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Fish In The Water 09-22-11 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Paulie76 (Post 1754078)
Young Upstart Hans Gruber steers U-23 through the canal on a five day shakedown cruise in August '39...

Luckily there don't appear to be any skyscrapers around... :haha:

VONHARRIS 09-22-11 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by mightymightychatham (Post 1753961)
Hey VonHarris, I installed the MFM and ran into one of these on my first MFM patrol. Wounded it with a torp and surfaced at 1000m to finish her off... got blasted for my troubles. Luckily she was a terrible shot and due to the damage I'd already inflicted with the torp I acually won the gunbattle (!) but I ran into aircraft later in the patrol and buckled whilst crashdiving at 55m due to the weakened hull. Career over.

I don't think it was a Q01B, though I can't remember 100%.

edit: It must have been a Q01B - I just had a look and it's the only "Qxxx" in the MFM. :oops:

I surfaced even closer at 500m and took heavy damage. I finished her off with a second torpedo. Her gunner found the range with the first shot!

Uboatman 09-22-11 12:56 PM

U-52 back from a short patrol, hope to make it out of port again to take part in operations up north.


Date and Time

1753 Patrol 6
U-52, 1st Flotilla
Left at: February 16, 1940, 17:53
From: Kiel
Mission Orders: Patrol grid BF17
2033 Grid AN 13 Ship sunk! SS Amstelland (Large Old Cargo), 8228 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 96. Crew lost: 28
0937 Grid AN 15 Ship sunk! SS Queen Anne (Large Freighter), 8604 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 28
1426 Grid AM 36 Ship sunk! SS Recorder (Tramp Steamer), 2082 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 12
2348 Grid AM 54 Ship sunk! SS Saint Louis (Old Composite Merchant), 5361 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 39
0213 Grid BE 33 Ship sunk! MV Chinese Prince (Large Old Cargo), 8229 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 73. Crew lost: 48
1455 Grid BE 39 Ship sunk! Fleet Tender, 16904 tons
1458 Grid BE 39 Ship sunk! SS Memnon (Large Merchant), 11971 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 4
1536 Grid BE 39 Ship sunk! MV Siranger (Express Freighter), 6239 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 44
1433 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 8
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 67618 tons

Nice GUI Paulie, what is it?

Sailor Steve 09-22-11 02:06 PM

Dear Leutnant Rickma...ahem, I mean Gruber, I have two words for you: NumLock and Delete.

WWII44 09-22-11 02:38 PM

The HMS Nelson lies at the bottom of Gibraltar. she took five torpedoes to sink we skedaddled as soon as we fire our bow tubes, three torps from the bow tubes hit her(Tube 1 had one of those god awful G7e torpedoes that blew up half way to the target:x) the as we slipped away we let lose the stern tubes and another two hits. Just as we were at the mouth of Gibraltar our sonar man confirmed we sank the Nelson. Know we are in lorient readying U-142 AKA Der Grun Krake(The Green Octopus) for her fourth Patrol(Our kaleun has his sites set on scapa flow).

Fish In The Water 09-22-11 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by WWII44 (Post 1754291)
The HMS Nelson lies at the bottom of Gibraltar.

A lovely bit of news to brighten my day... :sunny:

Congrats! :up:

WWII44 09-22-11 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Fish In The Water (Post 1754416)
A lovely bit of news to brighten my day... :sunny:

Congrats! :up:


Missing Name 09-22-11 11:27 PM

March 9, 1940. After twilight.

Detected what sounded like two slow troop ships and an oiler. Surfaced for the attack - two Ceramics! Unknown ship in the fog ahead - must be the oiler.

Within spitting distance, I launch a spread of four torpedoes. Seconds before they impact, I open up with the deck gun - and get a nasty surprise. The blocked out lead "oiler" finally turns to give me a good look...

...and sends a straddling salvo of six-inch shells. I was attempting a surface attack on a light cruiser and two auxiliaries! The toll, 8 torpedoes and about 50 10.5 cm rounds later: two converted liners sunk, one Southampton limping away, one IXB down to 67% hull integrity and minus a deck gun. (I had to spend a good amount of time on the surface due to engine and battery damage.) Crew casualties: only some scratches, and 40 pairs of soiled pants.

Moral: Pay attention to what you are attacking.

Paulie76 09-22-11 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Uboatman (Post 1754221)
Nice GUI Paulie, what is it?

MaGUI 3.something. I can't remember exactly since I transferred it over from my old computer rather than redownload it. I've done far too much personalization on my mods to ever want to have to do it all over again. Same reason I haven't stepped up to the final version of MaGUI.


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1754266)
Dear Leutnant Rickma...ahem, I mean Gruber, I have two words for you: NumLock and Delete.

Thanks! It's amazing the little thing one forgets when they don't play for a few months!

VONHARRIS 09-23-11 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Missing Name (Post 1754492)
March 9, 1940. After twilight.

...and sends a straddling salvo of six-inch shells. I was attempting a surface attack on a light cruiser and two auxiliaries!
Moral: Pay attention to what you are attacking.

You must have made a deal with God to survive this on the surface.:salute:
Didn't the Auxs fire at you or were they sunk at the initial torpedo attack?

Are you using the Community ships mod?
I downloaded it from Jimbuna's sig but it crashed my game.
As I play GWX , is there a special version for GWX?
Thank you.

VONHARRIS 09-23-11 03:09 AM

U-64 IXB Patrols 7 & 8
Patrol 7 was a 1 day patrol due to an unwanted mod which caused major fps problems.

Patrol 8
Orders : Patrol to grid DT53 and then move south to engage enemy ships both merchant and naval off Freetown. Attack at will. Maintain radio silence after reaching patrol grid. Return to Lorient , France.

02 September 1940
06:45 hours U-64 left the German waters for DT53

16 September 1940
Grid CG19
05:16 hours SS Demerton (Medium Merchant 08), 5281 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 53

03 October 1940
Grid ET29
20:11 hours HMS Cleopatra (Dido class), 5600 tons. Crew: 538. Crew lost: 182

08 October 1940
Grid ET62 - Convoy attack
05:18 hours MV Nordpol (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 55. Crew lost: 50
05:19 hours SS Fort Ville Marie (Empire-type Freighter), 7372 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 35
05:20 hours SS Robert L. Holt (Small Merchant), 1827 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 27

29 October 1940
Grid CG86
12:25 hours Q Ship HMS Looe (Medium Coastal Freighter), 2364 tons. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 30
Grid CG85
23:26 hours SS Sea Needle (Large Cargo), 7693 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 38

17 November 1940
11:06 hours Docked at Lorient France
77 days at sea
7 ships sunk
34844 tons
No damages or casualties

ijnfleetadmiral 09-23-11 04:22 AM

21 January 1940:
Scharnhorst departs Wilhelmshaven for another raiding mission. Broke into the Atlantic via our usual route, just N of Scapa Flow, which usually yields a DD for us to limber up our guns with, and this time was no exception. Continuing W along the N Scottish coast, we sighted and sank our first merchant.

We headed down the W Irish coast, but ran into a severe storm once we reached the Celtic Sea. Supposedly we were sighted while hunting, but the storm kept us from engaging and being engaged. After only one loop through the Celtic Sea we headed back N and just missed being engaged by a British task force. This time, the storm was most certainly a blessing!

After this fortuitous escape, we headed W into the Atlantic along a Halifax convoy route, following this route all the way across. We sighted and sank a couple of lone merchants, but it was slim pickings all around. That is, until we got word of a large convoy in our area, speed a mere 8 knots.

Ahead Standard...intercept course!

We hit it right on the money...twenty-five ships escorted by a mere four escorts. Let the slaughter begin!:woot:We left NO SURVIVORS.

Returned to port on 8 February 1940, having sunk 33 ships for 126,282 tons. The crew received a ton of medals (including 2 Knight's Crosses).

1 Large Merchant
1 Ammunition Ship
3 Ore Carriers
2 Medium Cargo Ships
1 Empire-type Freighter
7 Granville-type Freighters
3 Passenger/Cargo Ships
4 Nipiwan Park-type Tankers
1 Tramp Steamer
5 Coastal Freighters
1 A/B-class DD
4 Black Swan-class Frigates

VONHARRIS 09-23-11 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1754543)

Returned to port on 8 February 1940, having sunk 33 ships for 126,282 tons. The crew received a ton of medals (including 2 Knight's Crosses).

KM Scharnhorst under Kptltnt Kurt Hossel has tought a lesson to those Brits.
A great victory for the Kriegsmarine.

Uboatman 09-23-11 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1754521)

Are you using the Community ships mod?
I downloaded it from Jimbuna's sig but it crashed my game.
As I play GWX , is there a special version for GWX?
Thank you.

Yes I am, not special version I'm aware of. I don't run much in the way of mods at this time, anyway they were installed in the order of this screen shot.

U-52 has returned from participation in Operation Wesserbung during which it had considerable success against the enemy task forces heading for Narvik. :salute:


Date and Time

0649 Patrol 7
U-52, 1st Flotilla
Left at: March 23, 1940, 06:49
From: Kiel
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN36
1733 Grid AN 36 Ship sunk! SS City of Oxford (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Crew: 59. Crew lost: 57
0640 Grid AN 26 Ship sunk! MV Waiotira (Fast Freighter), 13241 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 82. Crew lost: 9
0320 Long 15° 50' E, Lat 68° 18' N Ship sunk! HMCS Restigouche (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 160. Crew lost: 49
0324 Long 15° 51' E, Lat 68° 19' N Ship sunk! HMS Daring (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 165. Crew lost: 145
0336 Long 15° 50' E, Lat 68° 19' N Ship sunk! HMS Dainty (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 171. Crew lost: 66
0228 Long 15° 49' E, Lat 68° 18' N Ship sunk! HMS Nelson, 36000 tons. Crew: 1445. Crew lost: 549
1807 Grid AF 58 Ship sunk! SS Ravager (Large Cargo), 9293 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 53. Crew lost: 1
1338 Grid AN 35 Ship sunk! SS Bienville (Medium Cargo), 5080 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 22
1344 Grid AN 35 Ship sunk! SS Tingsang (Tramp Steamer), 1970 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 15
0115 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 9
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 72838 tons

When is that darn Nelson going to stay sunk:damn:


Missing Name 09-23-11 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1754521)
You must have made a deal with God to survive this on the surface.:salute:
Didn't the Auxs fire at you or were they sunk at the initial torpedo attack?

I was extremely lucky. My first few shells hit the aft turrets of the first aux and knocked them off. What appeared to be a 5 inch hit me and crippled my electrics.

The second took three torpedoes and sank - sudden course alterations made my idea of two and two fail. Using the disabled aft of the first as cover, I repaired damage and loaded torpedoes.

VONHARRIS 09-23-11 08:47 AM

U-64 IXB Patrol 9
Thank you. I am running a lot more mods plus some ships of the MFM. So , that might be the problem.

Patrol No 9
Orders : Patrol grid AE87 for enemy capital ships and engage
Secondary mission: Patrol grids AE71 , AD83 and AD59 and engage any enemy ships

17 December 1940
19:49 hours U-64 left from Lorient to patrol grid AE87

19 December 1940
grid BF42
17:30 hours SS Beechwood (Medium Merchant 07), 5036 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 37. Crew lost: 22

14 January 1941
grid AE47
00:41 hours HMS Wolborough (ASW Trawler), 1100 tons. Crew: 52. Crew lost: 45

15 January 1941
grid AD59 - Convoy attack
14:43 hours SS Cape Rodney (Medium Merchant 17), 4020 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 15
14:44 hours SS Empire Norseman (Large Tanker), 9500 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 72. Crew lost: 27
14:47 hours SS Filleigh (Medium Merchant 07), 5037 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 45. Crew lost: 31

24 January 1941
06:19 hours MV South Africa (Tanker 04), 8780 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 9

01 February 1941
00:40 hours Docked at Lorient
No capital warships sighted
Secondary objective : accomplished
47 days at sea
6 ships sunk
33473 tons
No casualties or damages

Uboatman 09-23-11 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1754660)
Thank you. I am running a lot more mods plus some ships of the MFM. So , that might be the problem.

I've d/l MFM lite amongst others but think I'm going to stick with my current short mod list until I've got another career under my belt, think I've only ever completed 2 since I bought a few SH3 years back:salute:

gazpode_l 09-23-11 12:47 PM

R Hessler - Patrol 6

Originally Posted by gazpode_l (Post 1745096)
after a weeks holiday for the RL skippr followed by enforced time away from all gaming, I resumed my career recently as r hessler, in yr 1941

departed lorient for allocated grid DH28 following refit after most recent patrol. Uneventful cruise across biscay and out into atlantic passing spain to our east.

JUL 25
early before skipper awake recieved radio inteligence of large convoy to our SSW. Will be tricky to catch them as they are around a hundred KM away to our south on a southerly course. A change in heading is though ordered.

A while later lookouts spot two distinct smoke plumes in distant. This CANT be the lg convoy but is obviously a small one nearby. A dive to periscope depth yealds five contacts. Two small and two large plus escort.

U_111 creeps fwd on intercpt course. Undetected a salvo of four torpedoes are fired, three at the large merchant and one for the medium. The LG merchant is sunk quickly and the medium is damaged but is able to continue making way.

A brief twenty minute cat n mouse exchange follows with the escort which aids escape of small convoy. A well judged snapshot takes down the escort but catching the merchants is now impossible due to worsening weather meaning the inability to keep boat above the high seas long enough allowing the diesels to get the boat above six knots.

A change of heading towards patrol grid is ordered and the boat descends towards 40m where calmness allows the crew to rest and the tubes to be reloaded.


Patrol SIX is now becoming our longest time away from port of the war thus far. The tubes were all reloaded and the next option taken by the skipper was to patrol the designated grid of DH28. No contacts were located by either search method of visual sighting on the surface and hydrophone scanning when submerged.

The boat is then moved on towards Casablanca where the skipper intended to have a looksy as to if there is anything there. Aproximately 75km WNW of town, a lone steamer is heard through the hydrophones. The distance is succesfully closed and we sunk the contact using the deck gun and a "coup de gras" by torpedo.

The boat is then turned northerly towards the Gibraltar straight...dare the skipper attempt a passage down it? the answer was NO but an aircraft was spotted overhead and the order given to submerge.

The slow response cost the boat position and the plane appears to have radioed our contact in as we were then persued by a single "Town Class" destroyer who made a persistant attempt at trying to get us to surface after running out of ammunition, by continuing to circle and run in overhead at attack speed! :stare:

Soon we had an idea on his pattern and we proceeded to evade him, submerged at some depths which were quite dangerous for the integrity of our hull.

It took a fair number of hours for us to loose him, but we finally did so. During the tussle, a fair few shots were attempted at the destroyer, but each time he either managed to close the distance suitably, or was struck by dud torpedoes, with three hitting his hull and failing to detonate! :damn: :nope:

Uncle Karl and the rest of BDu are going to hear about this, because it affected both TI and TII torpedo types. I hear the skipper will be personally requesting a meeting with some loading engineers back at lorient.

Meanwhile back on patrol aboard U-111 and we've now arrived in the spanish port of CADIZ to possibly put in alongside "Thalia" (which is a rearming spot anchored just outside the breakwater in GWX).

However following discussions and general thought's, it was decided that with still a large quantity of fuel left and around a 50% torpedo load still aboard, that U-111 would depart as soon as possible after a stay of around an hr.

U-111 is now making waves up the Portuguese coast where we are continuing to scan for contacts in worsening weather. A contact report has been recieved some 50km SW of our position, but as it's a southbound convoy, the chances of succesfully catching upto the convoy in the poor weather are next to impossible.

Therefore U-111 is continuing to head north into some more areas of suspected enemy movements, based upon the past experiences of recent patrols.

Latest Log update, dated 06/08/1941 recieved from Radio Officer, "Karl Oesten" On behalf of the "Officer of the Watch-tower"

WWII44 09-23-11 01:09 PM

Snuck into Scapa flow but no battleships to sink. Swarmed by destroyers but survied with oly the flak guns and periscopes obliterated, I also invented a new destroyer killing technique(wich I like to call "The Lame Duck").

Uboatman 09-23-11 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by WWII44 (Post 1754821)
Snuck into Scapa flow but no battleships to sink. Swarmed by destroyers but survied with oly the flak guns and periscopes obliterated, I also invented a new destroyer killing technique(wich I like to call "The Lame Duck").

I went into Scapa Flow on a pre war cruise and found loads of forts on the water with big nasty guns in them, decided at that point I wasn't ever going to visit Scapa flow during wartime, did you see them? I have screenshots on the desktop, I'll post them later.

P.S. Have you seen the Nelson again yet, I've been chasing the b*****d for over 6mths now, sunk him 3 times and he keeps getting up, if you find him say hello with a few eels for me if you'd be so kind :arrgh!:

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