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U531 IXC40. Patrol 1 completed.
Left Kiel on 30.apr.43.
Patroled the area between Greenland and Canada with no sightings or sinkings. Arrived in Lorient on 14.jul.43, alive. That's the way it has to stand. Originaly, it would/should have listed 4 ships sunk, from 2 convoys, for over 30.000 GRT. Tryed to Save & Exit only to suffer a CTD. After loading my last save, I couldn't bring myself to cheat by using knowledge I wouldn't have had about the 2 convoys, so I changed my patrol route. They must have been the only 2 convoys out there because, we saw nothing, and BDU told us nothing regarding convoys. "Oh well." We even passed through AJ97, where the real U531 was sunk by HMS Vidette, on her first war patrol. No HMS Vidette. No convoy. No nothing. But, at least the SH3 U531 is still kicking. |
Early 1944, and i'm back from far east... Tired of bad weather and rough seas there...
First patrol from Toulon went well, patroled grid SE of Malta, and sunk 4 merchants in large convoy... on way back i was passing 50 km near Malta and chased lone merchant, but after several air attacks i went on periscope depth but still on course to Malta ... when i arrived there - there was two Italian BB! Had only 2 torpedoes left, but at least i tryied... Closed up to 2000m and fired both, after 300-400 m - boooooom! Damn subnets... turned u-boat north again and returned to Toulon... I'll be back... |
U-200 IXD2
U-200 IXD2 is sailing between Africa and Madagascar on her way to the naval base of Penang in the Far East. It is now July 1943 and there are 4 torps left on board. Crew morale is medium despite the sinkings we have achieved so far (35000 grt) since we hear many bad news over the radio.
We hope to arrive alive in Penang. |
SINK EM ALL!! http://www.psionguild.org/forums/ima...ies/pirate.gif
Taking a rest Off the coast of Africa returning to Wilhemshaven soonn enough. Got a French Straggler this morning :D
FROM: U-123 AM7856 16 Feb , 1941 SOS SOS SOS Jumped by DD in heavy Fog, not sure how they found us. Unable to dive, Abandoning Ship, destroying secret items. |
From: HMS Viceroy 16.feb.41 Have picked up captain and crew from U123. Will provide new quarters in England. (Ouch!) |
U531 IXC40. Patrol 2.
Departed Lorient on 10.aug.43.
Orders: Patrol Grid GR99 (Proceed south to the last grid, then turn east to the last grid. Past Capetown) An exercise in RAF avoidance, and fuel conservation. 13.sep.43 0400 Present position is ET92 (South of Freetown). No ships sunk to date. |
U531 IXC40. Ship sighted.
"Ship sighted bearing 111. Long range."
Over 2 months into the patrol, and we sight our first ship. Date: 15.okt.43 Time 2154 ZT (Zone Time) Location: GR52, about 100 miles outside the naval base at Capetown. Ship type: Destroyer! Between 3000 and 4000 meters. He wasn't running, or didn't have radar. We dived to 100 meters, and continued to twist left as he passed across what was our bow at medium speed. It would appear that we remained undetected, which is realy important at this time. We will be passing within 50 miles of the port, and the moon is full, so submerged travel is completely in order. Wonder if we'll see Lorient again? |
U-93 BST patrol #4 summary
Well U-93 completed her 4th patrol tonight. our original orders were to depart from kiel and proceed to brest. I decided to run the gauntlett and run surfaced through the english channel at night, much shorter trip across and would give us valuable range should BDu decide to send us out hunting - likely given the fact we left with a full tank of gas and a full load of torpedoes..
Arrive in the grid for brest, and soon enough, word comes through that we are to hunting at my discression....so I turn our boat towards the irish sea. As we get up into grid am97, we get a report of a convoy nearby. I head towards the convoy and only reward I get is to run into a nearby Hunt class destroyer! must have been the outer convoy screen, She nearly runs us over, but we get deep enough. I creep upto 13m and manage a stern tube shot when she is around 500m and am suprised to score direct hit! SHE's GONE! Later I head south towards the isle of man where I get back in touch with the convoy. however not before I manage to sink a lone modern merchant, for 7400GRT. Upon discovering the convoy I thought was in existence, it was marely sister ships, a large merchant and a medium cargo in tandem. Sailing at break-neck speed in stormy seas we shadow them for some time before a shot becomes possible. I manage to somehow sink both of them! Med Merchant @ 4405GRT Lg Merchant @ 7496 GRT Quite disappointing totals but we will take them anyway and they add to the great score achieved in my last patrol (#3). Soon we are chased by an annoying CD class destroyer, apparently named "HMS Duncan". She makes quite a large number of runs on us and manges to cause a fair bit of damage to us and takes out one of my diesel engines, the other was able to be repaired! Soon I began to lose patience with her and brought myself upto periscope depth. I fire a bubble-less type 2 torpedo and order a crash dive to 50m. an explosion is heard which sounded like a depth charge going off...however upon settling at 50m my sound-man indicates no more contacts!!! disbelieving him I jump into the hydrophone seat and put on the headphones, and slowly rotate the dial! He's right! there isn't anything more! "Zero deipher!" Is ordered and we proceed upwards to periscope depth again. Up scope and the view yealds a blank sea! :up: So I goes onto the tannoy to tell the boys of our great luck! we've bagged a second destroyer this patrol through our balsy rear torpedo tube technique and I am sure I also scored a similar kill on anti sub vessels on my last patrol too! We all stand down from battle stations and beer & wine is served to the lads, with me and one of my XO's sipping on me best chardonnay i've been saving! We turn for home and arrive back at brest some three days later to find the scharnhorst and gniesau are in! quite a sight they are too! Our next patrol I think will be in a few weeks once u-93 is repaired....DT grids are apparently on the list for our next patrol..........I've never been THERE before!! :hmmm: |
Late 1944., and i transfered to Bergen on new XXI type U-3030. Started good with the sinking of two lone merchants (Total 11,000 GRT) off the east England coast. Headed north around the Shetland islands to the patrol area Grid AM53.
After 24h of patrol, headed SW to the Western Approaches, sunk another merchant (2,300 GRT) and few hours later found extremley large convoy about 40+ ships heavily guarded by Bogue Carrier and 10-11 destroyers. Manage to sneak inside of convoy and fired all 6 torpedoes at most bigger targets in front of U-Boat. Bogue Class, Modern Tanker and Large Troop Transport - all 6 eels hit the targets, and Tanker sunk immidiatley. Turned boat to the rear of convoy trying to sneak out. I was almost there, when suddenly Evarts turned course and started to ping. I was at 90m and still slowly going down. After 15-20 mins all bastards came at me, and started with depth charging one after another. Went down to 220m, several time managed to almost sneak again, but one dc exploded close and damaged sub. Went up to 130m cos boat was taking water seriously. Zig-zaging at 1/3 speed, and sometimes went flank as depth charges was again in the water. Managed to repair sub and stop flodding, went down to 160m at silent running. Another 2 destoryer runs and i was damaged again, this time more badly. Went up to 80m when another exploded near. Sub was out of control and started sinking so there was no other option than blow balast. Done that as i know that was one way trip :salute: Just before hit the surface, Bouge Carrier was sinking and i was proud as been shelled on surface by destroyers. Still manage to fire 30-40 AA rounds at closest one (maybe 300m max) and take out his AA gun as few his sailors ended their carerrs just when my ended :arrgh!: |
Great story HotiBomba. Going down guns blazing. Nice and dramatic (btw I'm was listening to Mozart's Requiem while reading your post so maybe that makes your story somewhat more dramatic to me lol)
U-200 IXD2
October 1943
Far East U-200 is still in one piece. We have completed one patrol in the Arabian Sea and the Golf of Aden with very good results. There were many tanker convoys , medium escorted. The escorts were not very enthousiastic in finding us. Our current position is the Timorsee in deep waters. We have a very nice patrol so far with a large troop ship and a ceramic type ocean liner sunk. There is heavy traffic , a lot of convoys and again the escorts seem to be surprised by our presence. In three convoy attacks , we have been DCed only once with minor damages. I will post the patrol results soon. Edit : Posting the patrol results Arabic Sea Page 1/2 http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/7421/arabicsea1.jpg Arabic Sea page 2/2 http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/3109/arabicsea2.jpg Timorsee Page 1/2 http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/5574/timorsea1.jpg Timorsee page 2/2 http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/1571/timorsea2.jpg The last patrol reminded me what Happy times in the Atlantic used to be! |
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