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Gerald 11-01-10 04:15 PM

Good job, it's happened to me also, :yep:

Gargamel 11-01-10 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Arael (Post 1526408)
I hate you. I never thought of looking up my boat's number until you mentioned it. I looked it up, only to find U-111 was sunk on its second patrol by a stupid ASW Trawler.

From what i was reading, the 4 version of my boat (WW1-WW2) never made it past a couple patrols each.

But yeah, I was expecting some glorious history report, but nope, only sank one boat before getting torched herself.

Akela 11-02-10 04:58 PM

RIP U-53
Oberleutnant z. S. Wolfgang Kästner and crew were lost on October 6th, 1939. Kastner may be the first U-boat captain lost during this war. It was his first career, and his 4th partrol. Scholars have often thought that his promotion to U-Boat Captain may have been a move of desperation by the Reich in the frantic days at the start of the war. Wolfgang had never successfully completed his Naval Academy training. Supporting this theory, the H.M.S. Pretty Damn Devistating recently found an audio tape floating in the North Atlantic near Scapa Flow. The voices are believed to be Wolfgang Kastner and his officers during the last moments of their lives. What follows is a transcript.

Sonar: "Contact, Sir! Warship bearing three-five-one, closing, medium range"

Kastner: "Up periscope".

[several moments of silence]

Kastner: "Hmmm, looks like a V.W. Class, about 4700 meters out. Hey, the little triangle thingy is green! Fire!"

Someone: "Los"

Various-fading "Los, los, los, los, los, los"

Kastner: "How long till it hits?"

Someone: "5 minutes Kaelun"

Kastner: "Five minutes!? I'm not waiting around that long, let's go East. Set course for 90, 20 meters. That ship is too small anyway, there was another one to the east, let's go see what it is."

Someone: "Aye Kaelun".

[time passes]

Kastner: "Up periscope".

[a few seconds]

Kastner: "Hey, there's another one, and he's real close, about 1400m!"

Someone: "Captain, you are looking aft Sir".

Kastner: "Oh yeah, you're right, it says 180 at the top. Hey, that must be the guy we shot at! He should be way behind us by now, what's he doing over here?"

Kastner: "Looks like man-overboard or something, they've got all these search lights going."

Someone: "Sir! We're being pinged!"

Kastner: "What!? Scheiss! Dive deeper, take it to 100m. Flank speed, right full rudder!"

Someone: "20 meters, Sir."

Kastner: "Navigator, how deep is the bottom around here?"

Navigator: "Depth under keel, 20 meters, sir"

Kastner: "Ack! Stop diving! Speed one knot, run silent, rudder 15 degrees to port!"

[time passes, sounds of propellers and pinging]

Kastner: "rudder 15 degrees starboard"

[more silence, then more pinging]

Someone: "depth charges in the water sir"

Kastner: "is that bad?"

[end of tape]

CherryHarbey 11-02-10 06:04 PM

we've all been there but luckily for us, we live and learn.

Gerald 11-02-10 06:38 PM

True words!

Alpha Von Burg 11-02-10 08:21 PM

onboard a Scharnhorst-class Battleship (using WSM3.0)

" This is the Captain speaking. In 0200 hours, we will commence Operation Weserübung."

VONHARRIS 11-03-10 02:22 AM

Update on Erhard von Loser
U-103 has completed 3 more patrols with success but has taken some serious damage.

9. 19JAN1941 - 31JAN1941 13 days 25.576grt
10. 4MAR1941 - 24MAR1941 21days 64.726grt (2xLarge troop ship)
11. 23APR1941 - 12MAY1941 11days 56.968grt (1 CL)

During a convoy attack (9th patrol) an escort got lucky and had a fix on U-103 while she was at 102m. The DC attack was so accurate that destroyed both scopes , the flak guns , seriously damaged the forward torpedo department and injured 5 men. Hull intergity dropped to 30% but the escort thought he had sunk U-103 and left. U-103 managed to reach port safely.

Patrol 10: U-103 was off the east coast of Canada when she bumped into a large convoy. Weather was rotten but it was afternoon with good visibility. Two large troopships each 24.000 grt were in the middle of the convoy. Two well aimed shots of two torpedoes at each ship were fired.
The first troop was hit midships and forward as intented and started listing heavily and sinking by the bow. The second one took evasive action but she was hit aft by both shots. An explosion and a fire ball appreared and the ship disappeared under the waves. By this time U-103 has completed a turn and fired both stern tubes at a small coastal freighter which was hit and sunk.

Patrol 11: Nothing noticable , exept the sinking of a Southmpton class CL which was escorting a convoy.

Erhard von Loser was becoming a living legend. U-103 was the ruler of the Atlantic. Perhaps it was time to leave the sea for a place in operations where his experience would be valuable. But this would never happen. Von Loser was a warrior.

More to come!

krashkart 11-03-10 02:33 AM

U-176 Defects to Heligoland

Crazed Kaleun hauled away by men in black coats after dramatic surrender to fellow Kriegsmarine. Bemused onlookers offer beer, sandwiches to rattled crew.

frau kaleun 11-03-10 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by krashkart (Post 1527810)
U-176 Defects to Heligoland

Crazed Kaleun hauled away by men in black coats after dramatic surrender to fellow Kriegsmarine. Bemused onlookers offer beer, sandwiches to rattled crew.

Heligoland? Really? They don't even have nude beaches. :nope:

Tessa 11-03-10 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1527805)
Erhard von Loser was becoming a living legend. U-103 was the ruler of the Atlantic. Perhaps it was time to leave the sea for a place in operations where his experience would be valuable. But this would never happen. Von Loser was a warrior.

More to come!

Don't take the promotion, get drunk on duty or something to get demoted so you can stay at sea. I've always used Topp as my role model (career wise) who was able to remain at sea (and survive) for the entire war and was one of the few that obtain the rank of Kapitan Z. s.

Missing Name 11-03-10 11:45 AM

So, my old VIIB U-100 has been transferred to someone else. I bought myself U-106, a IXB.

And I love it. Took on a small convoy. 3 armed merchants, 1 destroyer. 1 torp, 100 10.5 FlaK rounds used. Yes, I used the deck gun more than the main weapon.

I took out the destroyer (Hunt 1) with 2 hits! And I only used 4 shots on it total. Hit the depth charge rack and the escort suffered a critical existence error. Minor hull damage, some of it caused by the destroyer going boom. I'd say that's a success. I know it's not how you're supposed to use a U-boat, but the shells would be much cheaper than a torpedo in real life.

Is anyone else as foolish as I am or is the deck gun that useful (at this point, at least.) It's early 1942 now.

Arael 11-03-10 08:06 PM

November 28, 1940
15:11 local time

Left Lorient at 05:06 this morning. At 14:31 lookouts spied a S-class submarine 102 kilometers South-West of Brest, heading towards Lorient. I wasn't about to let a threat like that near my base, so U-111 submerged and got into position. At 14:49 one G7e was launched at 1 meter depth. At 14:50 torpedo impacted right behind the S-class' forward torpedo tubes. The resulting explosion killed the sub pretty much instantly. Continuing voyage to BF-17.

krashkart 11-03-10 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1527916)
Heligoland? Really? They don't even have nude beaches. :nope:

Bernard assured me that the topless native Heligo women would welcome us with open arms, and that there would be beer and sandwiches in great abundance. Problem is that there were no topless Heligo women. And I didn't get any sandwiches. :hmmm:

BTW, what am I supposed to do with this rifle thingy? I can't seem to chop firewood with it. And why are all the women here speaking Russian? :06:

P.S. Please send warm clothing. :cry:

frau kaleun 11-03-10 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by krashkart (Post 1528630)
Problem is that there were no topless Heligo women.

Er... you know all those friendly topless Heligo "men" that keep hanging around?

Well, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you...

krashkart 11-03-10 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1528644)
Er... you know all those friendly topless Heligo "men" that keep hanging around?

Well, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you...

They're not related to Monty Python spinsters, are they? :o

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