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Paul Riley 03-20-10 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Grim Nigel (Post 1325627)
Heres one I took from the about same position (If I remember rightly) the chap in Das Boot took one of his first few photo's from, right before he was told to wait till they were on the return journey, they would have grown beards.

When taking screenshots which button hides the interface bar at the bottom of the screen?
Thanks :up:

Sailor Steve 03-20-10 03:48 PM

NumPad Del. The NumLock has to be on for it to work.

I'm actually using a mod that hides it permanently.:D

frau kaleun 03-20-10 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Grim Nigel (Post 1325749)
Ouch, R.I.P. your Boat & crew.

Well, I've got about a dozen mods that I d/led and have been itching to try out and maybe subconsciously I really wanted that patrol to be over a little too quickly. :O:

Should've quietly done my patrol as ordered and avoided the hell out of anything other than lone ships, then made for deeper water where I could hunt at will with a better chance of surviving the wrath of any warship I couldn't take out with one well-placed salvo.

Instead I tried to set up an attack run on four destroyers coming out of Scapa with barely 70m of ocean beneath my keel.

Paul Riley 03-20-10 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1325828)
Well, I've got about a dozen mods that I d/led and have been itching to try out and maybe subconsciously I really wanted that patrol to be over a little too quickly. :O:

Should've quietly done my patrol as ordered and avoided the hell out of anything other than lone ships, then made for deeper water where I could hunt at will with a better chance of surviving the wrath of any warship I couldn't take out with one well-placed salvo.

Instead I tried to set up an attack run on four destroyers coming out of Scapa with barely 70m of ocean beneath my keel.

Quite an appropriate image

Paul Riley 03-20-10 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1325781)
NumPad Del. The NumLock has to be on for it to work.

I'm actually using a mod that hides it permanently.:D

Thanks for that Steve :up:

KL-alfman 03-20-10 05:00 PM

sry for your losses, Frau Kaleun and martin1004!

for me it's sailing home to Brest after a pretty successful patrol (7ships, 52k tons).
the ride into the sunrise reveals all the beauty of the type VII:

p.s: the water is the mod of rik007 (SH5water for SH3)

Paul Riley 03-20-10 05:04 PM

I seem to be having problems taking screenshots ,someone just clarify this for me,is it CTRL+F11 or CTRL+PRINTSCREEN? and the location of the screenshot/s in the SH3 directory?

Thanks :yep:

KL-alfman 03-20-10 05:09 PM

for me it's CTRL+F11
and it saves directly into the root directory of the game as a *.bmp-file

Flopper 03-20-10 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1325870)
I seem to be having problems taking screenshots ,someone just clarify this for me,is it CTRL+F11 or CTRL+PRINTSCREEN? and the location of the screenshot/s in the SH3 directory?

Thanks :yep:

If by chance you're using kegetys' d3d9.dll for the widescreen fix, it's just printscreen, and the path is specified in the ini file:

Snestorm 03-20-10 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1325828)
Instead I tried to set up an attack run on four destroyers coming out of Scapa with barely 70m of ocean beneath my keel.

Didn't one of your earlier boats meet the same end, in the same place, and under the same circumstances?

How about trying a IXB, with the Weapons Officer ON, and Auto Targeting OFF?

Snestorm 03-21-10 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1325775)
Odd,that you had no contacts at all :shifty:

That seems to be the story of my life, when BDU decides to send me towards Afrika.
I hate going down there.

I had thought my U37's total tonnage might be a-little high historicaly,
until I looked up The Real U37. WOW!

My U37:
9 Patrols.
29 Merchants for 166.147 GRT.

The Real U37 (Type IX "A"):
11 Patrols prior to becoming a School Boat.
53 Merchants for 200.124 GRT! (1 damaged at 9.494 GRT)
2 Warships for 2.404 Tons.

She survived, only to be scuttled on d. 8. maj 1945.
Whew! What a boat!

I play Boat Carreers as opposed to Commander's Carreers.

None of my boats carry external reloads, thus giving the variouse VIIs a more that even footing with my IXs. It also gives my late war boats (If I get that far alive) a slightly better chance to compete.
Type II (all): 5 Torpedoes.
Type VII: 11 Torpedoes.
Type IX: 12 Torpedoes.
Type VIIB (and up): 12 Torpedoes.
Type IXB (and up): 14 Torpedoes.

I've got to figure out how to "zero out" my tonnage when I get a new boat.
(That way SH3 can do the math, instead of me. I hope.)

frau kaleun 03-21-10 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1326188)
Didn't one of your earlier boats meet the same end, in the same place, and under the same circumstances?

How about trying a IXB, with the Weapons Officer ON, and Auto Targeting OFF?

No, not really. I was patrolling AN16, about as far off to the east of Scapa as I could get and still be in that grid, when I got tagged by this task force.

The last time I was actually trying to sneak through between Scapa and the Scottish mainland at periscope depth, spotted a destroyer, and blew her to kingdom come. Then her friends came and returned the favor. Probably not a facepalm in the world that's facepalmy enough for that escapade.

I might try a Type IX if'n I ever live that long and have enough for the upgrade. Still too enamored of the Type VII to be all that interested right now though.

Snestorm 03-21-10 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1326245)
No, not really. I was patrolling AN16, about as far off to the east of Scapa as I could get and still be in that grid, when I got tagged by this task force.

The last time I was actually trying to sneak through between Scapa and the Scottish mainland at periscope depth, spotted a destroyer, and blew her to kingdom come. Then her friends came and returned the favor. Probably not a facepalm in the world that's facepalmy enough for that escapade.

I might try a Type IX if'n I ever live that long and have enough for the upgrade. Still too enamored of the Type VII to be all that interested right now though.

My mistake. Thought you might have been out playing in "Scapa Valley" again.

And on the last note. Enjoy your VIIB. It's a nice ride.

Paul Riley 03-21-10 03:45 AM

Still no luck with screenshots
Hate to bring this up again but I tried taking a quick snap of my game again last night,first by using CTRL+F11 then luck :nope:
Pressing F1 to bring the button mapping info up indicates that CTRL+F11 is the correct way?
I was looking in the main SH3 directory,and cant see any recent JPG or BMP references to SH3.
I think I managed to take a snap ages ago using stock but cant remember which button I used.For the record,I am using the res fix for GWX3 allowing for higher resolutions.

Thanks for any help here.

Paul Riley 03-21-10 03:53 AM

Obviously the res fix is the culprit here after a bit of reading on the matter.It seems I may not have a valid directory path for the screenshots to be placed in.Opening up the d3d9.cfg I get -
screenshotPath=. <-- there really is a full stop after the equals sign.

So,can someone give me a valid directory to save the shots to,like my documents for example?,would that work?

If all else fails is it safe to remove the res fix and revert back to the original GWX3 setup? its ok modding our games but my experience is teaching me that we can do it TOO much eventually breaking a once stable game :damn::zzz:

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