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nervi 05-16-19 09:01 PM

After downloading and reinstalling both game and mod a bunch of times, even tried in different hard disks, I keep getting a, some files might be corrupted, please re download and try a fresh install error message after the mod is supposed to have finished installing (end of step1 in the faq).

Searching the post and the forum didn't find me any help, if somebody knows what's wrong on my end I would greatly appreciated.

hauangua 05-16-19 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by nervi (Post 2609747)
After downloading and reinstalling both game and mod a bunch of times, even tried in different hard disks, I keep getting a, some files might be corrupted, please re download and try a fresh install error message after the mod is supposed to have finished installing (end of step1 in the faq).

Searching the post and the forum didn't find me any help, if somebody knows what's wrong on my end I would greatly appreciated.

Welcome Nervi :salute:

Can you explain better what errors you have? the game crash? when? your PC? installation path? which Mod installed?
Can you launch stock game. Without Mod? Or impossible installation?
Need more information please

excel4004 05-17-19 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2609663)
Probably...The traffic is there, there is no reason why it shouldn't be...

I remember that AI in SH3/4 was quite predictable which is not really the case with TDW Intelligent Random AI, on which TWoS is based on. Of course it is possible to escape from pursuing destroyer, but once you are detected, you'll have to convince them they have lost you. How will you do that it's up to you Captain...Stop thinking in SH3/4 terms and try to put your self in the shoes of WW2 escort captain.
Remember that depth and silence are your best friends.

The AI is random and works very good in TWoS! :D:up: No need to change anything IMO.

nervi 05-17-19 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2609753)
Welcome Nervi :salute:

Can you explain better what errors you have? the game crash? when? your PC? installation path? which Mod installed?
Can you launch stock game. Without Mod? Or impossible installation?
Need more information please

Thanks for replying hauangua.

MY pc is a i7 4790k, nvidia gtx 970, 16bgb ram, windows 7 ultimate 64b.
My game is the uplay version of the game updated to official 1.2.0, it launches and works fine stock and I installed the game in the default uplay location.
The mod i'm trying to install is The Wolves of Steel 2.2_SH5 Exp.Pack_v2.2.12_Full (2.05 GB).

After installing the game and launching it to check if 1.2.0 is the version installed, which always is, then I execute the TWoS installer, all executed as admin, not folder nor disk is write protected, then when the installation bar is finished i get a message error that says:

"Some installation files are corrupt.
Please download a fresh copy and retry the installation"

uplay, and everything else for that matter, is closed during the installation.

THEBERBSTER 05-17-19 05:14 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > nervi
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hauangua 05-17-19 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by nervi (Post 2609767)
Thanks for replying hauangua.

MY pc is a i7 4790k, nvidia gtx 970, 16bgb ram, windows 7 ultimate 64b.
My game is the uplay version of the game updated to official 1.2.0, it launches and works fine stock and I installed the game in the default uplay location.
The mod i'm trying to install is The Wolves of Steel 2.2_SH5 Exp.Pack_v2.2.12_Full (2.05 GB).

After installing the game and launching it to check if 1.2.0 is the version installed, which always is, then I execute the TWoS installer, all executed as admin, not folder nor disk is write protected, then when the installation bar is finished i get a message error that says:

"Some installation files are corrupt.
Please download a fresh copy and retry the installation"

uplay, and everything else for that matter, is closed during the installation.

Probed Re-download TWoS?
maybe corrupt download ..

PS Your installatin path?
Nervi my curiosity.. Were are you from (Nation)?

Lanzfeld 05-17-19 10:05 AM

Hi guys quick question.

I’m 2 days out of Wilhelmshaven and I received a message saying “ return to nearest base to rearm and make best speed to Norway for operation weserubung”.

First off I am full of fuel and torpedoes because I’m two days out of port so I don’t really need to go back to port to re-arm and refuel. Second off there is nothing on the map anywhere near Norway to tell me what to do. Also my captains orders still state my original mission of the south western approaches and to intercept a convoy inbound for England.

Do I have to return to port to trigger this new mission? I’m a little lost as to what to do.

Salvadoreno 05-17-19 12:42 PM

Is it just a flavor radio message?

Lanzfeld 05-17-19 12:47 PM

I don’t think so because it also came through as a scrambled enigma message. Also, It was directed at my boat specifically.

I just don’t know what to do.

TYCZYW 05-17-19 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2609680)
Today I was able to evade 4 destroyers that made a circle around me.

could you please describe in few words what is your tactic when submerged and being searched by destroyer(s)?

I would like to share some experience with you. So I spotted my first tanker near British east coast. It was around noon, stayed surfaced while keeping the target at 10km, using WO reports, plotted target's course and moved for 90 degree intercept. When I was waiting at position, noticed tanker changed its course which was a big suprise for me (I think it never happened to me in SH3 GWX). Ok so I made a manual solution using periscope (not that accurate), but when I was flooding tubes, tanker started shooting at me. No way he could see my scope at 2000m. So I switched to external camera and realised I was surfaced! Ok, I'm pretty sure I did not give any order by accident, I would have heard whole Das Boot sound mod sequence...
So any idea what happened? Is it something about maitaining depth? Crew skills?
Anyway tanker went down and it was an amazing experience seeing it's bow blown off, but my ship looks like a swiss cheese now. Anyone experienced such uncontrolled surfacing?


nervi 05-17-19 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2609809)
Probed Re-download TWoS?
maybe corrupt download ..

PS Your installatin path?
Nervi my curiosity.. Were are you from (Nation)?

c:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Silent Hunter 5 #tried this one 3 times, then I reinstalled the stock game at c:\games\silent hunter 5, same result, got the previously mentioned error message

I'm from Spain.

I thought that it might be the (mediafire link) installer is actually corrupted since I downloaded it three times and got the same result all of them, but I don't know any alternate download to the one from mediafire.

Sauroketh 05-17-19 04:24 PM

"Round numbers" in the torpedo attack solution line

Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2604634)
This option is disabled somewhere in the OFEV or maybe even Generic Patcher, can't remember exactly...

Regarding the bleeding "round numbers"...

Changing this setting in the "Tactical map" in OFEV has no effect, and Generic Patcher settings give not a single clue... At least no such string as "torpedo solution line" nor "solution line markers" nor "markers" in general...

Someone have any idea where this setting is buried?

P.S. Strange thing is, that there ARE numeric markers in TARGET route line, if you lock the target. But none in the TORPEDO route line.

Lanzfeld 05-17-19 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2609821)
Hi guys quick question.

I’m 2 days out of Wilhelmshaven and I received a message saying “ return to nearest base to rearm and make best speed to Norway for operation weserubung”.

First off I am full of fuel and torpedoes because I’m two days out of port so I don’t really need to go back to port to re-arm and refuel. Second off there is nothing on the map anywhere near Norway to tell me what to do. Also my captains orders still state my original mission of the south western approaches and to intercept a convoy inbound for England.

Do I have to return to port to trigger this new mission? I’m a little lost as to what to do.

Anyone? Please?

XenonSurf 05-17-19 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2609876)
Anyone? Please?

After playing WoS for a longer time you should know that the decision is up to you, you can never be wrong going or not going after a mission, they are purely date controlled. Do what you want, it won't change the SH5 world, you will get increased traffic and historical events near mission points wether you chose the mission or not.

No need to enter port for that unless you want to advance time to be at the right place at the right time later. And for that, entering port is not enough, you need a tool to exactly leave port at a set time. KSD Commander can do that, the mod 'Change days in bunker' can also do it, as well as my written guide about how to change date and starting ports (in the Sticky guides above).

Lanzfeld 05-17-19 09:56 PM

Thank you.

I just find it odd that it tells me the operation name but it does that tell me where to go or what to do. It just says head for Norway but that’s a pretty big place!

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