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vdr1981 08-04-18 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Nixis (Post 2563795)
Ahoy all Kaleun's!

I wanted to shout out a big THANK YOU to Vecko, all the modders, everyone who is participating in this Thread and on It is just amazing to see what Vecko and all of you are doing for this community, much love! Without you SH5 would feed the fishes.

Some weeks ago, after a couple of years in silent running, I decided to take a look again at my beloved Subsim genre. I found TWoS on Empty Cups youtube and immediately went for A few years ago I already played SH5 with some great Mods from the community. But what I found here was simply mind blowing. For me TWoS is just what SH5 should have been from the beginning, a smoothly working "hardcore" simulation. For a Mod the installation was easy and comfortable, and with all the documentation I've no problems on my side.

Today (on the 10th of September 1939) I will finish my first War Patrol from Memel with around 19.000 GRT in merchant shipping sunk. In this Patrol I sank an enemy "U-Type" Submarine, witnessed german Stukas attack and sank a Polish Minelayer, had several duds, encrypted some radio messages with the Enigma, saw illuminated neutral Ships, stunning looking Ports and much more. Things I never saw in stock SH5. I still can't believe that on my next Mission I will be Prien and break into the Fortress. This will be my first time I'll enter an enemy Port and I'm really afraid of Mines and Nets. But like U-47, I will make it.

This is no less than a dream come true. Thanks again and as we would say in Germany: "Ein dreifaches Hurra auf unseren Flottensachverständigen Vecko! Hurra, Hurra, Hurra!". I'll hope the beer is chilled and tasty.

Sebastian "Nixis" Walter :salute:

Thank you very, very much for your donation Sebastian! I hope You'll enjoy Wolves.

Heil und Sieg und fette Beute! :salute:

THEBERBSTER 08-04-18 11:04 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Sebastian "Nixis" Walter
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials And Other Information Links In My Signature Below

Hjalfnar 08-04-18 01:08 PM

Hey guys, I am preparing a stream for the Wolves of Steel mod right now and I am having problems to use the shortcut keys. Obviously they have been changed, thanks to the SH5 Enhanced UI mod that is part of WoS, but where am I able to look the actualy keybindings up? I can't find any option to do so, even the file in which you should be able to switch keybindings around doesn't show any. Could somebody help?

vdr1981 08-04-18 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2563855)
Hey guys, I am preparing a stream for the Wolves of Steel mod right now and I am having problems to use the shortcut keys. Obviously they have been changed, thanks to the SH5 Enhanced UI mod that is part of WoS, but where am I able to look the actualy keybindings up? I can't find any option to do so, even the file in which you should be able to switch keybindings around doesn't show any. Could somebody help?

Press "F1" and use "Shift" key for more commands...:yep:

Hjalfnar 08-04-18 06:36 PM

Those do not seem to be completely correct. But I am using the officers shortcuts now. Pretty successful first mission (I am using the "easy" way, with torpedo aiming assistant), 8 ships sunk, pretty much stumbled over 2 polish U-class subs at the beginning and on my way back over 3 merchants. Sank a fishing boat and 2 merchants in the Danzig harbour. That's a pretty nice quota for the first mission. xD Though I might have started WW2 a bit early, the first polish sub crossed my way at 1am on 1st September and the chat urged me to open the first shots of WW2 were not fired by the Schleswig-Holstein but me! :D

Jimbuna 08-05-18 07:17 AM

Welcome to SubSim Sebastian :Kaleun_Salute:

Muckenberg 08-05-18 09:54 AM

Do not you think the gunmen on the enemy ships are really, but really sharpshooters? Today, he had struck a cannon at a distance of 5 km by a second blow at a wind speed of 13m / s and a gentle mist. And I must admit that this is not the first time that I was shaking my mind over the art of the enemy. Could not this be more about reality? the current setting does not seem very real. when I realize what was on merchant ships for the operator and shoot here as the greatest experts.
Thank you for answer.

vdr1981 08-05-18 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2563963)
Do not you think the gunmen on the enemy ships are really, but really sharpshooters? Today, he had struck a cannon at a distance of 5 km by a second blow at a wind speed of 13m / s and a gentle mist. And I must admit that this is not the first time that I was shaking my mind over the art of the enemy. Could not this be more about reality? the current setting does not seem very real. when I realize what was on merchant ships for the operator and shoot here as the greatest experts.
Thank you for answer.

That can probably be tuned down a bit.:hmm2: I did this for SH5 ships long time time ago but not for the imported units as well...
What was the ship in question?

Hjalfnar 08-06-18 03:34 AM

Hey guys...I have a minor problem. I finished the first mission in the Danzig bay and docked successfully in Kiel. Now I want to go on my second patrol, on the British coast. Aquired the patrol mission...but there seems to be a secondary mission right on the coast of Dover. How do I accept this mission? There is nothing to click at...

jarraya 08-06-18 08:46 AM

No mission descriptions
Just installed SH5 and TWoS - fantastic mod!
I have a problem that I am not seeing the mission descriptions on the map. When I get to choose the mission I get a "ref.object" text in the mission description box and text. Can someone suggest a fix?

Aktungbby 08-06-18 10:41 AM

welcome aboard!

Muckenberg 08-06-18 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2563980)
That can probably be tuned down a bit.:hmm2: I did this for SH5 ships long time time ago but not for the imported units as well...
Jaká byla příslušná loď? [/ Quote]

What was the ship in question?

Those sharpsmen served on a NKSMM type ship.
:Kaleun_Salute:Do you think you could add the classical smoke of the damaged ships from the base game as an optional mod?

Rosco74 08-06-18 02:32 PM

Hello, after 1 year of play I never had a crash to desktop since this morning. I have been death charged, and started to sink with a large flooding, I talked to my officers one after the other and suddenly crash to desktop…
I dunno if someone else had the same scenario, but unfortunatly I now have to reload a savegame and try to avoid those destroyers.
I was almost out of danger, I managed to stabilize my depth around 160m lol and flooding was finally under control, it would have been a great experience if I could have survive and get back to my home base in such a state!

I will never know :)

Hjalfnar 08-06-18 04:06 PM

Ok, besides that I don't know how to pick up secondary missions, another problem has shown up now. I was done with my patrol in the Danzig bay as I wrote, headed to Kiel, docked in on the 5th September, everything fine. Now when I approached my commander, I only got the mission to patrol the coastal waters of UK...fine. Left the bunker, opened the was 3rd October and two new objectives had shown up on the map, one the attack on Scapa Flow and the other something off the northern coast of Scotland. Now how do I pick up these mission?! Why weren't they on the map when I was still docked? Because I fear if I dock back in now, the game will progress another 28 days and will lose the mission to attack Scapa Flow. How do I get this mission?

Rosco74 08-06-18 04:44 PM

This is just optional missions they won't disapear if you dock again… you main mission will be transmitted via Enigma message when you approach your patrol location

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