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I like sinking hospital ships too. |
U-111 R Hessler Patrol no8
Following repairs etc, U111 was ready for Departure for Patrol #8 of Hessler's Distinguished career.
Orders: Patrol CF/CG Grid #96 (tbc) Depatured: 26th Sep 1941 U-111 was loaded and victual'ed and made ready for sea, departing same day. On leaving the mouth of the river, another u-boat was sighted, a VIIC on her way back into Lorient after a succesful patrol. 28th Sept '41 (aprox) A lone merchant was spotted in the distance by a sharp-eyed lookout. U-111 was turned toward and the distance quickly closed and a firing solution obtained. A 1' spread of 2 torpedoes were fired and the target was quickly sunk for an estimated 8,000 GrT. 30th Sept '41 A distant warship was spotted appearing out of the darkness at around 8km. Before long, more ships were identified which then were then positively ID'd as a large convoy. Soon it was also discovered that we were heading in the same direction as the convoy. Flank speed was ordered, and the U-boat's heading changed so that we could overtake the convoy, but still maintain sufficient contact to tell the location of them. Around 4am ideal firing position was obtained. As the convoy began to appear, it was identified that within this convoy, there was a Southampton Class! This was then made the main point of target, together with a Large Merchant. At periscope depth the attack commenced and Four torpedoes were fired, two at the southampton and two at the large merchant. A pair of hit was registered on the Southampton and following a series of secondary explosions, was heard to be breaking up. One torpedo oblitarated a small steamer which ran into one of the torpedoes intended for the Lg Merchant, with the detonating on the merchant's stern, rendering her D.i.W. U-111 submerged even further to a depth of around 120m and reloaded her tubes. She then ascended back upto periscope depth before firing again, this time completing the Job on the Lg merchant. With her tubes now empty, after firing at a medium cargo, and having 1 torpedo miss and another detonate on a steamer, U-111 descended towards the depths again. A brief encounter with enemy escort's followed which managed to lock-on using ASDIC, but thier attacks were although accurate, were "shook off" Shortly after dawn, U-111 re-surfaced as the convoy & escort's had left the area, with three kills to her name; A Lg Merchant (6,000 GrT), A Coastal Steamer (1800 GrT), and most valuably, a Southampton Class cruiser @ around 10,000 GrT. (around lunchtime on Sept 30th '41) U-111 is now on a southerly course, heading towards the assigned patrol grid of CF/CG96. |
Patrol 4
11 December 1939 01:26 hours U-50 left port to patrol grid AN52 12 December 1939 Grid AN65 10:17 hours Ducth tugboat seen - no action taken 14 December 1939 Grid AN52 00:33 hours Reached patrol area 15:22 hours Ship seen 15:28 hours Man the dech gun - calm seas 15:29 hours Opened fire 15:33 hours SS Marslew (Medium Merchant 25), 4347 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 40. Crew lost: 18. 50 rounds used 17:01 hours Ship seen - dived to PD - 10m/s winds 17:09 hours 2 bow shots 17:11 hours 2 hits observed - ship DIW 17:23 hours Stern shot 17:25 hours Impact 17:27 hours MV Poelau Roebiah (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 52. Crew lost: 43 - Surfacing the boat 16 December 1939 Grid AN51 12:54 hours Ship seen - dived to PD - 11m/s winds 13:04 hours 2 bow shots 13:05 hours 2 hits seen 13:09 hours Q Ship USS Irene Forsyte (Medium merchant), 4043 tons. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 41 17 December 1939 Grid AN55 15:39 hours Ship seen - 0m/s winds 15:48 hours Opened fire with deck gun 15:49 hours SS Vivagel (Large Trawler), 547 tons. Crew: 13. Crew lost: 11. 6 rounds used 19 December 1939 Grid AN52 00:08 hours 15m/s winds - sound contact on surface merchant closing - dived to PD 00:33 hours Visual contact 00:37 hours 2 bow shots 00:40 hours 2 hits - ship on fire 00;42 hours SS Vapper (Medium Merchant 07), 5036 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 22 23 December 1939 (Kaleun's birthday R/L 23-12-1971) Grid AN52 00:53 hours Warship seen - dived to PD 00:54 hours Multiple warship contacts 01:00 hours Contacts closing in 01:05 hours 2 bow shot at large shadow - cruiser 01:14 hours No results - contacts fading away 04:10 hours Surfaced 25 December 1939 Grid AN51 04:32 hours 15m/s winds - sound contact on surface merchant moving away - no action taken 28 December 1939 Grid AN51 00:02 hours 12m/s winds - sound contact on surface merchant closing 00:58 hours Visual contact 01:14 hours 2 bow shots - surface attack 01:15 hours 2 hits - dived to PD - ship probably armed 01:19 hours USS Demeter (Convoy repair ship), 5215 tons. Crew: 186. Crew lost: 3 flying Britsh colors 01:20 hours Surfaced - no torps left - start return trip 17:48 hours Ship seen - dived to PD 17:50 hours Enemy ore carrier 22:38 hours No sound contacts - surfaced 30 December 1939 08:13 hours Docked at port New year at home this time 20 days at sea 6 ships sunk 28279 tons No damages or casualties Map of operations http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/4968/an52.jpg Took command of U-107 IXB |
U-107 IXB
Patrol No 5
29 January 1940 03:55 hours U-107 left port for grid AL63 05 Febuary 1940 Grid AM16 20:16 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message 21:58 hours Visual contact - dived to PD 22:05 hours 1 bow shot 22:06 hours 1 bow shot 22:07 hours 2 bow shots - 2 explosions - MV Nordbo (Granville-type Freighter), 4708 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 72. Crew lost: 50 22:08 hours 1 stern shot - pinging - diving to 100m - silent running 22:10 hours Depth 20m - DCs 22:15 hours Depth 40m - pinging 22:46 hours Depth 138m steady - no pinging 23:37 hours Contacts fading away - reloading 06 February 1940 00:30 hours PD - no contacts 00:32 hours Surfaced - 1m/s winds - repaired flak gun - moving externals 07 February 1940 10:30 hours Reached patrol area AL63 13 February 1940 06:07 hours Nothing seen or heard - moving to AD83 17 February 1940 04:18 hours Reached grid AD83 18 February 1940 Grid AD59 17:31 hours Warship seen - dived to PD 17:35 hours Multiple sound contacts - convoy closing 17:58 hours 2 stern shots - 2 hits 18:00 hours 2 bow shots - 2 hits 18:01 hours SS Benakat (Tanker 18), 4427 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 24 18:02 hours 1 bow shot 18:03 hours 1 hit - diving to 100m - no pinging 18:26 hours Depth 100m - all quiet 18:42 hours Convoy moving away - reloading tubes 19:32 hours Tubes reloaded 19:48 hours PD - saw this http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/6362/linerdiw.jpg 20:07 hours 2 stern shots 20:08 hours 2 hits 20:27 hours Liner down by the stern - 1 bow shot coup de grace - liner sunk before torpedo hit - no explosion seen SS Excaliber (Large Liner) , 42511 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1550. Crew lost: 1534 http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/7...wgoingdown.jpg 20:40 hours Tubes reloaded - surfaced - 15m/s winds - moving to AL63 23 February 1940 to 02 March 1940 Patrolling around Rockall Bank with no contacts - moving to AM52 05 March 1940 Grid AM52 12:24 hours Warship seen - dived to PD 12:26 hours Multiple contacts - convoy 13:14 hours 2 bow shots 13:15 hours 2 bow shots - 1 hit - Q Ship HMS Lambridge (Medium Coastal Freighter), 2367 tons. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 4 13:26 hours 1 stern shot - 1 hit - Q Ship HMS Maunder (Medium Coastal Freighter), 2368 tons. Crew: 76. Crew lost: 10 13:27 hours 1 stern shot 13:28 hours 1 hit - SS Roxby (Medium Merchant 25), 4347 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 3 - pinging - diving to 100m 13:33 hours More pinging and DCs close by 13:36 hours ........... Time stopped here! At 06 March 1940 BdU announced the loss of U-107 with all hands during a convoy attack. 37 days at sea 6 ships sunk 60728 tons Oberleutnant z. S. von Harris and U-107 were lost sometime on 05MAR40. Awarded the Knight's Cross posthumanly. Career statistics 5 patrols 102 days at sea 24 ships sunk (22 merchant + 2 warships) 150333 tons (135793 merchant + 14540 warships) Biggest warship sunk: Ship sunk! HMS Orion (CLLeander39), 7270 tons on 03 September 1939 Biggest merchant sunk: SS Excaliber (Large Liner) , 42511 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1550. Crew lost: 1534 on 05 March 1940 |
^^^ Lovely shots of the liner all lit up ... :up:
U-49 here, Started a new campaign recently.
Gotta love the early years, en-route to my patrol sector of BE96 I decided to take the dreaded English Channel to save gas, plan is working out pretty good so far, the fishing is rich. http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/2...trolreport.jpg http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/7...rolreport2.jpg I expect to run out of ammunition before I can even make it to my patrol sector. Something funny happened in this particular patrol, I had just entered the Channel and the weather was terrible, huge waves heavy rain, and fog thicker than peanut butter. I wanted to slip by the Dovor port on the surface that night, using the bad weather to my advantage. I gave the order for ahead flank and we were booking it, I wanted to get well away from the port before sunrise. After about an hour, my men inform me of a ship emerging from the fog.....it was a destroyer :o I quickly gave the order to dive and rigged for silent running but by the time I issued those orders he was well within 100m, I thought I was dead. He passed right by me on the surface, starboard-to-starboard, and quickly disappeared in the fog almost as quickly as he came. He never came back, I guess the weather was a blessing in disguise. (Wish I could've nabbed a picture of it for you guys but it was over almost as soon as it happened) Yeah I was too lazy to write everything down so you get copy and paste images out of the game...sue me. :smug: |
Nice to see you Howard, welcome back to the pack! :arrgh!: |
New war. GWXGold + SH3 Commander + a few tweaks of my own.:hmmm:
Leutnant z. S. Ernst Klein commanding U-53, type VIIB. U-Flotilla Wegener Shakedown patrol went decently well, saving the fact I was shot at by Germans. Don't sink the target ships, even though that's what it says to do. :doh: (Forgot about the 24 hour neutral ship deal) CAPTAIN'S LOG 1.8.39. 0319 Patrol 1 U-53, U-Flotilla Wegener Left at: August 1, 1939, 03:19 From: Königsberg Mission Orders: Patrol grid AO98 0619 Grid AO 98 Ship sunk! SS Corsea (Nipiwan Park-type Tanker), 2474 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 18. Crew lost: 16 0620 Grid AO 98 Ship sunk! SS Erria (Large Merchant), 10563 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 73. Crew lost: 5 0755 Grid AO 98 Ship sunk! MV Harfry (Coastal Tanker), 1250 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 21 0759 Grid AO 98 Ship sunk! SS Tristan (Passenger/Cargo), 2305 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 81. Crew lost: 55 0901 Grid AO 98 Ship sunk! SS Coolana (Small Freighter), 2172 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 29 0903 Grid AO 98 Ship sunk! SS Aeneas (Coastal Freighter), 1818 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 9 5.8.39. 0953 Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 6 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 20582 tons Was transferred to U-flotilla Saltzwedel upon returning to base, and promptly ordered through the channel into the Atlantic. A lot of waiting and watching later, the war finally broke out and I got to lighten my sub.:arrgh!: U-53 and it's crew performed exceptionally well, not one hiccup. CAPTAIN'S LOG 14.8.39. 0229 Patrol 2 U-53, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel Left at: August 14, 1939, 02:29 From: Wilhelmshaven Mission Orders: Patrol grid BF19 3.9.39. 1556 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! SS Caribou (Passenger/Cargo), 2253 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 92. Crew lost: 82 5.9.39. 0447 Grid BF 41 Ship sunk! SCF, 2365 tons 6.9.39. 2206 Grid BE 39 Ship sunk! SS Santa Rita II (Medium Cargo), 5081 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 65. Crew lost: 43 12.9.39. 0304 Grid AM 45 Ship sunk! SCF, 2366 tons 13.9.39. 0005 Grid AM 48 Ship sunk! SS Sheksna (Passenger/Cargo), 2245 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 89. Crew lost: 8 16.9.39. 0014 Grid AM 46 Ship sunk! SS Raranga (Large Merchant), 10615 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 82. Crew lost: 17 0020 Grid AM 46 Ship sunk! SS Achilles (Ore Carrier), 8085 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 78. Crew lost: 53 17.9.39. 0137 Grid AM 43 Ship sunk! SS James Cook (Small Freighter), 2231 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 27 21.9.39. 0739 Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 8 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 35241 tons In base now preparing for patrol 3. |
U-122 IXB
Back to square 1
Patrol No 1 01 December 1939 11:21 hours U-122 with the greenest crew of UBoot Waffe sailed off for her first war patrol 04 December 1939 Grid AN45 19:10 hours Norwegian harbour tugboat seen - no action taken 12 December 1939 Grid BF17 09:44 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message 10:35 hours Dived to PD - sound contact with convoy 11:05 hours 2 bow shots 11:07 hours 1 bow shot 11:08 hours 2 hits - MV Empire Jet (Motor Tanker), 6818 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 58 - 1 hit 11:09 hours 1 bow shot 11:14 hours 1 stern shot 11:15 hours 1 hit 11:16 hours 1 stern shot - diving to 100m - no pinging 11:17 hours 1 hit 11:19 hours SS Akbar (Medium Merchant 40), 5927 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 7 11:40 hours Depth 100m - no pinging 12:06 hours Contacts fading away - reloading tubes 17:20 hours Surfaced 17:43 hours Ship seen - dived to PD 17:58 hours 2 stern shots 17:59 hours 1 hit 18:29 hours 2 bow shots 18:30 hours 1 hit - Whale Factory Ship, 17330 tons (I can not make Commander to name that class , though I have done it with other classes!) 18:41 hours Surfaced 13 December 1939 Grid BF44 12:11 hours Reached patrol area 16 December 1939 Grid BF44 14:08 hours Ship seen - dived to PD 14:29 hours 1 bow shot - hit - Q Ship USS Irene Forsyte (Medium Coastal Freighter), 2364 tons. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 15 25 December 1939 Grid BF44 18:15 hours No other contacts - weather 12-15m/s winds - 3 bow torpedoes remain - moving to AM52 29 December 1939 Grid AM54 09:13 hours Ship seen 09:22 hours 1 bow shot - surface attack 09:23 hours 1 hit - target on fire listing heavily 09:24 hours SS Mona (Tramp Steamer), 1930 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 29. Crew lost: 6 06 January 1940 Grid AN52 12:30 hours Good weather - 1m/s winds - moving externals in 19:30 hours Procedure completed as the RN and RAF didn't show up. 12 January 1940 Grid AN69 09:29 hours German trawler seen - raised the flag and waved at them. 20:29 hours Docked at port 43 days at sea 5 ships sunk 34369 tons No casualties or damages |
U-122 IXB
Patrol No 2
11 February 1940 16:26 hours U-122 left for her 2nd war patrol. Spirit was good but my LI managed to put himself in a barfight and got arrested. Despite my effords he was detained. 21 February 1940 Grid AM79 08:04 hours Ship seen - dived to PD 08:33 hours 2 bow shots - 2 hits 08:34 hours Whale Factory Ship, 17330 tons http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/8...hipfromsh5.jpg This is the ship I am talking about. It is imported from SH5 but the Commander refuses to name her. 24 February 1940 Grid CG12 15:33 hours Moving externals inside - 0m.s winds 25 February 1940 Grid CG41 15:49 hours Discovered fuel leaking 27 February 1940 Grid CF99 10:56 hours Reached patrol area 28 February 1940 Grid CF99 18:54 hours The leak is very serious - fuel down to 50% - abandon patrol and move to SS Corrientes to patch the tank. 02 March 1940 15:56 hours Docked at SS Corrientes 21 days at sea 1 ship sunk 17330 tons No casualties |
U-122 IXB
Patrol No 3
03 March 1940 20:54 hours The tank was sealed after the collasal effords of the new LI and his repair crew assisted by the crew of SS Corrientes. U-122 left for grid AE78 (generated by the SH3 Patrol Tool) 08 March 1940 Grid CG42 13:08 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message Grid CG41 13:59 hours Visual contact - Destroyer - dived to PD 14:51 hours 4 bow shots 14:54 hours 2 hits 15:06 hours 2 stern shots - diving to 100m 15:09 hours 2 hits 15:12 hours USS Daedalus (Convoy repair ship), 5215 tons. Crew: 155. Crew lost: 40 15:34 hours Depth 88m - no pinging 17:03 hours Contacts fading away bearing 165. - reloading tubes 17:42 hours Tubes reloaded 18:26 hours Surfaced - spotted whale factory ship DIW 18:27 hours Opened fire 18:29 hours Whale Factory Ship, 17330 tons - 10 rounds used - reloading externals 11 March 1940 Grid BE68 06:23 hours Ship seen 06:46 hours Opened fire 06:48 hours SS Iron Prince (Medium Merchant 39), 3237 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 37. 17 rounds used 09:22 hours Ship seen 09:42 hours Opened fire 09:47 hours SS Montour (Large Cargo type 1) , 8464 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 17. 37 rounds used 19 March 1940 Grid AE78 13:00 hours Reached patrol area 26 March 1940 Grid AD59 06:51 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message 10:49 hours Sound contact with convoy 12:09 hours 1 bow shot - visual contact lost 12:13 hours 1 hit - SS Belgique (Medium Merchant 07), 5036 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 10 14:45 hours Periscope depth - spotted straggler 15:15 hours One more ship seen , both moving at 2 kts 15:39 hours 2 stern shots - 2 hits - MV Storanger (Tanker 16), 10678 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 37 16:13 hours 1 bow shot 16:14 hours 1 hit - MV British Reliance (Tanker 02), 6866 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 29. Crew lost: 10 08 April 1940 Grid AD83 19:50 hours No contacts visual or sound 09 April 1940 Grid AD83 09:48 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message Grid AD59 15:01 hours Sound contact 16:33 hours 1 bow - 1 stern shot 16:34 hours 1 hit - SS Empire Crest (Tanker 18), 4426 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 18 - 1 hit - SS Aakre (Medium Merchant 29), 4908 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 0 16:38 hours 2 bow shots 16:39 hours 2 hits - 1 bow shot - 1 hit 16:40 hours 1 stern shot - diving to 100m 16:41 hours 1 hit - Q Ship HMS Edgehill (Medium merchant), 4046 tons. Crew: 69. Crew lost: 49 Damaged converted whale factory ship with 3 torpedoes 17:19 hours Depth 100m - no pinging 10 April 1940 04:43 hours Surfaced - start return trip 18 April 1940 Grid AN11 02:55 hours Ship seen 03:11 hours Aircraft spotted - engaged target 03:12 hours Opened fire - All guns blazing away 03:13 hours Aircraft destroyed! Fairey Swordfish Mk I - MV Corheath (Coastal Tanker), 1200 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 17 - 12 rounds used 03:15 hours Two more aircrafts 2xFairey Swordfish Mk I 21 April 1940 13:18 hours U-122 docked at port 50 days at sea 11 ships sunk 71406 tons 3 aircrafts No casualties or damages |
U-122 IXB
Patrol No 4
21 May 1940 Start patrol 25 May 1940 Grid AN14 18:37 hours SS Spar (Medium Merchant 17), 4020 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 30 17 June 1940 Grid CG95 09:06 hours Aircraft destroyed! Lockheed A-29 Hudson Mk IIIA 09:31 hours SS Lycaon (Large Merchant), 8891 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 61 21:37 hours Q Ship HMS Brutus (Medium merchant), 4043 tons. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 34 23:10 hours SS Scholar (Medium Merchant 22), 4290 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 22 23:10 hours SS Gogovale (Medium Merchant 22), 4291 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 63 18 June 1940 Grid CG94 14:44 hours SS Varangberg (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 13 14:44 hours SS Barrwhin (Medium Merchant 06), 5173 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 20 14:44 hours SS Empire Gilbert (Empire-type Freighter), 5721 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 51 18:36 hours MV Innesmoor (Medium Merchant 25), 4347 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 15 30 June 1940 Grid AN14 04:27 hours HMS Turquoise (ASW Trawler), 1100 tons. Crew: 55. Crew lost: 4 04:41 hours SS Charles Lykes (Medium Cargo), 4359 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 39. Crew lost: 28 02 July 1940 13:31 hours Docked at port 43 days at sea 11 ships sunk 48104 tons 1 aircraft shot down U-boat damaged (H.I. 79.11%) No casualties |
Trying to sink Dunkirk rescue vessels...without going near Dunkirk (lock-up) and having a save that will reload during this mission...without an error :damn:
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