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Kapitän 04-13-21 04:13 AM

Final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC)

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2741719)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Friday, 11 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC).

Balkans Campaign: Hungary joins the German and Italian invasion.

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Sunday, 13 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC).

Easter Sunday: Crew is given leave over the Easter Holidays.

stork100 04-13-21 09:01 AM

Randomizer: Dashed bad luck with U-471, very unlucky. All the best to the next campaign.

Kapitän: All the best for the upcoming efforts with the U-113.


Kapitän 04-14-21 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by stork100 (Post 2742050)
Kapitän: All the best for the upcoming efforts with the U-113.


Thanks! Still have a way to go until we will see some action (commissioning of the boat, trials etc.) ... stay tuned ... :03:

drowssapma 04-17-21 01:52 PM

Nowhere close to anyone here as far as being good or anything, but I am about to start Patrol 5 in a Type XXI (U-161). I believe it is September 1944. To date 143,361 tonnage sunk in 4 patrols.

Kapitän 04-18-21 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by drowssapma (Post 2742858)
Nowhere close to anyone here as far as being good or anything, but I am about to start Patrol 5 in a Type XXI (U-161). I believe it is September 1944. To date 143,361 tonnage sunk in 4 patrols.

Happy Hunting! :arrgh!:

Kapitän 04-18-21 06:13 AM

Final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC)

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2742011)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Sunday, 13 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC).

Easter Sunday: Crew is given leave over the Easter Holidays.

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Friday, 18 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC).

B.d.U. suspects that the enemy has knowledge of our own Uboat dispositions and therefore issues a directive for the introduction of an additional cyphering key (ENIGMA) for the naval communication services.

drowssapma 04-18-21 03:09 PM

Patrol 5: 12 ships sunk for 42,881 bringing up a grand total of 186,242 On the bad side, the boat suffered....44.66% hull integrity. Sitting in Bergen on New Year's Eve 1944.

Aktungbby 04-18-21 04:11 PM

welcome aboard!

g8rk0k 04-20-21 07:17 PM

Type VII-B. Dec 2, 1941. Started patrol 1rst week of November. Assigned to patrol African coast s. of Freetown. Encountered Victory Cargo during night on way s, from Lorient. One torpedo close to engine room, ship came to a stop and listed heavily to starboard. Pulled boat right up next to the ship along port-side and blew tanks. Blasted the ship at close range with gun. Crashed dived and turned away as ship began to sink. Completed 24 hr. assigned patrol in area and headed back north. Encountered a five ship convoy consisting of 2 large merchant, ore carrier and medium cargo. Night attack of convoy from their port flank. Fired torpedoes from 2000 meters at first two merchants. Set depth for 5m and aimed for air funnels on bow. First ship hit, second torpedo lagged behind the first and gave time for second target to evade. Set course back away from convoy and dived under silent conditions. Destroyer never came close to searching right area. Set 10km radius around last known contact point and followed edge to remain out of sight. Ran at flank speed with both screws despite fuel concerns. Second attack was on the previously missed ship alone. Hit target under the air-funnels on bow. She went in headfirst within minutes. Turned back same as before and evaded. After gaining dist. surfaced and chased convoy, fired midships at ore carrier. Rudder was stuck on ore carrier and target began to circle to port. After the second circle it repaired the rudder and tried to keep up with the other merchant ship and escort at slow speed. When safe, surfaced and shadowed the ore carrier on starboard flank at reduced range of 8km. Was spotted and ore carrier began to zigzag. Dived in anticipation for return of escort which had moved far ahead with remaining freighter. Immediately detected it closing fast from ahead in the distance via hydrophone. Surfaced and ran flank speed for ten minutes out of sight of the ore carrier and parallel to the expected path of the incoming escort. Dived, set fast t1 to run shallow and fast speed. Fired from nearly 4km out. Torpedo struck escort at the bow. Escort nose dived into the sea and rapidly sank. Shadowed ore ship out ahead and crossed it's path. Fired a second torpedo close to the bow from aft tube causing it to sink. Gave chase toward remaining medium cargo now beyond hydrophone range. Encountered another Victory. Put one torpedo into it's starboard side and another port forward. Continued pursuit of medium cargo. Single torpedo under first crane (mast). Ship sank after about ten hours of my following at slow speed. Patrolling area n. of Canary Islands looking for single ship on which to spend last torpedoes. Weather turned rotten. Set speed at 1 knot to conserve battery until weather improved. Surface twice daily for 15 minutes for air and limited battery charge. Limiting time on surface to reduce exposure to potential enemy warships as I have no radar and am blind in present visibility.

drowssapma 04-21-21 03:27 PM

Made it to the end of the war. Wanted to see what would happen. Anti-climatic LOL. On my 8th and final patrol, I didn't get any credit for a couple of ships sunk, but the final tally was nice: 288,614.

Strengths: The Type XXI is a beast and I felt very confident with it. Was able to evade easily; even up to 4 destroyers actively pinging. Almost got to Grid AM68 when an unfortunate game crash sent that save to Davy Jones' Locker.

Weaknesses: Convoys. I don't know what I'm doing. I have tried to attack on the side, but get noticed and attacked. I tried to sneak in the middle and same result. VERY limited on getting any shots off, so I resorted to picking off single and double merchants. A man can make a living doing that and sleep in his bed, but what fun is that? ;)


Forgot to add a couple of things. First, my renown stunk because I sunk a hospital ship. Didn't know I wasn't supposed to LOL. I was afraid I would end up in Nuremberg, but SH3 Commander eased my fears: After the war Erwin Köhler served from 1953 to 1956 in the naval arm of Bundesgrenzschutz (Federal Frontier Guard), then transferred to the Bundesmarine. He was then commander of several naval bases, including Kiel, Cuxhaven and Wilhelmshaven. In 1966 he retired. He died on 1 May 1987 in Bad Schwartau.

Kapitän 04-23-21 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by g8rk0k (Post 2743484)
Limiting time on surface to reduce exposure to potential enemy warships as I have no radar and am blind in present visibility.

Should still be ok to be on surface in Dec.41. More dangerous as of Jan.42.

I mostly use time compression x64: No crew fatigue and when being tracked by enemy ASW, drops to x8 (and red color). Still risky though, especially, when close to land or in shallow water.

Kapitän 04-23-21 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by drowssapma (Post 2743629)
Made it to the end of the war. Wanted to see what would happen. Anti-climatic LOL. On my 8th and final patrol, I didn't get any credit for a couple of ships sunk, but the final tally was nice: 288,614.

Strengths: The Type XXI is a beast and I felt very confident with it. Was able to evade easily; even up to 4 destroyers actively pinging. Almost got to Grid AM68 when an unfortunate game crash sent that save to Davy Jones' Locker.

Weaknesses: Convoys. I don't know what I'm doing. I have tried to attack on the side, but get noticed and attacked. I tried to sneak in the middle and same result. VERY limited on getting any shots off, so I resorted to picking off single and double merchants. A man can make a living doing that and sleep in his bed, but what fun is that? ;)


Forgot to add a couple of things. First, my renown stunk because I sunk a hospital ship. Didn't know I wasn't supposed to LOL. I was afraid I would end up in Nuremberg, but SH3 Commander eased my fears: After the war Erwin Köhler served from 1953 to 1956 in the naval arm of Bundesgrenzschutz (Federal Frontier Guard), then transferred to the Bundesmarine. He was then commander of several naval bases, including Kiel, Cuxhaven and Wilhelmshaven. In 1966 he retired. He died on 1 May 1987 in Bad Schwartau.

Which Mod are you using?

Kapitän 04-23-21 08:00 AM

Final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC)

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2742955)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Friday, 18 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC).

B.d.U. suspects that the enemy has knowledge of our own Uboat dispositions and therefore issues a directive for the introduction of an additional cyphering key (ENIGMA) for the naval communication services.

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Wednesday, 23 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC).

Balkans Campaign ends today with the official surrender of the Greek forces in Albania to both the Germans and the Italians after a personal representation from Mussolini to Hitler.

Meanwhile in the North African Campaign:
Ongoing siege of Tobruk by the German Afrika Korps since 10 April.

After the capture of the Cyrenaica by the British from the retreating Italian Forces, from December 1940 to February 1941 (Operation "Compass"), the German blocking force ("Afrika Korps"), commanded by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (the "Desert Fox"), arrived in Africa from 10 February until 12 March 1941 (Operation "Sonnenblume"). This force consisted only of Panzer Regiment 5, which was put together from the 2nd Regiment of the 3rd Panzer Division and organized into the 5th Light Division. This 5th Light Division is now joined by elements of the 15th Panzer Division, transferred from Italy. In late summer, the 90th Light Infantry Division will be formed and join the Afrika Korps (DAK). On 15 August 1941, the 5th Light Division will be redesignated 21st Panzer Division.

Field Marshal Rommel, not being a defensive commander, was soon preparing for a counter attack (Rommel's First Offensive). On 24 March he captured El Agheila, the leading British position. He then advanced to Mersa el Brega, which fell on 31 March. Rommel then decided to turn this raid into a larger scale offensive and the British position in Cyrenaica quickly collapsed. Benghazi fell on 4 April and the British began a chaotic retreat towards Egypt.

Rommel's only failure came at Tobruk, where his first attacks were badly planned. The siege of Tobruk (10 April-16/17 December 1941) will last for most of the rest of the this year and will significantly weaken Rommel's position on the Egyptian border. The British will hold on to Sidi Barrani but apart from that and Tobruk, all of the gains of "Operation Compass" (December 1940 - February 1941) will have been lost.

drowssapma 04-25-21 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2743946)
Which Mod are you using?

The Grey Wolves. 3.0 I believe.

Kapitän 04-27-21 11:51 PM

Commissioning of U 113 (IXC)

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2743947)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Wednesday, 23 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 113 (IXC).

Balkans Campaign ends today with the official surrender of the Greek forces in Albania to both the Germans and the Italians after a personal representation from Mussolini to Hitler.

Meanwhile in the North African Campaign:
Ongoing siege of Tobruk by the German Afrika Korps since 10 April.

After the capture of the Cyrenaica by the British from the retreating Italian Forces, from December 1940 to February 1941 (Operation "Compass"), the German blocking force ("Afrika Korps"), commanded by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (the "Desert Fox"), arrived in Africa from 10 February until 12 March 1941 (Operation "Sonnenblume"). This force consisted only of Panzer Regiment 5, which was put together from the 2nd Regiment of the 3rd Panzer Division and organized into the 5th Light Division. This 5th Light Division is now joined by elements of the 15th Panzer Division, transferred from Italy. In late summer, the 90th Light Infantry Division will be formed and join the Afrika Korps (DAK). On 15 August 1941, the 5th Light Division will be redesignated 21st Panzer Division.

Field Marshal Rommel, not being a defensive commander, was soon preparing for a counter attack (Rommel's First Offensive). On 24 March he captured El Agheila, the leading British position. He then advanced to Mersa el Brega, which fell on 31 March. Rommel then decided to turn this raid into a larger scale offensive and the British position in Cyrenaica quickly collapsed. Benghazi fell on 4 April and the British began a chaotic retreat towards Egypt.

Rommel's only failure came at Tobruk, where his first attacks were badly planned. The siege of Tobruk (10 April-16/17 December 1941) will last for most of the rest of the this year and will significantly weaken Rommel's position on the Egyptian border. The British will hold on to Sidi Barrani but apart from that and Tobruk, all of the gains of "Operation Compass" (December 1940 - February 1941) will have been lost.

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Monday, 28 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Commissioning ceremony of U 113.

Kapitän 04-29-21 09:14 AM

Transfer of U 113 (IXC) to Training Flotilla

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2744825)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Monday, 28 April 1941 - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Commissioning ceremony of U 113.

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Tuesday, 29 April 1941: - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Transfer of boat and crew to U.A.K. and 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.), Gotenhafen.

Kapitän 05-01-21 08:15 AM

Training of boat and crew of U 113 (IXC)

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2745036)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago …


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2745036)


Tuesday, 29 April 1941: - Bremen - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau

Transfer of boat and crew to U.A.K. and 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.), Gotenhafen.

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Thursday, 1 May 1941: - U.A.K. and 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.), Gotenhafen

Work-up's andTrials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division, Gotenhafen (Freg.Kpt. HARTMANN).

Torpedo-Shooting Training is done with the new firing fuse Pi-G7H, which were introduced in June 1940, due to the "torpedo crisis" in April/May 1940.

The Pi-G7H is basically, a Pi-1, which has been adapted according to the torpedoes captured from the English submarine HMS Seal (37 M) but without the magnetic fuse (MZ). So, only the contact fuse (AZ) can be used.

The differentiation between the Ato and Eto pistol, is the same as with
the Pi-1: Kopf/K-a = T-1/G7a/Ato; Kopf/K-b = T-2/G7e/Eto.

drowssapma 05-10-21 01:10 PM

Started a new career and in Lorient awaiting my 12th patrol. 184,875 in tonnage along with a successful attack on Reykjavik. Even starting to get the hang of attacking convoys, although fairly limited successes. Might get 1 or 2 prizes before I get depth charged for an hour. Speaking of depth charged...I survived one where I was only in 60 meters of water. I was literally 1 meter from the bottom duck, dodge, and diving my way out of it. I think my hull was at 66% after that fiasco.

Kapitän 05-19-21 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by drowssapma (Post 2747076)
Started a new career and in Lorient awaiting my 12th patrol. 184,875 in tonnage along with a successful attack on Reykjavik. Even starting to get the hang of attacking convoys, although fairly limited successes. Might get 1 or 2 prizes before I get depth charged for an hour. Speaking of depth charged...I survived one where I was only in 60 meters of water. I was literally 1 meter from the bottom duck, dodge, and diving my way out of it. I think my hull was at 66% after that fiasco.

Which year did this happen?

Kapitän 05-19-21 09:55 AM

Training of boat and crew of U 113 (IXC)

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2745403)

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Thursday, 1 May 1941: - U.A.K. and 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.), Gotenhafen

Work-up's andTrials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division, Gotenhafen (Freg.Kpt. HARTMANN).

Torpedo-Shooting Training is done with the new firing fuse Pi-G7H, which were introduced in June 1940, due to the "torpedo crisis" in April/May 1940.

The Pi-G7H is basically, a Pi-1, which has been adapted according to the torpedoes captured from the English submarine HMS Seal (37 M) but without the magnetic fuse (MZ). So, only the contact fuse (AZ) can be used.

The differentiation between the Ato and Eto pistol, is the same as with
the Pi-1: Kopf/K-a = T-1/G7a/Ato; Kopf/K-b = T-2/G7e/Eto.

Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 18 May 1941: - U.A.K. and 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.), Gotenhafen -

Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division, Gotenhafen (Freg.Kpt. HARTMANN).

Beginning of Operation "Rheinübung":
Breakthrough of KMS Bismarck and Prinz Eugen into the North Atlantic to conduct merchant warfare.

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