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kevinsue 10-11-17 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2517800)
Hi Kevin
In Kiel on the bridge click on the Anchor and end the game.
When you load the new auto base save game you will have advanced the date and you should now be in the La Spezia bunker.

Thanks for that :up: I'll give it a try when I reinstall.:yep:

palmic 10-11-17 03:44 AM

Wow, removed tug boat.
Very good decision.

Nobody likes hunting fishermen convoys all the weekend in eastern coastal waters :salute:

SS Norholm 10-11-17 04:00 AM

You are spoiling us Vecko!
Outstanding as always bud, keep it up.

THEBERBSTER 10-11-17 04:08 AM

Hi Vecko
Outstanding work. :Kaleun_Salute:

hauangua 10-11-17 05:35 AM

wonderful work Vecko
With you SH5 made great strides

vdr1981 10-11-17 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2517973)
Thank you very much
I'm looking forward to further updates of Steel Wolves.

I'm having troubles with AI type XI from SH4...It keep sinking and textures are glitchy :wah:
...Trying to find solution. :salute:


Originally Posted by Ulrich Kröpke (Post 2517981)
There must be something wrong with the Light Ship NLGH. Without the NLGH I can upgrade my boat with a new conning tower. With the NLGH I gat a ctd.
Also without the new upgrate 2.0.9a I had the NLGH in the game and the game crashes when I wanted to upgrade the conning tower.

Are we talking about TWoS or your personal modlist?


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2517992)
Wow, removed tug boat.
Very good decision.

I was referring to the old OHII tug boat which was removed from the campaign long time ago. Anyway , we have replacement now...Yellow tug boat with illuminated windows which can be seen in most axis ports...:yep:

vdr1981 10-11-17 06:49 AM

Just take a look at this beauty! :o
It is truly a sin to left her to languish on the bottom of the mods ocean any time longer...Warships are next in the great mtsn salvaging operation...:yep:

jibouil 10-11-17 08:42 AM

Whaou !! it's beautiful.
Thanks a lot for all your job on wolves of steel i love to play SH5 with this mod

I have a question. I'm currently on a campaign. If I want to update on versions 2.0.09a I have to reinstall and lose all my hours of play? or I can install "over" version 2.0.09 with JSGME ?

vdr1981 10-11-17 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by jibouil (Post 2518033)
Whaou !! it's beautiful.
Thanks a lot for all your job on wolves of steel i love to play SH5 with this mod

I have a question. I'm currently on a campaign. If I want to update on versions 2.0.09a I have to reinstall and lose all my hours of play? or I can install "over" version 2.0.09 with JSGME ?

Did you check install instructions?


1. Install "The Wolves of Steel 2.0.9a_Update.exe" to your main Silent Hunter 5 install folder (e.g. "C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5"). Make sure to specify correct path when asked. After the installation, your Generic Mod Enabler will start automatically.
2. Deactivate all activated mods with your JSGME except "The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0" main mod.
3. Enable the Update 2.0.9a 2nd in your activated modlist, right after the "The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0" main mod, like this:

The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0
The Wolves of Steel 2.0.9a Update
[other optional TWoS 2.x.x mods/addons]

* Enable the update in port.
* Update 2.0.9a contains changes from all previous updates. Remove/delete previous update(s) from your JSGME.
* Captains who have started their careers with TWoS v2.0.1 and later can ignore following note:
Some changes from v2.0.1 Update require campaign restart in order to be correctly activated. Otherwise, you may end up with somewhat messed up submarine/crew performances in your current campaign play trough ( increased batt. discharge/recharge times, old crew abilities bonuses) until you receive new U-Boat offer in your current career at which point the game will "fix" it self. If you aren't annoyed by this fact, you are free to continue your current career since no other issues are to be expected. [Link for workaround]

*DO NOT add any additional mods if you are not 100% sure what you are doing! Most of the standalone mods are incompatible with this expansion.

jibouil 10-11-17 09:59 AM

oups sorry i don't saw that !
Thanks for the answer

BLACK_FLAME 10-11-17 11:34 AM

Thank you sir for the update :Kaleun_Salute:

Muckenberg 10-11-17 11:50 AM

Hello Wolves
I was looking at the individual ships in the museum, and there was a big transport lit litter near Sweden. Is there any chance of adding it as a non-illuminated ally? Also I miss another hospital ship? Will you add offshore warships, even merchant ships?
I believe he will win over this ninth and we will have it in pairs.
One more question. A very nice auxiliary cruiser pinquin was added to the game, and he is also well armed. Unfortunately, we can not say about the remaining two Kriegsmarine auxiliary cruisers. I know there is a mod on this weapon, do you think it would be in the future if it will add this cruiser bike without any problems?

excel4004 10-11-17 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2517992)
Wow, removed tug boat.
Very good decision.

Nobody likes hunting fishermen convoys all the weekend in eastern coastal waters :salute:

I agree!! :Kaleun_Cheers:

Vecko for F.D.U.!! :salute::subsim:

..ahh its a port only update, so i need 3 more weeks (gametime) for reaching home port again.
BTW, for me it shows march 1940 and i discovered a norway convoy 27 (!) ships in the north sea without any escorts! Never read about such unguarded huge convoys in spring 1940. Did i miss something? Vecko and the others Kaleuns whats your opinion? Specially when i read you updated some new historically shipping lines to the game - very nice!! :yeah::arrgh!:

excel4004 10-11-17 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2518020)
Just take a look at this beauty! :o
It is truly a sin to left her to languish on the bottom of the mods ocean any time longer...Warships are next in the great mtsn salvaging operation...:yep:

Beautiful!! :ping::Kaleun_Periskop:

palmic 10-11-17 03:26 PM


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