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frau kaleun 03-05-10 02:51 PM

I know, I felt so awful I wrote you a song:

Auf einem Seemannsgrab,
Da blühen keine Rosen,
Auf einem Seemannsgrab,
Da blüht kein Blümelein,
Der einz'ge Gruß, das sind die weißen Möwen
Und eine Träne die ein kleines Mädel weint.

In German even!

Okay, so I copy/pasted it. Whatever. :O:

KL-alfman 03-05-10 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1296017)
I know, I felt so awful I wrote you a song:

Auf einem Seemannsgrab,
Da blühen keine Rosen,
Auf einem Seemannsgrab,
Da blüht kein Blümelein,
Der einz'ge Gruß, das sind die weißen Möwen
Und eine Träne die ein kleines Mädel weint.

In German even!

Okay, so I copy/pasted it. Whatever. :O:

on a sailor's grave
no roses blossom
on a sailor's grave
no flowers blossom
white seagulls bid the only farewell,
and a tear shed by a girl.

in english even!
ok, I tried (with my constricted means of commanding a foreign language).
thx for this words.
Artur Stein would appreciate them ..... :cry:

frau kaleun 03-05-10 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by KL-alfman (Post 1296126)
ok, I tried (with my constricted means of commanding a foreign language).
thx for this words.
Artur Stein would appreciate them ..... :cry:

you did good!

KL-alfman 03-05-10 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1296338)
you did good!

küss die hand, Frau Kaleun!

frau kaleun 03-05-10 06:14 PM


KL-alfman 03-05-10 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1296421)

Damo 03-06-10 01:09 AM

After not hearing from U-53 since her contact with a convoy south of Ireland it was presumed that she had been lost. Fortunately, we have just had confirmation that she has arrived back in port a little battered but all crew accounted for and healthy. Initial damage reports show that her radio equipment was damaged beyond repair during a depth charge attack resulting from a second attack on the convoy group. U-53 will require extensive repairs before she is able to set to sea again and the crew have been given extended shore leave until complete.

2 torpedo's reported as failing to detonate, total tonnage 51121GRT sunk with 8562GRT damaged. Unable to finish off damaged vessel due to lack of torpedo's, detonation malfunctions and sustained damage during evasion of escorts.

Paul Riley 03-06-10 04:43 AM

Currently setting up a new campaign using GWX3,commander,92% realism and DID.Will begin my new campaign on Sept 1st 1939 as I dont like doing the 'shake down' patrol back in August.I will also be doing my first couple of patrols in a small type II in order to hone my skills again,its been about 6 months since I last played SH3.Our first patrol is just off the NE coast of Scotland,and will post our patrol as soon as we complete it.
Its going to take me ages to even get near August 1942,this is where my last campaign ended,as it was too long since my last playing session,and I would be 'rusty',probably forgetting about the air attacks crossing the bay of Biscay :dead:


Leandros 03-06-10 07:38 AM

Patrol 6 U-99 - Obleut z.S. Fischer - kvadrant CC61 - Nov 18th 1942 08:55

Just left U-461 for the Canadian east coast.

Patrol 5 almost ended in disaster. Picked up a few stragglers on the crossing. When almost in the assigned patrol area received position of westbound convoy, one day east of New Foundland. Was able to intercept it with the help of RWR signals from the escorts. It turned out we were just in the path of the lead escort so had to sink it before it detected us. Then it all started. According to the radar signals there were 8-10 escorts. Evarts class it turned out. In-between hitting a couple of large tankers we had to fend these off. In the end there were 3 left. One blew its tail off, the other turned tail but the third one was able to give us a lot of damage, scopes, batteries, deck gun and a few other things. No easy way to escape, though - only 30-50 meters under the keel.

After a few hours we were able to escape the circle and it gave up after having given us around 60-70 D/C's. We still had 1/3 torpedo complement but had to head for U-461 for repairs. It was only about a day's sailing south of us. Took several weeks to finish repairs, though. Had some good time onboard U-461 in the meantime.

The log below show a short, but hectic period.

So, why did we have a good time at U-461......bottles and cases float....:03:...

frau kaleun 03-06-10 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by KL-alfman (Post 1296442)

What, no chocolates? :stare:


frau kaleun 03-06-10 12:29 PM


So, why did we have a good time at U-461......bottles and cases float....:03:...

Happy times! :()1:

Leandros 03-06-10 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1298038)
Happy times! :()1:

Guten abend, lieber Frau Kaleun!

Ich verstehe dein standort is Wilhelmshafen. Ist es wahr es gibt in Wilhelmshafen ein XXI boot ...?... Ich glaube Ich habe bildern gesehen.



Kapitän 03-06-10 04:30 PM

Hello Everyone,

You can always find the latest KTBs and corresponding screen shots on the links in my signature below.

The only thing is, that you might need a German-English Dictionary ...

Fette Beute !!!


frau kaleun 03-06-10 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1298286)
Guten abend, lieber Frau Kaleun!

Ich verstehe dein standort is Wilhelmshafen. Ist es wahr es gibt in Wilhelmshafen ein XXI boot ...?... Ich glaube Ich habe bildern gesehen.



Hi Leandros,

I believe the (former) U-2540, now on display at Bremerhaven, is a Type XXI.

Wilhelmshaven is only my "in-game" location, but I can tell you for sure that I haven't seen any Type XXIs around - it's still 1939! :O:

Leandros 03-06-10 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1298509)
Hi Leandros,

I believe the (former) U-2540, now on display at Bremerhaven, is a Type XXI.

Wilhelmshaven is only my "in-game" location, but I can tell you for sure that I haven't seen any Type XXIs around - it's still 1939! :O:

Thank you - I thought so. So, it was Bremerhaven....

Leandros 03-06-10 06:43 PM

Patrol 6 U-99 - Obleut z.S. Fischer - kvadrant BB87 - Nov 22nd 1942 14:52

After having left U-461 4 days ago we headed south along the Canadian coast. Again a convoy was detected by the radar signals from the escorts. We have now positioned us ahead of this westbound convoy - south-east of Halifax. Judging by the sonar signals this is a fat one!

It's dark, clear sky but quite a heavy sea. Ideal! Below us more than 1000 meters of water......Only drawback is the uniform torpedo uplift given by the milkcows.

Jimbuna 03-07-10 08:11 AM

Very nice...looks like a 20/24 ship convoy.


Paul Riley 03-07-10 09:49 AM

U16 / Type IIA
Capt Franz Weber
Patrol Sector AN26
3rd Sept 1939

We are almost ready to break out into the North Sea for our first combat patrol (since using GWX3).Previous day caught sight of a 3 ship convoy consisting of 2 med cargo & 1 steamer heading west through the Skagerrak,turns out they were Danish after a closer inspection.Deck gun was being prepared nonetheless in the off chance they were Polish.
Performed standard dive test in the Skagerrak,rated for 150m,slight damage took at 158m
Weather fine,morale...optimistic.

Dissaray 03-07-10 01:51 PM

BDU has finaly seen fit to give me another boat, I broke the last two. Hopefuly this time I will be able to go more than two patrols without having to scrap any thing. They keep telling me that these things are expencive but the way I see it if they cost so much they should make them more capable of taking a few Tommie depth charges befor all the important bits break off.

As the war drags on they are sending me further out to find safe waters to hunt in. Well at least AK5 has a convoy rout in it so I might see some action.

Paul Riley 03-07-10 03:58 PM

U-16's baptism
Finally broke out into the North sea after a very dull voyage through the Skagerrak.Seems we also have a problem with the compressor after our test dive,blew once on the air and it leaked all the way down to 100 litres.
As we entered AN15 we spotted a lone vessel heading west towards Britain,upon closer inspection it was confirmed as a Norwegian medium cargo and allowed to pass safely.
Later that evening we got an SOS call from a stricken ship going by the name of the SS Athenia,however we carried on towards our assigned grid.
Day 3
12:43 - Spotted a Granville in AN43 heading on a mean course of 288 inbound to Britain.After about 45 mins overhauling we drew level and confirmed the ship as doing 8kts.I quickly set up a submerged attack for 2 hrs time at a range of approx 1000m.Target showed up practically on time however it appeared to have changed course for a more southerly direction,putting us out of range.Regardless I decided to go through with the attack and set up our new attack for just under 3km.I aimed at the foremast with an impact pistol set to 2m.What followed was a textbook shot slamming into the ship's bow causing a fire on deck.She was a tough one and took about 30 mins to sink for a total of 4707 tonnes.
I decided it was right to issue a moment of thought for the poor British sailers who never saw it coming.I may be in the German UBoat fleet,but me and my men have a special admiration for our English cousins.Lets all hope the chimney stacks back in Berlin find a way to avert a protracted war of atrition with Britain resulting in even more needless carnage,our real foe lies to the east!
I and my crew are very satisfied with our first attack at quite a testing range.Every man was awarded with a bottle of Becks and a 30 min break,yet every man knows in his heart these breaks won't be a common practice before too long...the British will have stopped making mistakes.

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