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U-101 VIIB
Patrol No3
19 October 1939 21:43 hours U-101 left port for grid AM51 28 October 1939 Reached patrol area only to find out that both scopes were out of order , they couldn't be rotated. Abandoned patrol 03 November 1939 22:12 hours Docked at port. During the return trip the diesels were tested at flank speed giving 17kts at calm seas with 0 m/s winds 16 days at sea 0 ships sunk 0 tons No contacts No damages or casualties. |
To: Bdu
From: U-73 Subject: Patrol Status Departure:St. Naz. on 01OCT40, assigned to weather station at grid DH54. 1st war patrol. 04OCT40 2140 hrs 2 WO's crew spot a steamer, 4500 meters to our NE. Moonless night and the ship is running without lights. Proceeded ahead of target and readied for a night surface torpedo attack. Tube 1 was selected for impact pistol. Our gun was made available in case of a miss or we needed to take out the bridge to prevent radio broadcasts. We get to a range of under 1800 meters without being spotted, our attack solution looked good so I ordered "Eins los" We aimed for under the bridge, but must have mistaken the range a little since our eel struck aft of the forecastle. Her heck jumped a meter up and crashed back into the water. I could see orange glow of flames that were starting in the stern holds. I order the gun to be fired at the bridge. Moments later the bark of our deck gun followed the gout of flames from the barrel. First shell hit the deck just fore of the bridge, causing a brilliant flash in the darkened sky. Ranges were shouted out and what seemed like minutes went by before the next loud report of our cannon. This one was dead on and caused the bridge to become a smoking wreck. Ship sunk, steamer of unknown registry, approximately 3800 gt, CG16. |
now you coulda attacked on the surface, but I dont exactly recomend that one, or been über advanced and make the fireing solution yourself. (I have only sunk one ship that way, and it was using a homing torpedo)! lol So im at my moms work and find out my power is out. No internet tonight, but I will have my laptop so its time for SH3 lol. |
Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 7th Flotilla
Dear Onkel Karl,
I see we've lost 3 of our bases in France. Please be blunt: we're losing, aren't we? The Scapa Flow crossing remains treacherous; took an EXTRA extra long route just to be safe. Managed to get rid of one VW that was on my tail, but the bees leave me no peace. Finally reached the BE grid after 11 days. I can again confirm from this patrol that once past the Bay of Biscay longitude, the Atlantic is relatively calm. Probably all stuck in Paris, I'm guessing. Rounded things off with a big fat T2 and a C3 sailing side by side. Realism @ 70%, original game specs. Nyan Cat Lives Used: 2 Pressed "Exit Patrol" button after 19 days (7 RTd inclusive). Respectfully yours, Eschem http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=5093 http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=5094 |
^ Impressive esch :up:
To: Bdu From: U-73 Subject: Patrol status. On 12OCT40 @ 1759 hrs, my turn on watch, ship spotted, B-304, C-SW at about 10 knots. It being dusk, surface attack was out of the question. We set up a 90 degree angled submerged attack with tubes 2 & 4. We were able to get within 2000 meters when I order the launch at a 10 second interval. Eel # 4 hit 2:25 minutes later, impact pistol 6 meter depth right under the stacks. Order a surface gun attack, when we found that Eel #2 probably missed. Surfaced in a minute and one round from the deck gun from 1200 meters scoring on the bridge. She listed bad to port. Got back heading east bound since we were ordered to monitor the entrance to the straight of Gibraltar. English flagged 3100 GRT, cargo. |
Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 7th Flotilla
Dear Onkel Karl,
Please accept my humblest apologies for nearly totaling the '42. However, in my defence, it's not like anyone was ever going to use U-923. So I thought: what's the harm in one quick joyride with just over forty of my closest mates before consigning her to the scrap-heap? Next thing I knew, damn bees nearly blew her bow off. I understand that downing 5 Sunderlands do not make up for risking a complete write-off. Nevertheless, I am eternally grateful to you for filing this incident under "Patrol 28". And for allowing me to keep the Type 7C/42. She is a thing of beauty. I've been told she'll be good as new come February. Allow me to make a solemn promise - not a scratch to her from this day onward. Realism @ 70%, original game specs. Pressed "Exit Patrol" button after 2 days. RTD: 1 (!) Nyan Cat Lives Used: 0 Wishing you a happy and prosperous 1945, Respectfully yours, Eschem http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=5095 |
U-101 VIIB
Patrol No 4
The patrol never started. U-101 didn't make it out of the harbor. Scopes useless(for the second patrol in a row) , diesels not responding. The boat is cursed. So I requested a new boat and it was accepted. My crew and I commissioned the brand new U-104 IXB. More to come soon. |
Right about now I think I'd be checking for black cats and broken mirrors. :D :O: |
Hard fighting against well protected convoys under scorching southern sun.
Patrol 5 U-555, 1st Flotilla Left at July 19, 1941, 00.09 Mission Orders: Patrol grid DH19 24.7.1941 09.00 Arrived patrlol area. DH19 7.8.1941 16.14 Convoy spotted. DH18 16.22 Detected by warship. Crashdive. 17.00 Escorts gave up. Convoy still nearby. Decided to attack from periscope depth. DH18 17.07 Fired two G7e torpedoes against large cargo ship. Range 1800m, Speed 6-7 kts, AoB green 90. Both duds. 17.08 Fired one G7a torpedo against small freighter. Range 1400m, Speed 7 kts, AoB green 90. A hit and target sunk immediately. 17.09 Fired one G7a torpedo against same large cargo ship with same data. A hit. 17.16 Fired one G7e torpedo from rear tube against large freighter. Range 1400m, Speed 7 kts, AoB green 105. Miss. 19.37 Regained contact with convoy. DH18 21.33 Fired G7e torpedo from rear tube against convoy straggler. Range 1000m, Speed 5 kts, Aob red 75. A definite dud. 21.42 Fired G7a torpedo against same target. Range 800m, Speed 5 kts, AoB red 100. A hit and target sunk immediately. DH18 23.17 Detected by escorts. Crashdive. DH18 8.8.1941 02.33 Contact with convoy regained. DH16 04.07 Detected by escorts. Crashdive. DH16 09.00 Contact with convoy lost. DH16 10.11 Received new orders. Patrol grid CG89. 9.8.1941 17.25 Took external torpedoes on board. DH31 11.8.1941 07.45 Arrived patrol area. CG89 08.48 Convoy reported in grid CG89. 13.29 Warship spotted. CG89 13.37 Convoy spotted. Shadowing. 14.51 Aircraft spotted. Crashdive. CG97 15.30 Contact to convoy lost. CG97 16.10 Contact regained. CG97 21.07 Fired rear torpedo against escort ship from periscope depth. Range 800m, Speed 10 kts, AoB green 60. Miss. CG97 21.13 Detected by asdic, depth charged. 23.18 Fired double shots of two G7a and G7e against two overlapping targets. Range 3000m, Speed 7-8 kts, AoB green 100. All missed. CG94 23.20 Detected by escorts. Depth charged. 12.8.1941 01.07 Ship spotted, possible convoy straggler. CG94 02.21 Fired G7e and G7a torpedoes against medium freighter. Range 1700m, Speed 9-10 kts, AoB green 95. One dud one miss. Out of torpedoes, starting return trip. CG94 16.8.1941 16.43 Docked at Brest. Ships sunk: Ship sunk! SS Maseio (Tramp Steamer), 1544 tons Ship sunk! SS Maja (Large Merchant), 12043 tons Ship sunk! SS Foo Shing (Tramp Steamer), 1543 tons Patrol tonnage: 15130 tons Kapitänleutnant Sigmund Strand U-2 type IIA (1 patrol) U-139 type IID (2 patrols) U-555 type VIIC (2 patrols) Career Tonnage: 62 128 tons |
I dropped my current career.
After all those troubles with U-101 , the game crashed at the end of No 5 patrol. I am about to start a new career from December 1939 with a IXB. |
Damn it! Have I lost my convoy mojo?
Patrol 6 U-555, 1st Flotilla Left at September 21, 1941, 20.05 Mission Orders: Patrol grid CG11 24.9.1941 09.50 Arrived patrol area. CG11 1.10.1941 11.37 Convoy reported at grid BE98. Intercepting. CG11 Patrol tonnage: 0 tons Kapitänleutnant Sigmund Strand U-2 type IIA (1 patrol) U-139 type IID (2 patrols) U-555 type VIIC (3 patrols) Career Tonnage: 62 128 tons Summary Kapitänleutnant Sigmund Strand and U-555 surrendered to the Allies on 01OCT41. Sigmund Strand was sent to a POW camp in Scotland where he spent the rest of the war. After the surrender Sigmund Strand spent eight months in Allied captivity. He died on 28 September 1969 in Hamburg. |
U-107 IXB
New career
31 December 1939 13:22 hours U-107 left port for grid AM77. We had a large quantity of Becks on board to celebrate New year. 01 January 1940 Grid AN66 16:43 hours Intercepted Swedish medium cargo. No action taken 02 January 1940 Grid AN62 00:38 hours Intercepted Danish small merchant. No action taken 03 January 1940 Grid AN45 03:02 hours SS Kelso (Medium Merchant 17), 4020 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 47. Sunk by gunfire - 26 105mm rounds used. When she went down she exploded and caused a hell of a damage to U-107 as the distance between the two vessels was just 100m. Hull integrity down to 15%. Some men were injured. 04 January 1940 13:25 hours Docked at port. 5 days at sea 1 ship sunk 4020 tons U-boat damaged (H.I. 15.69%) |
good job saving the ship and your men. Like an idiot I lost like 3 men that way.
Left bergen and over in the scapa flow area encountered small convoy, nothing was left floating except I... MUHAHAHA set sail for southern Ireland and took some damage after some DCs. (I sunk the destroyer so its ok). Ordered to dock at Brest for Refuel, Rearm and repair. Left Brest for Gibraltar, sunk a few lone merchant ships before the weather turned to crap. We decided to attack Casablanca. Almost sunk when a destroyer got wind of us as we were entering. She went down non the less. Armed trawler got wind of us, and suffered the same fate. Then we were homefree, as no other moving vessels were heard. In the port we spotted 3 troop transports! I only had 3 bow torpedos left and 3 stern left, all used and all sunk. Left port, surfaced and put in the 2 external stern tubes I had left (no more bow). Set sail for U-488 and encountered a huge convoy on the way, but the weather was so crappy. I lined up my shot, the ship was an ammunition ship. Last two stern tubes shot, one hit one dud. This made the five escorts mad. Crash dove to 120 meters, and went ahead slow hard to port. After some time they lost track of me and went back for the convoy. After two hours surfaced and set course for the milk cow, no other ships were encountered. Docked at a milkcow in the middle of the atlantic (I think it was u-488) |
On Patrol
Currently U-48 is passing through the English Channel and is being pursued by a flower corvette due to being spotted by a swordfish. Morale is high and we aren't planning on going to Davey Jones' locker any time soon.
Coastal Merchant sunk with deck gun Hawker Hurricane obliterated by AA U-48 Out:salute: |
Good work,:up:
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