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gap 12-09-20 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712495)
Exactly, this case is not possible at in SH5 at all...

Not possible using your radio beacons, but very possible if landmarks/daymarks are placed around SH5's coasts, and their exact position is marked on map.

Of course, that would only help in daytime and in clear weather. When visibility is low, lighthouses would be of more help. During WWII the Germans blacked out lighthouses in their territory. Nonetheless I know for sure that, in occupied France, "landing" lighthouses close to ports were illuminated (and then immediately switched off again) when Axis shipping was in bound. I don't know if U-boats would have qualified for this additional help, anyway stock lighthouses illuminated by TDW are of little help for two reasons:

- they all have the same appearance and they emit the same light, so distinguishing one frome the other is difficult;

- their position is not clearly marked on the nav map.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712495)
Cool yes, but didn't we talk about the determination of the "exact" U-boat position?

Maybe there is a misunderstanding. By saying "exact" I didn't mean GPS precision. For that, disabling Real Navigation is sufficient.
For me, "exact" means lesser random than position fixes calculated by the navigator by dead reckoning :)


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712495)
Yes,in theory this is possible but in practical SH5 with real nav, very hard in some cases. What if sea is rough while we travel length "A" and our sub's speed constantly jumps around?

This is a problem we face when applying the "three bearings" method. In rough weather I usually submerge to stabilize the boat. Even so, measured/calculated distances and ranges won't be 100% accurate, but if they are accurate enough for calculating a torpedo solution on a relatively small moving target (I know sometimes they are not), even more so they will be for finding the way to our bases, whose entrance is often as wide as the length of several ships.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712495)
What if player mistakenly tie yourself to the beacon in Brest instead of Lorient? What if beacons are one behind the other relative to your position and first one is destroyed by RAF (this is also possible)?

As we already agreed, in your implementation of radio beacons there is no use in having more than one antenna per base. If the antenna of the port we are currently approaching was destroyed (which is a pretty cool feature by the way :up:), and our RDF device detects another signal further away, we will notice the mistake immediately after taking the second bearing, because it will be so close to 90 deg that, for it to apply to the closer (but destroyed) antenna, we should be much farther from our port than our navigator's position fix is telling us :yep:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712495)
In previous updates it was practically impossible to remove range part because all beacons were set to emit only few hours per day. Now , I set them to emit almost constantly (which is also not very realistic IMO, especially during the war) and it is possible to remove the range data assuming that player will be able to know at least his approximate location while approaching the port.

In essence, we have to chose between more realistic NDB behavior or more realistic reports without range data...

For the reasons I explained above, my vote goes to beacons emitting only few hours per day and range data not being available to the player but, if possible, I would limit the range of each antenna so that they don't overlap with each other and we avoid confusion :salute:

vdr1981 12-09-20 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2712505)

For the reasons I explained above, my vote goes to beacons emitting only few hours per day and range data not being available to the player but, if possible, I would limit the range of each antenna so that they don't overlap with each other and we avoid confusion :salute:

It isn't possible to limit the range unfortunately. Yes, I must admit too, that range is hurting my eyes as well.:hmmm:
I'll think about it...:hmmm:

gap 12-09-20 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712513)
It isn't possible to limit the range unfortunately. Yes, I must admit too, that range is hurting my eyes as well.:hmmm:
I'll think about it...:hmmm:

So what happens? The nearest radio contact is always detectable, even if it is on the other side of the world, or there is an hardcoded detection limit?

vdr1981 12-09-20 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2712523)
So what happens? The nearest radio contact is always detectable, even if it is on the other side of the world, or there is an hardcoded detection limit?

It's limited to something like 1000km...

gap 12-09-20 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712530)
It's limited to something like 1000km...

mmm... probably too much to be realistic, but cool anyway :up:

Mad Mardigan 12-09-20 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712491)
In SH, you select the missions when you dock, but the date will skip after your departure. That's why you didn't saw mission for eastern British waters. You've docked too early...Not big of a problem though...

Ahh... OK, yeah.. I didn't think to catch the date before I went & docked.

I'll be more watchful of dates, before I dock the next time... Time to go keel haul bernard... :har:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2712491)
No, just sail around and hunt in areas of your choice and you'll select the mission next time when you visit the bunker. Check QSM and tips manual for more info about the campaign...:yep: You can also try to infiltrate Skapa if you want...

Ok, so from that, I infer that the Campaign will continue rolling onwards, despite docking earlier. With the end result being i can chose to go with 'BtF' or the East Coast patrol then, or :D both then... Good to know.

:hmmm: :hmmm: :arrgh!: Think I may just take a crack at 'BtF'... see what results I do, see if I can do more than ol' Prien's trip there... :D

:timeout: BUT....

1st things 1st, before I get too far ahead, that is.. I am at sea, haven't made it to either area, just having cleared the Skrag inlet area... & into the more open waters where I can decide head for Scapa or the East coast of England. :shucks:

Hmm.... decisions... decisions... :haha:

Thanks for the reply back about that, vdr

M. M.


Fragtzack 12-09-20 06:36 PM

Hats off to SkyBaron for making Enigma mod. This is just wow.

:Kaleun_Cheers: :salute: :yeah:

Topo65 12-09-20 06:48 PM

Is patch 2.2.21 compatible with "The Wolves of Steel v2.2 version - ready for download (Steam v1.2.0 compatible)"?

kapuhy 12-12-20 07:11 AM


A little suggestion for aircraft roster: game currently uses Short Sunderland model as proxy for Italian z-501 Gabbiano flying boat. I would suggest changing the proxy to German Bv-138 - while it looks nothing like z-501, at least it's an Axis flying boat so there's no risk of player mistakenly shooting down friendly plane.

For a more permanent solution, I'll be adding z-501 to the list of aircraft to model for upcoming unit pack.

vdr1981 12-12-20 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2713131)
while it looks nothing like z-501, at least it's an Axis flying boat so there's no risk of player mistakenly shooting down friendly plane.

For a more permanent solution, I'll be adding z-501 to the list of aircraft to model for upcoming unit pack.

Thanks Kapuhy, I'll note this, although practically there is almost no chance for something like this to happen in the game...:yep:
Looking forward to your new units pack...:up::up::salute:

gap 12-12-20 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2713131)

A little suggestion for aircraft roster: game currently uses Short Sunderland model as proxy for Italian z-501 Gabbiano flying boat. I would suggest changing the proxy to German Bv-138 - while it looks nothing like z-501, at least it's an Axis flying boat so there's no risk of player mistakenly shooting down friendly plane.

For a more permanent solution, I'll be adding z-501 to the list of aircraft to model for upcoming unit pack.

Except for a few very popular planes, most of which are already in game, Reggia Aeronautica aircraft are not very common neither in videogames/mods, nor in on-line 3D model collections. The Z-501 Gabbiano will make a nice SH5 addition and it will be appreciated even more by the Italian players like me :up:

While you are working on a proper model, the generic three-engined flying boat standing-in for the PBY Catalina in stock game could be used in place of the Italian aircraft, but with the two lateral engines removed.

MoldyTyler 12-13-20 12:38 AM

Here we go again.
Silent Hunter 5 is one of those games you come back to, get excited about playing, then stop playing it because you find yourself always making little adjustments and messing about.

I decided to get back into it and did a fresh install and installed TWOS and tweaked everything to my liking. I finished the patrol in Danzig Bay, re bunkered in Kiel and now I'm just exiting the Kiel Canal to head to the British coast.

At the exit of the Kiel Canal there are two warships, showing a purple contact on the map. Anyone have a list of what the contact colors mean? Red is enemy shipping, green is neutral, blue is allied.. what is purple?

Aktungbby 12-13-20 02:40 AM

Welcome back!
MoldyTyler!:Kaleun_Salute: after a 5 year silent run!:up:

Drakken 12-14-20 12:28 PM

First, thank you very much for this most excellent and immersive mod. :up: What I love also is that it strives for as much realism as possible, so I have a number of small suggestions for a future update:

1) Would it be possible to decrease the patrol radius of secondary patrol grids from 120 km to 40-60 km? U-boats were usually requested to patrol a small quadrant, far smaller than 120 km. Also, since it is recommended to complete patrols in a single setting without saving, the area in which the player is unable to save without breaking his patrol mission is quite large.

2) Instead, 120 km radius missions could be integrated with new types of orders, in which BdU requests the u-boat to patrol possible convoy traffic lines between two quadrants back and forth either, North-South or East-West, for a number of hours. These are more compable with larger patrol radius.

3) After firing all their torpedoes, u-boats would often be requested to remain on patrol and serve as weather stations until they could return to base after or around a set date. I propose that after reporting on your status with no torpedoes, you would either receive orders to return to base OR to reach a set patrol grid (usually closer to possible future operations) and send regular weather reports for a number of hours.

When you reach the radius and lay inside the radious, you would receive interval blue messages from BdU to report weather, regularly, each 4 and 8 hours. When your time is completed, you'd either be ordered to head to another patrol grid and report weather again, or odds would be increasingly that you'd be ask to return to base to resupply.

Of course, you can still decide to return to base nonetheless, but this would impact on your Rating and possible Renown gains. Also, under a set fuel percentage you would always be requested to return to base.

What do you think? Would these changes be possible?


derstosstrupp 12-14-20 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Drakken (Post 2713601)
First, thank you very much for this most excellent and immersive mod. :up: What I love also is that it strives for as much realism as possible, so I have a number of small suggestions for a future update:

1) Would it be possible to decrease the patrol radius of secondary patrol grids from 120 km to 40-60 km? U-boats were usually requested to patrol a small quadrant, far smaller than 120 km. Also, since it is recommended to complete patrols in a single setting without saving, the area in which the player is unable to save without breaking his patrol mission is quite large.

2) Instead, 120 km radius missions could be integrated with new types of orders, in which BdU requests the u-boat to patrol possible convoy traffic lines between two quadrants back and forth either, North-South or East-West, for a number of hours. These are more compable with larger patrol radius.

3) After firing all their torpedoes, u-boats would often be requested to remain on patrol and serve as weather stations until they could return to base after or around a set date. I propose that after reporting on your status with no torpedoes, you would either receive orders to return to base OR to reach a set patrol grid (usually closer to possible future operations) and send regular weather reports for a number of hours.

When you reach the radius and lay inside the radious, you would receive interval blue messages from BdU to report weather, regularly, each 4 and 8 hours. When your time is completed, you'd either be ordered to head to another patrol grid and report weather again, or odds would be increasingly that you'd be ask to return to base to resupply.

Of course, you can still decide to return to base nonetheless, but this would impact on your Rating and possible Renown gains. Also, under a set fuel percentage you would always be requested to return to base.

What do you think? Would these changes be possible?


I love these suggestions, I too would love to see a little more variability in orders issued by BdU.

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