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Cyborg322 11-01-17 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by von faust (Post 2522452)
(Excuse me for my English orrible :O:)
Good evening at all,
I'm working on a new RAOBF based on a MOD that I think is called "KSD".
This MOD (under construction) I would like to point out that it is for strictly personal use and that I will not distribute it without the permission of the legitimate owner.
I would ask you if you know who is, I want to ask him permission for any sharing.
As soon as and if I'll have ok of owner I'll be happy to share it and hopefully it's included in TWOS.
Thank you all

Hi von faust KSD Call it logarithmic ring

KsD as in KsD kommander is Knights of Sea Depth , this is their Website ( Russia ) :

youtube channel :



palmic 11-01-17 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by von faust (Post 2522452)

I think its very authentic, this should be real RAOBF:

gambla 11-01-17 10:10 AM

just want to thank you guys for this awesome TWOS mod, brilliant !
keep up your great work !

vdr1981 11-01-17 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by TOY (Post 2520884)

Now the question... It is possible to correct \ upgrade the graticule with properly "simulated" green illumination during the night time? (or by adding custom button \ switch).

For now you can use colored graticules visible when you enable RAOBF wheel.:yep: I also have few ideas how to make stock black graticules more visible during night time but I'm not sure will it work. The options are quite limited when it comes to this...


Originally Posted by von faust (Post 2522452)
As soon as and if I'll have ok of owner I'll be happy to share it and hopefully it's included in TWOS.
Thank you all

Looking very nice IMO and that wheel would fit TWoS quite right...:yep:


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2522456)
Hi Kevin,

If I was Vecko, I would probably move the Greek U-boat base from Piraeus to Salamis, I would add Pola to the pool of available U-boat pens that the player can be rebased to, and I would make Messina available again for refittings until December 1942.
Above all, I would rework the Mediterranean campaigns and I would make them to extend from September 1941 to Semptember 1944, more or less (the Mare Nostrum and Battle of the Mediterranean campaigns currently span from mid-March 1941, six months before the first WWII U-boat historically crossed Gibraltar, to early September 1942, when the Batte of the Mediterranean was still raging).

Thanks for chewing that up for me Gap, I'll have your suggestions in mind for future updates! :up::yep:


Originally Posted by gambla (Post 2522649)
just want to thank you guys for this awesome TWOS mod, brilliant !
keep up your great work !

Have fun Captain! :salute:

vdr1981 11-01-17 02:54 PM

Adding few warship types this weekend...

vdr1981 11-01-17 03:57 PM

I could also add cool but somewhat infamous Sobers chimney smoke to the ingame harbors if general reactions are positive...
I say "infamous" because it is a well known fact that the mod guarantees CTD when nearing the port or starting new campaign in almost all custom SH5 modlist outhere and therefore it was almost completely discarded.
This won't be the case in TWoS of course since I've managed to track down and fix CTD problems...:yep:

But, I also hesitate to add smoke particle generators because adding chimney smoke to the particular harbor will , from some reason, kill "rotational beam" effect of SH5 lighthouses added by TDW long time ago....:hmmm:

My intention is to add "smoke" only to few ports here and there initially and if reactions are positive then I could expend the feature...

What do you guys think ?:hmm2:

HW3 11-01-17 04:32 PM

I would try it, what have you got to lose. If it doesn't work out, or some do not like it, you can always take it back out, or leave it as an optional mod.

fitzcarraldo 11-01-17 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by HW3 (Post 2522755)
I would try it, what have you got to lose. If it doesn't work out, or some do not like it, you can always take it back out, or leave it as an optional mod.

+1. An addon will be OK. But I don't want to lose the rotational beams...

I like the warships added. Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

THEBERBSTER 11-01-17 06:33 PM

Use the Esc key and re-load the save game again.
I have a problem sometimes where I get no response when changing the speed after the game loads to the bridge.
Re-loading the saved game puts it right.

Muckenberg 11-02-17 03:44 AM

I think the smoke from the chimneys would make the harbors really alive. But unfortunately, those light from the beacons are also very nice. That's why I would be inclined to make smoke from chimneys as an optional mod or add it to some ports, as you have already said.

palmic 11-02-17 04:03 AM

+ 1 for optional mod

vdr1981 11-02-17 10:32 AM

Optional will be then...:up:

I'm also preparing one more optional mod which will allow temporally neutral nations to use only illuminated ships until they join allied or axis coalition.
The reason why this shouldn't be default TWoS feature IMO is because we have only few ship types with lights ON...By default illuminated ships will be assigned only to the permanently neutral nations...

fitzcarraldo 11-02-17 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2522981)
Optional will be then...:up:

I'm also preparing one more optional mod which will allow temporally neutral nations to use only illuminated ships until they join allied or axis coalition.
The reason why this shouldn't be default TWoS feature IMO is because we have only few ship types with lights ON...By default illuminated ships will be assigned only to the permanently neutral nations...

It seems OK for me. I will use the addon.

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

excel4004 11-02-17 11:53 AM


My intention is to add "smoke" only to few ports here and there initially and if reactions are positive then I could expend the feature...
Optional addon would be nice, to give all a chance to test this nice smoke feature. :up:


I'm also preparing one more optional mod which will allow temporally neutral nations to use only illuminated ships until they join allied or axis coalition.
Also a nice idea! Really would like to test this feauture! :up:


Adding few warship types this weekend...
Yeah, again more ships - great! The new illuminated ships are also great and beautiful, the more traffic in harbours feels good! :up:

Great work here. :subsim:

palmic 11-02-17 03:26 PM

HI guys, i know this is very OT of this thread, but there were times we were talking about how 2ww could happen.
Well i think i just saw one of the best documentary about it.

There is no single one talk of historitian, everything is just composition of authentic tapes even with comentation red from scripts of people which filmed it.
It is very profesional and very well composed and it realy puts you into reality of 30's germany.
What you would do? When you see it, you know you would howl with the wolves, because.... You had simply no other choice..
You would be tortured and killed otherwise, like many others in that very moment.
If you want to feel yourself in the situation, this documentary could make it.

First part is just "nice" years in germany before. Until 1939, how nacis made it to parliament and how their strenghten their position and popularity. How people lived, worked, had fun..
There is for instance tape recorded by American journalist catches fame of rebuilt Germany after ww1.. AH made it to times title very soon..
Second was from late 1938 to end of war.
There was many new facts for me and very rare honesty of documentary.
In the end of second part, allies invited german public to concentration camps to see what is there... Most of them collapsed there nervously..
Everything is in perspective of German people.

In my oppinion this should see anybody.
How similar life in 30' was to today's...

Here is the documentary

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