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Sailor Steve 08-09-11 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1724437)
I have seen Empire type freighters from the beginning of the war since 1939.

I just checked the the Roster folder and it lists the entry date as 19400101. Part of the problem is that the Ministry of War Transport was organized in 1939 and immediately started giving 'Empire' names to all sorts of ships, even some tugboats and sailing schooners. The dedicated large ships which the IABL's 'Empire' category reflects are similar in concept to the Liberties. I've found one 7,000-ton ship built in 1940, but with no picture I can't tell if it was the first build of the 'Empire' series or a different type taken in by MoWT. I know the Canadian 'Forts' and 'Parks' and the American 'Oceans', all ships of the 'Empire' design, were not in service before 1942, but for the British 'Empires' I haven't been able to find a first delivery date. Threre are some books out there that would tell me, but I can't afford them at the moment.

I'm changing my Roster date to 19420101, but that's just me being anal. What can I say? :D

VONHARRIS 08-09-11 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1724621)
Sailor Steve: U-47's latest patrol ended in mid-June 1940. Currently refitting and preparing to sortie once again.

KL vonHarris: We're in the market for Aquitania or Titanic this patrol...might you - or anyone else - know of a good hunting ground for picking off large passenger liners?

DIA (Danke In Advance)


I usually run into these large liners in grids AD86 AD59 , AD83 south west of Iceland. They are part of huge convoys , always in the center of the convoy and very well escorted. There are at least seven escorts. In late war there might be and an escort carrier TF along.

sublynx 08-10-11 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by ETsd4 (Post 1724542)
the photo was sent to our special laboratory in Kiel. High ISO setting + extremely long exposure time successfully restored some photo details.
Kiel, Leitz-Werke, 21.4.1941

Thanks a lot for the experts in Leitz-Werke :yeah:

Real navigation - very cool!! :salute: I think I might start experimenting with that myself. I have already modded all the contacts off the navigation map, including the sign of my u-boat, but I'm still using AI assistance.

ijnfleetadmiral 08-10-11 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1724728)
I usually run into these large liners in grids AD86 AD59 , AD83 south west of Iceland. They are part of huge convoys , always in the center of the convoy and very well escorted. There are at least seven escorts. In late war there might be and an escort carrier TF along.

Great merciful crap...SEVEN escorts?! :o I usually freak when there's four! Kind of historically inaccurate, too, seeing as how the big liners were fast enough to travel unescorted, and usually did.

VONHARRIS 08-10-11 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1724763)
Great merciful crap...SEVEN escorts?! :o I usually freak when there's four! Kind of historically inaccurate, too, seeing as how the big liners were fast enough to travel unescorted, and usually did.

I have seen a convoy with eight escorts which the max number I have ever seen in GWX. I don't know if it gets any bigger.

In RL liners could make at least 29 - 30 kts making them virtually uninterceptable to uboats. I have seen this behaviour in GWX only once for Allied liners and many times for spanish large liners.

unterseemann 08-10-11 09:03 AM

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! And especially Sailor Steve for his links

Oberleutnant z.see Erich Berg

Patrol 3
U-31, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel
Left at: October 15, 1939, 02:35
From: Wilhelmshaven
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN15
, west of Orkneys

After having passed shetlands weather deteriorated with heavy seas and bad visibility
Patrol zone in AN15 reached the 20oct.

25/10 AN1567 Try to attack a blackened ship in storm, 2 torpedoes shot, no impact. Unable to reach good conditions.

28/10 23h02 AN1516 Surface attack against supposed british ship, 2 torpedoes fired two solid impacts amidships and bow. Sank fast, around 4.000 BRT

30/10 16h35 AN1582 Surface attack against british medium cargo 4 torpedoes fired but avoided by ship. A 5th hit it and slowed it to 2kn. Due to proximity of land and supposed presence of enemy ship nearby a 'coup de grāce' is shot soon after. SS Gamaria 5.281 BRT

30/10 22h50 AN1545 While exiting the zone at full speed, encountered another british ship. Surface attack 1 torpedo shot, 1 impact. Another 'coup de grace' fired soon after. SS Clumberhall 5.173BRT

30/10 23h50 AN 1542 Only two torpedoes left and unable to load them because weather still awful. Decisions to reach Torshaven in the Faeroes which are neutral, to load our last torpedoes.

02/11 12h31 AN 2665 While on return trip british ship heading WSW spotted. Submerged attack as our last surface attack in daytime was quite unsuccessful. 1 torpedo with impact amidships, ship slowed down but not in sinking condition. Another 'coup de grace' did the job and then we resumed course to Wilhelmshaven.

Patrol result:
21 days at sea
4 ships sunk for 17.850 BRT

My 1st W.O Wolfgang Eisenholtz will make his last patrol with U-31 before being given his own commandship due to his excellent abilities.

** Oh i have a small problem, the first ship i sank is a
M03X IABL's ship and commander didn't give him a name although i have activated SS ships list mod any idea??
All i have is : 'Ship sunk! M03X, 3494 tons

Willem VonBoom 08-10-11 10:54 AM

@ Steve -

My understanding of the "Empire" ships was that they were requisitioned by the British government and given names starting with Empire. The "Class" was mad up of all different types of ships from tugs and trawlers to tankers, bulk carriers, and specialty ships.

Although I think your starting date issue is accurate

sublynx 08-10-11 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Willem VonBoom (Post 1725048)
@ Steve -

My understanding of the "Empire" ships was that they were requisitioned by the British government and given names starting with Empire. The "Class" was mad up of all different types of ships from tugs and trawlers to tankers, bulk carriers, and specialty ships.

Although I think your starting date issue is accurate

This is something that is said in Lawrence Paterson's U-boat war patrol -book as well. It states that Empire name was given to all the ships that the British government ordered from the Ministry of War Transport or that were bought or captured.

Sailor Steve 08-10-11 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Willem VonBoom (Post 1725048)
@ Steve -

My understanding of the "Empire" ships was that they were requisitioned by the British government and given names starting with Empire. The "Class" was mad up of all different types of ships from tugs and trawlers to tankers, bulk carriers, and specialty ships.

Although I think your starting date issue is accurate

That's true. I've even seen a tugboat called 'Empire Fred'. Every ship that belonged to MoWT was given an 'Empire' name, with a few exceptions, most notably the Liberties, which got names starting with 'Sam'. However, they also started having their own ships built in various classes. The 7000-tons class are what is represented by IABL's M35B 'Empire' ships.

ijnfleetadmiral 08-10-11 02:03 PM

Patrol 10 of U-47

Was assigned to patrol grid DH71, near Casablanca...another long haul from Wilhelmshaven! En route we were pleasantly surprised to encounter a Large Merchant and an RMM (what does 'RMM' stand for, anyway, and what kind of ship is this thing?), both of which were quickly dispatched to the bottom for a nice start to our patrol.

We reached our assigned grid without incident and patrolled it for 24 hours before heading back Northward, and was instructed to patrol off the Straits of Gibraltar until our torpedo supply was exhausted. KL Hossel took this to mean 'near the Straits', not 'IN the Straits', so we patrolled on the Atlantic side near the entrance, and managed to bag a Medium Cargo, a Coastal Freighter, and a Tramp Steamer.

With only two fish left (one in the bow, one in the stern), we resumed our journey to Wilhelmshaven, hoping against hope to be redirected to one of the French coast bases, but to no avail. En route, we fired our last two torpedoes at an Intermediate Tanker, the second of which hit her in the stern. At first it looked like she was going to escape, but the heavy seas managed to claim her.

Thus ended our 10th patrol, in which we sank six ships for a tidy 25,092 tons, bringing our total up to 209,351 tons. Upon return to port, the crew was cheered to find out KL Hossel's itchy neck was cured, as he was presented with his Knight's Cross when the boat docked.

Ship #1: Large Merchant

Ship #2: RMM

Ship #3: Medium Cargo

Ship #4: Coastal Freighter

Ship #5: Tramp Steamer

Ship #6: Intermediate Tanker

VONHARRIS 08-10-11 02:27 PM

U-109 IXB
02 September 1940
23:16 hours U-109 departed for grid AD86

06 September 1940
Grid AN14
22:37 hours Ship seen
22:38 hours Positive ID: Coastal freighter - engaged with deck gun
22:39 hours Ship sunk - MV Cathrine - 9 105mm rounds

16 September 1940
Grid AD86
01:13 hours Moving to intercept convoy
04:10 hours Sound contact - convoy moving away - abandon approach

18 September 1940
Grid AD83
19:08 hours Aircraft seen - crash dived

21 September 1940
Grid AD59
07:50 hours Sound contact because of rough weather - dived to PD
08:20 hours visual contact - positive ID: Granville type freighter
08:24 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
08:26 hours Sound contact - warship long range
08:27 hours Impact - ship sunk - SS Allende

25 September 1940
Grid AD86
12:12 hours Moving to intercept convoy
13:20 hours Sound contact with convoy
14;24 hours 4 TI (bow) fired at 3 targets
14:26 hours 4 impacts
14:36 hours 2 TI (stern) fired at 2 targets - diving to 100m
14:38 hours impacts
16:38 hours All quiet - no ships sunk - no pinging - surfaced

01 October 1940
Grid AD83
04:43 hours Moving to intercept convoy
10:26 hours Sound contact with convoy
12:03 hours Attack from within the columns - 1 TI (bow) fired
12:04 hours Impact - medium merchant 02 sunk - SS Dalarö
12:04 hours 2 TI (stern) fired
12:05 hours Impact - 1 TI (bow) fired - impact
12:06 hours Ship sunk - intermediate tanker - SS Aletta
12:12 hours 2 TI (bow) fired - impacts - ammunition ship sunk - Nitro
12:55 hours Depth 100m - no pinging
20:46 hours Surfaced - 1 bow torpedo internal remaining - winds 7m/s

14 October 1940
Grid AM52
Internals carried in
20:39 hours Moving to intercept convoy - failed

18 October 1940
Grid AM76
16:11 hours Ship seen
16:12 hours Positive ID: Repair ship - engaged with deck gun - returned fire
16:16 hours Outgunned by ship - fast dive to PD - 11 105mm rounds shot
16:20 hours Ship slowing down but still zigzagging
16:54 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
16:55 hours Impacts - ship sunk - HMS Holm Sound F 189

20 October 1940
Grid BF17
04:06 hours Ship seen
04:10 hours Dived to PD
04:13 hours visual contact with ships - navigation lights on - ship lights on
04:40 hours Surfaced and moved away

23 October 1940
18:16 hours U-109 docked at her new port in Lorient France
52 days at sea
6 ships sunk
27240 tons
no damages or casualties
vonHarris was awarded the Swords to his Knight's cross

VONHARRIS 08-10-11 02:36 PM


1 . Nice patrol

2. About RMM: By looking at the screenshots of the RMM , it is the old passenger ship. (there is a mod for that in the download section).

To set things straight add to the EnglishNames.cfg file of the
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\SilentHunterIII\data\Sea folder the following:
RMM=Old passenger ship

Gut Jadg Herr Kaleun

sublynx 08-10-11 02:39 PM

U-331, patrol 1, report 6
Lt.z.s. Theodor Wald
U-331, VIIC
1. Flottille, Kiel

CB2337 SSW 15, sea 7, very cloudy, vis. medium.
2110 Airplane sighted, 130 relative bearing. Dived to periscope depth.

BB7546 ONO 10, sea 6, very cloudy, light rain, vis. bad.
0721 An armed trawler sighted on the port side of the boat at a range of 600 meters. Turned away, depth 7 meters, speed 8 knots. The trawler didn't notice us.

0735 Continuing towards the peninsular near Halifax at PD. The trawler heard in the hydrophone, medium speed, 224 rb, the sound getting more distant.
1031 Warship heard 52 rb, medium speed, long range, sound getting closer.
1131 BB7519 The three-man team on a weather/ship report reconnaissance mission landed near Halifax. Dressed in civilian clothes, they will be executed, if they get caught. The team's leader joked that he would rather face an execution squad than spend another minute inside the u-boat in these heavy seas. We are now returning to Kiel.
1231 Warship heard 114 rb, medium speed, long range, sound getting closer.
1313 Surfaced, speed HF, trying to get a bit faster away from the coastal patrol ships.
2313 BB7828 BdU reports a large convoy in BB78, SSO, 6 kn. We are still in air patrolled area and our orders do not allow attacking the convoy.

CB3277 ONO 15, sea 7, clear, vis. medium.
1441 Airplane, long range, 201 rb. Crash dive.
2020 Continuing patrol. The radio man manages to hear the news report, which mentions that Hossel has been awarded with Ritterkreuz.

sublynx 08-11-11 02:22 PM

U-331, patrol 1, report 7
Lt.z.s. Theodor Wald
U-331, VIIC
1. Flottille, Kiel

BB9678 SO 15, sea 7, cloudy, vis. medium.
1200 Hydrophone check. A convoy heard, over 20 km away.
1337 BB9676 A two funneled destroyer sighted, long range.
1457 BB9681 In front of the convoy. Shadowing the convoy and preparing for a night long range surface attack.

JazzJR 08-11-11 05:31 PM

U-995 VIIC

Patrol 9 AM35

Nothing much happened, just a few coastal ships and some destroyers.

At the end of the Patrol U-995 returned to the Port Brest with a Tonnage of 24.000 BRT giving the Crew of U-995 a total sunk Tonnage of 356.000 BRT.

Fish In The Water 08-11-11 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by JazzJR (Post 1726105)
At the end of the Patrol U-995 returned to the Port Brest with a Tonnage of 24.000 BRT...

Nice work, hope you enjoy a cold one! :salute:

Miltiades 08-11-11 06:08 PM

Managed to attack the same Convoy twice, felt good :D
Especially sinking 2 Ore carriers and a C2. :yeah:

Honestly expected to be spotted at least once , but that didn't happen, probably because of the weather.

VONHARRIS 08-12-11 05:03 AM

U-109 IXB
23 November 1940
18:32 hours U-109 left Lorient for grid AL67

09 December 1940
Grid AD83
14:48 hours ALARM - Aircraft seen - crash dived

13 December 1940
Grid AK23
12:57 hours Ship seen
13:19 hours Positive ID: Turbine tanker - dived to PD
13;50 hours 2 TI (stern) fired
13:51 hours 2 impacts - ship sunk - SS Nottingham

24 December 1940
Grid BB99
15:28 hours Ship seen
15:42 hours Positive ID: Coastal freighter - dived to PD
16:52 hours 1 TI (stern) fired
16:53 hours Impact
16:54 hours Ship sunk - SS Hastings

27 December 1940
Grid BB99
23:26 hours Moving to intercept convoy
28 December 1940
00:18 hours Sound contact with convoy
01:15 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
01:16 hours 2 impacts
01:18 hours 2 TI (bow) fired - impact
01:22 hours 1 TI (stern) fired - impact ship sunk - passenger/cargo - SS Northton
01:23 hours Diving to 100m - no pinging
02:11 hours Sinking sounds - medium merchant 30 - MV Corneville
02:58 hours Surfaced - 12m/s winds - rain

30 December 1940
Grid BB99
00:35 hours Moving to intercept convoy
02;13 hours Sound contact with convoy
03:14 hours 3 TI (bow) fired
03:15 hours 1 TI (bow) fired - diving to 100m - 3 impacts
03:58 hours Depth 100m - no pinging - no sinking sounds
07:19 hours Surfaced - 15m/s winds - rain - only 2 TI (bow) internal left.

16 January 1941
Externals reloaded im mid Atlantic
Gird BF17
14:22 hours Ship seen
14:26 hours Positive ID: Small freighter
14:52 hours Opened fire with deck gun - ship returned fire by light AA gun - range 2500m
14:56 hours Ship sunk - SS Atos - 35 105mm rounds used

18:07 hours Ship seen
18:11 hours Positive ID: Tanker 04
18:37 hours Opend fire
18:40 hours Ship sunk - SS Norfjell - 34 105mm rounds used

18 January 1941
Grid BF17
03:48 hours Ship seen
03:56 hours Positive ID: Repair ship - dived to PD
04:11 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
04:14 hours 2 impacts - ship slowing down
04:19 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
04:20 hours Impact
04:22 hours Ship sunk - HMS Rame Head F 34

19 January 1940
Grid BF41
10:28 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
10;35 hours Multiple sound contacts - convoy
11:32 hours 4 TI (bow) fired
11:33 hours Impact
11:34 hours Impact
11:41 hours 1 TI (stern) fired - impact - 1 TI (stern) fired
11:42 hours Impact - diving to 100m - no pinging
11:46 hours Depth 18m - sinking sounds - Large tanker - MV Eidanger
11:58 hours Depth 84m - sinking sounds - medium merchant 30 - SS Clan MacPherson
12:05 hours Depth 100m - no pinging
14:08 hours Sound contact - merchant closing - loading stern tube
14:56 hours PD - Viusal contact - small freighter
15:14 hours 1 TI (stren) fired - all torpedoes used
15:15 hours Impact - ship sunk - SS Cap Tarifa

21 January 1941
12:00 hours U-109 returnrd to Lorient
60 days art sea
10 ships sunk
54840 tons
No damages or casualties
vonHarris was presented with the Diamonds for his Knights cross with swords

Total career so far:
U-46 VIIB - 3 patrols - 3 ships sunk - 26874 tons
U-109 IXB - 5 patrols - 34 shpis sunk - 204212 tons
Major success: Sinking of the RMS Empress of Britain - 24 July 1940

Miltiades 08-12-11 04:46 PM


Lastest Patrol:

December 21, 1939, 16:53 AM 52
Coastal Freighter, 1869 tons

December 24, 1939, 09:47
Large Merchant, 10616 tons Grid AM 52
Small Freighter, 2229 tons Grid AM 52
Granville-type Freighter, 4708 Grid AM 52

December 30, 1939, 08:50
Passenger/Cargo, 2253 tons AN 61

After 5 patrols, a total of 77.347 tonnes have been sunk.
Starting to miss my deck gun.

Randomizer 08-12-11 07:35 PM


27 May 1944

From: Commander XI U-Boat Flotilla La Rochelle

To: Commanding Officer U-992

Subject: Patrol Orders

1. Objective Square AM01. Authorized free deployment within four squares adjacent to Rockall Bank after minimum 24-hours in AM01.

2. Depart not before 1200Z 3 June 1944.

3. U-992 authorized to draw rations and fuel for 65-days at sea.

4. Ordnance: Torpedo load to consist of 6 x G7e TII electric, 4 x G7e FaT electrics, 2 x G7e Falke homing torpedoes. FLAK and small arms ammunition authorized as per Flotilla SOP's.

4. Communications Security:

a. Radio silence authorized at Commander's discretion WEST of W5 degrees meridian and NORTH of N55 parallel. Outside of these limits, noon and midnight position and weather reports to BdU except when in contact with enemy forces.

b. Report departing patrol area for return to base.

5. Operations in objective area are to be conducted submerged with the aim of developing effective tactical routines for submerged, high-seas patrols using snorkel.

6. Target priority:
a. Major warships
b. Troop ships
c. Tankers
d. Cargo ships
e. Escorts
f. Naval Auxiliaries

7. Expenditure of Falke homing torpedoes is authorized only for escort targets and only in self defence.

8. Report deficiencies not later than 48-hours before final departure. LI to brief Flotilla engineer on material condition of U-992 not later than 1200Z 1 June 1944. Final Captain's briefing 1400Z 2 Jun3 1944 at Flotilla Operations room.

9. Receipt of this order is to be entered in U-992 war diary.


11 Flotilla Adjutant
Commander XI U-Flot

U-992 sailed without incident at 1213Z and dropped her escorting sperrbrecker at 1525Z. She is now crossing the Bay of Biscay.

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