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vudriga 05-31-16 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2408371)
Hi vudriga
I use the speech mod.
This mod is good for the basics like speed, depth,nav map switching, course changing, rig for silent running etc.
The command you are ordering is not recognized in the list of available commands.
Stoianm uses voice commands in some of his YouTube videos.

Commands I'm using are on the list.I think I found the cause of the CTDs with speech recognition.

And it's this.Don't use any update, just the main 1.05 mod.Something in the updates clashes with speech recognition mod.Anyway, if I have to choose between mod updates and speech recognition.Sorry updates, you'll stay behind.

vdr1981 05-31-16 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by vudriga (Post 2408495)
Commands I'm using are on the list.I think I found the cause of the CTDs with speech recognition.

And it's this.Don't use any update, just the main 1.05 mod.Something in the updates clashes with speech recognition mod.

Such widespread conclusion certainly can not be called "the cause" but never mind... Did you try to remove some of the files from update 13, like Commands.cfg or similar?:hmm2:


Anyway, if I have to choose between mod updates and speech recognition.Sorry updates, you'll stay behind.
You're discarding a ton of various gampley and game stability tweaks, new submarine type and whole bunch of other things...:o But this is free forum after all, your loss...:):up:

Naah...Just checked some Speech rec files and documentation and the mod/s are simply incompatible with any UI mods (especially with newer versions) and therefore TWoS too.. This is the real cause for your issues, too many mutual important files without merged compatibility entries...

Someone yet has to come up with Sp.rec mod compatible with TDW NewUIs v7.5.0 v18 or TWoS...That wont be me for sure because I'm not familiar with Sp.Rec. mod/s...

fitzcarraldo 05-31-16 05:26 PM

Vecko: Tried; Journal file (exe) works from exterior (running in the folder).

The problem persists in the main menu of the game.

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 05-31-16 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2408502)
Vecko: Tried; Journal file (exe) works from exterior (running in the folder).

The problem persists in the main menu of the game.

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Thanks...I dont think I can help you since I can't reproduce it...:hmmm:

THEBERBSTER 05-31-16 06:28 PM

Hi vudriga
I have no problem with TWOS updates with speech recognition.

vdr1981 06-01-16 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2408506)
Hi vudriga
I have no problem with TWOS updates with speech recognition.

How did you solve compatibility issues with UI mods? Did you follow these instructions?

THEBERBSTER 06-01-16 05:02 AM

Hi Vecko
No, I did not make any changes for the modded SH5 only for SH4 speech IIRC.
I did the mods speech test that is all.
If you are using a low quality microphone that can also cause ctd's as I have found previously in budget headsets, the speech engine does not define what is being said correctly and interprets it as something else thus causing a ctd.
I stopped using my second headset with SH5 because of ctd's
I saved up and am now using a top of the range Sennheiser PC363d headset as I also wanted to use it with Blu ray films and music.
The microphone response has a much higher sensitivity from the Windows speech test showing a much higher gain than on either of the two previous headsets I have owned.

vdr1981 06-01-16 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2408575)
Hi Vecko
No, I did not make any changes for the modded SH5 only for SH4 speech IIRC.
I did the mods speech test that is all.


I don't understand Peter...:hmmm: In documentation for skwasjer's/Miton's speech recognition mod is clearly stated that the mod is not compatible with UI mods without certain manual tweaks?



Install as any other mod using JSGME, and simply run the game.

NOTE: Likely NOT compatible with UI mods...!

THEBERBSTER 06-01-16 03:13 PM

Hi Vecko
Nothing in the instruction I can see says anything about making any file changes.
There are 2 versions. Speech Recognition for SH5 – v1.4 - by skwas
Speech Recognition for SH5 - v1.4 - MiTon's Edition v0.4 - english
I am using the English version.

kevinsue 06-01-16 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2408686)
Hi Vecko
Nothing in the instruction I can see says anything about making any file changes.
There are 2 versions. Speech Recognition for SH5 – v1.4 - by skwas
Speech Recognition for SH5 - v1.4 - MiTon's Edition v0.4 - english
I am using the English version.

Hello again all. I have used MiTon's English version with all versions of TWOS. The only commands that seemed to introduce instability were mainly battery recharge scripts so I always used the UI for this instead of voice recognition.

As I used speakers instead of headphones, certain commands could loop due to the crew repeating back confirmation of the command which had interesting consequences due to delay such as heading 123 would repeat as 23 and then 3 and so forth. Using cardinal directions such as East-southeast instead of 112 degrees solved the problem.

Another thing that had me looking for a crewman to kill was when they thought it might be a good idea to fire your last torpedo off into a perfectly empty ocean! I solved this by changing the words "los" and "fire" in the scripts to two of my dogs names. That way, yelling one of the names would fire the torpedo and have that dog running to you just in time to celebrate the kill if you were lucky and hit the target.

There are about 100 pages of commands available so it is best to just use those that are required for basic operations as in real life and don't use any that cause instability or CTD's. Speech recognition used correctly adds a huge amount of ambiance to the game so it is well worth the effort to get it working correctly.

JBL083 06-02-16 02:01 AM

Great update nº 13.


vdr1981 06-02-16 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2408785)
Another thing that had me looking for a crewman to kill was when they thought it might be a good idea to fire your last torpedo off into a perfectly empty ocean! I solved this by changing the words "los" and "fire" in the scripts to two of my dogs names. That way, yelling one of the names would fire the torpedo and have that dog running to you just in time to celebrate the kill if you were lucky and hit the target.


Aktungbby 06-02-16 08:14 AM

Welcome aboard!

Jimbuna 06-02-16 08:40 AM

Welcome to SubSim JBL083 :sunny:

palmic 06-06-16 10:54 AM

1 important thing for newbies. Don't alt-tab sh5.

With TWOS 2 situations can happen when you alt-tab:
1) if you are surfaced while alt-tab, CO2 will not be calculated after your submerge (until you restart the game)
2) if you are submerged while alt-tab, deck crew will not render (until you restart the game)
(this is only visual issue, crew will be working at deck even when its rendered in sub..)

For fix, just emerge, wait till no contact will be visible around you by deck crew, go to map room, save and restart the game and you'll be ok.
!!! NEVER overwrite your save games !!!! - always delete previous version of save before you save over it, or the save will collide (this is UBI-issue as everything in SH5).
And keep more history saves for cases of problems with one..

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