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Sjizzle 03-15-19 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2597116)
To many "options" confuses the players. Not sure will I go with that, plus I really dislike stock recognition manual...Long initial loading really isn't big deal IMO...

that's true :D :up:

Tonci87 03-15-19 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2597116)
To many "options" confuses the players. Not sure will I go with that, plus I really dislike stock recognition manual...Long initial loading really isn't big deal IMO...

The stock recognition manual is indeed terrible. IŽd rather endure a wait than to play without the SOAN.

Sjizzle 03-15-19 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2597177)
The stock recognition manual is indeed terrible. IŽd rather endure a wait than to play without the SOAN.

tbh i never used SOAN and recognition manual... in WWII they didn't had time to use any recognition books or something like that :D... also u need only the target speed, course and AOB for 100% hit chance :D here i mean with Real Navigation and manual targeting...

but each player has his opinion :D and play stile... i don't force somebody to play as i play the game :D

fitzcarraldo 03-15-19 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2597105)
Could be but...Black screen pause is caused mostly by increased roster folder. Remove half of the nations and observe what will happen...:03:

Vecko: Have you reached the maximum for stability in the roster of TWoS. Is it possible to add more ships?

I know how to add ships to SH5, but never I tried it with TWoS.

Many thanks and regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Fifi 03-15-19 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2597192)
in WWII they didn't had time to use any recognition books or something like that :D...

Of course they did... when enough time, often before diving on surface approach, and mainly to try to avoid terrible mistakes (friendly ships)
Quite often, merchants were not raising any flags!

Sjizzle 03-15-19 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2597196)
Of course they did... when enough time, often before diving on surface approach, and mainly to try to avoid terrible mistakes (friendly ships)
Quite often, merchants were not raising any flags!

my grandfather was navigator on a U-Boat he never told me about recognition book...that doesn't mean that didn't had or didn't use...
this is why i have said that...

vdr1981 03-15-19 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2597194)
Vecko: Have you reached the maximum for stability in the roster of TWoS. Is it possible to add more ships?

I know how to add ships to SH5, but never I tried it with TWoS.

Many thanks and regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

If a ship/unit is imported properly and TESTED adequately, then there is no limit...:yep:

Tonci87 03-15-19 10:50 AM

About Lemps attack on the Athenia:


By this point the boat’s silhouette was clearly visible. Lemp went below to
identify his vessel, referencing it to his copy of Lloyd’s Register, which was carried by every
Only then did he discover that he had made a terrible error. His target was not an
auxiliary cruiser at all, but rather the passenger liner Athenia, on route to Canada with 1,103 men
women and children, including 311 Americans.
If Lemp had bothered to check his recognition manual before he fired two torpedoes at the target, many lives could have been spared.

U-boats always tried to identify their target, if the visibility conditions allowed it. This was also important to get the targets draught since the U-boat crews had very clear instructions on how to set their torpedo depth. (for example target draught +2m early in the war)

Fifi 03-15-19 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2597197)
my grandfather was navigator on a U-Boat he never told me about recognition book...

That’s awesome! Wich U-Boat if i may ask?

I wished i had a gran’pa like yours :)

fitzcarraldo 03-15-19 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2597199)
If a ship/unit is imported properly and TESTED adequately, then there is no limit...:yep:

I mean: the black screen because a large roster. You add more and more ships and that black screen could finish in a CTD...

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Sjizzle 03-15-19 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2597237)
I mean: the black screen because a large roster. You add more and more ships and that black screen could finish in a CTD...

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

black screen is from SOAN the roster is only 0.1% i tested it today with SOAN and roster and without SOAN and roster and Without both of them...

without SOAN the black screen is only 2-5 sec depends on PC and HDD speed...with SOAN and without roaster up to 5 min...

fitzcarraldo 03-15-19 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2597241)
black screen is from SOAN the roster is only 0.1% i tested it today with SOAN and roster and without SOAN and roster and Without both of them...

without SOAN the black screen is only 2-5 sec depends on PC and HDD speed...with SOAN and without roaster up to 5 min...

Good news. Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

kapuhy 03-15-19 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2597201)
If Lemp had bothered to check his recognition manual before he fired two torpedoes at the target, many lives could have been spared.

This is Lloyd's Register - it's not a recognition manual we have in SH5.

Lemp referenced the register when Athenia was sinking and sending out a disteress call, that's when he realized (I'd guess after checking for the ship's name) that vessel he sank was passenger liner and not an auxiliary cruiser.

ThePrody 03-16-19 06:37 AM

Guys, anyone knows, the environment of TWoS is... 10 , 16, 20 km ?

vdr1981 03-16-19 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by ThePrody (Post 2597348)
Guys, anyone knows, the environment of TWoS is... 10 , 16, 20 km ?

Environment? Rendering distance you mean? If Yes then it's 40 km by default but it can be increased even more trough the Generic Patcher ...

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