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SS Norholm 11-04-17 03:16 PM

:doh: :oops: touché Sir, touché!

My bad. Ya, starts on 1/1/FORTY ONE! :D

vdr1981 11-04-17 04:04 PM


v2.0.9e changelog:
- New warships type: Gorizia Heavy Cruiser, Italian
- New warships type: London Heavy Cruiser, British
- New warships type: Bourrasque Destroyer, France
- Distance between units/ships in large convoys generally reduced by 100m approximately.
- Improved appearance of RAOBF colored graticules, more precise markings and cleaner look.
- Fixed misplaced traffic in few axis ports.
- Temporally neutral nations will from now utilize both darkened and illuminated merchant vessels. Once joined one of the opposed coalitions, the nation will use darkened ships only (except American illuminated coastal traffic which appearance has been extended to early 1942 in order to simulate conditions encountered by U-boat captains on eastern American coast during the opening stages of "2nd Happy Times" and Operation "Drumbeat").
- Added support for ultra wide triple screen (21:9) in game/display resolutions.
- Added support for two new optional TWoS 2.x.x addons (Harbors Chimney Smoke and Neutrals Exclusively Illuminated until [Date])
- AM1544 to AN1544, patrol grid fix.
- Museum.cfg, hidden few new duplicated ship variations.
- TWoS crew finally grew beard (except Beno of course, he still doesn't have it). Added Kevinsue's Bearded Crew TWoS addon permanently.
- Japanese warships museum and campaign CTD fix (*Ship.cfg, MaxSpeed).
- Various file, nations roster and campaign layers fixes and fine tuning tweaks.
- Updated TWoS credits page. Latest outstanding TWoS supporters/donors: Thomas "excel4004" Pentenrieder and Fernando "Fitzcarraldo" De Cicco - Thank You very much Captains!

1. Install "The Wolves of Steel_v2.0.9e_Update.exe" to your main Silent Hunter 5 install folder (e.g. "C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5"). Make sure to specify correct path when asked. After the installation, your Generic Mod Enabler will start automatically.
2. Deactivate all activated mods with your JSGME except "The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0" main mod.
3. Enable the Update 2.0.9e 2nd in your activated modlist, right after the "The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0" main mod, like this:

The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0
The Wolves of Steel 2.0.9e Update
[other optional TWoS 2.x.x mods/addons]

* Enable the update in port and continue campaign.
* Update 2.0.9e contains changes from all previous updates. Remove/delete previous update(s) from your JSGME.

Cyborg322 11-04-17 11:04 PM

This really is a Major leap forward


Werner von Schmidt 11-05-17 04:19 AM

is it possible to set that the periscope is pulled in by default (leave the harbour)? And is it a feature or a bug that there's no sound by moving the periscopes if I'm on the bridge?

Thanks in advance.


excel4004 11-05-17 05:02 AM

Is Christmas today!? :yeah:

Great! Cant wait to reach port for installing these different new mods! ..again,Vecko for BDU!! :yep:


v2.0.9e changelog:
- Distance between units/ships in large convoys generally reduced by 100m approximately.
What was the distance in the past?


excel4004 11-05-17 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2523520)
is it possible to set that the periscope is pulled in by default (leave the harbour)? And is it a feature or a bug that there's no sound by moving the periscopes if I'm on the bridge?

Thanks in advance.


Heinrich when you move one step at the beginning the periscope will automaticly pull in, so..

SS Norholm 11-05-17 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2523522)

What was the distance in the past?


Im sure it was around 800-900 meters. (Between each column I mean)
Or is it distance between each ship in the same line/column?

Werner von Schmidt 11-05-17 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2523523)
Heinrich when you move one step at the beginning the periscope will automaticly pull in, so..

Thanks for your reply but it doesn't. Just checked it.

vdr1981 11-05-17 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2523520)
is it possible to set that the periscope is pulled in by default (leave the harbour)?

As soon as you click right mouse button for example , periscopes should go down automatically. If that doesn't work for you then there is probably something wrong with your game/mod installation OR maybe you have forgot to do save/reload in bunker when you were starting new campaign? :hmm2:


And is it a feature or a bug that there's no sound by moving the periscopes if I'm on the bridge?

Thanks in advance.

Periscope sound can only be heard while looking trough it...


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2523522)
Is Christmas today!? :yeah:

Great! Cant wait to reach port for installing these different new mods! ..again,Vecko for BDU!! :yep:

What was the distance in the past?



Originally Posted by SS Norholm (Post 2523526)
Im sure it was around 800-900 meters. (Between each column I mean)
Or is it distance between each ship in the same line/column?

Guys, you are asking for major spoilers here? :hmm2:
Let's just say that convoys "density" in TWoS will vary from 600 to 1000 m between units in general, depending of convoy type, war period ect...:yep:

In other campaign mods for SH5 and stock game, distance is always 900m...


Thanks for the beer once again Excel! :salute::Kaleun_Cheers:

excel4004 11-05-17 09:46 AM


Guys, you are asking for major spoilers here? :hmm2:
From this point of view you are totaly right. Thanks for not a exact/detailed answer. Please keep this attitude in the future.

Lets say, we got this news from a detailed Airborne reconnaissance. :D

Beer!? You are welcome. :salute::Kaleun_Cheers:

Werner von Schmidt 11-05-17 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2523555)
As soon as you click right mouse button for example , periscopes should go down automatically. If that doesn't work for you then there is probably something wrong with your game/mod installation OR maybe you have forgot to do save/reload in bunker when you were starting new campaign? :hmm2:

Works now after save and reload the campaign. Thanks a lot.

vdr1981 11-05-17 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2523575)
Works now after save and reload the campaign. Thanks a lot.

You never saw big fat red letters in install instructions?:hmm2:

Werner von Schmidt 11-05-17 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2523583)
You never saw big fat red letters in install instructions?:hmm2:

I did, was just testing some stuff without save / reload the campaign. And actually I couldn't imagine these weird correlations sometimes in SH5.


THEBERBSTER 11-05-17 12:50 PM

Hi Heinrich
Instructions are there for a reason, that is why it is important to follow them.:yep:

siege00 11-05-17 04:03 PM

Flags Chart / Active Date
I noticed in the Flaggen chart that the dates were removed. I assume this was on purpose. Do we receive radio msgs for hostiles or is there another chart that I'm missing? It's been a while since I've played but just installed 2.0.9e. Sorry if this has been explained already. I did search the thread but may have missed it.


BTW.. Vecko... just when I think you've done a ton and only minor improvements are likely, you do some major stuff that enhances the sim even further. Thank you much! Support inc. :)

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