this.

whats funny is its listed as 15 patrols because my game hates me. After I sunk the HMS Nelson in Girbalter my game CTDed (I saved though). Went back and it CTDed. I tried many times, restarted comp. Nothing worked so I basically made another campaign a little after that last mission under the same name. My actual stats are I lost 8 members of my crew. I feel so sorrowed that I had to let them die, stupid 9 hour long depth charging, happened once, then the second time I got shot at by a merchant killing the guy on the flak. I will say though he died for a reason, he helped bring that merchant down. I burryed him with full honors, as well as the other 7. It would been 10 but my medic worked fast.

soopaman2 10-15-11 10:32 AM

Sorry no great free camera views. I am too prone to "abuse" it in game so I keep it off. With that...

My midnight race with the Bismarck. Of course we won.:DL

14 hours out of port.
A two torpedo salvo obliterates an ore carrier. The sonarman said the sound of the keel snapping came shortly before the slower torpedo hit.

We head to our patrol square nw of Scapa flow. I bet the grins won't be so broad, and the jokes so raunchy and free flowing then. But for now the men are happy.

BeepBeepImaJeep 10-15-11 05:38 PM

I am running 2 careers at the moment, I am running a Career with the 2nd Flotilla with a IXC.

Its early 43, and in my last patrol I somehow survived a total of 7 hours of depth charging. I couldnt believe how long they were after me, so I checked the surface (I had freecam on but I try hard not to abuse it), and what had been some convoy escorts when I went deep turned into a ASW search and destroy team with the escort carrier and everything.

I was very proud of myself when I surfaced 12 hours later. :rock:

My other career I just started, as I want to take advantage of FM interiors mod which I just downloaded the other day. Besides, my real loyalties lie with the VIIB and C.

I am running GWX gold btw.

Missing Name 10-15-11 06:12 PM

25.6.40. 0855 Patrol 5
U-108, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: June 25, 1940, 08:55
From: Wilhelmshaven
Mission Orders: Patrol grid CG84


Grid AM 36 Ship sunk! MV Fresno City (Medium Collier), 8083 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 6

Grid AM 39 Aircraft destroyed! Anson


[Task force - 3 cruisers]
1728 Grid AM 92 Ship sunk! HMS Jamaica (Crown Colony class), 10725 tons. Crew: 818. Crew lost: 57


1325 Grid CG 94 Ship sunk! SS Aeneas (Coastal Freighter), 1871 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 6


[Convoy. Shot at cruiser as well but torpedoes detonated prematurely.]
Grid CG 94 Ship sunk! SS Keeweenaw (Large Cargo), 6347 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 41. Crew lost: 4


Grid BF 74 Ship sunk! SS Lifland (Passenger/Cargo), 2253 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 81. Crew lost: 0


Grid AM 61 Ship sunk! SS Proteus (Large Collier), 10754 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 30

Grid AM 64 Ship sunk! HMS Gloucester (Southampton class), 10725 tons. Crew: 1076. Crew lost: 150

Grid AM 64 Ship sunk! SS Umtali (Large Merchant), 8222 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 69. Crew lost: 57

Grid AM 61 Ship sunk! MV Port Fairy (Medium Collier), 8085 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 71. Crew lost: 48

[Convoy straggler]
Grid AM 53 Ship sunk! SS City of Dublin (Passenger/Cargo), 2247 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 85. Crew lost: 6


Grid AM 37 Ship sunk! SS Premier (Large Cargo), 6348 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 39. Crew lost: 0


Docked at Wilhelmshaven
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 11
Aircraft destroyed: 1
Patrol tonnage: 75660 tons
Hull integrity: 59%. Deck gun needs to be replaced.

Fish In The Water 10-15-11 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by BeepBeepImaJeep (Post 1768322)
Besides, my real loyalties lie with the VIIB and C.

It does my heart good to hear that. And congrats on surviving the long ordeal. :salute:

andwii 10-15-11 10:24 PM


lol anyway so ya I found a task force of 3 battle ships, and a crap load of escorts goin so fast that I never woulda got into a perfect position. That being said I got as close as I could and left out a spread of 4 ells. 1st missed 2ed and 3rd hit (3rd sinking her, blowing her sky high) and the 4th hitting or missing couldn't tell. So does this mean the Bismark is still alive?

Also earlier today I sunk the Nelson. I am on a roll! Whats funny is I only made like 1500 renown from both sinking the Hood and 1500 renown for the HMS Neslon.

roadrage 10-15-11 11:13 PM

Luetnant z. S. Helmut Bornmann commanding U-66

What a first patrol. The Chief is screaming at me just because we got run over by a little T2 tanker and nearly spit the boat in half. Says he thought Erwin was bad at tearing up the boat. Speaking of Erwin, I need to write him and tell him the fuel leaks finally got fixed from the plane that crashed into the U-66 on her maiden patrol. Now she's got some more to fix.:-?

On another note, I seem to have found tanker alley this time.


4.10.41. 1805 Patrol 1
U-66, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: October 4, 1941, 18:05
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid BE86

14.10.41. 0952 Grid BE 85 Ship sunk! SS Menin Ridge (Coastal Merchant), 2045 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 9
15.10.41. 1323 Grid BE 85 Ship sunk! SS Fairport (C2 Cargo), 6450 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 1
16.10.41. 0206 Grid BE 85 Ship sunk! SS Golden Racer (C2 Cargo), 6451 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 31
18.10.41. 2252 Grid BE 58 Ship sunk! MV Athellaird (T3 Tanker), 11653 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 69. Crew lost: 18
23.10.41. 0813 Grid BE 57 Ship sunk! MV Tandora (Small Tanker), 4301 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 18. Crew lost: 17
27.10.41. 0052 Grid BE 81 Ship sunk! SS Empire Scout (Coastal Merchant), 2048 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 19
0206 Grid BE 73 Ship sunk! MV British Pride (T2 Tanker), 10872 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 41
1234 Grid BE 81 Ship sunk! MV James J. Maguire (T3 Tanker), 11654 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 45. Crew lost: 0
Grid BE 81 Ship sunk! MV Hopemount (T2 Tanker), 10873 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 42
7.11.41. 2259 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 9
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonage: 66347 tons

Fish In The Water 10-16-11 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1768428)

Great work my friend, drinks are on flotilla command! :salute:

VONHARRIS 10-16-11 01:21 AM

New career.
U-46 VIIB under the command of von Harris sailed for her first patrol after the shakedown cruise
Orders : Patrol BF19.

31 August 1939
10:30 hours U-46 left port. The clouds of war were gathering above Europe but it was still peace.

03 September 1939
Grid BF35
00:26 hours. A British large merchant was seen. Suddenly she turned trying to ram us. I had to respond in force.
SS Tacoma Star (Large Merchant), 11280 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 99. Crew lost: 60. Sunk by gunfire.
Some time later we received the message that the war had started.

04 September 1939
Grid BF25
05:21 hours MV Crestflower (Small Trawler), 99 tons. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 28. Sunk by gunfire

16 September 1939
Grid AM52 - Convoy battle
4 bow + 1 stern torpedoes fired - 4 hits scored
22:09 hours Q Ship HMS Lambridge (Medium merchant), 4043 tons. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 32
17 September 1939
00:06 hours SS Gitano (Medium Merchant 17), 4022 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 11. She was part of the convoy

19 September 1939
Grid AM52
12:30 hours SS Gleniffer (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 109. Crew lost: 78. Sunk by 4 torpedoes (4 hits scored)

21:41 hours SS Hobbema (Medium Merchant 06), 5173 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 37. Crew lost: 5 Sunk by 3 torpedoes (2 hits scored)

25 September 1939
11:15 hours U-46 docked at port
26 days at sea
6 ships sunk
33708 tons sunk
No casualties or damages

CherryHarbey 10-16-11 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1768428)

lol anyway so ya I found a task force of 3 battle ships, and a crap load of escorts goin so fast that I never woulda got into a perfect position. That being said I got as close as I could and left out a spread of 4 ells. 1st missed 2ed and 3rd hit (3rd sinking her, blowing her sky high) and the 4th hitting or missing couldn't tell. So does this mean the Bismark is still alive?

Also earlier today I sunk the Nelson. I am on a roll! Whats funny is I only made like 1500 renown from both sinking the Hood and 1500 renown for the HMS Neslon.

nice work!

Gerald 10-16-11 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1768462)
New career.
U-46 VIIB under the command of von Harris sailed for her first patrol after the shakedown cruise
Orders : Patrol BF19.

31 August 1939
10:30 hours U-46 left port. The clouds of war were gathering above Europe but it was still peace.

03 September 1939
Grid BF35
00:26 hours. A British large merchant was seen. Suddenly she turned trying to ram us. I had to respond in force.
SS Tacoma Star (Large Merchant), 11280 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 99. Crew lost: 60. Sunk by gunfire.
Some time later we received the message that the war had started.

04 September 1939
Grid BF25
05:21 hours MV Crestflower (Small Trawler), 99 tons. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 28. Sunk by gunfire

16 September 1939
Grid AM52 - Convoy battle
4 bow + 1 stern torpedoes fired - 4 hits scored
22:09 hours Q Ship HMS Lambridge (Medium merchant), 4043 tons. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 32
17 September 1939
00:06 hours SS Gitano (Medium Merchant 17), 4022 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 11. She was part of the convoy

19 September 1939
Grid AM52
12:30 hours SS Gleniffer (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 109. Crew lost: 78. Sunk by 4 torpedoes (4 hits scored)

21:41 hours SS Hobbema (Medium Merchant 06), 5173 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 37. Crew lost: 5 Sunk by 3 torpedoes (2 hits scored)

25 September 1939
11:15 hours U-46 docked at port
26 days at sea
6 ships sunk
33708 tons sunk
No casualties or damages

Good work,:DL

VONHARRIS 10-16-11 11:39 PM

Patrol No3
Orders : Patrol area AM19. If no convoys encountered move to AM52

25 October 1939
01:18 hours U-46 left port in good spirit

29 October 1939
Grid AN14
10:41 hours SS Crawford Ellis (Small Freighter), 1582 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 30. Heavy seas , 1 bow + 1 stern shot fired - 1 hit scored

09 November 1939
Grid AM52
23:26 hours SS Atos (Small Freighter), 1583 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 14. Sunk by gunfire.

10 November 1939
Grid AM52
10:49 hours MV Asperity (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 26. Crew lost: 16. Sunk by gunfire

13 November 1939
Grid AM52
15:11 hours SS Hong Peng (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 4. Sunk by gunfire
18:47 hours MV Wanaka (Passenger/Cargo), 1864 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 65. Crew lost: 27. Sunk by gunfire

15 November 1939
Grid AM52 - convoy battle
05:23 hours SS Brestois (Medium Merchant 09), 3186 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 21.
4 bow + 1 stern shots fired - 3 hits scored.
Pinged and DCed by three escorts. Damages and flooding. Dived to 120m
07:46 hours Reloaded tubes 1 nad 5 and came to PD. One DD dead in the water.
HMS Anthony (A&B classes), 1350 tons. Crew: 175. Crew lost: 73 - 1 bow shot
09:00 hours Surfaced to check the damages: Rudder port and stern dive planes destroyed. U-46 is unable to dive. Started return trip

11:09 hours SS City of Cambridge (Large Merchant), 10970 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 94. Crew lost: 25. Sunk by gunfire

18 November 1939
Grid AN45
02:34 hours SS Ajax (Large Merchant), 10971 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 106. Crew lost: 64. Night surface attack - 2 bow shots fired - 1 hit scored - finished off by gunfire,

19 November 1939
19:26 hours U-46 docked at port.
26 days at sea
9 ships sunk
36561 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 87.77%)
Took command of the U-103 IXB boot

bybyx 10-17-11 04:53 AM

My Type XXI rocks
September 1944,
BF 14,
Intercepted a convoy heading SW. I can observe at least 4 escorts an 4 columns of ships, Got myself closer inside de convoy, to a good firing position, I choose my targets(a Troop ship, Medium Tanker and a Liberty Cargo) and I fire 6 torpedoes ( 4 type III and 2 TypeV Zaunkonig). Heard loud explosions. Escorts start pinging but a I was already diving deep. Somehow one of the escorts finds me in starts sending depthcharges like crazy. Another one is joining. I am at 260 m and they are getting closer. The bastards are taking turns poundind me without pause. But there is something they do not know.There's a new kid on the block an this guy does not like bullies. So while we dodge depthcharges at ahead flank I put the crew to load 2 more homing torpedoes. Shortly the fishes are ready to be served. I order blow ballast and with ahead flank we quickly start to go up, but I don't plan to surface. At 30 meters I order periscope depth and very very soon I can see one of the destroyers bearing 30 at around 700m an turning. I order all stop, I don't want the torpedo homing on me, an fire tube 1. The other destroyer is somewhere behind me moving slowly. It is the one that is listening. The boat stil has momentum from ahead flank and i order hard to port. We're starting to turn and suddenly the sound of an explosion is heard. In must be torpedo number1. I order ahead flank positioning the boat for a shot at the second destroyer. This one is starting to accelerate making it alot easier for the torpedo. I fire tube 2 and dive deep. 40 seconds pass and another explosion is heard. One hour later I surface and the send a message to BDU: sank 2 destroyers and 1 tanker and 2 cargo ships for 27587 t.
A bad ass submarine the Type XXI is. If this thing had been put into service 2-3 years earlier the war in Atlantic would have been......

VONHARRIS 10-17-11 08:31 AM

U-103 IXB
Patrol No4
Orders : Patrol grid AD83. Conviy search and destroy mission

19 December 1939
05:25 hours U-103 left port.

19:20 hours. The puzzled radio man comes in with a strange message.
"For your eyes only Kaluen"
The message read: "WEST" which was the code word for:
Misson changed : Proceed to grids BB91 and carry out search and destroy mission

06 January 1940
Grid AK22
22:08 hours SS Shelter Bay (Great Lakes Freighter), 1841 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 7

19 January 1940
Grid BB91 - convoy battle
05:29 hours SS Harpathian (Medium Merchant 06), 5173 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 79. Crew lost: 23
05:30 hours SS Thorshavet (Converted Whale Factory Ship), 12016 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 147. Crew lost: 11
05:32 hours SS Umvolosi (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 4

Pinged and DCed by escorts - dived to 140m
07:50 hours Rising to PD and reloading tubes
08:16 hours Surfaced - Stopped ship spotted
SS Dalfram (Medium Merchant 22), 4290 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 69. Crew lost: 31
Finished off by gunfire
08:30 hours Dived and left the area

24 January 1940
Grid BB91 - convoy battle
03:18 hours MV Britannia (Tanker 16), 10678 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 29
03:19 hours SS Goulburn (Small Merchant), 2595 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 18
03:19 hours MV Poelau Bras (Heavy Merchant 01), 9093 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 24

DCed with no damages

27 January 1940
Grid BB97 - convoy battle
23:55 hours SS Arkenside (Small Merchant), 2592 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 2
23:56 hours USS Orion (Cyclops)-type Collier, 10959 tons. Cargo: Coal
23:58 hours USS Ulysses (Convoy repair ship) (Convoy repair ship), 5220 tons. Crew: 197. Crew lost: 47

Started return trip

29 January 1940
Grid BB98
13:15 hours MV Slemmestad (Medium Merchant 17), 4022 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 44 Sunk by gunfire

30 January 1940
Grid BC25 - convoy battle
Torpedoes missed - close enough DC explosion caused flooding.
Had to dive to 260m to escape

15 February 1940
18:11 hours Docked at Belchen supply ship.
New orders : Rearm refuel and continue operation WEST
12 ships sunk
71664 tons
No casualties or damages

roadrage 10-17-11 09:36 PM

Leutnant z. S. Helmut Bornmann commanding U-66

What a sorry run of luck. First thing the diesels weren't running right. Second the boat was sluggish. Third, the electric motors would only make 5 knots at flank speed. Fourth, the weather was lousy. Fifth the magnetic pistols blew the eels early, and the impact pistols just plain wouldn't work. Sighted one ship in 50 days, a C2 cargo, and due to an entire batch of dud torpedoes and lousy weather, we missed that kill.:wah: The Chief and our mechanics aren't taking shore leave this time, they're going over the U-66 from stem to stern with a microscope.

The only good news is I received a return letter from the U-66's former commander Erwin Wulf. He says desk jobs are for the birds. I wrote him back offering a position as first officer on the U-66.:rotfl2:


31.12.41. 0259 Patrol 2
U-66, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: December 31, 1941, 02:59
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid EJ23

1329 Grid BF 55 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid BF 55 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid BF 55 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
0846 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 0
Aircraft destroyed: 3
Patrol tonage: 0 tons

VONHARRIS 10-18-11 12:23 AM

U-103 IXB
16 February 1940
06:31 hours After rearming and refueling from the SS Belchen , U-103 left to continue her mission in grid BB91

22 February 1940
Grid BC54
03:05 hours SS Empire Scout (Tramp Steamer), 1624 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 20. Crew lost: 3. Sunk by gunfire

Grid BC81 - convoy battle
18:07 hours First attack against the slow moving convoy

After the hits , U-103 dived to 120m and waited. The escorts were blind: No pinging at all.
19:12 hours All tubes reloaded , raising to PD
19:41 hours 3 bow tubes fired at the liner and one at a wrecked tanker.
The torpedoes aimed at the liner hit a merchant that acted as shield to the liner. The merchant actually run into the torpedo path. She was sunk instantly.
19:43 hours SS Belgique (Medium Merchant 07), 5036 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 9
19:59 hours MV British Renown (Tanker 02), 6866 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 53. Crew lost: 15. That was the wrecked tanker
20:00 hours Turned around and fired 2 stern shots at the liner. They hit but no effect.
The escorts were still looking in the dark
20:13 hours By that time 2 more bow tubes(the last) were loaded and fired at the liner. Exploded properly. U-103 started diving to 120m slowly and silently
20:58 hours Large explosions heard. Hydrophones confirmed the sinking of the large liner R.M.S. Cunard Queen Elizabeth, 87492 tons
The escorts went crazy: Pinging all over the place and dropping DCs everywhere.
23:51 hours Hydrophones confirmed another sinking SS Rena Rosalind (Turbine Tanker), 9968 tons. Cargo: Aviation fuel. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 19.

11 March 1940
15:46 hours U-103 docked at port
25 days at sea
110986 tons sunk!
No damages or casualties

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