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The weather changes developed a pattern - the winds starts from 8 m/s, goes through 10 m/s, 15 m/s, adds rain and fog, stays like this until I start to bang my head against the periscope column and then, to give me hope, drops for a while to 10 m/s, 8 m/s... then the loop starts again.
My 1WO says it's because we've left other U-Boats so far behind in tonnage sunk that they've resorted to voodoo magic in attempt to catch up. If that's the case, they're getting close. |
So far, so good - no problems on the first (pre-war) patrol, just started the second on Aug 31 1939 and two days later sank a 10k Polish merchant in the North Sea. First time I've ever sunk anything that early, or even seen a Polish ship in those first two days where I couldn't attack anything else. Of course the 2 eels I fired at it were both duds :stare: but I was able to take her down with the deck gun. Commander also gave me Otto Kretschmer's picture for my kaleun, maybe that's evened out the luck. :O: |
Oct. 29, 1939 - Lost at Sea
Picked up SH3 from Steam for 9.99 USD. Tremendous value for what you get. Added SH Commander, which is, as everyone agrees, a real gem. Have been busily mining the forum here for terrific tips and quirks. Thank you all for your contributions.
Yet another of my Lieutenant, Jr.'s met an early demise yesterday due to my greed and attacks of the stupids. On Patrol 3 after coming off station NW of Loch Ewe followed a convoy into the North Channel escorted by a V&W and a torp boat. Slotted a C2 and damaged a C3 and T3 before crash diving to 125 m. Except... the North Channel doesn't go to 125 m. :dead: Somehow the hissing and popping light bulbs weren't picked up by the DD hydrophone operator and two rounds of DCs all missed me by a mile. Went into reverse to get off he bottom, fixed the damage and then got greedy to get some more kills. Periscope up 350 m from the V&W, spotlights glancing off the shiny lens. U-102 wasn't as lucky poking the tiger a second time. 15k tons and died in the #2 spot behind Prien. |
Just learning SH4. Currently off the east coast of Honshu in the convoy lanes. Ducking airplanes constantly, but managing to find several lone merchants. Not bothering with sampans and fishing boats, but have sunk several mid-sized tankers. Still learning.
But... Quote:
I have never seen a Polish merchant. I have seen Polish DDs escorting convoys but never a merchant. |
Are Polish Destroyers anything like Polish Submarines? screen doors, etc?
They do get crews that grow in stature/experience etc as the war progresses and as do all other countries units. |
I've put three torps into one of those suckers. It's like the passenger/cargo of warships.
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:A...sN6MGFdVKQ&t=1 ^^^ Polish Submarine. |
I used 85/110 105mm shells to sink her. Out of the 85 rounds fired , 45 were on target. That is 45 105mm shells landing on her , the last ones at knife fighting range. I will never engage such a target again. I don't know if it has enough renown points to be of worth attacking. |
18.08.40 20.05 Grid AM 53
Watching Aquitania sink. After 5 fruitless days patrolling north of Ireland I spotted Aquitania heading West.She spotted me from around 8.000 m and i decided to move away and attack a couple hours later (then i realized max speed 31 knots!!!). A magnetic salvo of 3 was launched at her from 1.000 m, 2 found target and started sinking immediately... My first 100k patrol is so close!:) ps:Damn she was big! |
First patrol, shake down cruise, found some deep water. I think one of the boys pissed themselves though. Them VIIb's sure can go deep.
http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/9...1121842328.png "successful" infiltration of Scapa Flow. No capitals found, just did some recon. Nothing worth shooting. I plotted something like 65 marks over 3 days. ASW craft are grumpy! http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/8...1155348609.png |
Edit: anyway, he racked up more tonnage in 18 months than anyone else did in the whole of the war, and lived to tell the tale. Given the odds against the latter, that's good enough luck for me. :D |
U-34 update status
U-34 VIIB type (in fact she was a VIIA uboat.net)
Patrols : 5 (1 shakedown) Days at sea : 102 Merchants sunk : 26 Tonnage : 113043 tons Warships sunk : 6 (1xCL 1 x small depot ship 4 x Aux cruisers) Tonnage : 72375 tons Current status : February 14 1940 passing north of the Orkneys heading for AM 53 and then CG 77 which is my patrol grid. |
Strange ship behaviour
I was shelling a large merchant in grid AN 13 97,8 km NW of Scapa Flow with 7m/s wind at night. Date : February 19 1940
After 10 - 12 8,8cm shells she disappeared from my nav map , she was NOT a legid target any more , and I didn't received any renown points nor a "she is going down" message. It looked like the crew ditched the large merchant , BUT is that scripted in SH3? Anybody else encountered this? SH3 + GWX3.0 + SH3Commander + visual mods. |
"Storm" damage?
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