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mobucks 06-05-15 03:54 PM

Can anyone reading this confirm or deny enemy AI warships they come across can sometimes get stuck in a passive state?

For example, I have had a few torpedo boats that will point their guns at me and drive around my boat without firing a shot?

I have also come across DDs that are immobile, blairing sirens, deck guns pointed at odd angles towards upper reaches of the stratosphere. I even surfaced near one of these in broad daylight at max speed (in frustration with this bug) and they did nothing.

Also aircraft buzzing over practicing attack runs but never shooting.

Doesn't seem to affect all AI, yesterday I go fed up and TCd out of an area that had some passive ships/planes and then a separate Task Force engaged me putting a very many holes in my boat.

kevinsue 06-05-15 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by mobucks (Post 2319008)
Can anyone reading this confirm or deny enemy AI warships they come across can sometimes get stuck in a passive state?

For example, I have had a few torpedo boats that will point their guns at me and drive around my boat without firing a shot?

I have also come across DDs that are immobile, blairing sirens, deck guns pointed at odd angles towards upper reaches of the stratosphere. I even surfaced near one of these in broad daylight at max speed (in frustration with this bug) and they did nothing.

Also aircraft buzzing over practicing attack runs but never shooting.

Doesn't seem to affect all AI, yesterday I go fed up and TCd out of an area that had some passive ships/planes and then a separate Task Force engaged me putting a very many holes in my boat.

It's an old chivalry thing modelled into IRAI. They just allow you to feel good one last time before they kill you! :huh:

vdr1981 06-05-15 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by mobucks (Post 2319008)
Can anyone reading this confirm or deny enemy AI warships they come across can sometimes get stuck in a passive state?

For example, I have had a few torpedo boats that will point their guns at me and drive around my boat without firing a shot?

I have also come across DDs that are immobile, blairing sirens, deck guns pointed at odd angles towards upper reaches of the stratosphere. I even surfaced near one of these in broad daylight at max speed (in frustration with this bug) and they did nothing.

Also aircraft buzzing over practicing attack runs but never shooting.

Doesn't seem to affect all AI, yesterday I go fed up and TCd out of an area that had some passive ships/planes and then a separate Task Force engaged me putting a very many holes in my boat.

Pretty much all is true , especially if you're dealing with lone warships which are protecting ports or similar. That's why I don't do harbor raids any more, including Scapa Flow mission...
You'll notice that things are a bit different at open seas and escorts and destroyers will actually do their job...Mostly...:D Although I would give them a bit more precise active sonar. Afterall, IRAI is still a WIP...:03:

Airplanes problem is caused by use of TC while they're on the attack run...This may be because of some faulty settings in main.cfg file but I'm not really sure.

mobucks 06-05-15 07:49 PM

Thank you for the detailed explanation. Yes I was only encountering this while in the shortcut of Pentland Firth south of the Orkney Islands. There is a port or two nearby.

It's a big weight off my shoulders, thought some of my lite-modding might have screwed things up.

RoflCopter4 06-06-15 02:31 AM

EDIT: Nevermind, fixed the problem.

Does this mod include a snorkel you have to unlock or does it lack that entirely? If that's the case, TDW's snorkel mod work with it?

MCM 06-06-15 06:34 AM

I would like to know too...

And: Do we need the hotfix 2 or not? One the first page it is not existing.

vdr1981 06-06-15 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2319109)
I would like to know too...

And: Do we need the hotfix 2 or not? One the first page it is not existing.

How do you mean it is not existing?:hmmm:

THEBERBSTER 06-06-15 07:00 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > RoflCopter4 :subsim:
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Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos :ping:

THEBERBSTER 06-06-15 07:05 AM


Look at the instructions on Post 1 it tells you all you need to know.

The Wolves of Steel 1.03
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5_HotFix 2
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - TDW Real Navigation *
The Wolves of Steel - *x* Resolution Patch * (if needed, default is 16:10)

vecko tells you that the hotfix 2 is not cumulative meaning that it has to be enabled in its own right.


griffin 06-06-15 07:07 AM

ok so playing this mod all cool. unfornatly my command of the german is very poor , what do i need to read the sub systems page / damge screen in english as i seem to repair the wrong things and keep drowning

mobucks 06-06-15 07:32 AM


The snorkel mod is included in this modpack. Only available very late in the war.

Damage control is fully automated. You can click things but there is no prioritization. Time=damage control. Some systems cannot be repaired at sea at all.

My Subsystems are also labeled in German, but the lower half of the page, that shows descriptions, is always in English. Click the subsystem box and read the lower half to see what it is.

griffin 06-06-15 07:56 AM

rgr thankies out

RoflCopter4 06-07-15 02:17 AM

Is it just me or is the deck gun 100% useless in this mod? I swear I hit a ship 50 times and it didn't even look damaged. What a waste of time.

vdr1981 06-07-15 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319322)
Is it just me or is the deck gun 100% useless in this mod? I swear I hit a ship 50 times and it didn't even look damaged. What a waste of time.

That definitely doesn't sound right...

kevinsue 06-07-15 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319322)
Is it just me or is the deck gun 100% useless in this mod? I swear I hit a ship 50 times and it didn't even look damaged. What a waste of time.

Those little freighters like the Uekel Medium Composite Freighter are fast and tough little suckers and can take a hell of a beating before coming to heal. :yep: You can waste a lot of deck gun ammo to kill them! Here's a link to another post regarding U-505 using 80 rounds of 105mm shells to sink a Liberty ship after it had already been torpedoed!

vdr1981 06-07-15 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2319354)
Those little freighters like the Uekel Medium Composite Freighter are fast and tough little suckers and can take a hell of a beating before coming to heal. :yep: You can waste a lot of deck gun ammo to kill them! Here's a link to another post regarding U-505 using 80 rounds of 105mm shells to sink a Liberty ship after it had already been torpedoed!

Sure, but the guy said that ships not even look damaged (no holes and fire I guess) so it must be something wrong with his installation...:yep:

kevinsue 06-07-15 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2319367)
Sure, but the guy said that ships not even look damaged (no holes and fire I guess) so it must be something wrong with his installation...:yep:

I have seen them take a lot of rounds without fire or too much visible damage. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Survival Rate and Survival Percentage in the Cfg file. :hmmm: Have a look at the Survival Percentage difference between the little Uekel freighter and the Hog Island. The average seems to be about 60 for Survival Rate and 50 for Percentage.


;*********** THE END **************


ShowInRecognitionManual=No;it is a clone. the player will identify it as another single ship
;********* THE END *********

RoflCopter4 06-07-15 11:55 AM

I'm not sure what to say. I eventually gave up and resorted to torpedos, and even then it took THREE. Just weird.

Another thing, I don't seem to be able to upgrade my deck gun to the 10.5cm one. I purchase it in port with renown, but when I start the next patrol I still have the 88. Am I doing something wrong?

vdr1981 06-07-15 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319442)
I'm not sure what to say. I eventually gave up and resorted to torpedos, and even then it took THREE. Just weird.

Another thing, I don't seem to be able to upgrade my deck gun to the 10.5cm one. I purchase it in port with renown, but when I start the next patrol I still have the 88. Am I doing something wrong?

Three to sink her or three to get "kill message"?

That's because 88mm and 105mm guns are the same 3D model, only ammunition is changed IIRC...

vdr1981 06-07-15 01:11 PM

Coming soon...:D

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