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sublynx 08-13-11 02:16 AM

Great orders :D Feels a lot like something that I could have read from Dönitz's war diaries (when there are orders to individual U-boats as appendixes)

scottj63 08-13-11 03:52 AM

Capt. Scott Von Ainz (well at least captain of the boat still after accidentally sinking a Hipper class) about to head out on Patrol #18 (for the second time due to a CTD when i docked at Brest on last Patrol 18). Currectly with 30 merchants and 1 destroyer for a total of 144,000 tons. With the -3000 renown i got hit with for my "gross misjudgement of what is TC + and Enter buttons) I will be in this boat with same equipment for a longgggg time. Well at least im not on the Russian Front.


Fish In The Water 08-13-11 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by scottj63 (Post 1727055)
Well at least im not on the Russian Front.

You're right, it could always be worse...

Captain of a patrol boat dodging ice cubes on the Volga. :o :D

JazzJR 08-13-11 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by scottj63 (Post 1727055)
With the -3000 renown i got hit with for my "gross misjudgement of what is TC + and Enter buttons)

Thats a low punishment:03: If you think about the Price of the Admiral Hipper class, which are around 85,8 Million Reichsmark :DL :yeah:

VONHARRIS 08-13-11 08:56 AM

U-109 IXB
21 February 1941
00:54 hours U-109 left port for her 9th patrol in grid DH56

26 February 1941
Grid CG73
07:52 hours Ship seen
07:57 hours Positive ID: Japanese small merchant

27 February 1941
Grid DH35
21:20 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
21:25 hours Positive ID: Medium merchant 30
21:57 hours 1 TI (stern) fired
21:58 hours Impact - A stern mounted 4in gun was seen
21:59 hours 1 TI (stern) fired
22:09 hours 1 TI (bow) fired - impact
22:28 hours 1 TI (stern) fired - impact
22:30 hours Ship sunk - MV Siam II

11 March 1941
Grid ET24
14:13 hours Warship seen - dived to PD
14:37 hours Sound contact moving far away
16:11 hours Surfaced

14 March 1941
Grid ET29
04:37 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
04:42 hours Multiple contacts - convoy closing
05:19 hours 2 TI(stern) fired
05:20 hours Impacts - 1 Ti (bow) fired
05:21 hours Impact
05:22 hours Ship sunk - Tanker 16 MV Storanger
05:23 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
05:24 hours 1 TI (bow) fired - impact - 1 TI (bow) fired
05:25 hours Diving to 100m - impact
05:48 hours Depth 100m - no pinging
06:35 hours Sound contact - ship DIW - reloading tubes
06:56 hours PD - up scope - medium merchant 06 - tanker 04
07:00 hours 1 TI (bow) fired - 1 TI (bow) fired
07:01 hours Impact
07:02 hours Impact - Ship sunk tanker 04 MV Petter
07:12 hours 1 TI(stern) fired
07:13 hours Impact
07:14 hours 1 TI(stern) fired - ship sunk medium merchant 06 SS Victoria City
09:08 hours Surfaced in 11m/s winds and medium fog

15 March 1941
Grid ET16
16:05 hours Ship seen - contact lost in bad weather

19 March 1941
Grid EJ38
06:14 hours Warship seen - shadowing
07:08 hours Broke off contact

21 March 1941
Grid DU71
06:42 hours Ship seen
06:58 hours Positive ID: Coastal freighter - closing in
07:30 hours Ship persumed unarmed
07:44 hours Opened fire
07:47 hours Ship sunk - SS Agua - 15 105mm rounds used

28 March 1941
Grid CG43
23:29 hours Ship seen
23:34 hours Positive ID: Tramp steamer - gun turret aft - dived to PD
23:52 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
23:55 hours Impact - ship sunk - SS Helvig

31 March 1941
Grid BF48
11:15 hours Ship seen
11:19 hours Positive ID: medium merchant 02 - no guns visible
11:39 hours Opened fire
11:42 hours Ship sunk - SS Peterston

02 April 1941
05:19 hours U-109 docked at Lorient in awful weather
41 days at sea
7 ship sunk
40296 tons
no damages or casualties

VONHARRIS 08-13-11 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by scottj63 (Post 1727055)
Capt. Scott Von Ainz (well at least captain of the boat still after accidentally sinking a Hipper class) about to head out on Patrol #18

Don't be surprised by the SS welcoming comitee when you return!

Miltiades 08-13-11 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1727150)
Don't be surprised by the SS welcoming comitee when you return!

You mean Gestapo?

VONHARRIS 08-13-11 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Miltiades (Post 1727164)
You mean Gestapo?

No, I mean those black dressed men with the skull and bones emblem on their hats , YES the SS!
Gestapo is too small for such an incident. :D

BogdaNz 08-13-11 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1727280)
No, I mean those black dressed men with the skull and bones emblem on their hats , YES the SS!
Gestapo is too small for such an incident. :D

it's not like in soviet union where nkvd arrest you and your family and then shoots all of you.
SS couldn't done nothign to any member of wehrmacht ,and if one of this soldiers did something bad (crime,thief,sabotage) ,then in order to arrest and interogate him the police must get approve from OKW or from chief of military branch that you belong.
So,in this case ,you probably will have been interogated by a kriesgmarine tribunal .

sublynx 08-13-11 03:43 PM

U-331, patrol 1, report 8
Lt.z.s. Theodor Wald
U-331, VIIC
1. Flottille, Kiel

BB9673 SO 15, sea 7, cloudy, vis. medium.
1515 spotted by the port escort of the convoy we've been shadowing. Had to dive. A submerged speed burst, then 1/3 ahead, then 70 RPM silent running towards the convoy's estimated direction.
1558 Followed an unknown contact in the hydrophone for a period of 2 minutes and 20 seconds until it's relative bearing had changed by three degrees and then for 2 minutes and 30 seconds until the relative bearing had changed by another 3 degrees. Estimated course 71.
1605 Turning to 341 true bearing for a long range submerged launch.
1608 Up periscope for 7 seconds. Quick glance at the convoy, distance should be ok and course estimation close. Preset TDC. 349 bearing, gyro angle 0, range 4000 meters, running time 4 minutes 6 seconds, speed 6 knots. The two destroyers that tried to find us have returned to the convoy.
1612 Up periscope for 5 seconds. A Tribal at 350.
1620 Up periscope for 8 seconds. A 1800 BRT merchant, range 2500 - 3000 meters. Preset TDC 3000 meters, 3 minutes 7 seconds.
1621 Two G7e's launched at a 14 second interval.
1622 Two G7e's lauched at an 18 second interval. Target 2000 BRT merchant, range not estimated in the heavy seas. LF away from the convoy's direction and diving.
1625 An explosion heard 4 minutes and 30 seconds after the launch of the first torpedo. KF ahead.
1629 An explosion heard after 8 minutes 50 seconds after the launch of the first torpedo. Possibly a sinking ship.
1630 A+20, 100 RPM, course 271. No destroyers heard getting closer.
1633 course 226, away from the closest escort.
1634 More explosions heard. Now certain that something was sunk in the attack.
1636 We are between the convoy and a destroyer. The destroyer probably is trying to locate us. 70 RPM.
1638 Judging by the hydrophone sounds, there might be two merchants that can't keep up with the convoy.
1655 To periscope depth.
1716 Two - three stragglers sighted. Warships still audible in hydrophone and unidentified ships still visible. Preparing for reloading and pursuit of the stragglers.
1758 Torpedoes reloaded. A merchant and a corvette visible.
1800 Surfaced. LF ahead.
1913 Three stragglers sighted.
1924 GF ahead. The sun has set.
1940 A Frigate sighted in front of the stragglers. PD.
1946 Surfaced. Heading for the last straggler.
2004 Two torpedoes launched, estimated range 1445 meters, speed 2 knots, AOB 90 stb. One miss, one hit.
2011 2000 BRT merchant sunk.
2014 A Frigate sighted. Speed AK away from the enemy.
2017 PD.
2022 A flare in the sky. 70 RPM, 1 knot, frigate 177 rb.
2045 A Black Swan 1800 meters, 190 rb. Uses flares and search lights.
2144 Surfaced. The Black Swan 6 - 8 km, rb 75. Saved and Exit.

ETsd4 08-13-11 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1727333)
Lt.z.s. Theodor Wald
U-331, VIIC
1. Flottille, Kiel


a+20 = ?
rb = right bearing?

Fish In The Water 08-13-11 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1727280)
YES the SS!
Gestapo is too small for such an incident. :D

Either way they'd likely be ill-tempered gents with very little sense of humor... :O:

Kaptain Schlag 08-13-11 10:27 PM


I decided to start a career in Jan of 1942 in an IXC. I decided to go down to the carribean sea to find some targets.

How do I maximize my fuel and when should i begin to head back, I got to the sea and had used 50% of my fuel. Also, if I see ships in port, does that mean I have the right campaign files loaded, thanks again!

frau kaleun 08-13-11 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Kaptain Schlag (Post 1727488)

I decided to start a career in Jan of 1942 in an IXC. I decided to go down to the carribean sea to find some targets.

How do I maximize my fuel and when should i begin to head back, I got to the sea and had used 50% of my fuel. Also, if I see ships in port, does that mean I have the right campaign files loaded, thanks again!

What orders have you given the engine room?

I don't know the exact knots to specify in a IX, but generally the most economical setting for your diesels is one third ahead. Anything faster or slower than that as a general "cruising" speed and you will not be getting the maximum range out of the fuel you left base with. Save the faster/slower settings for times when they are tactically necessary.

There should be a report you can request from your navigator, "maximum range at current speed" or something like that. Ask for that report and he will tell you how many kilometers you can go at your current speed on the fuel you have left. If you move from one setting to another on the engine room telegraph and request that info at each setting, you'll soon see which one will give you the maximum range for whatever fuel reserves you've got.

Also, if you're playing GWX, you can see if there are any resupply vessels nearby where you can dock and refuel should that be necessary to get all the way back to your home base.

Sailor Steve 08-14-11 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1727491)
There should be a report you can request from your navigator, "maximum range at current speed" or something like that. Ask for that report and he will tell you how many kilometers you can go at your current speed on the fuel you have left. If you move from one setting to another on the engine room telegraph and request that info at each setting, you'll soon see which one will give you the maximum range for whatever fuel reserves you've got.

One thing to remember: When you change your speed go to high TC and wait an hour before checking your range at that speed. If you change speeds and check immediately it will give you a totally bogus range.

VONHARRIS 08-14-11 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Kaptain Schlag (Post 1727488)

I decided to start a career in Jan of 1942 in an IXC. I decided to go down to the carribean sea to find some targets.

How do I maximize my fuel and when should i begin to head back, I got to the sea and had used 50% of my fuel. Also, if I see ships in port, does that mean I have the right campaign files loaded, thanks again!

One more thing: You can use the Fuel economy mod

But remember even with this mod enabled, sprinting at flank speed to intercept convoys or sailing at the surface with 15m/s winds will cause more fuel to be consumed.

Kaptain Schlag 08-14-11 02:36 AM

Thanks for the pointers, patrol reports to come soon.

JazzJR 08-14-11 10:40 AM

Today U-995 left Brest and was ordered to patrol the Area CG63.
sinking two C2 Cargo ships with a Tonnage of 12000BRT.

Also a small Coast ship was in sight and engaged with the 8.8 gun. Suddenly the 1.WO just said "Airplane sighted!" so the crew searched and saw two Ju-88 Bombers stealing my tonnage. :x:stare:

U-995 continues the Patrol and found a easy target. A small Freighter...but!!

...The Fighter proved himself as unsinkable. After 5 T1 Torpedos he was still on the surface firing with his guns. U-995 fired all round of HE , AP and even the Light Ammoniton at it. Nothing seem to happen. So U-995 runned out of Ammunition and had to return to its Port in Brest. I gave the ship the Name unsinkable Sam. :O:

U-995 retuning to Brest

sublynx 08-14-11 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ETsd4 (Post 1727414)
a+20 = ?
rb = right bearing?

A = 80 meters. For some curious reason that's how U-boats seemed to report depth in their patrol diaries. A + something, or A - something.
rb = relative bearing

(I wrote these notes during the time I played in real time, so I used abbreviations to make them quicker to write. And I do like the style they wrote real U-boat war diaries:))

JazzJR 08-14-11 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1727860)
A = 80 meters. For some curious reason that's how U-boats seemed to report depth in their patrol diaries. A + something, or A - something.
rb = relative bearing

(I wrote these notes during the time I played in real time, so I used abbreviations to make them quicker to write. And I do like the style they wrote real U-boat war diaries:))

Well you can read the war diary of U-453 here. VII/C sunk near Lisboa (Spain):salute:
and from U-853 Typ IX/C40 was sunk near Rhode Island

Btw: Some wrote also 2A+ A+ were 80 meters. There were no orders how they have to write it. But sometimes they also wrote the real depth not these A+??? :)

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