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rudderless 04-30-10 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1378624)
Is it me or did you just get hit in the bow quarters on your port side? :dead:What kind of damage did you suffer? Lost any crew?

Oh and why on earth did you remove the deck gun??

That's not me, it's an AI sub, unless one of you guys teleported into my game when I wasn't looking. I'm somewhere else in about 80m dodging depth charges. I was just flicking through the camera controls when I found that.
Oh! if it is one of you guys, stay out of my game. I have enough trouble hitting targets when they travel in a straight line.:D

Snestorm 04-30-10 11:43 PM

U27 VII(A). 2 Flotilla. Patrols 2 & 3.
Posting 2 patrols because, the internet was down.
(Good thing I love my SH3, and didn't take an interest in SH5!)

Patrol 2. Patrol Grid AM41.
Left Wilhelmshaven on 25.okt.39.

31.okt.39 AF75 (100 miles north of The Shetlands).
11.23 Alarm! Crash dive for aircraft.
Route to patrol grid shortened due to the amount of time we will now have to travel submerged. I don't like being late.

On 8.nov.39 (Present position AM18) U27 recieved a radio report of a convoy in AM29, moving east at 6 knots.
At 20.31 we had arrived in AM29, and recieved a repeat of the radio message.

We finaly found the convoy at 22.24.
In 3 attacks over the next 24 hours U27 expended all 11 torpedoes, sinking 3 ships for 21.634 GRT.
Enemy aircraft arrived on the evening of 9.nov.39

U27 docked at Willie 21.nov.39

PATROL 3. Patrol grid BF47.
Underway from Willie on 19.dec.39. U27 will be transitting Der Kanal on the outbound leg of this patrol.

23.dec.39 AN79 (Near Bristol, England).
At 08.21 we got a sound contact that grew into a convoy.
In spite of the total depth being 36 meters, and 2 destroyers as escorts, 2 torpedoes were fired at considerable range, at 2 targets. A C2/Medium Cargo was struck in the bow by a G7A torpedo. The G7E did not find it's (Little Merchant) target. (217. 6 knots.)
Nothing sank, and no retaliation came from the escorts, or any other warships in the area.

A status report had to be sent that night. "0 ships sunk. 9 torpedoes left."
Admiral Jimbuna was running the BDU Comm Center that night.
"BE MORE AGGRESIVE!", came his reply.
Uh oh, already in trouble, we are.

The weather changed to heavy fog, and stayed that way until year's end.
On 1.jan.40 a new status report was sent detailing our new year's exploits.
1 ship sunk for 2.049 GRT. 8 torpedoes left.
Having used our external stern tube, all 8 torpedoes are in the bow.

2.jan.40 BF47
U27 has arrived on station after 14 days at sea.

4.jan.40 BF17 (SW of England)
After picking up a sound contact U27 manages a submerged daylight attack.
3 torpedoes are fired at a T2 Tanker making 10+ knots on course 079.
2 impacts (bow & midships) had to be helped by my gunnersmate.
We submerged to avoid aircraft and reload torpedoes until nightfall.
A status report is sent that evening. 2 ships sunk for 12.923 GRT. 5 torpedoes left.

6.jan.40 AM76 (W of Ireland)
Another sound contact turned target.
C2/Medium Cargo making 6 knots on course 148 was sunk, at the cost of 4 torpedoes.
All 3 G7Es hit, but failed to sink him. A G7A finished the job for 6.453 GRT.
Upon surfacing that evening a status report was sent.
3 ships sunk for 19.376 GRT. 1 torpedo left.

7.jan.40 AM49
Radio report of a 6 knot convoy in AM01 moving ESE.
U27 goes to full ahead in reponse.

8.jan.40 AM46
At 01.47 the convoy becomes immaterial as U27 fires her final torpedo in a night surface attack, upon an encountered merchant making 5 knots on course 175.
Coastal Merchant (2.026 GRT) sunk. He too needed help from the deck gun!

At 02.55 a status report is sent. 4 ships sunk for 21.422 GRT. 0 torpedoes left.
And at 03.08 comes the expected reply. "Return to base."

19.jan40 AN98
19.44 Docked safely at Willie.

In 3 patrols, U27 has sunk 10 ships for 58.336 GRT.

Weiss Pinguin 05-01-10 12:42 AM

U-163 is heading back for America (DE94), with the engines, scopes, and everything else in working condition this time. Got the radar set up and running, maybe we'll find something on the way over.

On that note, how does the FuMO 29 work out in the field? I understand that it has a very limited field of view (field of scan?), so how effective would it be if I had it sweeping the entire time I was running on the surface?

pickinthebanjo 05-01-10 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by gazpode_l (Post 1378435)
I take it then u-571 now adorns the bottom of the ocean does she? :dead:

With many holes and angry dead people, we went down firing though

gazpode_l 05-01-10 02:13 PM

awww comizeration herr kaleun. :salute:

Time to start a new, fresh campaign.

The first time I properly played a campaign, it lasted 2 patrols! :shifty:

MrKWMonk 05-01-10 06:17 PM

U-6, a Type IIA boat, just returned to Kiel from her 6th patrol mid Feb 1940. Got the game last week this is my first SH3 campaign.

A mixed patrol with only mediocre success in and around AN41.

After arriving on station without incident hit a small freighter during a submerged daylight attack. She looked to be going down with water over her deck so I headed away but never got a credit.

It was very quite apart from one aircraft alarm. A few days later spotted a coastal tanker making 9kts. Being daylight I closed and submerged but my intercept was off and as the angle on bow got worse I fired a single shot at ~4000m which missed.

There was then a report of a task force heading to Aberdeen. I wasn't able to catch up which wasn't a bad thing I guess as they were hugging the coast where it's only about 50m deep.

On the way back to AN41 around midday during a raging storm and in all the vast ocean I manage to cross paths, within visual range, of 3 RN destroyers. The first 2 or 3 DC runs were close enough to rock the boat but after I got down to 100m and went to silent running it seemed they couldn't get a good fix on me. After about 2 hours I was able to sneak away west. So U-6 survived her first brush with the Royal Navy.

Spent a few more days patrolling and with fuel down to 25% was just setting course for home when we spot an Empire Freighter. Make a night surface attack and get 2 torpedoes into her. She settles, listing heavily to port but doesn't roll over. I keep an eye on her for a while and not wanting to miss out on a credit again I circle around to her starboard side put my last torpedo into her and she goes down.

On the way home we of course ran into a large Polish freighter at night and 6000m range but with only 20mm and bad language to throw at it it's their lucky day.

Arrived safely at Kiel 36 hours later.

Enjoying the game, wondering why it's taking me so long to finally get it! Am not minding the type II patrols at all, is helping to make me feel like the inexperienced new captain I am learning the ropes before I get my hands on the bigger boats.


KL-alfman 05-01-10 06:20 PM

exciting patrol you had! :up:

sink em all :salute:

Snestorm 05-01-10 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by MrKWMonk (Post 1379633)
Enjoying the game, wondering why it's taking me so long to finally get it! Am not minding the type II patrols at all, is helping to make me feel like the inexperienced new captain I am learning the ropes before I get my hands on the bigger boats.


You're doing great, and have a good approach to the game.

Anytime you're feeling doubtful about your successes, you can go to, and compare your results with the real U6, or any other boat. I think you'll find your results to be more in line with historical accuracey than you now percieve.

krashkart 05-02-10 09:57 AM

To: BdU
From: Bernard, U-122

On our last patrol, Herr Kaleun made a pit stop at the head after setting course for a coastal freighter we had disabled with a stern shot. Upon completion of his objectives in the restroom he decided to brush his teeth, and in that time our sub crashed into the freighter, which in turn tore away the attack periscope and caused a great deal of hull damage. Myself and the crew are begging you to please transfer that idiot to a desk job and send us a competent commander!

To: U-122
From: BdU

Negative. All other assets are committed. Continue with assigned patrol as fuel and ammunition permits.

Several Days Later.....

To: U-122
From: BdU

Kapitanleutnant Krashkart, you have been awarded the Kriegsmarine Bronze Cross for Personal Hygiene, and the Deutschland Pink Tiara for Vanity Under Fire. Admiral Donitz himself will be present upon your arrival to Wilhelmshaven. Congratulations, and keep up the good work!

STEED 05-02-10 11:47 AM

I got two IXB's in October 1940 doing well so far. :)

Weiss Pinguin 05-02-10 03:35 PM

Nein, nein, nein, nein!

I finally reach the target-rich ED sector, and a storm comes barreling through. I've been sitting through several days of rain and zero visibility, but at least I caught a fleet tender just before things really got bad. A while ago I stopped for a soundcheck, heard a merchant that had just passed us. Even if I had tried to intercept, the rain would've made an attack impossible.

In the words of the immortal Old Man, "F@ck and d@mn this sh!tty weather!"

gazpode_l 05-02-10 08:14 PM

Well my career o u-65 is over after my second patrol! we had already nearly wrecked the ship on a silly encounter with an asw trawler when we surfaced right next to him and he rammed us, gouging a nice hole in us and blasting away 8 of my crew! :damn:

Then TONIGHT i was running north when I encounterd a convoy - we got engaged by the lead escort - a flower corvette..

We crash dived and crushed to death as we passed 65mtrs. :stare::o:doh::dead:

I guess I will be queuing up gazpode II when I next get the chance to play in mid-week as i'm away at the lover's tomorrow and out rest of week!

rudderless 05-03-10 01:02 AM

Patrol 18
U-66, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel
Left at: January 25, 1941, 01:40
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid DJ19

3.2.41 contact report from Bdu:
Westbound convoy Grid CG 95
Weather perfect.
Contact with convoy 1600. 1 Empire, 3 medium and a number of smaller vessels.
Fwd tubes set magnetic, a salvo of 2 each for the medium and empire.
Stern salvo at the granville.
First salvo missed the medium. All tubes reset to impact and shallower depth.
One hit on the granville and 2 on the empire.
Took some damage from depth charges, managed to sneak away.
1738 Ship sunk! S.S. La Estancia (Granville-type Freighter), 4708 tons
1758 Ship sunk! S.S. Garm (Empire-type Freighter), 5555 tons

Managed to keep contact astern of the convoy through many course changes.
Just after dark we were jumped by aircraft.
One moment we were cruising along admiring the stars when a bloody searchlight lit us up and they bombed the crap out of us. The attack scope is stuffed, deck guns all gone. Luckily there wasn't a great deal of flooding and we managed to fix the engines, observation scope and tubes.

Regained contact in Grid CG 94
Managed to get around the escorts into a good position ahead of the convoy.
Set a fwd salvo of 2 magnetic. Conditions ideal for a run under the keel, range approx 2500.
2 hits a fwd of aiming point but all good.
Worked into position on next medium.
Fired 2 for 1 hit, didn't look to damage her much at all.
Took some more damage from the escorts, 3 of the buggers had us pinned. We are holding the old girl together with chewing gum and spit.
The 1 hit damaged her enough that she dropped astern of the convoy.
Finally managed to get up to her after being chased deep a couple more times by the escorts, no more damage luckily.
4.2.41. 0005 Grid CG 94 Ship sunk! M/V Enseigne Maurice Prehac (Medium Cargo), 5396 tons
4.2.41. 0533 Grid CG 94 Ship sunk! M/V Baron MacLay (Medium Cargo), 5397 tons

We are making our way home, hopefully get another ship or two without incurring any more damage.

KL-alfman 05-03-10 01:45 AM

U-48 (Oberleutnant Joseph Kleer)
2.Flotilla, Wilhelmshaven

after patrolling our assigned grid AM23 for a week with not traffic and very bad wheather U-48 is heading on a course SE to patrol the Approaches east of Rockall's.
so far only only 2trawlers were sunk by deck-gun around the Orkneys.
hopefully, radio will tell us about a near-by convoy soon.

edit: hehe, 1,000!

Lord_magerius 05-03-10 10:33 AM

I brought Rudolf Strasser out of retirement, in January 1944. Got sick of looking after all those kids at the academy :O:
Assigned to 7th/13th with U-1116 a shiny new VIIC/42 :D We left on January 6th to patrol grid AM41, came across a couple of small freighters and coastal merchants which we sunk no problem :O: Got to AM41 and recieved a contact report of a task force heading straight for us. We sat at periscope depth for about 6 hours when the familiar sound of a destroyer was picked up over the hydrophones. 20 minutes later the task force entered visual range 6 destroyers and 1 Casablanca class. Set up a shot on the Casablanca, all 3 eels hit her perfectly and within 5 minutes she was at the bottom. Managed to evade the destroyers by diving down to 230m and deploying decoys. Headed north to the Rockhall Bank where we intercepted a convoy, took out one destroyer that had clocked us and an ore carrier. Things got too hairy to carry on so we dived to 230m again and ran like hell. Took slight damage from depth charges. Headed back south to return to base, picked up a V&W and two coastal freighters. Sunk all three and headed home with 30000 tons chalked up :D

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