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U-111 IXB Patrol 13
14 August 1941
U-111 left Lorient for Grid DH28 U-56 returned to port after her 6th patrol having sunk a C3 cargo , well done. 28 August 1941 Grid CG97 16:23 hours Aircraft seen - crash dived 19:00 hours Surfaced 19:22 hours Aircraft seen - crash dived 20:40 hours Surfaced 30 August 1941 Grid CG94 18:07 hours Ship seen 18:09 hours Positive ID: Empire type freighter - armed - dived to PD 18:19 hours 2 x TI(bow) fired 18:20 hours Impacts 18:24 hours Ship DIW - lining up for stern shots 18:33 hours 1 TI(stern) fired 18:34 hours Impact 18:35 hours 1 TI(stern) fired 18:36 hours Impact - started reloading stern tubes 18:46 hours Tube 6 loaded - 1 TI(stern) fired 18:47 hours Impact 18:50 hours Ship sunk 18:53 hours Surfaced 02 September 1941 Grid CG94 19:53 hours Moving to intercept convoy 22:06 hours Sound contact with convoy 22:45 hours 1 TI(stern) fired - impact - Medium merchant 06 sunk 22:50 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - impact - Small merchant sunk 22:53 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - diving to 100m silent running 22:54 hours DCs exploding away 22:57 hours Depth 30m - pinging - DCs exploding no damages 22:59 hours Depth 44m - distant pinging 23:00 hours DCs exploding in medium distance 23:02 hours Depth 56m - pinging 23:04 hours DCs exploding in medium distance 23:08 hours Depth 85m - no pinging 03 September 1941 00:45 hours Surfaced 13:35 hours Moving to intercept convoy - unsuccesful 04 September 1941 Grid CG94 19:03 hours Aircaft seen medium range - engaged 19:06 hours Shot down - Kingfisher 07 September 1941 Grid CG89 22:44 hours Moving to intercept convoy 08 September 1941 00:01 hours Sound contact with convoy 01:09 hours 4 x TIs(bow) fired 01:11 hours 2 impacts - Turbine tanker sunk - impact - Ammo ship sunk 01:40 hours Depth 90m no pinging 03:48 hours Surfaced - 2 bow torpedoes left - externals not loaded yet due to weather 09 September 1941 Grid CG49 18:52 hours Ship seen 19:00 hours Positive ID: Large cargo - armed - dived to PD 19:08 hours 2 x TIs(bow) fired 19:09 hours Impacts - no damage seen 20:17 hours Surfaced - no torps left - moving close to the Spanish coast to find better weather 12 September 1941 Grid CG21 06:44 hours Ship seen - dived to PD 06:51 hours Down to 30m 11:57 hours Surfaced 12:52 hours Ship seen - dived to PD 12:55 hours 3 merchant sound contacts + 1 warship 13:27 hours Pinging - diving to 100m 13:28 hours DCs fell - no damages 13 September 1941 02:11 hours Surfaced 19:42 hours Grid CG23 Off Vigo - nice weather - 1m/s - moving external reloads in 14 September 1941 02:18 hours Job completed - moving to hunting grounds 19 September 1941 Grid BF42 17:53 hours Ship seen 18:01 hours Positive ID: Heavy merchant 01 - armed - dived to PD 18:14 hours 1 TI(bow) fired 18:15 hours Impact - ship on fire 18:16 hours 1 TI(bow) fired 18:17 hours Impact - more fires erupted all along her hull - heavy bow - 1 TI(bow) fired 18:18 hours Impact 18:19 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - impact - ship sunk 21 September 1941 01:18 hours U-111 returned at Lorient. 39 days at sea 6 ships sunk 41265 tons 1 aircraft shot down No damages or casualties TOTAL CAREER NUMBERS U-83 VIIB + U-111 IXB Patrols: 13 450 days at sea Start: 01 August 1939 63 ships sunk (51 merchants + 12 warships 3xBBs , 2xCVs 1xAuxiliary cruiser 1xArmed merchant cruiser) 486.299 tons (290.084 merchants + 196.215 warships) 6 aircrafts shot down Torpedoes used: TI only on impact pistols |
U-10 (IIB, "die Elster"), patrol 7
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel Orders: Patrol sea area east of the Shetlands Statusbericht 27.4.1940 A patrol in support of operation Weserübüng. However, the Brits outsmart us here badly and no enemy ships were sighted. We are now back in Kiel with the morale in the dumps. No action in our last patrol, all we did was getting reports of torpedo failures here and there. Only Vonharris had success, otherwise it has been quite miserable for the Kriegsmarine. Norway seems to be firmly in our hands, in spite of everything. Wiebus |
U56 IIC. Patrol 7.
Underway from Kiel 6.jul.40, for AN21. (E of Shetlands)
Return to Kiel 21.jul.40 Finaly made Kaleun/Lieut. No enemy contacts, and no ships sunk this patrol. U56's history to date: 7 war patrols completed. 3 ships sunk for 16.398 GRT. (fourteenth place on BDU's list) Dockside News: On 23.jun.40 U111 sunk HMS Victorious. Well done! Another hazard removed. She returned to Wilhelmshaven on 14.jul.40 The Canoe Crew, U10, U23, and U56, are still paddling along. |
U-111 IXB Patrol 14
22 October 1941
New Alberich sound absorbing coating installed 10:26 hours U-111 left Lorient for grid DJ21 U-56 and U-10 have completed their patrols with no sinkings but they are home safe and sound. 30 October 1941 Grid DJ21 01:55 hours Ship seen - medium range 01:57 hours Positive ID: Medium cargo - possibly unarmed 02:13 hours In position for stern tube attack 02:14 hours 2 TI(stern) fired 02:16 hours impacts - ship on fire - maintain speed 02:20 hours Shadowing target 02:40 hours Under attack - she was armed - minor damages - dived to PD 02:50 hours Stern tubes reloaded - 1 TI(stern) fired 03:00 hours nothing seen or heard 04:12 hours Surfaced 31 October 1941 Grid DJ21 12:08 hours Aircraft seen - medium range - engaged 12:09 hours Took near miss hit aft and next to the turm - flooding - various damages 12:10 hours Shot down - Hudson 12:32 hours Flooding stopped in all damaged compartments - hull breached - unable to dive - abandon patrol to Lorient 04 November 1941 14:51 hours U-111 docked at Lorient badly damaged 14 days at sea 0 ships sunk 0 tons 1 aircraft shot down no casualties 47% hull integrity |
Congrats to Vonharris on returning safely though badly hit. |
BE MORE AGGRESSIVE!! http://www.psionguild.org/forums/ima...ies/pirate.gif
U-23 sets out on 2nd patrol for assigned grid AN87
Tonight U-23 set out on their 2nd patrol for assigned grid AN87.It looks like BDU wants us to probe the northern French coastline,which we look forward to doing,for we have been itching for a fight with the French for a long time.Dunkirk is our nearest enemy port to check out for a day or two then we will sail along the coast and patrol the area around the Dover Strait.We have been in this area before and will have to be extra vigilant for British warships.
Our real desire though would be to sink a capital ship,and judging by last patrol's incessant radio messages concerning Portsmouth this would be a good place to hunt for them. |
U-10 (IIB, "die Elster"), patrol 8, report 1
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel Orders: Patrol AN24 Statusbericht 11.5.1940 BdU has reprimanded the U-boat arm for the somewhat unimpressive results of the last patrols. "Seien sie mehr aggressive!" Anyway, he's happy with Snestorm, I guess, since he has promoted him to K.lt. and Riley is hopeful on sinking a capital ship. When we left Kiel a squadron of He-111's flew over us, probably on their way to bomb the last resistance pockets in Norway. Luftwaffe is definetely showing a fighting spirit, sinking troop ships and damaging capital ships. http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/9795/sh3111.png So far in our patrol we have sunk a Norwegian 2100 BRT steamer east of Bergen. Probably the ship tried to escape to Britain. The ship was sunk with three torpedoes of the type G7e, depth setting 3 meters in 15 m/s winds and medium visibility. Rohr 3 missed (pistol setting AZ), Rohr 2 hit (pistol setting MZ) the front of the ship and Rohr 3 (pistol setting AZ) hit the stern of the ship. The estimated of course of the ship was 175 degrees and speed 7 knots, range 1000 meters. However the torpedoes did not hit were intended and the running time indicated a range of 1100 meters. Probably the ship's speed was misestimated. We are continuing our patrol with 2 G7e's left. Wiebus |
U-111 IXB Patrol 15
27 December 1941
The crew and Kaleun of U-111 have celebrated Christmas and they were ready to sail for their 15th patrol U-10 was already on patrol having sunk a medium freighter and U-23 had left as well. There were no news of U-56 , probably still refitting. 14:51 hours U-111 left Lorient for grid BB99 01 January 1941 20:01 hours Radio message received from BdU http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8757/messagedn.jpg 17 January 1942 Grid BB98 18:36 hours ALARM - Aircraft spotted - Crash dived 19 January 1942 Grid BB95 00:01 hours Multiple sound contacts - Convoy closing in 00:51 hours 2 TI(bow) fired 00:52 hours Impacts - Tanker 16 sunk in flames 00:57 hours 1 TI(bow) fired 00:58 hours 2 TI(stern) fired - impacts 00:59 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - sinking sounds - ore carrier - diving to 100m - undetected so far 01:28 hours Depth 100m - no pinging - that Alberich sonar coating seemed to be working. 01:52 hours Sinking sounds - Small tanker sunk 21 January 1942 Grid BB94 21:53 hours Moving to intercept convoy 22 January 1942 Grid BB95 01:16 hours Sound contact with convoy 02:27 hours 2 TI(bow) fired 02:28 hours Impacts - 1 TI(bow) fired 02:29 hours Impact 02:32 hours Converted whale factory ship sunk in flames 02:46 hours 2 TI(stern) fired 02:47 hours Impacts - Dido class CL sunk 05:00 hours Surface in 13m/s winds but no rain - 3 bow torpedoes remain 23 January 1942 Grid CC21 The weather cleared and we managed to move the externals inside. 12:36 hours ALARM - Aircraft spotted - medium range - engaged 12:37 hours Anson shot down 24 January 1942 Grid BB99 00:34 hours Moving to intercept convoy 04:27 hours Sound contacts showed that the convoy was moving away - abanded approach 03 February 1942 Grid BB98 13:18 hours Moving to intercept convoy 16:51 hours Convoy out of range - abandoned approach. 23 February 1942 03:53 hours Returned to Lorient http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/7948/patrolmap.jpg 59 days at sea 5 ships sunk 38432 tons 1 aircraft shot down no casualties or damages Took command of U-161 IXC The whole crew came together. Upgrades : Sonar - Bold 1 decoys - Alberich sound coating - IX1 type turm |
U-10 (IIB, "die Elster"), patrol 8, report 2
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel Orders: Patrol AN24 Statusbericht 22.5.1940 Back in Kiel. No enemy sightings after our last report. The battle for Norway seems to be ending. Wiebus |
U-10 (IIB, "die Elster"), patrol 9, report 1
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel Orders: Patrol AN41 15.6. 1301 AN44 An airplane sighted 266 degrees, long range, in very cloudy weather. Crash dived. 16.6. 1320 AN41 A Küstenmotorschiff sighted, long range. An airplane sighted while preparing for an intercept. Crash dived. While at A-20 explosions heard on the hydrophone. Apparently the airplane was one of ours and sank the enemy ship, which after the explosions was followed sinking on the hydrophone. 17.6. 1102 AN41 An airplane sighted 276 degrees, long range. A twinengined airplane followed approaching on the observation periscope. Depth charges dropped, crash dived. Warship screws heard on the hydrophone. While at A-10, an airplane heard in the central room, then explosions, but no damage. We are now surfaced again, heading south, course 183, speed AK, trying to get closer to the warships. Light clouds, visibility 9 km, wind 7 m/s from 235 degrees. Five G7e's left. Wiebus |
U-161 IXC Patrol 16
26 March 1942
U-161 was ready to sail for Grid ED99 U-10 had radioed in that she was safe having avoided one aircraft attack but the Luftwaffe had stolen one ship from her. The Kaleun of U-23 had misubderstood his patrol grid and he had to abort the mission. No news of U-56 nor U-65 so far. Let's hope they are OK. No time to write a full report , so images are posted http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/7948/patrolmap.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6373/patrolmap1.jpg 53 days at sea 8 ships sunk 84738 tons 2 aircraft shot down no casualties or damages |
What's this, a new magic trick? |
U56 IIC. Patrol 8.
AO77 0615: Underway from Kiel. Orders: Patrol grid BF15. All torpedoes preset 3 meters depth, AZ (impact only) pistols. 23.aug.40 AN79 (Straights of Dover) 2241: Light Fog. 7 M/S. Depth Under Kiel 31 meters. Time to surface sprint. 24.aug.40 AN79 (still) 0241: "Enemy is engaging us ,sir!" New depth 20 meters! 0243: 3, seem to be, Trawlers closing. 1 heavier unit at long range. 0249: Multiple warships converging on the area, but not us. 0430: Surface! 0434: "Oxygen 100%, sir." New depth 20 meters. Our oxygen was unable to last throughout daylight hours. Every day required a brief daylight surfacing for oxygen. A convoy passed N of us, but well out of reach. One slow merchant, in the vicinity of many ASW vessels, had to be passed. 29.aug.40 BF28 0620: "Aircraft spotted! 168! Medium range!" A L A R M ! Crash dive! Total Depth 84 meters. U56 turns out to be an extremely fast diver!!! 0631: "Sound contact! Warship. Medium speed. Long range. Closing." No DC from Aircraft. No detection by Warship. 1000: Exiting Der Kanal. Whew. 31.aug.40 BF15 0200: On station. 1516: "Sound contact! . . ." Convoy! 1607: Convoy's estimated course 240, making 6 knots. 1614: Lead escort = Corvette. 1616: Revised estimation 242 at 6 knots. 1617: TDC preset: AOB 90 port, 6 knots. 1624: Corvettes at 000 R, and 121 R. Convoy at 038 R to 072 R. 1638: Open tubes 1, 2, 3, for T3 Tanker. (Long shot). 1645/1646: Fire 1! Fire 3! Fire 2! New depth 99 meters. (Total depth 120 meters). 1648: Impact: 2.000 tonner was romping. Sunk. 1649: Unknown! Miss! 1650: Pinging. 135 R, moving toward our stern. (passing 40 meters). 1652: 5 degrees Right Rudder. 1654: Pinging. (passing 60 meters). U N D E C T E D ! 1830: Updated estimation: 257, making 6 knots. 1850: Surface and persue. 2230: Sound check. Preset TDC AOB 90 stb, 6 knots. 1.sep.40 BF15 (Same grid. Same convoy.) 0115: Revised estimation: 254, making 6 knots. 0141: Open tubes 1 & 3 for night surface attack on C3 Cargo. 0145: Range about 800 meters. Fire 1! Fire 3! New depth 100 meters! 0146: Impact! Impact! Torpedo run time 47 seconds. Target uneffected. U56 undetected. 0736: Dive for merchant contact. 1354: Dive for warship contact. 2.sep.40 BF46 1257: A L A R M ! Crash dive for aircraft. 5.sep.40 (Full Moon). BF61 0540: Docked at Lorient, beside the heavily damaged U111. She had taken heavy damage after sinking an enemy Aircraft Carrier. Quite a mess to cross over, in getting to the dock, but Kaleun VONHARRIS and crew generiousely shared their Becks with us. Patrol results: Crew & Hull Integrity 100%. 5 of 5 (TII G7E) torpedoes expended. 1 ship sunk for 2.047 GRT. U56's history to date: 8 war patrols completed. 4 ships sunk, for 20.445 GRT. |
I must check the renown value in the .cfg file and make sure there is no penalty for not reaching assigned grids,I dont think there is. |
If so, there is no penalty or reward for doing the assigned grid. You could have played it through at no loss. |
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